Committee Application 2012 PW

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Relay For Life of Plymouth/Wayzata 2011-2012 Committee Application

Name: Email: Address: Phone: Expected Graduation Date:

(please specify college or high school)

Acceptable forms of Communication (Please circle) Email: yes/no Phone Call: yes/no Text Message: yes/no Facebook: yes/no Which form of communication do you prefer?_______________________

Are you interested in being in an executive leadership role? (please circle) Yes No Maybe
*** As an executive leader you help oversee your specific sub-committee and ensure that tasks and ideas are being completed for your role, attend committee meetings and exec meetings as well as communicate information back to the committee.***

POSITIONS: Please rank your top 3 positions. (More positions on the next page) _____ EVENT CHAIR/ CO CHAIR- Event Chair or Co- Chair oversees all committees and makes sure that task are getting completed in a timely fashion. They help generate ideas and support and also lead the meetings. They are the glue that holds the committee together. _____ TEAM RECRUITMENT (school) Team recruitment is all about getting more people to participate in Relay. They will recruit teams by contacting student orgs, activity groups, sports teams, other schools, etc. They will also

contact last years teams and make sure that they are putting a team together again. They will also be responsible for mentoring teams and keeping in contact with team captains.

T urn over _____ TEAM RECRUITMENT (community) Team recruitment is all about getting more people to participate in Relay. They will recruit teams by contacting churches, local businesses, the city, etc. They will also contact last years teams and make sure that they are putting a team together again. They will also be responsible for mentoring teams and keeping in contact with team captains. _____ FUNDRAISING EVENTS Fundraising events will organize creative school/ community fundraisers such as Coins for a Cure and Suns & Moons. They will encourage teams captains to have team fundraisers and motivate individuals to raise their $100 minimum by sharing great ideas & successes at meetings. They will also approach businesses/ churches in the community selling luminaria bags & run the registration table at the event. _____PUBLICITY Publicity focuses on getting the word out about Relay and the American Cancer Society throughout the school & community. This committee will be responsible for planning at least 1 education/awareness activity sometime during the school year. They will also create a flyer to tell the neighborhood about the event. _____ CEREMONIES/SURVIVORSHIP Ceremonies/Survivorship plans the schedule of the opening, luminaria & closing ceremonies. They are responsible for finding speakers, coordinating the sand/rocks & bags and creating an exciting program. Students can also approach local churches to have luminaria Sundays and other ways to sell luminaria bags within the community. This group is also in charge of recruiting survivors to be a part of Relay.

_____ ACTIVITIES/ENTERTAINMENT Activities & Entertainment plan and organize the details for the activities at Relay. They would secure a sound system, band, dj, food, prizes, etc. as well as lead any of the games at the event. _____FOOD/SILENT AUCTION- Food & Silent Auction will secure food donations for the event, prizes, and items for silent auction etc. They are responsible for getting everyone fed at the event. They will also have manage the silent auction and coordinate team baskets. T urn over _____ ONLINE- Online manages the relay website and sends out updates to event participants about things that are going on; online challenges, fundraisers/ activities in the community, etc . and they make sure that all information is up to date. They also manage the Relay facebook page and other social media pages. When are you available to meet? (Please check all that apply) 6:30am Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ***please use back page if you need more room*** Are you a cancer survivor? 3pm 5pm 7pm 9pm

What other Activities are you involved in?

What is your current job and location?

Why are you interested in the position(s) you chose?

What qualities do you have that you feel will be an asset to the Relay For Life planning committee?

Thank you for your interest in being on the committee this year, we will let you know soon what role(s) you will have on the committee.


TEAM CAPTAIN INSTRUCTIONS There are many dedicated people who play very significant roles in planning and putting on a successful Relay For Life event. The Team Captain has without a question the most important role of the event. Thank you for your dedication to this leadership role. As a Team Captain you will: Recruit 10-15 members for your team Register your team online at Attend team captain meetings Ensure that at least one team member is on the track the entire Relay You will make sure that team members: Register online Turns in Particiapnt Waivers and Chaperone Forms Collect minimum $100 contribution prior to the event Set personal fundraising goals Walk a portion of the Relay and participate in activities Are ready to have a great time at the Relay For Life! REGISTRATION FEE: There is a $10 registration fee for each team member. Team Captains are responsible for collecting these fees and turning them in at Team Captain meetings.

PARTICIPANT WAIVERS: Every individual who is a student in high school or under the age of 18 is required to have a participant waiver signed by both the participant and a parent or guardian. This form needs to be turned in prior to the event. CHAPERONE: Each team is required to have a chaperone & turn the form in by the night of the Relay. If you are having difficulties finding a chaperone, please contact the committee and we will help you. TURNING IN DONATIONS: All donations collected from your team members should be turned in at any Team Captain meeting. If funds are turned in on a regular basis, we will avoid collecting large amounts on the day of the event. LUMINARIA BAGS: Participants are encouraged to sell luminaria bags for a $10 donation & can pick up these bags at Team Captain meetings. The teams will decorate these bags, in honor or in memory, and bring to the event. TEAM CAPTAIN MEETINGS: Upcoming meetings will be posted on the announcements. If you are unable to attend a meeting, please send a co-captain or team member.

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