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8 Display
1 Show / Hide Avatar
It is possible to show or hide an avatar. It is convenient to hide an avatar when working on the inside of
the garment.


● To toggle between show and hide avatar


● Main Menu > Avatar > Show Avatar

● Avatar Window Toolbar > Show Avatar


1.Click (Show Avatar) button in the Avatar Window tool bar to show or hide the avatar.

Be aware that the avatar is not erased when it is hidden. Even though the avatar is invisible,
there is still interaction between avatar and garments.

148 | Avatar
2 Clear Avatar
It is possible to delete avatar. It is convenient to delete the avatar when working with only pattern.


● To remove avatar


● Main Menu > Avatar > Clear Avatar

● Avatar Pop-up > Clear Avatar

1.Choose Main Menu > Avatar > Clear Avatar in the main menu or avatar pop-up menu.

Clear Avatar removes avatar from the current window so the avatar can not be restored once it
is cleared out from the current scene

3 Set Avatar Rendering Style

Three different avatar rendering style, Textured Style, Monochrome Surface and Mesh, are available in
CLO 3D. Textured Style displays shaded avatar with texture. Monochrome Surface displays only shaded
avatar without texture. Mesh displays avatar only with wireframe.


● To display different avatar mesh.


● Main Menu > Avatar > Rendering Style > Textured Style, Monochrome Surface, Mesh
● Avatar Window Toolbar > Rendering Style > Textured Style, Monochrome Surface, Mesh

Avatar | 149
Rendering Style

150 | Avatar


5.1 Design
1 Create Pattern
Pattern means every single flat pieces consisting of a garment. In this section you will learn how to create
polygonal, rectangular and circular patterns.

1 Polygonal line/Shape


To create a polygonal line/Shape


● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Pattern -> Create Polygon

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> icon

Pattern | 151
1.Select the Create Polygon according to the Location above

2.Click the left mouse button in the 2D Pattern Window to draw a polygon.

3.To make a curved segment, hold down CTRL key when clicking your mouse button.

4.To complete the shape, click on the starting point.

2 Rectangular shape


To create a rectangular shape.


● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Pattern -> Create Rectangle

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> icon

1.Select the Create Rectangle according to the Location above

2.Press and hold down the left mouse button and then drag the mouse to draw a rectangle.

3.Release the mouse button to complete the rectangle.

To create a rectangle with specific width and height values, click and release the left mouse
button without dragging. Then a dialog window will pop up.

Enter the values and click the OK button in the dialog window.

152 | Pattern
3 Circular shape


To create a circular pattern piece.


● Main Menu -> Pattern ->Pattern->Create Circle

● Pattern Widow Toolbar -> icon

1.Select the Create Circle.according to the Location above.

2.Press and hold down the left mouse button and then drag the mouse to draw a circle.

3.Release the mouse button to complete the pattern.

To create a circle with a specific radius and position, click and release the left mouse button,
then enter the values in the pop-up window and hit the OK button.

2 Create Internal Line/Shape

Create internal shape tools are used to sew pattern pieces such as pockets, button and elastic bands,
construct ironed lines, and fold pleats. You can draw internal lines inside of pattern.

Major Problem in internal lines is solved in version 3.37 and above.

1) Internal lines/shapes can intersect with each other.
2) Internal line and outline of pattern can intersect with each other.

Pattern | 153
But darts still can’t be crossed over each other. Dart and outline of pattern also still can’t be cro-

1 Internal Polygonal Line/Shape


To create an internal polygonal shape and line.


● Main Menu -> Pattern ->Pattern->Create Internal Polygon/Line

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> icon

1.Select the Create Internal Polygon/Line.according to the Location above

2.Click the left mouse button inside of a pattern to draw an internal polygonal line/shape.

3.To make a curved segment, hold down the CTRL key while clicking on the point.

4.To complete the internal polygon, click on the starting point.

5.To complete the internal line, double click on the ending point of the pattern.

2 Internal Rectangular Shape


To create internal rectangular shape.


154 | Pattern
● Main Menu -> Pattern ->Pattern->Create Internal Rectangle

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> icon.

1.Select the Create Internal Rectangle.

2.Press and hold down the left mouse button and then drag the mouse to draw an internal rectangle.

3.To complete the internal rectangle, release the left mouse button.

To create a rectangle with a specific width and height, click the left mouse button and enter the
values in the pop-up window

3 Internal Circular Shape


To create internal Circular Shape.


● Main Menu -> Pattern ->Pattern->Create Internal Circle

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> icon


Pattern | 155
1.Select the Create Internal Circle.

2.Press and hold down the left mouse button and then drag the mouse to draw an internal Circle.

3.To complete the internal rectangle, release the left mouse button.

To create a rectangle with a specific width and height, click the left mouse button and enter the
values in the pop-up window.

4 Dart


To create a dart inside of the pattern.


● Main Menu -> Pattern ->Pattern->Create Dart

● Pattern Window -> icon

1.Select the Create Dart according to the Location above.

2.Press and hold down the left mouse button and then drag the mouse in any diagonal direction to draw
a dart.

3.To complete the internal dart, release the left mouse button.

156 | Pattern

To create a dart with a specific width(Left and Right) and height (Up and Down), click the left
mouse button and enter the values in the pop-up window.

3 Trace Pattern
Trace mode is used to trace and extract pattern pieces or internal shapes from the imported pattern
generated in other 2D pattern CAD by selecting lines or curves. With this tool, you can easily get pocket
pattern or internal stitch lines.

1 Trace as an internal Line/Shape


To trace and extract an internal line/shape


Pattern | 157
● Pattern Window Toolbar → Tool

● Main Menu → Pattern → Pattern → Trace

1.Select the tool according to the Location above.

2.Mouse cursor changes to the Trace Icon ,then click on a basic line to select.

3.Hold down Shift key to continue to select.

4.Press the 'Enter' key in your keyboard to finish tracing the line.

(You can trace the lines by selecting the 'Create Inner Shape' command from the trace line pop-up menu
instead of pressing 'Enter' key in your keyboard.)

Diverse ways to select a line or shape to trace it.

1. To select a shape double click its line.

2. If you select more than three crossed lines each other, a shape created by crossed points can
be traced.
3. If you drag area, lines within the area are selected.

158 | Pattern
When importing DXF pattern, sometimes there is a tiny gap between lines. If the gap is bigger
than 0.5mm, it is traced as broken lines so it can not be a shape. If the gap is smaller than 0.5m-
m. it is traced as a continuous line automatically so it can be a shape.

2 Trace as a pattern


Main Menu → Pattern → Pattern → Trace

1.Select the tool according to the Location above.

2.Mouse cursor changes to the Trace Icon ,then click on a basic line to select.

3.Hold down Shift key to continue to select.

4.Click your right mouse button then pop-up menu appears

5.Select the 'Create Trace Pattern' tab from the pop-up menu.

6.Pattern is copied from the basic line that you selected.

Pattern | 159
4 Edit Pattern
This section will cover the pattern elements to edit its size, shape and positions as well as useful options
including guide lines, unfolding lines and converting elements type.

1 Move Pattern


To select and move a pattern and its points/lines.


● Main Menu ->Pattern ->Pattern->Edit Pattern

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> icon


To move a pattern
1.Choose Edit Pattern

2.Hover your mouse over a pattern. Then mouse pointer will be changed to the double crossed arrow
and the outline of pattern turns blue.

3.Click your mouse on a pattern or double-click on a line or point. Then the pattern will be selected. Its
outline turns yellow.

4.Hold down your left mouse button and move a pattern.

Outline color of selected pattern is different from unselected one. The outline color of unselec-
ted pattern is black. If you place your mouse over a pattern, the color changes to blue. If you
click on the pattern, the color turns yellow.

160 | Pattern
To move point or line of pattern
1.Choose Edit Pattern.

2.Click on a point or line then mouse curser will be changed to

3.Move to the point or line.

When you move the point or line, you can see a number in purple which is the distance betwe-
en the original position and new position.

To select multiple points, lines or patterns

1.Choose Edit Pattern

2.Click the left mouse button on the empty space in 2D pattern window and hold down the mouse

3.Drag the mouse the area containing points, lines or patterns you wish to select or click on the point by
point, line by line or pattern by pattern you wish to select holding down Shift key in your keyboard.

Pattern | 161
2 Transform pattern


To move, rotate or scale patterns.


● Main Menu -> Pattern ->Pattern->Transform

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> icon


To select pattern
1.Choose Transform Pattern

2.Place your mouse over a pattern. Then the mouse pointer will change to a double crossed arrow with a
blue outline.

3.Click your mouse on a pattern to select the pattern or double-click on a line or point. Then outline of
the pattern will turn yellow which means pattern is now transformable.

selection information with transform pattern tool

Outline color of selected pattern is different from unselected one. The outline color of unselec-
ted pattern is black. If you place your mouse over a pattern, the color changes to blue. If you
click on the pattern, the color turns yellow and dotted square is created outside of pattern.
When you have this dotted square, pattern is transformable.

162 | Pattern
To rescale pattern
1.Select a pattern

2.Click and hold your left mouse button on a small circle located on the four corners of dotted square
and drag your mouse. The pattern will be rescaled proportionally.

To rotate pattern
1.Select a pattern

2.Click and hold your left mouse button on a small circle located at the end of line on top of dotted squa-
re. When the mouse curse change to 모양 넣기, rotate the pattern to any direction you wish to rotate.

To select multiple patterns

1.Choose Transform Pattern

2.Click the left mouse button on the empty space in 2D pattern window and hold down the mouse

3.Drag the mouse over the area containing patterns you wish to select or click on the pattern by pattern
by holding down Shift key in your keyboard.

Multiple selection in Edit Pattern and Multiple selection in Transform Pattern

Edit Pattern- Selection unit starts from point, line to pattern

Transform Pattern – Selection unit is pattern.

Pattern | 163
3 Create Curved Line
1 Edit Curvature
There are two different types of curved line, 3-Points Curve(Curvature) and Freeform Curve.

You can create Curvature using Edit Curvature tool. Curvature consists of two end points and a anchor
point (orange dot). You can add curvature on a straight line and adjust the curvature.

You can create Freeform Curves using Edit Curve Point Tool. Free Curves allows you to add curve points
on a segment so you can have different curvature as many as you want on the same segment. With Edit
Curve Point tool, you can manipulate curvature and switch the control point created by 3-Point Curves to
a curve point but curve point does not split any lines.


● To add curvature to a straight line.

● To edit the curvature.


● Main Menu -> Pattern ->Pattern->Edit Curvature

164 | Pattern
● Pattern Window Toolbar -> icon.


To add curvature to a straight line,

1.Choose Edit Curvature tool,

2.Click and drag a straight line.

To Move the curvature ,

1.Choose Edit Curvature tool.

2.Click and drag the curved line.

You also can move the curved line by clicking and drag the anchor point.

2 Edit Curve Point


Pattern | 165
● to add multiple different curvatures on a same segment.
● to remove curvature.
● to remove curve point.


● Main Menu -> Pattern ->Pattern-> Edit Curve Point

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> icon


To add multiple curvatures on a segment

1.Choose Edit Curve Point

2.Click and add a curve point on a segment and drag the curve point. You can add multiple curve points
and different curves on the same segment.

To add curve point on the curved line held by anchor point.

1.Choose Edit Curve Point

2.Click on the curved line then the anchor point disappears and new point on the line is added.

To remove curvature
1.Choose Edit Curve Point

166 | Pattern
2.Click the anchor point and hit the Delete on the keyboard or click on the right mouse button on the
anchor point to see the Delete Point menu

3.Click on the Delete Point menu

4. Do the same on the curve point to remove it.

4 Add Point/Split a Line.

This tool is used when adding a point on the outline of pattern piece and breaking the original line
segment into two line segments. Also you can add point to mark on a pattern as notch. A notch is a mark
used to accurately align one pattern piece to another pattern piece by displaying how patterns are sewn


To add point / split a segment.


Pattern | 167
● Main Menu -> Pattern ->Pattern-> Add Point/Split Line

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> icon


To add point or split a segment

1.Choose Add Point/Split Line tool,

2.Click on the line segment where you want to add point.

To add point at a specific distance.

1.Choose Add Point/Split Line tool.

2.Click the right mouse button on a line, then Split Line pops up.

3.Split into Two Lines is checked by default.

4.Enter a number or a ratio to specify the length of a line you want to create.

168 | Pattern
To add a point or multiple points evenly spaced by specifying length of segment.
1.Choose Add Point/Split Line tool.

2.Click the right mouse button on a line, and Split Line Window pops up.

3.Check in the Split with length.

4.Enter a number or click the arrow to specify length of evenly spaced segments along the line.

5.You can reverse the direction of adding point by checking the Direction Box.

To add a point or multiple points evenly spaced by specifying number of segments.

1.Choose Add Point/Split Line tool.

2.Click the right mouse button on a line, and Split Line Window pops up.

3.Check in the Uniform Split.

4.Enter a number or click the arrow to specify number of evenly spaced segments along the line.

Pattern | 169
5 Undo/Redo
You can undo/redo changes that you have made in the 3D avatar window and 2D pattern window. It has
unlimited undo back to the last time you started software.


● Undo : Main Menu → Edit → Undo (Shortcut: Ctrl+Z in your keyboard)

● Redo : Main Menu → Edit → Redo (Shortcut: Ctrl+Y in your keyboard)

(version 4.00 and above) In 3D avatar window, you can undo an operation prior to the last simu-
lation stopped.

6 Snapping

170 | Pattern

Snapping is a useful tool that allows you to align the vertices of internal lines along the given lines of a
pattern when drawing an internal shape.


● Pattern Window Pop-up → Activate Snapping

1.Select Activate Snapping from the Pattern Window Pop-up.

2.Turn on Snapping.

3.Draw an internal line.

4.Vertices of internal shape snaps to the line of pattern that is within a specific distance, the snap toler-

* While drawing a pattern, short cut "/" is available to turn on and off Snapping.
* Snapping is on as a default. If you want to turn off Snapping, deactivate Snapping from the
Pattern Window Pop-up by clicking your right mouse button.

7 Tip: Use Smart Guide Tool

Smart Guides are temporary guides that appear when you create ,or manipulate point or lines. This tool
helps you move, align or draw points or lines of pattern relative to the other points or lines.

Guide key





Pattern | 171
● to create line along the guides relative to the previous points.
● to move point or line to horizontal, vertical, and diagonal angles.
● to move point or line along the slops of lines.
● to move point or line at a specified location.
● to move point or line with arrow key on the keyboard.


To create line along the guides.

1.Hold down the (Shift) key while clicking a point to draw an external or internal line of pattern pie-


2.Axis-aligned guide lines appear and let you move your mouse along the guide

To move point to preset angles.

1.Hold down the (Shift) key while dragging a point or a line.

2.Axis-aligned guide lines appear and let you move point or line along the guide.

172 | Pattern
To move point or line along the slops of lines

1. Hold down the (Ctrl) key while dragging a point. Guide lines appear and let you along the both

slopes of lines connected to the point.

to move point or line at a specified location

1.Click the left mouse button and drag point. Click the right mouse button by holding down left mouse

2.You can see number in purple how far the point is displaced from the original position.

3.Small Translation window pops up.

4.Enter distance.

to move point or line with arrow key

1.Click on the point.

2.Press Up, Down, Right or Left arrow on the keyboard to move point.

3.If you want to change stepping distance, click the right mouse button in the empty space of 2D pattern
window. Pop up menu appears.

4.Choose Pattern Window Property.

5.Go to Property Editor next to the 2D window.

6.Set the Stepping Distance as you wish. The unit is in millimeters.

Pattern | 173
From the version 3.57 and above, when you need to put the value in the pop up window, you
can simply click the "F1" button instead of using right click mouse button.

8 Tips: Use Arrow Key

You can move point or lines using arrow key on your keyboard.

Move object with arrow keys

1.Select point, line or pattern.

2.Press the arrow key on your keyboard to go right, left, top or down.

Adjust Stepping Distance

1.Click on the right mouse button in the empty space, then menu pops up.

2.Select the Pattern Window Properties

3.Go to Property Editor -> Fabric tab

4.Find the Stepping Distance and enter value.

5 Copy Pattern
This section covers how to copy and paste pattern. It also includes the way of converting pattern to intern-
al shape or vice versa, as well as converting internal shape to hole.

1 Copy Pattern


to copy and paste a pattern.


174 | Pattern
● Main Menu -> Edit-> Copy ( -> Paste)
● Pattern Pop-up -> Copy (-> Paste)

1.Select the pattern that you would like to copy.

2.Press Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste. You can also select the Copy and Paste tabs in the right-click
activated popup menu or main menu.

3.A temporary ghost pattern appears.

4.Click on the empty space to paste the copied pattern.

When copying a pattern in 2D window, the copied one shows in the 3D Window as well. From
the version 4.00, a pattern in the 3D window is copied in the last synchronized state instead of
the initial flat state.

2 Copy as internal Shape


to copy as an internal shape.


Pattern | 175
● Main Menu -> Pattern-> Pattern -> Copy as Internal Shape
● Pattern Pop-up -> Copy as Internal Shape

1.Select a pattern that you would like to copy as interanl shape.

2.Click the right mouse button on the highlighted pattern in yellow, then pop up menu appears.

3.Choose Copy as Internal Shape to copy and press Ctrl+V to paste. A temporary ghost pattern appears.

4.Click a position where you wish to paste the copied pattern as an internal shape. Note: Outline color of
internal shape is red.

3 Copy as pattern.


to copy as a pattern


● Main Menu -> Pattern-> Pattern -> Copy As Pattern

● Pattern Pop-up -> Copy As Pattern

1.Select the internal shape that you would like to copy and paste it as a pattern.

2.Click the right mouse button on the highlighted internal shape, and pop up menu appears.

3.Choose Copy As Pattern tab in the popup menu or main menu to copy and Ctrl+V to paste.

4.Click on ampty space in 2D pattern window to paste the internal shape as a pattern.

176 | Pattern
4 Clone Layer of Pattern(V. 4.14 and above)
Cloning layer of pattern tool copies and pastes selected pattern, and ,most importantly, sew all segments
of selected and copied pattern automatically. This feature is very useful when you make double sided
clothing like padding. In the previous version, you had to sew all segments and simulate the copied
pattern but the Layer Pattern Cloning tool makes all these process automatic.


To clone a pattern in its all segments automatically sewn with segments of cloned one.


● Pattern Pop-up → Layer Pattern Cloning.

1.Select pattern to clone.

2.Click your right mouse button on the pattern then menu pops up.

3.Select the tool according to the Location above.

5 Convert to Hole/Shape
You can convert internal shape to a hole or vice versa

1 Convert to Hole

Pattern | 177

to convert an internal shape to a hole.


● Main Menu -> Pattern-> Pattern -> Convert to Hole

● Pattern Pop-up -> Convert to Hole

1.Select the internal shape.

2.Click the right mouse button on the internal shape, then pop up menu appears.

3.Choose Convert to hole tab in the popup menu or main manu.

2 Convert to Internal Shape


to convert a hole to an internal shape.


Main Menu -> Pattern-> Pattern -> Convert to Internal Shape.

Pattern Pop-up -> Convert to Internal Shape.

178 | Pattern
1.Select a hole.

2.Click the right mouse button on the internal shape, then pop up menu appears.

3.Choose Convert to Internal Shape. tab in the popup menu.

6 Mirror copy
With this mirror copy tool, you can copy and paste an object as its symmetrical shape of pattern It is
useful when you copy sleeves or the other side of symmetrical shape.


to copy and mirror paste.


● Main Menu -> Edit -> Mirror Paste

● Pattern Pop-up -> Mirror Paste.

1.Select the pattern that you would like to mirror paste.

2.Press Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+R to mirror paste. Or choose Mirror Paste in the right-click activated pop-
up menu or main menu.

3.Click on the empty space of 2D pattern window to mirror paste.

Pattern | 179
6 Rotate pattern
In this section, you can learn how to rotate pattern clockwise or counter-clockwise, and flip it, as well as
how to zoom-in the selected pattern.


to rotate pattern 90 degrees counter clockwise.


● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Pattern -> Rotate Counter-clockwise or Rotate Clockwise
● Pattern Pop-up -> Rotate Counter-clockwise or Rotate Clockwise

1.Select the pattern that you would like to rotate.

2.Choose Rotate Counter-clockwise or Rotate Clockwise tab in the right-click activated popup menu or
main menu to rotate the pattern 90 degrees in either direction.

Flip Horizontally /Flip Vertically


to flip pattern horizontally or vertically.


● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Pattern -> Flip Horizontally or Flip Vertically

180 | Pattern
● Pattern Pop-up -> Flip Horizontally or Flip Vertically

1.Select the pattern that you would like to flip.

2.Choose Flip Horizontally or Flip Vertically tab in the right-click activated popup menu or main menu to
flip a pattern horizontally or vertically

7 Unfold pattern
Most patterns of garment are usually symmetrical due to the nature of human body. Unfold tool help you
create symmetrical shape quickly and easily. You just need to draw half of pattern and mirror copy the
other side without seam line at the center with this tool. You should remember Unfolding is different
with the mirror copy.


To unfold a pattern on a center axis


● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Pattern -> Unfold

● Line Pop-up menu -> Unfold

1.Select a line, which will be a center axis of the pattern.

2.Go to Pattern -> Pattern -> Unfold

Or Click the right mouse button on the highlighted line in yellow, and pop up menu appears.

Pattern | 181
3.Choose Unfold tab.

5.2 Display
1 Grid
You can draw or edit pattern using grid. If you turn on the Activate grid, you can snap points to a grid.


● To show grid and activate snap to grid.


● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Grid -> Show Grid/Activate Grid
● Pattern Window Pop-up -> Show Grid / Activate Grid.

1.Check Show Grid in the right-click activated popup menu or main menu to display grid.

2.Check Activate Grid in the right-click activated popup menu or main menu to snap to grid when you
draw pattern.

182 | Pattern
You can set the grid unit distance at the property Editor. To do it, choose Pattern Editor Proper-
ty in the right-click activated popup menu or main menu and go to Property Editor. Find Unit
Distance(mm) under Grid. and type a new value.

The Unit grid distance is a distance between two adjacent grid lines. The default Unit Distance is
10mm but displayed grid distance is five times bigger than the Unit distance.

2 Show Pattern Name

You use Show Pattern Name tool to see each pattern name in 2D/3D pattern window. Pattern names
assigned in both CLO 3D and 3rd party 2D pattern CAD can be displayed. Also you can change pattern


● to show pattern name in 2D pattern window.

● to change pattern name


● Pattern ->Pattern -> Show Pattern Name.(in 2D pattern window)

● Pattern Pop-up -> Show Pattern Name.(in 2D pattern window)

Pattern | 183

To show pattern name in 2D pattern window,

1.Right click on the background in 2D pattern window.

2.Check Show Pattern Name in the popup menu or main menu.

To change pattern name,

1.Select a pattern or an internal shape.

2.Go to Property Editor.

3.Find Name tab under Basic Info

4.Type new name in the name box.

3 Show Base Lines

When you import DXF pattern exported from other Apparel Pattern Cad, there are base lines for marking
the margin, notch and etc. You can show and hide the base line of pattern

184 | Pattern

to show Base Lines


● Main Menu -> Pattern ->Pattern -> Show Base Line.

● Pattern Window Pop-up -> Show Base Line

1.Right click on the background in 2D pattern window.

2.Check Show Base Line in the popup menu or main menu.

4 Show Line Length

You use Show Line Length tool to see length of line. You also can see entire length of a closed shape or
single length of selected lines in the Property Editor.


● to show line length

● to know the entire length of a closed shape or selected line


● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Grid -> Show Line Length
● Pattern Pop-up -> Show Line Length

Pattern | 185

To show line length,

1.Right click on the background in 2D pattern window.

2.Check Show Line Length in the popup menu or main menu.

To know the perimeter of a closed shape or selected line

1.Select a pattern or an internal shape

2.Go to Property Window

3.Find the Perimeter under Selected line tab. The number shown in the Perimeter is entire length of a clo-
sed shape. If you select lines, the length of selected lines appears.

186 | Pattern
5 Show Seam Line Length


to show seam line length


● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Grid -> Show Seam Line Length
● Window Pop-up -> Show Seam Line Length

1.Right click on the background in 2D pattern window.

2.Check Show Seam Line Length in the popup menu or main menu.

3.Click on the Show Seam Line icon in the main tool bar, then seam line and the length of the seam

line appears.

6 Show Mesh
Patterns and garments are composed of triangle mesh in CLO3D/MD. The shape of mesh is various and
defined by external and internal shape of pattern. You can see the meshes by using mesh tool.


to show mesh structure in pattern.


Pattern | 187
● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Show -> Show Mesh
● Pattern Window Pop-up -> Show Mesh


To show mesh,

1.Right click on the background in 2D pattern window.

2.Check Show Mesh in the popup menu or main menu.

7 Show Picking Point

Picking point is a blue point that indicates corresponding location between 3D garments and 2D pattern.


to show picking point


● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Show -> Show Picking Point
● Pattern Pop-up -> Show Picking Point

1.Right click on the background in 2D pattern window.

188 | Pattern
2.Check Show Picking Point in the popup menu or main menu.

3.Click left mouse button on garments, and blue point appears on 3D garment and in 2D pattern. The
point shown in 2D pattern is an exact corresponding location where you click on 3D window.

Pattern | 189


6.1 Sew
There are two different kinds of sewing tool, segment sewing and free sewing. Segment Sewing tool is
used to sew two segments together and Free Sewing tool is to sew seam lines designated area by clicking
starting and ending points.

Seam line created with both sewing tool has notch and dotted line. Notch is a directional mark that sho-
ws where you start the seam line and dotted line is a connection of the seam line pairs appeared parallel
or crossed.

When creating a seam line, the length is displayed next to a mouse pointer (Version 3.72 and

The first number is the length of seam line selected at first and the second numbers is the leng-
th of seam line selected at second.

Seams | 191
1 Segment Sewing


● To sew segment to segment.


● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Seam Lines -> Segment Sewing

● Pattern Window Toolbar → Segment Sewing

1.Select the tool according to the Location above.

2.Click on the first line segment.

3.Move the cursor over the second segment then dotted lines connected to the end points of each
segment, as well as directional notches, appears.

In general, dotted lines should not be crossed and notches

should be in the same relative direction to ensure correct sewing. An exception
is sewing pleats (covered in Tutorial No. 3).

Note: The dot lines and notches indicate the sewing direction.

Lower than version 3.64: Notch on the first segment was set automatically and you need to
make the notch on the second segment parallel with the first one.
Version 3.64 and above: You can set notch of first and second segment.

192 | Seams
2 Free Sewing


● To sew the designated area.


● Main Menu -> Pattern -> Seam Lines -> Free Sewing

● Pattern Window Toolbar → Free Sewing

1.Select the tool according to the Location above.

2.Click on a point along the line of pattern to indicate an first point.

3.Click on a point along the line to indicate an end point.

4.Repeat on the corresponding line to pair the seam line. Check the dotted lines and notches correct.

You can type exact length on the dialog box when free sewing a pattern (version 3.72 and

Seams | 193

1. Select Free Sewing tool.

2. Click on a point where to start sewing on the segment.

3. Drag your mouse toward the directiton to sew.
4. Click on the right mouse button while dragging.
5. Enter whatever number you wish for the length of seam line in the Create Seam Line pop-up

*You can enter measurement when sewing 1:N Segment as well.

* You can change the length of seam line by typing in a window when moving seam line and
end point

3 1:N Segment Sewing (CLO 3D Only, Version 3.64 and abo-



You can sew a segment onto multiple segments easy and fast. When sewing a segment onto N segment-
s, which are in different lengths, a segment is split into a number of N segments automatically corres-
ponding to the ratio of N segments' length.


● Main Main -> Pattern -> Seam Lines -> Segment Sewing

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> Segment Sewing

1.Select Segment Sewing tool.

2.Click on a segment.

3.Hold down Shift key

4.Hover your mouse on the other segment, which will be paired.

5.Move your mouse along the segment to change notch direction.

6.Click on the segment.

7.Repeat 4,5 and 6 while holding down Shift key

194 | Seams
8.Release Shift key if all segments are paired with the firt segment.

Setting notch direction could be limited when N segments are connected.

4 1:N Free Sewing(CLO 3D Only, Version 3.64 and above)


1:N Free Sewing tool is used to sew a specific area of a segment not like Segment Sewing tool.


Seams | 195
● Main Menu -> Seam Lines -> Free Sewing

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> Free Sewing

1.Choose Free Sewing Tool according to the Location above.

2.Click starting point and ending point on a segment to set the sewing range of a segment.

3.Hold down Shift key

4.Click starting point and ending point on the other segment, which will be paired with the first selected

5.Repeat 4 while.

6.Release Shift key after all necessary segments are paired with.

If you select inappropriate segment, the line turns in red and couldn't be sewn

If you select inappropriate segment, the line turns in red and couldn't be sewn

6.2 Edit Seams

1 Select Seam line
1 Select a seam line by clicking

196 | Seams

1. Select (Edit Seam Lines) tool

2.Click on the seam line that you want to select

3.Seam line is selected

Select multiple seam lines

You can select multiple seam lines with holding down Shift key. It is available from the version
3.57 and above.

2 Select seam lines by dragging a mouse (version 3.64 and above)

Seams | 197
1.Select the tool according to the Location above.

2.Click and drag your mouse to select seam lines.

3.Seam lines within dragged area are selected.

3 Select a seam line out of other overlapped seam lines (version 3.64
and above)


It is useful tool to select a specific seam line out of the other many overlapped seam lines .


1. Select (Edit Seam Lines) tool.

198 | Seams
2.Click on the seam lines overlapped each other.

3.Select a seam line that you want from the pop up menu.

2 Edit Seam


● To edit seam line

● To reverse seam line
● To delete seam line


● Main Menu -> Seam Lines -> Edit Seam

● Pattern Window Toolbar -> Edit Seam


To edit seam line

1.Select Edit Seam in the main tool bar or main menu.

2.Click and drag the middle of a seam to move it along the line.

3.You can also extend or shorten the segments by clicking and dragging the end points

When editing a seam line, you can change its length by entering a number in the Create Seam
Line Window. (version3.72 and above)

Seams | 199
1. Select ending point of seam line that you wish to move.
2. Click on the right mouse button while dragging your mouse.
3. Enter whatever number you wish for the length of seam line in the Create Seam Line pop-up

To reverse seam line

1.Select Edit Seam tool and click on the seam line that you wish to reverse.

2.Click on the Delete Seam line tab in the right-click activatged popup menu or main menu (Pattern->
Seam Lines -> Reverse Seam Line)

To delete seam line

200 | Seams
1.Select Edit Seam tool and click on the seam line that you wish to reverse.

2.Click on the Delete Seam line tab in the right-click activatged popup menu or main menu (Pattern->
Seam Lines -># Reverse Seam Line)

6.3 Make Folded Lines

Patterns can be folded along internal lines or seam lines. With this tool, you can make creases to express
iron lines, tucks, and pleats.


● to fold pattern along a seam line


● Property Eidtor -> Seam Lines -> Fold Angle


To fold pattern along the seam line

1.Select Edit Seam Lines tool at the main tool bar or main menu and click on the internal line that you
wish to fold.

2.Go to Property Editor-> Seam Lines -> Fold Angle.

3.You can adjust the angle from 0° to 360°. The default value is 180°, representing a flat surface.
Increase the value to make the pattern fold inwards. Decrease the value to make the pattern fold

4.To strengthen the fold, go to Property Editor-> Seam Lines -> Fold Strength Increase the Fold Strength

Seams | 201
Note. The Higher the fold strength value, the stronger the fold.

To fold pattern along the seam line

1.Select Edit Pattern tool at the main tool bar or main menu and click on the internal line that you wish to

2.Go to Property Editor-> Shape -> Fold Angle.

3.You can adjust the angle from 0° to 360°. The default value is 180°, representing a flat surface.
Increase the value to make the pattern fold inwards. Decrease the value to make the pattern fold

To strengthen the fold, go to Property Editor-> Shape -> Fold Strength and increase the Fold
Strength value.
To sharpen the fold, go to Property Editor-> Shape -> Fold Rendering and turn ON the Fold Str-
ength value.

6.4 Hide/show Seam Lines (Above version 3.37)

Show/Hide Seam Line is a tool to display necessary seam lines and hide other seam lines You can find
seam lines sewn incorrectly or missing stitches using this tool. For example, if you finish stitches on sleev-

202 | Seams
es incorrectly, you hide all other seam lines except seam lines connected to sleeves and correct it. It
reduces visual problem with so many seam lines displayed.

1 Hide/show seam line segment


To hide/show seam line segment when working with complicated garments like pleated skirts.


● Pattern Seamline Popup (Edit Seam Lines Mode) -> Hide/Show Seam Line
● Object Browser -> Name -> Seamline Popup->Hide/Show Seam Line
● Object Browser -> Show -> Hide/Show Seam Line
● Property Editor -> Seam Lines -> Hide/Show Seam Line

1.Select Edit Seam Line tool from the main tool bar or main menu ( Pattern >Seam Lines>Edit Seam Line)

2.Click on the seam line segment which you desire to hide.

3.Click Hide/Show Seam Line from the menu. See Location section to find the menu.

Figure 6-1 Hide Seam Line Segment

Seams | 203
2 Hide/show seam line connected to pattern selected


● To hide/show all seam lines connected to pattern


● Pattern Popup(Edit Seam Line Mode) -> Hide/Show Connected Seam Line

1.Select Edit Seam Line tool in the pattern window toolbar.

2.Click right mouse button on the pattern then pattern Popup menu appears.

3.Click Hide/Show Connected Seam Line from the menu. See Location section to find the menu.

4.Select the tool according to the Location above.

To view seam line connected to pattern that you select, select all patterns and hide seam lines
connected to the patterns. Then select pattern that is needed to be shown seam line and click
the Show Connected Seam Line.

Figure 6-2 Hidden seam line. Avatar Window(Left), Pattern Window(Right)

204 | Seams
3 Hide/Show All Seam Lines


To Hide/Show all hidden seam lines


● Pattern Seamline Popup (Edit Seam Lines Mode) -> Hide/Show All Seam Lines
● Pattern Popup (Edit Seam Lines Mode) -> Hide/Show All Seam Lines
● Object Browser -> Name -> Seamline Popup ->Hide/Show All Seam Lines

1.Select Edit Seam Line tool from the main tool bar or main menu ( Pattern >Seam Lines>Edit Seam Line)

2.Select the tool according to the Location above.

You can simply turn on/off display of seam line by clicking on the button at the Object Window
and Property window. In the Object Window, if a seam line is hidden, its name and radio
button turns dark gray. In the Property Window, there is On/Off check box to turn on/off seam

6.5 Deactivate/Activate Seam Line. (version 3.37

and above)
Deactivate/Activate Seam Lines is a tool to remove stitches temporally. It is possible to drape sewn
garment piece by piece. It is more convenient to process piece by piece draping if you use the Deactiv-
ate/Activate Seam Lines with the Freeze Pattern tool.

1 Deactivate/Activate Seam Line Segment


● To deactivate/activate seam line segment


Seams | 205
● Pattern Seamline Popup(Edit Seam Line Mode) -> Deactivate/Activate Seam Line
● Object Browser -> Name -> Seamline Popup -> Deactivate/Activate Seam Line

1.Select Edit Seam Line tool from the main tool bar or main menu ( Pattern >Seam Lines>Edit Seam Line)

2.Click right mouse button on the seam line segment which you desire to deactivate, then Pattern Seam-
line Popup Window appears.

3.Select the tool according to the Location above.

Figure 6-3 Before simulation (left), pattern in Pattern Window(middle), After simulation(right)

2 Deactivate/Activate Seam Lines connected to pattern


● Pattern Popup(Edit Seam Line Mode) -> Deactivate/Activate Connected Seam Lines

1.Click right mouse button on the pattern from Pattern window or Avatar Window, then Pattern Seam-
line Pop-up window appears.

2.Click Deactivate Seam Line from the menu. See Location section to find the menu, then color of dotted
lines between seam lines changes to white.

206 | Seams
Figure 6-4 Before simulation (left), pattern in Pattern Window(middle), After simulation(right)

3 Activate All Seam Lines.


To activate all deactivated seam lines.


● Pattern Pop-up(Edit Seam Line Mode) -> Activate All Seam Lines

1.Select Edit Seam Line tool from the main tool bar or main menu ( Pattern >Seam Lines>Edit Seam Line)

2.Click Activate All Seam Lines from the menu. See Location section to find the menu.

Deactivation and activation menus do not appear in Pop-up Window at a same time. If you
need to deactivate seam line, only deactivation menus appear in the Pop-up Window automatic-
ally and vice versa. Only Activate All Seam Lines appears at any time in the Pop-up Window.

Seams | 207
If you deactivate seam line, the whitecolor of seam line name in Object Browser turns dark gray.
If it is activated, the color returns to the original color, white.

6.6 Sewing Thread Color Option (Avatar Window)

(Above version 3.37)
Sewing Thread Color Option is a tool to change seam line color to red or to make seam line color in the
avatar widow same with the seam line color in the pattern window. Changing the seam line color in the
avatar window to the same color shown in the Pattern Window is useful to know the location of the
same seam lines correspondingly. If seam line colors are so various that it make scene complicated, simply
turn the seam line color to red.


● To change seam line color shown in Avatar Window to the same seam line color in Pattern Window.
● To change seam line color shown in Avatar Window to red.


● Main Menu -> Garment -> Sewing Thread Color -> Red/Seam Line Color
● Avatar Popup -> Sewing Thread Color -> Red/Seam Line Color


208 | Seams
1.Click right mouse button on the Avatar Window, then Pop-up menu appears.

2.Click Red or Seam Line Color from the menu. See Location section to find the menu.

Figure 6-5 Seam lines applied with Seam Line Color Red. Avatar Window(left), Pattern Window(right)

Figure 6-6 Seam lines applied with Seam Line Color . Avatar Window(left), Pattern Window(right)

Seams | 209


In this chapter, you will learn draping process of a garment in the Avatar Window. It follows sequential
steps; synchronization, placement and simulation of patterns.

7.1 Synchronize
Synchronization is a first step to drape patterns in the Avatar Window. All the changes including seam
line, print texture, particle distance made in the Pattern Window are instantly reflected in the Avatar
Window by Synchronization.

When the Synchronize button is on, you can see that all changes in pattern window reflect in the

avatar window instantly. So you can edit patterns and see its change in 3D garment in real time. But you
should know turning Syn button on makes computer performance slow so it is better for you to turn it
off when you do not need it.

You also can see if the Sync button is on or off by the different pattern color. If a pattern has never been
synchronized, it appears transparent. If the pattern has ever been synchronized, it appears red. If the
pattern is synced over 3D avatar window, it turns blue.

Garments | 211

To synchronize pattern over avatar window


● Main Menu > Garment > Sync

● Avatar Window Toolbar > Sync

1.Select the tool according to the Location above.

2.Patterns are shown and synced over avatar window.

7.2 Place Pattern

After patterns are synchronized, the patterns are needed to be placed around the avatar properly before
simulation. This section mainly contains tool description associated with placing patterns.

1 Place Pattern with Gizmo

Gizmo is used to rotate, move pattern along X, Y, Z axis in Avatar Window. You can place patterns arou-
nd the avatar manually using Gizmo. CLO 3D provides Screen Coordinate Gizmo, Local Coordinate Gizm-
eo and World Coordinate Gizmo. See in detail about these Gizmo options at Transforming Gizmo Axis


To move or rotate pattern to place it around the avatar with Gizmo

1.Select a pattern or multiple patterns that you wish to move or rotate in Avatar Window or Pattern
Window, then Gizmo appears.

2.Hover your mouse on the Gizmo, then your mouse cursor changes to double sided arrows.

3.Click and drag your mouse to allowable direction.

4.Place patterns around the avatar as close as possible.

212 | Garments
Y Axis
The green arrows to move a pattern along the Y axis (up/down)
X Axis
The red arrows to move a pattern along the X axis (left/right).
Z Axis
The blue arrow allows to move a pattern along the Z axis (forward/back).
X,Y,Z Axis
Yellow square at the center allows to move a pattern along X, Y and Z axis

Y Axis
The green arc allows to rotate a pattern along the Y axis.

X Axis
The red arc allows to rotate a pattern along the X axis.

Z Axis
The blue circle allows to rotate a pattern along the Z axis.

To move or rotate pattern, Simulation button should be turned OFF

2 Place Patterns with Arrangement Points

Using Arrangement Points is convenient to place patterns around the avatar. The Arrangement Points are
located in a specific area of the body, such as the bust, waist, sleeve, and wrist. Clicking an Arrangement

Garments | 213
Point makes pattern to be positioned around the avatar automatically.

After arranged pattern, you might want to adjust its position or shape. You can do it in the Arrangement
tab of the property editor.


To view Arrangement Points and place pattern around the avatar with Arrangement Points.


● Main Menu > Avatar > Show Arrangement Points

● Avatar Window Toolbar > Show Arrangement Points


1.Turn on the Show Arrangement Points, then pink dots around the avatar appears.

2.Select pattern to position it.

3.Click on the Arrangement Point where you want to place the pattern, then the pattern snaps to pink
point and wrap around the avatar automatically.

Arranging multiple patterns at once using Arrangement Points(version 3.72 and above)

214 | Garments
If a pattern piece is divided into multiple pieces, it is difficult to arrange them around the avatar
piece by piece. In this case, select all pieces and click an arrangement point, then pieces are
arranged properly altogether at once.

4.After placing the pattern, you can edit the position of the pattern from the Arrangement tab in the
Property Editor.

Arrangement Point
Show the location of Arrangement Point where pattern is placed.

Shape Type
Make a pattern curved or flat.

Position X

Garments | 215
Adjust pattern’s X position along the Arrangement BV.

Position Y
Adjust the pattern’s Y position along the Arrangement BV.

Adjust the offset from the Arrangement BV. The curvature will change accordingly .

Adjust the direction of the pattern along the Arrangement BV.

Vertical Reverse
Flip a pattern vertically. You can also do this with the popup menu in Avatar Window.

Horizontal Reverse
Flip a pattern horizontally. You can also do this with the popup menu in Avatar Window.

For more information of editing Arrangement Points, See

Edit Arrangement Point and Arrangement Bounding Volume

3 Rearrange Patterns
After draping patterns, Rearrange All Patterns tool is used to go back to the last state that you place the
patterns around the avatar just before draping and the Rearrange Selected Pattern is used to rearrange
the only selected pattern.

1 Rearrange all patterns


To rearrange all patterns around the avatar, before the garment was last simulated.


● Avatar Window Toolbar > Rearrange All Patterns.

● Main Menu > Garment > Rearrange All Patterns.

216 | Garments
1.Select the tool according to the Location above

2.Patterns are rearranged around the avatar like picture shown below.

2 Rearrange selected patterns


To rearrange selected patterns around the avatar.


● Main Menu > Pattern > Garment > Rearrange Pattern.

● Avatar Pop-up > Rearrange Pattern.

1.Select a pattern to rearrange.

2.Select the tool according to the Location above.

3.Select Rearrange Selected Patterns tab from the pop-up menu, then selected pattern is rearranged aro-
und the avatar.

Garments | 217
4 Reset patterns
After draping patterns, Reset to Default Arrangement tool is used to go back to default setting of pattern
arrangement so all patterns are flattened and arranged side by side along X-axis.

1 Reset all patterns


● Avatar Window Toolbar > Reset to Default Arrangement

● Main Menu > Garment > Pattern > Reset to Default Arrangement


1.Click on the button in the Avatar Window Toolbar, then patterns are rearranged around the avatar

to default setting like picture shown below.

218 | Garments
2 Reset Selected Pattern Only(version 4.00 or obove)


To reset draped pattern to the initial synchronized state.


● 3D Garment Pop-up Menu → Reset to 2D Arrangement

1.Select a pattern that you want to reset to the initial state.

2.Click your right mouse button over the garment then garment pop-up menu appears.

3.Choose the 'Reset to 2D Arrangement' from the pop-up menu.

Garments | 219
5 Flip Patterns
Flip Horizontally tool rotates a pattern 180° along Y-Axis, and Flip Vertically tool rotates a pattern 180°
along X-Axis. You can also flip the pattern with keeping their original curvature using Reverse-arrange
Horizontally or Reverse-arrange Vertically from the right-click activated popup menu. But you should
remember that Reverse-arrange menu is not activated if you have arranged pattern around the avatar
without using Arrangement Point.

To flip horizontally


● Garment Pop-up > Flip Horizontally

● Main Menu > Garment > Pattern > Flip Horizontally

1.Right-click on the pattern you want to flip horizontally, and select Flip Horizontally from the popup
menu. See the Location section to find the menu

220 | Garments
To flip vertically


● Garment Popup > Flip Vertically

● Main Menu > Garment > Pattern > Flip Vertically

1.Right-click on the pattern Popup menu appears.

2.Select Flip Horizontally from the popup menu. See the Location section to find the menu

Garments | 221
To Reverse-arrange Horizontally

You can reverse pattern horizontally without changing curvature of the pattern.


● Garment Popup > Reverse-arrange Horizontally

● Property Editor > Arrangement > Horizontal Reverse > On

1.Right-click on the pattern in the Avatar Window then Popup menu appears.

2.Select Reverse-arrange Horizontally from the popup menu. See the Location section to find the menu
or select a pattern and check the Horizontal Reverse option in the Arrangement tab of the Property Edit-

This menu is not activated if you have arranged pattern around the avatar without using
Arrangement Point.

To reverse arrange Vertically

You can reverse pattern vertically without changing curvature of the pattern.

222 | Garments

● Garment Popup > Reverse-arrange Vertically

● Property Editor > Arrangement > Vertical Reverse > On

1.Right-click on the pattern in the Avatar Window then Popup menu appears.

2.Select Reverse-arrange Vertically from the popup menu. See the Location section to find the menu or
select a pattern and check the Horizontal Reverse option in the Arrangement tab of the Property Editor.

This menu is not activated if you have arranged pattern around the avatar without using
Arrangement Point.

6 Make Arranged Pattern Flat/Curved

When pattern is placed around the avatar with arrangement point, the shape of pattern is slightly curved.
Arrange as Flat/Curved tool is used to flat curved pattern or vice versa as needed.

This menu is not activated if you have arranged pattern around the avatar without using
Arrangement Point.

Garments | 223

● Garment Popup > Place as Flat/Curved

● Property Editor > Arrangement > Shape Type > Flat/Curved

1.Right-click on the pattern in the Avatar Window then Popup menu appears.

2.Select Place as Flat/Curved from the popup menu. See the Location section to find the menu or select a
pattern and check the Shape Type option in the Arrangement tab of the Property Editor.

7.3 Drape
After patterns are synchronized and placed in Avatar Window, Simulation is a final step to drape
garments on avatar. This section covers the way of draping from simple to complicated garments. It also
introduces useful tools for draping complex garment.

224 | Garments
Figure 7-1 1. Synchronize 2. place 3. Simulate 4. Drape

1 Simulate
Pattern pieces are draped on the avatar body by clicking the simulation button. When Simulation button
is on, pattern pieces drop on the floor or hang on the avatar body.

1 Drape cloth

Figure 7-2 Simulation On (left), Simulation Off (right)


● To simulate draping

Garments | 225

● Main Menu > Garment > Simulation

● Avatar Window Toolbar > Simulation


1.Click the (Simulation) button to drape. See the Location section to find the command.

When working with pattern in Pattern Window and no need to be simulated at this moment,
turn off Simulation button to speed up computer performance because computer keeps calcu-
lating for simulation.

Turn on both the (Simulation) and (Synchronize) buttons, then any changes of patterns

in Pattern Window are immediately reflected in the Avatar Window. See the details in 7.1

You can interact with garment in real time by click and drag the piece of garment.

226 | Garments
2 Display Simulation Speed
Knowing simulation speed is useful to check the CLO 3D software suitability in your computer and the
status of animating performance.


● Main Menu > Window > Show Frame Rate

1.Choose Show Frame Rate from the menu. See the Location section to find the command. Then the
simulation speed information appears at the right bottom corner of the screen.

Simulation speed tells FPS (frames per second). The higher the speed, the faster the simulation

Garments | 227

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