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Fall 2022

Course Prefix/Number: MGMT 210 Instructor: Dr. Naeimah Alkharafi

Course Title: Principles of Management Office Location: CBE (4rth Floor) A406
Class Meeting Times: Refer to banner Office Phone: 22248399
Instructional Modality: Onsite Email:
Class Location: Refer to banner Office Hours: UTR 11:00AM – 12:30PM
UTR 2:00PM – 2:30PM
(Email at least 24 hours ahead to book a
virtual session)

AUK Mission Statement:

The American University of Kuwait is a liberal arts institution based on the American model of
higher education. It is dedicated to providing students with knowledge, self-awareness, and
personal growth experiences that can enhance critical thinking, effective communication, and
respect for diversity. AUK seeks to create leaders and lifelong learners who aspire to the highest
standards of moral and ethical responsibility in their societies.

Department/College Mission Statement:

The College of Business and Economics provides an American educational experience producing
ethical, innovative, articulate, and globally agile graduates. The College of Business and Economics
strives to uphold the following values: Freedom of thought, expression, and intellectual inquiry,
respect for individual identity and rights, and cultural diversity, commitment to high standards of
morality, integrity, and social responsibility, and adherence to high professional standards and

Catalog Course Description:
This course takes a contemporary approach to understanding the essential principles of modern
management. The text is written from the perspective of present and future managers, our
students, to illustrate, in a hands-on manner, the problems and opportunities our students will
face. The course will cover current management theories, research, and practice. Course content
is a synthesis of behavioral sciences concepts that provide the basic framework for the practice of
management. Topics include organizational goals and responsibilities, organizational control,
decision-making theory, planning, leadership, motivation, small group behavior, conflict and
organizational development and change. Prerequisites: ENGL 102

Degree of learning for each Program Learning Outcomes in this course:

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

PLO1: Communication: Demonstrate effective English language A
communication skills in writing and oral presentations
PLO2: Ethical behavior: Articulate ethical and professional
responsibilities, recognize ethical dilemmas, and formulate ethical A
PLO3: Critical thinking: Identify, evaluate, analyze, and solve diverse A
and unstructured management problems in unfamiliar settings, use,
synthesize, and evaluate data/evidence, exercise judgment, and assess
risks, understand the holistic and systemic nature of the organization
and its internal and external environment.
PLO4: Global and multi-cultural aspects of business: Understand A
diverse cultures; develop intercultural skills; understand global processes;
and be prepared for citizenship, both local and global.
PLO5: Entrepreneurial behavior: Entrepreneurship is value creation, I
iterative learning, opportunity identification, business development,
venture creation and growth. Becoming entrepreneurial is personal
development, creativity, self-reliance, initiative taking, and action
PLO6: Technology Agility: Develop a mastery of appropriate ICT in I
decision- making.

Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to understand the principles of management
through an integrated approach. The integrated approach takes into account the global context of
business, the external and internal environment, and the important ethical dimensions within the
functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling).

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Corresponding PLO

CLO1: *Note: A new textbook is used in this course to
teach management through an integrated lens,
which takes into account the global context, the

Students will develop leadership and team skills, internal and external environment, and ethical
and deep understanding of the functions of dimension within the functions of management.
management: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and
Controlling. PLO2 PLO3 PLO4


Students will be encouraged to take personal

responsibility and act ethically in all they do at the
University, and as outlined in the AUK Code of
Ethics. They will start the process of
understanding what moral responsibility is in the
context of organizations and society.


Students will learn not only the fundamentals, but PLO1 PLO2 PLO3
also how to integrate and solve management
problems from multidisciplinary perspectives.


Students will achieve conceptual understanding, PLO3

decision-making skills and appreciation of life-
long education.

Students will learn to interact among themselves
and with their faculty

Course Delivery/Methodology:

For this course we will be meeting in-person 3 days per week. Course material will be posted on
Moodle, which can be accessed at the All assignments must be submitted
through Moodle unless specified in class. To successfully complete this course, you must complete
readings ahead of time, attend, actively participate in class discussions, fulfill all work requirements,
and show competency in writing and communicating fundamental management concepts.

Required Textbook/Required Readings:

Anthony J. Mayo, Nitin Nohria, and Ranjay Gulati Management: An Integrated Approach, 2nd

Link to purchase eBook:

Other material will be posted on AUK’s learning management system, Moodle.

Evaluations and Grading:

Student’s final course grade will be based on the cumulative grades earned based on the
following criteria

Evaluation Type Weight Link to PLO

Participation 10% PLO1 PLO6

Attendance 10% PLO1 PLO6

Written Case Solution & Presentation (group) 10% PLO1 PLO2 PLO3
Written Case Solution (individual) 10% PLO1 PLO2 PLO3
Weekly Quizzes 20% PLO1 PLO2 PLO3
Exam 1 20% PLO1 PLO2 PLO3
Exam 2 20% PLO1 PLO2 PLO3
Total 100%

PEDAGOGY: This course is an oral communication intensive course and as such, it will integrate
the goals of reading, critical thinking, and application. Instructions are designed to engage students
through evidence-based text, lectures, group work, simulations, discussion questions and
presentations. It aims to help you develop competencies by applying knowledge acquired in
previous courses to develop analytical and decision-making skills. Students are expected to conduct
themselves in a professional manner and assume a simulated managerial decision-making role. To
this end, this course utilizes the followings: 


CASES. Participation is measured in terms of meaningful interaction and participation in
class. Being present, mentally and physically, is an important component of your learning.
As such, class participation will be included as a specific element of the semester.
Teamwork and the exchange of ideas between instructor and students are required.
Students are expected to contribute ideas, thoughts, experiences, and arguments to the
class discussion based on the reading. You are required to sign up for a minimum of 8
class discussions for a passing participation grade.

Ø Quizzes: Weekly quizzes are designed to keep you up-to-date on your reading. They can
be multiple choice, short answers, or true and false, and are limited to approximately 20-
30 questions. 

Ø Individual Case Assignments: Each student is required to turn in ONE individual
homework case assignment based on chapters and cases which will be discussed in class.
Please note that the homework assignments are due before the beginning of the respective
class. Late submissions will not be accepted. 
The individual homework case assignment
does not include the case presentation which you will do as a group.

Ø Exams: You will be expected to demonstrate a high level of individual competency

regarding the concepts and cases that we discuss during class on exams. The exam will be
comprised of questions geared to testing your fluency in the concepts we discuss. There
is a business lexicon that you must know as you prepare for graduation – concepts such
as bureaucracy, centralization, stakeholders, transaction costs, competitive advantage, etc.

Ø Group Case Presentations: Each group is expected to present one of cases. This does
not count as a part of your individual case. You should work on this case presentation as
a group and submit one written document along with a presentation. The presentation
should include an introduction to the case, background information about the company,
answer the case questions, as well as other materials that you find interesting and relevant
to the case. You can include a short video or update about the current status of the

AUK Official Grading Scale:

The letter of grade is assigned using the following scale latest As Per AUK Catalog. No

Letter Grade Percentage University Points

A 94-100 4.0
A- 90-93 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 84-86 3.0
B- 80-83 2.7
C+ 77-79 2.3
C 74-76 2.0
C- 70-73 1.7
D+ 67-69 1.3
D 64-66 1.0
D- 60-63 0.7
F 0-59 0.0

AUK Attendance Policy:

Any student who misses more than 15% of class sessions of any course during a semester should
expect to fail, unless she/he submits documented evidence to the course instructor of inpatient
medical care, death of an immediate family member, academic instructional activities, or national
athletic activities. If excused, students are required to satisfy all coursework due or assigned during
their absence as determined by the course instructor. If a student does not submit documented
evidence for her/his absence exceeding the limit, it is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from
the course by the specified deadline, as indicated on the academic calendar. Students who withdraw
from a course receive a grade of “W”. Students who do not withdraw from a course nor submit
supporting documents for excessive absences will receive a grade of “FN” (failure for non-

Code of Academic Honesty and Integrity:

Upon admission to the American University of Kuwait, students agree to act responsibly in all
areas of academic, personal and social conduct and to take full responsibility for their individual
and collective action. Such regulations are found in the American University of Kuwait Catalogue,
Student Handbook, and the AUK website at Any question of interpretation
regarding the code of academic honesty and Integrity shall be reported to the appropriate academic
dean. The Code shall be reviewed annually at the discretion of the academic deans. Any student
or student organization found to have committed the cited violations or misconduct, either on or
off campus, is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in adjudication procedures.

Please review the Student Handbook to make sure you understand issues about honesty in
academic work. Your grade must be based on what you do in the class; it cannot be based on what
someone else did, whether it comes from copying a website, purchasing a paper or getting someone
to write it for you, or copying another student’s work.

I expect you to exhibit ethical and honest work habits at all times. If you are at all uncertain about
the definition of “cheating” or “academic dishonesty”, please refer to the student handbook or the
university website for a full description of policy. Please be aware that this issue is extremely serious
and any incidents will be referred to the appropriate university administrator.

For the individual assignments, in particular, the writing in the paper should be your
own. You may receive help on English grammar, syntax, and style, but the final written product
must be entirely your own written work. Please consult citation guides, cite thoroughly, and give
credit where credit is due. All papers will go through Turnitin plagiarism software. All forms of
cheating and plagiarism will automatically result in a ZERO.


The term “plagiarism” includes, but is not limited to, an attempt of an individual to claim the work
of another as the product of his or her own thoughts regardless of whether that work has been

published. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, quoting improperly or paraphrasing text or
other written materials without proper citation on an exam, term paper, homework, or other
written material submitted to an instructor as one’s own work. Plagiarism also includes handing in
a paper to an instructor that was purchased from a term paper service or downloaded from the
Internet and presenting another person’s academic work as one’s own.


The term “cheating” includes but is not limited to, copying homework assignments from another
student; working together with another individual on a take-home test or homework when not
approved by the instructor, looking at and/or copying text, notes or another person’s paper during
an examination when not permitted to do so. Cheating also includes the giving of work
information to another student to be copied and/or used as his or her own. This includes but is
not limited to giving someone answers to exam questions either when the exam is being given or
after having taken an exam; informing another student of specific questions that appear or have
appeared on an exam in the same academic semester; giving or selling a term paper, report, project
or other restricted written materials to another student.

Academic Support:

Learning Support Services focuses on empowering students to become independent and

successful learners by developing their literacy skills, enhancing their understanding, and helping
them improve their academic and study skills. Learning Support Services is comprised of two
centers: the Tutoring Center and the Writing Center. The Tutoring Center provides free academic
support in various subjects to AUK student. Email:

The Writing Center provides multilingual support (English, Arabic, French, and Spanish) through
individual or small-group consultations. Email:

Disability Accommodations:

AUK provides equal and inclusive educational environment in order to enable all students to meet
and perform requisite academic standards and to participate in the opportunities and activities of
its community. If you believe you can benefit from accommodations for a learning, physical, or
mental health disability, click here to book a session through the Counseling Center/Disability
Services Booking Page, to ask about disability services at AUK, initiate an accommodation plan,
or receive disability services. You can also email if you need assistance
in booking a session.

Course Policies/Student Responsibilities:

Email communication protocol: all email communications must be generated using the
student AUK account.

Please be sure to use your official AUK email account, write your full name, and indicate which
class and section you are taking when you send me an email. If you have a question, please check
the syllabus first and if your question is not answered there, send an email. I respond to questions
via email or through an announcement within 2-3 days of receiving them; if I do not respond

within 3 days, please re-send the email. Emails sent during holidays will be responded to after the

Attendance: According to AUK rules and regulations, class attendance is mandatory. I will
regularly take attendance. AUK requires attendance and allows a maximum of 15% absences.
You will be granted an FN if you miss more than the 15% maximum as specified in the catalog.

It is mandatory to have cameras on for the duration of the online lessons and especially online
assessments. If I cannot see you on camera, I cannot give you an attendance or participation grade
Students having technical issues will be given a grace period of 10 minutes to join the online class.
If you are having technical trouble, you should send Tina ( and the IT an
email immediately, and copy your instructor. Students who join after the attendance has been
called and the lecture has started will be market late. Students who are late more than 10 minutes
late will be marked absent. If you need to leave the classroom please let me know. If you are unable
to attend class due to illness or an emergency, please let me know as soon as possible.

Make-up quizzes/exams: No make-up quizzes/exams will be given.

Orderly Conduct: disruptive or disorderly conduct will not be tolerated. Any activities,
behaviors or attitudes that hinder the ability of the instructor to carry out classroom duties or
create distraction to fellow classmates are deemed disruptive. This includes, but not limited to
the use smart device during class. Disorderly conduct could results in loss/reduction course
grade leading all the way to a failing grade. 

Late Work: Late work is not accepted.

Grades: I do not compute grades, except to report them on Moodle. If you cannot view a
particular grade on Moodle, please reach out to me via email.

Academic Support: If you have any difficulties, please come see me right away, as I am here to
help you meet this class objectives. In addition, AUK offers a host of resources designed to help
you develop the skills you need to succeed in college. The Academic Advising Center provides
Academic Skills Workshops throughout the semester such as: effective study habits, time
management, classroom etiquettes, note-taking, productivity and critical thinking, building reading
skills, thinking styles, building self-esteem & self-motivation, test-taking, communications skills,
stress management. In addition, the Tutoring Center regularly offers free peer tutoring and
occasionally offers Supplemental Instructions (SI). It is imperative that you utilize these resources
to achieve your academic goals in a timely and efficient manner.
Once the course is over, no more points are available. You need to decide how many
points you want during the course, and do the work needed to get those points. You
cannot decide after the course is over that you want to do more work to get more points.

Class Etiquette & Netiquette

o Be prompt for class. Late arrivals disrupt class discussions.
o Please turn your cell phones off during class. Cell phone ringing interrupts class discussion. 

o Please avoid private conversations with your neighbors. This diminishes the importance of 

other students’ class contributions. 

o This class engenders active dialogue. Be passionate, but also be professional and 
respectful of
the positions of others. Debate ideas, not people. 

o Class is a time to come together as a collective learning community. Therefore it is completely
inappropriate to use valuable class time for individual endeavors such as reading or
responding to e-mail, internet browsing, or text messaging. Laptop computers should remain
closed unless they are used for an in-class exercise. Please respect class time and class

o Check your AUK email regularly to receive all relevant announcements and communication.
o Screenshots and recordings of the Zoom/Webex sessions are prohibited.
o Students are expected to behave in a manner that befits an AUK student at all times, showing
necessary respect and tolerance to all those present in the online classroom. Be mindful of
everyone’s privacy. Please note that it is forbidden to record online classes or to take videos
or screenshots of other participants. Such acts are in violation of the AUK Code of Conduct.
o Mute your microphone when you are not speaking, and try to reduce, as much as possible,
external noise. Choose a quiet area, the right background and dress appropriately so you are
not in violation of the dress code. Be straightforward and brief when possible to allow
everyone a shot at interacting. Allow others to complete their sentences before you jump
in. Online learning can actually be quite interactive and fun; it needs commitment and active
participation and I believe you can do it!

Technology Issues:

If we have any online sessions or quizzes, please note the following:

• A computer/laptop capable of running Windows 10 or later, or MAC OS X with
Respondus. You should use a laptop or desktop computer with Chrome browser to
access Moodle, Respondus, and Zoom/Webex sessions.
• High speed internet access
• Webcam
• Microphone

Browser Compatibility Check:
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the browser used to access course material on
his/her computer/electronic device is compatible with AUK’s learning management system,
Moodle. Problems in this area need to be discussed with IT.
Technology Issues:
If a technology issue does occur, make sure to email Tina ( and IT
instantly, while providing me with a copy of the email.
Disclaimer: Please note that contents of this syllabus may be subject to change. In the event
changes are made to this syllabus, you will be notified in class. It is your responsibility to stay
current of all changes announced in class.

All assignments must be submitted through Moodle. If you experience trouble submitting an
assignment due to technology or internet issues and you are unable to submit your assignment
through Moodle, please send me an email at with the completed
assignment. Please make sure that you email me the assignment before the deadline to illustrate
that that you did finish everything by the due date and time, but that you just had a technology
issue. This will ensure that your assignment will be reviewed, but must still go through Turnitin
through the system once the technology issue is resolved.

Course Schedule:

Week Topic Assignments and Readings

1 Introduction Purchase eBook – Test Respondus
2 Chapter 1 An Introduction to Management
3 Chapter 2 The Global Business Environment
4 Chapter 3 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
5 Chapter 4 Introduction to Strategy
6 Chapter 5 Business Level Strategy
7 Chapter 6 Corporate Level Strategy
8 Chapter 7 Organizational Design
9 -- Chapters 1-6 -- Exam
10 Chapter 8 Organizational Culture
11 Chapter 12 Leadership in Organizations
12 Chapter 13 Becoming a Leader
13 Chapter 14 Power and Influence
14 Chapter 15 Decision Making
17 -- Chapters 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 -- Exam


* Please note that the Instructor reserves the right to change any aspects of the syllabus
anytime if needed. Changes will be announced in class, before they go into effect. It is
your responsibility to stay up to date with all changes announced in class.

Welcome to Principles of Management!


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