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European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases


Mechanism of Candida pathogenesis: revisiting the vital drivers

Ifeanyi Elibe Mba 1 & Emeka Innocent Nweze 1

Received: 11 March 2020 / Accepted: 17 April 2020

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Candida is the most implicated fungal pathogen in the clinical setting. Several factors play important roles in the pathogenesis of
Candida spp. Multiple transcriptional circuits, morphological and phenotypic switching, biofilm formation, tissue damaging
extracellular hydrolytic enzymes, metabolic flexibility, genome plasticity, adaptation to environmental pH fluctuation, robust
nutrient acquisition system, adherence and invasions (mediated by adhesins and invasins), heat shock proteins (HSPs), cytolytic
proteins, escape from phagocytosis, evasion from host immune system, synergistic coaggregation with resident microbiota,
resistance to antifungal agents, and the ability to efficiently respond to multiple stresses are some of the major pathogenic
determinants of Candida species. The existence of multiple connections, in addition to the interactions and associations among
all of these factors, are distinctive features that play important roles in the establishment of Candida infections. This review
describes all the underlying factors and mechanisms involved in Candida pathogenesis by evaluating pathogenic determinants of
Candida species. It reinforces the already available pool of data on the pathogenesis of Candida species by providing a clear and
simplified understanding of the most important factors implicated in the pathogenesis of Candida species. The Candida path-
ogenesis network, an illustration linking all the major determinants of Candida pathogenesis, is also presented. Taken together,
they will further improve our current understanding of how these factors modulate virulence and consequent infection(s).
Development of new antifungal drugs and better therapeutic approaches to candidiasis can be achieved in the near future with
continuing progress in the understanding of the mechanisms of Candida pathogenesis.

Keywords Candida . Pathogenesis . Virulence . Fungi . Infections

Introduction system, and the rest of the gastrointestinal tract, the infection is
classified as the superficial type. Invasive candidiasis is an
Candida is a diploid fungus that frequently causes mucosal infection characterized with extremely severe conditions such
and systemic infections in humans. The organism exists as a as candidemia (affecting the blood), meningitis (affecting the
normal flora in both humans and animals but can become brain), and endocarditis (affecting the heart) [5]. In hospital-
opportunistic causing disabling and lethal infections [1]. ized patients and those with dilapidated immune system, in-
Candida species can colonize several distinct anatomical sites. vasive infection is a significant cause of morbidity and mor-
Majority of infections by commensal microorganisms come tality with high incidence and prevalence rates.
from endogenous colonization. However, exogenous contam- Candida species pathogenesis is a multifaceted process in-
ination, such as infections transmitted via hospital employees, volving multiple mechanisms and pathways. It is also a com-
hospital atmosphere, and biofilm-contaminated invasive de- plex and multifactorial mechanism, involving features of both
vices like catheters, can also occur [2–4]. Infections caused the host and the microorganism [6]. For infection to be
by Candida can be classified as superficial, cutaneous, muco- established, the opportunistic pathogen must evade, multiply
sal, and systemic infection (deep and widespread). When in the host environment, and survive in the immune system of
Candida spp. infect the oral cavity, skin, genitalia, respiratory the host. The organism must also be able to disseminate to
other body tissues and organs, most especially in systemic
infection [7]. Disruption of skin or gastrointestinal barriers
* Emeka Innocent Nweze
can lead to disseminated or deep organ candidiasis. In more serious situations, blood stream invasion may occur which
subsequently will disseminate to different organs of the body.
Department of Microbiology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria Candida infections in most people are asymptomatic. This is
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

due to the ability of the immunological system to checkmate measures, in addition to curbing Candida infections, is largely
the organism as it attempts to spread in the body. However, dependent on our understanding of its pathogenesis.
depletion in immune system or changes in microbiota balance,
coupled with other factors, can facilitate the spread of
Candida which is often fatal in 42% of reported cases [8–10]. Review methodology
While Candida albicans is responsible for about 50% of
candidiasis, non-albicans Candida species are responsible for This review was exclusively based on a thorough literature re-
the remainder of the Candida infection. Infection caused by view on the mechanisms of Candida pathogenesis with empha-
Candida tropicalis, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, sis on the virulence and pathogenic determinants. The Boolean
Candida krusei, Candida dubliniensis, and Candida auris are search for relevant literatures was performed in Google scholar,
of great concern. Some of these non-albicans Candida species Science direct, PubMed, and Web of science using a combina-
are now regarded as emerging opportunistic pathogens [11]. tion of the following precise keywords: mechanism of Candida
Preventing Candida infections mostly caused by Candida spe- pathogenesis, virulence factors in Candida species (hyphae
cies is a growing challenge in human medicine. Even with the formation/morphology associated genes, biofilm formation, met-
availability and use of antifungal medication, disseminated can- abolic flexibility, phenotypic switching, interaction with resident
didiasis is accompanied with high mortality rate (about 40– microbiota, candidalysin, extracellular hydrolytic enzymes (se-
60%), poor diagnosis, and inappropriate disease management. cretory aspartyl proteinase, lipase, phospholipase, hemolysins
The general clinical presentation of the patient also contributes and coagulase), heat shock proteins, pH fluctuation, stress re-
to the increase in mortality rate. Resistance to antifungal drugs sponse, antifungal resistance and adherence to surfaces). All
is no longer a new issue. Even among individuals that have not the papers that relate to virulent determinants and mechanism
been exposed to antibiotics, resistance has been reported [12]. of pathogenesis of Candida species were included in the study.
Currently, Candida is one of the leading causes of mucosal
infections in healthy individuals. It also causes systemic/life-
threatening infections especially in immunosuppressive patients, Pathogenicity of Candida species
despite its status as a commensal microorganism [13]. In fact,
candidiasis is considered the third to fourth most common infec- The pathogenicity of C. albicans is related to its change be-
tion in healthcare facilities within the USA and even globally tween the commensal yeast form and the invasive hyphal
[14]. Not surprisingly, it is the virulence and pathogenic attributes shape [16]. Upon host cell attachment, thigmotropism (contact
and mechanisms that have received the most attention from re- sensing) triggers Candida albicans filamentation. This per-
searchers over the years. Recently, much have been learned about mits the organism to penetrate deeper into the host tissues
the mechanisms of Candida pathogenesis. Studies have shown through extracellular enzyme secretion [17]. The ability of
that at the heart of the ability of Candida to proliferate, switch Candida to convert from yeast to hyphae phase or hyphae to
from non-virulence commensal to opportunistic pathogenic fun- yeast phase is termed dimorphism. Each of these phases of
gus and establish infection in the host lie highly interconnected growth is vital for virulence and pathogenicity as it influences
factors composed of transcriptional circuits, morphology-associ- how Candida escapes the immune system. Yeast and filament
ated/virulence encoding genes, metabolic plasticity, genome (hyphae) forms play independent roles during disseminated
plasticity, phenotypic switching, biofilm formation, tissue dam- candidiasis. While the yeast form is involved in dissemination,
aging extracellular hydrolytic enzymes, and several other factors the hyphal (filamentous) form is involved in tissue invasion
that facilitate virulence and pathogenesis in Candida species and pathogenesis [18]. Candida species must be able to effec-
[15]. Changes in environmental pH, robust nutrient acquisition tively colonize its host and likewise adapt to varieties of ex-
system, escape from phagocytosis, evasion from host immune traneous constraints such as temperature, oxygen, pH, carbon
system, host microbiome coaggregation, resistance to antifungal dioxide, and different negative biological conditions such as
agents, and the ability to efficiently respond to multiple stresses carbon source, nutrient availability, the immunological sys-
are other vital attributes that enhance survival and pathogenesis. tem, and other coexisting bacterial and fungal cells within
The existence of multiple connections among all the factors that the niche [19, 20]. Positive response to those constraints has
aid the establishment of infections is a distinctive feature in the an instantaneous effect in adaptation and promotion of
pathogenesis of Candida species. In this review, we concisely Candida virulence and pathogenicity.
describe and bring together all the underlying factors and mech- Prior to receptor-mediated epithelial recognition by
anisms of Candida pathogenesis with emphasis on the most vital Candida species, several signaling pathways are activated.
aspects of Candida pathogenesis. Information presented here Temperature change, nutrient starvation, oxidative stress, os-
gives a clear, simplified, and general understanding of all the motic stress, and pH sensing trigger mitogen-activated protein
major factors implicated in the pathogenesis of Candida species. (MAP) kinase, cyclic Amp-based pathways, Rim 101 signal
Development of appropriate preventive and therapeutic transduction, and even genetic pathways that invariably
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

induce many genes. Most of the induced genes are associated fungus. Thus, both active penetration and induced endocytosis
with filamentous growth and biofilm formation. While diverse are mechanistically prominent strategies needed for infection
genetic pathways transduce shifts from yeast to hyphae or establishment through mucosal barriers in vivo.
hyphae to yeast phase, different environmental signals posi- In general, the pathogenesis of Candida starts with coloni-
tively and negatively modulate morphology-associated cell zation, superficial infection, and deep-seated infection prior to
surface switching [21]. The signaling and adaptation path- disseminated infection. The general steps in tissue invasion by
ways play crucial roles in various physiological and cellular C. albicans include the following:
processes involved in the pathogenesis of Candida species as
shown in Table 1. a. Adhesion to the epithelial cells
Most of the signaling pathways are extremely essential for b. Colonization
shielding Candida spp. against immunological attack [40]. c. Epithelial penetration/invasion by hyphae
They play diverse roles in the expression of morphology- d. Vascular dissemination
associated genes. The co-expression of morphology-linked e. Endothelial colonization/penetration
proteins results in synergistic interaction among gene products
essential for biofilm establishment and growth within the host Disseminated candidiasis only occurs when Candida es-
[41]. Thus, for inhibiting Candida survival in host tissues, capes the immune system, penetrates vascular tissues, and
interference with Candida species ability to integrate gene enters the blood. Entrance into the blood is via two routes:
expression to changes in morphology could be doubtlessly a
potential therapeutic strategy [42]. In addition, identifying sig- a. Natural routes (via penetration of epithelial cells at muco-
naling components conserved among Candida species is cru- sal cell surfaces)
cial for identifying potential drug targets. b. Artificial routes (via implantation of medical devices, sur-
During the process of pathogenesis, induced endocytosis gery, and depletion of the natural microbiota by treatment
occurs. It usually takes place within 4 h of initial contact with with antibiotics).
the cells of the epithelium. The induced endocytosis is a strat-
egy employed by Candida species to evade immune recogni- This second route is facilitated by biofilm formation as the
tion. The recognition of invasins expressed on the fungal cell yeast cells can escape and enter the blood. It is important to
surface triggers induced endocytosis. To date, only two invasins emphasize that the dispersal of the cells of the biofilm carries
(Als3p and Ssa1p) are known in C. albicans. The interaction of clinical implications as the dispersed cells can instigate new bio-
the host epithelial cell receptors (E-cadherin) with invasins fa- film formation or spread into sensitive host tissue. For Candida to
cilitates the remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton needed to survive and propagate in the blood, different genes are upregulat-
endocytose the organism. In a murine model of oropharyngeal ed: genes involved in protein synthesis, glycolytic cycle, glycol-
candidiasis reported by Sun et al., Als3 and Ssa1 mutants ex- ysis, and response to oxidative stress. The presence of Candida in
hibited reduced adhesion and invasion of epithelial cells [43]. the blood leads to a condition called candidemia. From the blood,
Independent of the epithelial cell receptors, induced endocyto- the yeast is disseminated to various vital organs in the body where
sis can also occur. This is possible via the interaction of the host it causes systemic infections. Disseminated candidiasis is highly
epithelial cell epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/HER2) facilitated by extracellular hydrolytic enzymes, adhesins, pheno-
with the Candida cell Als3p and Ssa1p. typic switching, and cytolytic proteins. Candida in the blood can
After induced endocytosis, the secreted virulence factors by also give rise to candiduria as the organism can gain access to the
Candida species enhance their ability to penetrate the mucosal upper urinary tract (antegrade infection).
surface. The oral and vaginal mucosa, which are terminally Although most infections involve biofilm formation, some
differentiated and non-proliferative, are composed of stratified infections can occur without the formation of biofilm. In fact,
layers less likely to facilitate invasion of fungi via induced hyphae formation and growth are the starting points in the
endocytosis. Candida species must utilize an alternative route pathogenicity of Candida species, except C. glabrata that
to invade a tissue less likely to support internalization in a does not form hyphae. It is well known that several genes
process called active penetration. Active penetration mediated directly or indirectly induced by environmental perturbations
by means of hyphae extension (controlled by Ume6 and Eed1) trigger hyphae formation. The initiation and formation of hy-
is a fungal-induced process that needs viable fungal hyphae phae are also affected by farnesol, a dominant quorum-sensing
[44]. Physical forces, adhesion, and hydrolytic enzymes like molecule that acts via different pathways [45–47] (Table 3).
SAP also play a role. Candida albicans utilizes active penetra- However, questions still remain regarding the mechanisms
tion as the initial means to invade the outermost layers of the controlling its synthesis, the receptors, and its transporter.
epithelium in vivo. However, induced endocytosis could also In summary, the switching of Candida spp. from commensal
be evident of further enhanced invasion once the underlying to opportunistic pathogen is attributed to virulence factors
proliferative layers of the epithelium have been accessed by the (discussed in subsequent sections) that are selectively expressed
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Table 1 Major pathogenicity inducing pathways/responses in Candida species

S/ Pathways Functions Reference(s)


1 Mitogen-activated protein kinase Important regulator of morphogenesis. [22, 23]

(MAPK) pathways Involved in sensing and transmitting stress signals and other environmental signals
Three main MAP kinase pathways are the following: [24]
a. Mkc1- controls cellular integrity, invasive growth, cell wall biogenesis, and formation of
b. Hog1- mediates response to thermal, osmotic, and oxidative stress. Controls cell wall for-
mation and morphogenesis. Under osmotic stress, its activation leads to glycerol accumu-
c. Cek1- it mediates mating and hyphae formation and is also involved in adaptation to both
thermal and nutrient stresses.
2 Ras-CAMP-PKA pathways Regulate adhesion, dimorphism. Also involved in the formation of biofilms. [23, 25, 26]
Control hyphal formation and white-to-opaque change [27, 28]
Involved in drug tolerance and in the maintenance of cell wall integrity
3 RIM 101 signal transduction Enables Candida albicans to sense pH changes, thus mediate pH-dependent responses [29]
4 Stress response pathways Contribute to virulence and pathogenesis [30]
Facilitate adaptation to ever-changing environmental conditions
Protect against host-derived stresses
5 Ergosterol biosynthetic pathways Link between hyphae formation and virulence in C. albicans [31]
Enhance cell adhesion and damage to the tissues [32]
ERG3 and ERG11 play major roles in azole drug resistance; thus, it is the target of fluconazole
6 Genome plasticity Triggers adaptation to fluctuating host environment
Leads to the generation of recombinant progeny with increased fitness
Induces natural mutations that alter the balance between commensalism and pathogenicity. [33, 34]
Facilitates resistance to stressors including antifungal agents and pathogenicity during systemic [35]
and mucosal infections
Triggers polarized filamentous growth
Involved in the generation/evolution of new pathotypes or strains
Enhances the utilization of several nutrients
Facilitates Candida growth rate, as well as its morphology and behaviors at the host interface
7 Calcium-calcineurin pathways Major mediator of stress responses [36]
Essential for survival in the presence of stressors [37]
Play crucial roles in virulence [38, 39]

under suitable predisposing conditions. Most of these virulence (PRRs) in the host recognize fungal carbohydrates and other
factors are under tight regulation. More studies in their regula- pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) in the fungal
tory mechanisms could be very vital in the quest for new anti- cell wall. This recognition facilitates the activation of the immune
fungal agents. Figure 1 is the major network of Candida viru- cells and subsequent production of cytokines [77].
lence and pathogenesis showing the connections between the Thus, the invasion of the cell into the tissue triggers the release
various pathogenic determinants and virulent factors. of danger-associated molecules such as interleukin-1α (IL-1α)
and chemokines. Both IL-1α and chemokines promote the re-
cruitment of immune cells, such as neutrophils and monocytes to
Host response to Candida species the site of infection [78] where they abruptly contribute to the
defense against the fungi [79]. It is important to note that host
The host epithelium is often in constant interaction with Candida defense against systemic candidiasis is dominated by the activity
species and the transition from commensalism to infection usually of neutrophils and monocytes which repress fungal proliferation
leads to various modifications in the interplay between the fungus and dissemination [80]. During vulvovaginal candidiasis, neutro-
and the host [58, 75]. The cells of the epithelium can differentiate phils may also promote the development of disease symptoms
between pathogenic and non-pathogenic Candida species in re- [81]. It is becoming evident that the host response to Candida
sponse to which they induce specific signaling pathways [76] as adhesion/invasion varies in a strain-dependent manner as the bal-
stated in the previous section. The pathogen recognition receptors ance between commensalism and pathogenicity is determined by
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

Environmental constraints Signaling/adaptation pathways

Stress Genome
plasticity Metabolic
Hsp 90, Hsp 60, flexibility
Hsp 70, Hsp 21,
Hsp 12, Hsp 104

Fungal PAMPs are hidden from the

immune system or not produced by drug resistance
Proteinase (SAP),
Site of colonization

the yeast forms during colonization EFG1, ECE1, HWP1, INT1, Cytolytic proteins
phospholipase, lipase,
Morphology Extracellular
ENO1, TEC1, ALS3, BCR1, (Candidalysins)
Oro-pharyngeal associated/Virulent hydrolytic enzymes hemolysins, coagulase,
Lower + upper digestive tract HYR1, NRG1, UME6, FLO8,
encoding genes esterases, etc.
Genital tract CZF1, EED1, CPH1, TUP1,
Urinary tract etc.
bloodstream Superficial

Epithelial Endothelial Deep seated
Tissue infection
adhesion/invasion adhesion/active
Cln1, Pes1, Eed1, Ume6 penetration
Planktonic TUP1, NRG1 Hyphae formation Active
Yeast cells Adherence to
Candida cells and extension penetration Systemic infection
overgrowth cells surfaces
Predisposing factors

Tissue invasion & (septicemia)

Long period of hospitalization penetration
Use of antifungal agents
Overuse of antibiotics Danger associated
Use of invasive devices
Blood vessels molecules (DAM)
Use of immunosuppressive agents Biofilm formation Cytokines
Surgical procedures
and dissemination (Interleukin (IL- IL-17))
Diabetes, AIDS, old age, cystic fibrosis
Organ transplants
NLRP3 inflammasome

Farnesol Phenotypic Increased Host Recruitment of

Evasion from host
(Quorum sensing molecule) switching virulence microbiota
immune system immune cells

Fig. 1 Simplified diagram illustrating the network of Candida virulence types of candidiasis (8). Yeast cells can enter the blood (7) and then
and pathogenicity. (1) Planktonic yeast cells attach to surfaces. Favorable disseminate to the vital organs where they establish new biofilms.
conditions facilitate overgrowth; adherence (2): the cells attach to host Infections associated with biofilms are of great clinical significance.
cells via adhesins; hyphae formation/extension (3): environmental con- Major Candida infections include vulvovaginal, oropharyngeal, and gas-
strains induce the HSPs, signaling and adaptation pathways which induce trointestinal candidiasis, candidemia, candiduria, and intra-abdominal
morphology-associated genes. The formation of the hyphae marks the candidiasis. Key: dashed lines: signals and inductions; single-headed
beginning of Candida pathogenesis. Epithelial/endothelial adhesion/inva- thick dark red arrow: major route of Candida pathogenesis; curved
sion (4 and 6): this is facilitated by hydrolytic enzymes and it is achieved double-arrow connector: interaction/association between factors; T-
via two ways: induced endocytosis and active penetration. Some species shaped thin red line: inhibitory signal. The pool of virulence encoding
such as C. glabrata do not form hyphae; rather, they form biofilms (5) genes house both the genes involved in hyphae and biofilm formation and
prior to the establishment of infection. Destruction of epithelial and mu- other vital processes crucial for pathogenesis
cosal surfaces by the enzymes and cytolytic proteins gives rise to different

distinct host responses triggered by intraspecific diversity of the the fact that mutants lacking in filamentous growth are less
Candida species [34]. Irrespective of the nature of the strain virulent [82]. In fact, hyphal growth and biofilm formation are
infecting the host, IL-17 signaling plays a nonredundant part mainly the core factors that enhance the progression of path-
for mucosal immunity against Candida. On the other hand, ogenicity in Candida spp. [83]. Candida albicans, the major
strain-specific dichotomy is displayed by epithelial cell damage, species implicated in candidiasis, has the ability to regulate its
inflammation of the mucosal and neutrophil infiltration, all of switch to filamentous form. Over the years, hyphae formation
which are associated with fungal pathogenicity [34]. Therefore, and its transition to yeast form or vice versa have attracted
diverse immunological pathways differ in their roles in antifungal tremendous attention to scientists. The ease with which hy-
immunity. The selective induction of distinct immune mechanism phae penetrate the mucous membrane, invade the tissues, and
results from variation in the fungus and this activation influences gain access to the bloodstream is very important in the estab-
the outcome of the microbe-host interaction. lishment of candidiasis, most especially candidemia [84].
Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, C. dubliniensis, and more
recently C. auris have all been reported to form hyphae [13],
Determinants of pathogenesis/virulent although under restricted range of conditions. However, most
factors of the other Candida species such as C. glabrata only form
pseudohyphae and yeast. Incubation in serum, alkaline, or
Hyphae formation mediated neutral pH, low concentration of oxygen, increased CO2, cell
by morphology-associated genes/transcription density via quorum-sensing molecules, carbon, and nitrogen
factors starvation are some of the environmental stimuli that facilitate
yeast to hyphal switching [85]. The inputs of various internal
Proliferation of hyphal forms of Candida gives its invasive and external environmental stimuli are integrated by the fun-
and penetrative ability into host tissues. This is justified by gus to ascertain if hyphal morphogenesis is to be initiated.
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Interestingly, when there is no external stimulus, hyphal mor- pathways) as recently reported by Bar-Yosef et al. [119], in
phogenesis can also be induced [13]. addition to many signaling pathways, are required for effec-
Till date, the exact mechanisms that facilitate C. albicans tive hyphal development. Not much is known about hyphal
transition from yeast form to hyphae form are yet to be elongation and branching. Less attention has also been given
completely elucidated. However, several transcription factors to the yeast promoting regulators (hyphal repressors). More
(TFs) have been shown to influence hyphae growth [86]. attention should be focused on this area. In addition, re-
Some of the identified TFs include Tup1, Ngr1, Rim101, searchers should make more efforts to identify more genes
Cph2, Cph1, Czf1, Efg1, Tec1, Flo8, Ume6, Fkh2, and that are usually upregulated during morphological transition
Mcm1 (Table 2). The major transcription factor genes required in Candida species. This is because effective drugs can be
for hyphal invasion according to Desai and co-workers in- developed by targeting those genes. Generally, any substance
clude ERG1, TEC1, NDT80, ROB1, DPB4, and EFG1 [19]. that can inhibit the activities of such genes and the transcrip-
Under favorable conditions, most of the TFs (except Ume6) tion factors can reduce pathogenicity [120]. Furthermore, the
are essential for hyphal growth but their expression is not transcription factors (TFs) activated by several signaling path-
always enough to modulate real hyphal morphogenesis. TF ways [121] are enriched in pathogenic Candida species. They
mutants are defective in hyphal morphogenesis and biofilm are crucial for cell functions and response in diverse niches. In
formation. They also exhibit reduced filamentation and are Candida species, they encode and coordinate essential cellular
defective in invasive growth except the Nrg1 and Tup1 mu- functions such as hyphal morphogenesis (yeast to hyphae for-
tants which exhibit enhanced filamentous growth [114, 115]. mation), biofilm formation, and drug resistance, in addition to
A reduced Efg1 gene expression suppresses true hyphae for- pathogen to commensal transition [122]. More should be
mation [97, 98, 108]; however, Tec1 overexpression restores learned on how they perform these roles and to discover
filamentous growth in an Efg1 mutant. The activation and new TFs.
repression of genes associated with hyphae formation are reg- Finally, in non-albicans Candida species, the exact role of
ulated by Efg1p and Nrg1p. Koch et al. reported that limiting hyphae formation as well as most of the virulence genes is still
the endogenous nitric oxide (NO) levels stabilizes the tran- not clearly understood. However, Banerjee et al. in his study
scriptional repressor, Nrg1 and inhibited the yeast-to-hyphal showed that hyphae formation leads to decreased virulence
transition [116]. and pathogenesis in C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis [123].
In the early 2000, the relationship between hyphae-specific According to the study, non-albicans Candida should be stud-
gene expression and morphology and its link to pathogenicity ied separately to comprehensively gain further insight on the
was a process that was not fully understood. In trying to un- main function and reasons for filamentation. This current ob-
ravel this, HWP1 and ALS3, two genes that are highly upreg- servation makes it clear that other virulence attributes besides
ulated during filamentous growth, were discovered by early hyphae formation can play vital roles in most of the non-
researchers [44, 87]. The activation and repression in HWP1 albicans Candida species. Despite this, more studies on hy-
involve HWP1 control region (HCR). It is yet to be complete- phae formation in both albicans and non-albicans Candida
ly understood how these processes are associated with the species are warranted.
genetic programs controlling morphogenesis. However, ac-
cording to Kim et al., the morphology-associated mRNA iso- Phenotypic switching
forms occur during yeast and hyphal growth in Candida
albicans. These isoforms are very vital for coupling the ex- Candida spp. are able to survive, thrive, and establish infec-
pression of gene to morphology [41]. Other researchers have tion in the host due to its ability to undergo reversible change
also reported several genes and proteins directly or indirectly between different sets of morphologies. The diverse morpho-
linked to morphogenesis and general Candida virulence [117, logical phenotypes are critical for adaptation in ever-
118]. However, Reyna-Beltran and Iranzo in a recent study fluctuating environmental conditions. How pathogenic
reported that ENO1 (Table 2) found in Candida albicans Candida spp. are able to adapt, survive, and propagate in
could be a potential target for designing new drug against diverse host environment can be answered by understanding
candidiasis due to its important role in virulence [102, 103]. the mechanisms controlling phenotypic switching system.
Generally, hyphae formation among pathogenic fungi cre- However, questions as to why C. albicans integrate morpho-
ates a suitable environment for movement within the sur- logical switch as part of its sexual life cycle are still not clearly
rounding niche, mediates adherence, facilitates acquisition of understood. To achieve mating competency, MTL homozy-
nutrients, interferes with other essential biome functions, and gous Candida spp. must switch to opaque cell from normal
enhances virulent fungal growth. Hyphal formation is as im- yeast cell morphology [124]. This process is highly facilitated
portant as its elongation and branching. However, the elonga- by several signals [125]. The phenotypic switch turns on as
tion of hyphae can be controlled by endocytosis modulation. soon as the signals are dominated, leading to the establishment
Alterations in many cellular functions (e.g., endocytic of superficial infections (skin and mucosa) as well as invasive
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

Table 2 Morphology/hyphae-associated genes and their functions

S/ Genes Name Functions References


1 HWP1 Hyphal wall protein Involved in hyphae growth and adhesion in C. albicans [87, 88]
Important in biofilm formation [89]
2 ALS3 Agglutinin-like sequence protein Encodes glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-associated cell surface glycoproteins [44]
Encodes Als3, member of Hsp90 [60, 90, 91]
Involved in hyphae growth and adhesion in C. albicans [15]
Acts as an invasin and mediates induced endocytosis
Plays a role in biofilm formation
3 HYR1 Hyphal-regulated protein Mediates filamentation and growth [92]
4 ECE1 Extent of cell elongation protein Hyphal-specific gene expressed during filamentous growth in C. albicans. [93]
Encodes candidalysin, a pore-forming toxin, mediates mucosal epithelium damage [58]
during invasion.
The peptide 3 causes cell death by making a hole on host cell membrane
5 TEC1 Transcription activator Its overexpression restores filamentous growth in Efg1 mutants
Regulates hyphae development and cell adhesion genes [94]
Controls the formation of biofilms [95]
Regulates gene expression during internal colonization and
Required for SAP expression. [96]
6 EFG1 Enhanced filamentous growth Located downstream of cAMP-PKA signaling, it governs morphogenesis [41]
(yeast-to-hyphae transition)
Encodes a transcription factor, Efg1p, an important regulator of HWP1 and ALS3 [97, 98]
Involved in stress tolerance, modulation of genes necessary for metabolism,
phenotypic switching and cell elongation, biofilm formation and pseudo hyphal
7 INT1 Integrin-like sequence Involved in hyphal formation and adherence [99]
8 BCR1 Biofilm and cell wall regulator 1 Regulate the expression of genes that control cell surface properties
Serve as link between gene expression and hyphal differentiation. [100]
Major control of biofilm formation [101]
9 ENO1 Enolase 1 Encodes a transglutaminase (TGase) needed in cell division, growth, [102, 103]
yeast-to-hyphae transition and protection against osmotic stressors.
Involved in posttranslational modification
Enhances invasion
10 EED1 Epithelial escape and dissemination Required for initiation and sustenance of filamentation [104]
Mediate dissemination within epithelial tissue
11 UME6 Transcriptional regulatory protein Important for proper expression of hyphae-specific genes [105]
Important for hyphae elongation
Required for adherence to surfaces [106]
Promote filamentous biofilms [107]
12 ACE2 Controls hyphal morphogenesis [108]
13 Others CPH1, CZF1, FLO8, EED1, BRG1 Positive regulators of filamentous growth [109, 110]
TUP1, NGR1, RFG1 Negative regulators of filamentation (repress hyphae-specific genes) [111–113]

bloodstream infections, especially in individuals with dilapi- switching system in C. albicans was known to facilitate fit-
dated immune system [126]. Soll et al. [127] observed that due ness, offer adaptive advantage, and play several biological
to reduced surface expression of invasins and inability to in- roles in cells that possess them. Generally, phenotypic
duce the receptors of epidermal growth factor, opaque cells switching is regulated by WOR1 which encode a transcription
(just like white cells) showed reduced invasive ability and factor. The default phenotype is the white phase. Czf1, Efg1,
decreased ability to damage epithelial cells. White-gray- Wor2, Wor1, Ahr1, and Wor3 are the transcription factors that
opaque phenotype discovered in C. albicans is also another regulate WOR1. According to Tao et al. [127], two transcrip-
morphological switching system [128]. This phenotypic tion factors (Wor1 and Efg1) regulate white-gray-opaque
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

transition [128]. WOR1 is mainly expressed when cells are in carries great clinical implication [134, 135]. Candida biofilms
the opaque state. Thus, Wor1 is necessary for opaque cell also induce efflux pump transporters [136]. The reduced sus-
formation. In other to understand how Wor1 induces and sus- ceptibility to antimicrobials during biofilm formation is due
tains opaque state, Alkafeef et al. showed that the mode of to:
action of Wor1 is via repression of Tup1 activity [129]. This
Tup1 (overall transcriptional repressor) is the major inhibitor 1. Inability of the drug to pass through the extracellular poly-
of the opaque phenotypic state. This observation explains the saccharide matrix of the biofilm
mechanism used by Candida to change from a commensal to 2. Antagonism of the drug caused by accumulation of waste
an opportunistic pathogen. products and nutrient depletion
The involvement of Efg1 in the regulation of phenotypic 3. Physiological alteration of the fungi
switching demonstrates the multiple roles of Efg1 gene in the
pathogenicity of Candida spp. In addition, both Sac7 and In surfaces like catheters, dentures, and other implants,
Rho1 also control switching system in Candida albicans C. albicans has a remarkable biofilm-forming ability. The for-
[130]. It is safe to assume that certain environmental cues mation of biofilm on devices negatively affects the host via
and even some specific genetic configurations (mating type device failure and by acting as a source for future continued
locus) greatly influence the increasing regulatory networks of infections [137]. Generally, the mortality rate of fungal infec-
phenotypic switching. Studies have shown that opaque phe- tions associated with medical devices is high (up to 30%)
notypes are less virulent than the white phenotypes. This is [138]. Biofilm formation is more commonly associated with
because the opaque cell lacks the ability to produce chemo- C. albicans. However, recent studies have shown a high rate
attractants for polymorpho-nuclear cells (PMN) [61]. The of biofilm-forming ability among non-albicans Candida spp.
transition generally facilitates mating and host colonization. [139] Candida glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, and
Phenotypic switching greatly influences virulence and C. auris can all form biofilm [140]. Proteins such as secretory
pathogenesis. It enables C. albicans to avoid recognition by IgA, lysozyme, mucin, and lactoferrins have inhibitory effects
cells of the immune system depending on the environment on Candida that stop adhesion and multiplication on the mu-
[131]. In a recent study by Perini et al., white-opaque cosal surface [141, 142]. The Candida hyphae and extra poly-
switching in C. tropicalis was found to change host- meric materials increase biofilm growth and structural integ-
pathogen interactions in an infection model [132]. However, rity [141, 143].
the details of how it influences commensalism and pathogen- Biofilm formation generally involves sequential processes
esis in humans still remain speculative. More studies are need- as shown in Fig. 2. Several genes are differentially upregulat-
ed to completely clarify and understand whether the pheno- ed during the process. There is upregulation of adhesion genes
typic switching, in addition to the phenotypic developmental involved in attachment. On the other hand, there is downreg-
and regulatory states, is actually a valid representation of ulation of genes coding for adhesins, influencing yeast cell
events in the human host. Understanding the control/ dispersal [144]. Als3 plays the most important role [88].
regulatory process of phenotypic switching could be vital in However, EPA (epithelial adhesion) is the main adhesin re-
answering the questions as to why pathogenic Candida spe- sponsible for biofilm formation in C. glabrata [145]. The
cies adapt and survive in diverse unfavorable environment. expression of adhesins during biofilm formation is under the
control of TFs which also control filamentation [146]. Genes
Biofilm formation that are also involved in hyphae formation also play crucial
roles during biofilm formation (Table 2). The key resistance
Biofilm is one of the major virulence attributes of Candida determinants for various Candida species involve the forma-
spp. Biofilm formation is involved in majority of Candida- tion of extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM induction and
associated infections. During biofilm formation, cells adhere production, however, are highly regulated processes involving
to both biotic and abiotic surfaces. The cells, thereafter, are several genes and TFs. It is important to emphasize that a
embedded in extracellular matrix [95]. The extracellular ma- transcriptional network that is highly complex and associated
trix acts as a protective material for various Candida spp. This with morphogenetic switching controls biofilm formation in
virulence property enhances adhesion, hyphae formation, and Candida spp. [144, 147] It has been shown that the biofilm TF
penetration of the yeast cells. Candida biofilm formation en- network is highly sensitive to genetic constrains [96].
hances its colonization ability. It also protects the cell against Moreover, environmental perturbance that affects the gene
immunological attack (especially against neutrophils) and pre- has an influence on the TFs associated with biofilm formation.
vents ROS formation that is extremely detrimental to the or- In summary, the overall regulatory network needed for bio-
ganism [133]. Due to the ability of the cells encapsulated in film formation is a complex process requiring the regulation
the extracellular matrix to resist immunological attack, resist of adhesins, formation of hyphae (morphological modifica-
antifungal drugs, and facilitate persistence, biofilm formation tion), production of extracellular matrix, and the regulation
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

Fig. 2 Biofilm formation cycle in Planktonic yeast Bcr1, Als3, Als1, Ece1, Hwp1, Hwp2,
Candida species. Yeast cells 1 cells Eap1, Rbt1, Ywp1, Pga10, Csh1, Pbr1
attach to substrate and to other 3
cells via the adhesins. The cells
proliferate to form microcolonies. Proliferation
This is followed by germ tube, Biotic (host cell)
Abiotic (indwelling
pseudohyphae, and hyphae medical devices)
formation. Some Candida species Morphological
Microbial cells Yeast cells adhesion
do not form hyphae. During modification
maturation, there is expansion of
biofilm biomass, as well as the
formation and accumulation of
extracellular matrix (ECM). Better adherence and
Finally, the yeast cells disperse enhanced biofilm
and initiate the formation of new
Biofilm formation cycle
biofilms. Biofilm formation is
inCandida species
controlled by several genes,
including hyphae-associated
genes. Most genes are involved in
more than one role. Several TFs
also regulate the process. The
major TFs in C. albicans include Formation of hyphae
Ndt80, Rob1, Gal4, Rfx2, Flo8, Dispersal of yeast cells cells and mycelium
Efg1, Brg1, Tec1, and BCr1 6 Ngr1, Ume6, Pes1
Hwp1, Ece1, Epa 6, Efg1,
Tec1, Bcr1, Eed1, Flo8,
Czf1, Spt20, etc.

Maturation (formation of
7 extracellular matrix)
1. Antifungal resistance
Adh5, Zap1, Fks1, Gca1, Gcn4,
2. Increased virulence and pathogenicity
3. Facilitating sharing and transferring of genetic Rlm1, Gca2,Csh1, Flo8,
materials, Ndt80, Brg1, Rob1, Rbt1 etc.
4. Trigger physiological changes
5. Facilitate communication via signaling
6. Enhance development of higher adhesion
7. Increase in resistance to diverse stresses

of other vital cellular processes [145]. The fact still remains major biofilm regulators could be vital in preventing
that there is a complexity of mechanisms that are involved in biofilm-associated Candida infection.
biofilm formation. These mechanisms are often times specie
or strain specific. Several factors, both internal and external, Metabolic flexibility/nutritional factors
including the presence of antagonistic or synergistic bacteria
and fungi have a significant effect on the final features of the The metabolic capacity to assimilate host nutrients (carbon) is
formed biofilm. One of the very tasking goals is identifying a a fundamental prerequisite in the survival and establishment
central regulator to tackle the regulatory control of biofilm of Candida infection and must be regulated. Metabolic flexi-
formation in all Candida spp. Further studies on the various bility is an important virulence factor that offers adaptive ad-
mechanisms that facilitate biofilm formation and their regula- vantages to Candida spp. Competition with the host microbi-
tion in both C. albicans and non-albicans Candida species ota for available nutrients is one of the routine behaviors as-
will help greatly in developing more effective ways to tackle sociated with Candida albicans in the gastrointestinal tract.
Candida infections. Lagree et al. reported that surface topog- During infection, depending on the anatomical site, several
raphy may impact biofilm formation by C. albicans [148], nutrient sources are used by Candida spp. Glucose, proteins,
which means that the use of topographic coatings may likely amino acids, and lipids derived from the host are nutrients
be a viable approach in the control of C. albicans. Most stud- used by C. albicans and other species [150].
ies on Candida biofilm formation have been based on in vitro Generally, Candida utilizes different pathways in the me-
models, making it more difficult to translate these findings tabolism of its nutrients. Disruption in any of the steps in-
into real infection in humans [149]. In vitro biofilm models volved in the pathway reduces colonization and virulence.
that take into consideration in vivo conditions should be de- During infection, different carbon sources (sugar and non-
veloped. Substances that could bind to and inactivate the sugar) are used. The ability of Candida spp. to effectively
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

utilize GLCNAC stimulates and modulates pH and hyphal Candida virulence. In the pathogenicity process of
growth. Metabolic flexibility, therefore, confers an edge for C. albicans, hyphae formation is activated during invasion
virulence [151]. It has been reported that growth in carboxylic while the iron scavenging process is activated during the dam-
acids and lactate result in profound changes to the C. albicans age phase. In a review, Fourie et al. stated that the presence of
cell wall, by masking β-glucans, an effective immune evasion iron had a great influence in the ability of C. albicans to switch
tactic [152]. The presence of these nutrients results in a change from a commensal to a pathogen [159]. Iron also has a great
in cell wall components of C. albicans [152]. The β-glucan, influence on disease outcomes.
an important cell wall component, is usually concealed during In summary, host-pathogen interactions are greatly affected
the process. The covering of β-glucan is an effective mecha- by nutrient metabolism and flexibility. Several nutrient
nism for evading the host immune system. sources exert great influence on fungal fitness, act as signals
During invasive infections, gluconeogenesis, glyoxylate that influence resistance to multiple stresses, and even affect
cycle, and β-oxidation of fatty acids are usually upregulated. the cell wall structures. Candida glabrata also utilizes viable
Most importantly, the glyoxylate pathway, a vital metabolic alternative carbon sources required to persist in the host [160].
pathway seen in Candida spp., is essential for survival during The ability of Candida spp. to respond to changes in nutrient
nutrient starvation and other adverse environmental condi- availability, induced by the host, is very important in its path-
tions. For patients undergoing antibiotic therapies, ogenicity [150]. It has become evident that fungal nutritional
C. albicans can outgrow the other organisms. In the blood acquisition systems, transport, and competition (scavenging)
stream, there is high abundance of glucose for use by are all involved in the regulation of Candida virulence. This
C. albicans. However, C. albicans faces nutrient starvation underlying regulatory scheme may provide the basis for the
when phagocytosed by immune cells. When C. albicans is development of potential therapeutic targets in the future.
completely covered by the macrophages, the organism not Therefore, given that metabolites can act as future biomarkers
only switches from glycolysis to gluconeogenesis but also for drug development, an understanding of the pathways of
switches to glyoxylate cycle. This switching is fully aided central metabolism in Candida, especially among the non-
by isocitrate lyase and malate synthase, the two important albicans species, could help in suppressing these fungal
enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle. This switch in the pathway pathogens.
enables C. albicans to thrive inside phagocytic cells (e.g.,
macrophages and neutrophils) which are completely lacking Synergistic coaggregation with resident microbiota
in nutrient [153]. The glyoxylate cycle is not only essential for
Candida survival when engulfed by macrophages and neutro- The complex community of microbes interact among them-
phils but also essential for virulence [154]. The two key en- selves and this interaction has co-evolved to maintain relative
zymes (isocitrate lyase and malate synthase) are potential at- homeostasis [161, 162]. Different human bacterial microbiota
tractive targets for the development of new drugs [155]. highly coexists with Candida species [163]. However, fungi
During the development of resistance to antifungal agents are a small part of the microbiota when compared with bacte-
(such as the azoles), metabolic pathways are usually altered ria [164]. Bacteria have the ability to support or interfere with
with significant change in the cell wall contents of the nearby fungal cells and vice versa [165]. The association
C. albicans [156]. Recently, Laurian et al. explored the and interactions between microbes are necessary for the main-
uninvestigated aspects of glycolytic metabolism in Candida tenance of a healthy microbiota. It is one of the most notewor-
and showed that the two enzymes, hexokinase and glucoki- thy areas of intense research since the beginning of the twen-
nases, are important for morphology transition, cell fitness tieth century [166]. Alterations in the interactions between
and mediate virulence, and pathogenicity [157]. In addition, microbes lead to the overgrowth of Candida species. This
Han et al. reported two key enzymes, NAD+-dependent gluta- often carries significant negative effect on human health espe-
mate dehydrogenase (GDH2) and NADPH-dependent gluta- cially in immunocompromised individuals [167].
mate dehydrogenase (GDH3) [158] that are involved in main- Intense interactions between bacteria and C. albicans have
taining redox balance in C. albicans cells. They play an impor- direct implication in the pathogenesis and treatment of infec-
tant role in the morphogenesis of C. albicans and could be tions caused by the fungus. Candida blood stream infections
potential targets for blocking the morphological switching in are often accompanied by about 25% of bacterial infection.
C. albicans. Thus, the understanding of the genes involved in The two major bacteria most commonly isolated from infec-
cell redox balance could help to better understand C. albicans tions with C. albicans include Staphylococcus (mostly aureus
morphogenesis [158]. and epidermidis) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Synergistic
Nutrient accumulation triggers the expression of diverse colonization of the host or indwelling medical devices by
genes needed for its uptake and utilization. During the inva- these pathogens result in mixed biofilm formation. This is
sion and damage by Candida species, iron-related genes are often associated with increased virulence and pathogenesis,
usually expressed. Iron is an essential component required for in addition to increased resistance to antimicrobial agents
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

[163, 168]. The coaggregation of two microbial species must have a mechanism that enables it to damage the hemo-
(C. albicans and Streptococcus mutants) in biofilm formation globin and release the iron. This mechanism involves the pro-
often results in biofilms with higher biomass, as well as mu- duction of the lytic protein called hemolysins [176, 177].
tual benefits than the biofilm formed by a single species [169]. Thus, the remarkable ability of hemolysins to facilitate path-
Candida albicans can also form synergistic interaction with ogen survival and persistence due to the acquisition of iron,
other Candida species like C. glabrata [170]. This interaction hyphal invasion in cases of systemic candidiasis, or dissemi-
under diverse environmental conditions can greatly influence nated candidiasis makes it a very important virulence factor
hyphae formation, phenotypic switching, biofilm formation, [55, 56, 178].
resistance to antifungal drugs, and virulence. The binding be- As previously reported by Luo et al., hemolysins are
tween hyphae of C. albicans and C. glabrata facilitates the grouped in three categories: beta (complete), alpha (incom-
proliferation of C. glabrata in oropharyngeal candidiasis plete), and gamma (non-hemolytic) [179]. Candida albicans
[171]. During invasion of mucosal barriers, Staphylococcus and non-albicans Candida species are beta hemolytic
aureus attaches to the hyphae formed by C. albicans. The [180–182]. Yigit and Aktas showed that Sabouraud dextrose
biofilm formed by S. aureus results in increased Candida vir- agar supplemented with sheep blood was the best and most
ulence. It also provides the bacteria with protection against sensitive medium to demonstrate hemolysis by Candida spe-
host immune cells and antimicrobial agents [168]. It is, there- cies [183]. High rate (94.8%) of hemolysin production by
fore, evident that mutually beneficial biofilms can be formed Candida albicans was reported by Sachin et al. [184]
by C. albicans and other commensal bacteria and fungi. However, most non-albicans Candida species also demon-
However, it is also important to emphasize that not all strated similar ability to produce hemolysin when compared
bacteria-Candida associations are beneficial. The colonization with C. albicans, thus, suggesting the pathogenic capacity of
with specific bacteria species can reduce Candida load and the emerging non-albicans Candida species [55]. Blood glu-
pathogenesis. In a recent study, E. coli not only outcompetes cose concentration, presence of electrolytes, and strain geno-
C. albicans but also produces a substance that kills Candida type of Candida species are some of the factors that influence
cells through a magnesium-dependent mechanism [172]. hemolysin production. In Candida species, the three electro-
Camarillo-Marquez et al. demonstrated the antagonistic inter- lytes, CaCl2, NaCl, and KCl, can cause decrease in hemolysin
action of Staphylococcus aureus towards C. glabrata [173]. production [185]. A rise in blood glucose level may positively
The data showed that S. aureus repressed the proliferation of influence hemolysin production [176]. In a contrary observa-
C. glabrata and caused cell death via an apoptotic mechanism. tion, Arslan et al. showed that diabetes and caries do not have
Bacteria-induced suppression of filamentation can be alleviat- any influence on Candida virulence [186]. However, unlike
ed by the depletion of bacteria by antibiotics thereby facilitat- other enzymes, the exact role of hemolysins in fungal infec-
ing the shift of Candida from a commensal to pathogenic state tion is not well understood [185].
[174]. Additionally, the interaction between Candida species
can affect biofilm formation, formation of hyphae and gene Phospholipases
expression crucial for virulence and establishment of infec-
tion. As reported by de Barros et al., C. tropicalis antagonis- Phospholipases are ubiquitous group of hydrolases that cata-
tically affects C. albicans biofilm formation, yeast-to-hyphae lyze the breakdown of phospholipids into fatty acids and other
transition in addition to altering its virulence attributes [175]. lipophilic substances. They are very important heterogeneous
Finally, most studies on synergistic coaggregation have been group of hydrolytic enzymes that cleaves the ester bonds of
focused on C. albicans. There is need to pay attention to non- phospholipids resulting in host cell penetration and cell lysis
albicans Candida interaction with oral bacteria. by organisms [52, 187]. Due to its vast role in systemic infec-
Understanding the molecular interplay between bacteria, tion, the production of phospholipases can be seen as one of
Candida and the host is very important since such interactions the major criteria to distinguish virulent invasive strains from
greatly determine disease outcomes. noninvasive strains in Candida species.
In a study by Tsang et al., phospholipase production was
Extracellular hydrolytic enzymes and proteins observed in 30–100% of Candida isolates [56] while Jasim
et al. reported phospholipase production in 40 (80%) out of 50
Hemolysins Candida spp. [182] There are four phospholipases (phospho-
lipase A, B, C, D) [188]. Phospholipase B1 and B2 products
The ease with which pathogenic microorganisms acquire iron have been observed extracellularly. Both B1 and B2 are
is essential for their adaptation and survival. Most pathogenic known to take part in the destruction of the host cell [189].
organisms obtain iron from hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a In C. albicans, seven genes coding for phospholipase have
common compound containing iron as there are no free iron been implicated: PLA, PLB1, PLB2, PLC1, PLC2, PLC3,
molecules in the host [176]. However, to do so, the organism and PLD1 [190]. Most of these genes have been characterized
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

but a lot still remain to be learned with reference to their role in and glycerol [196]. There are about 10 members of the lipase
virulence most especially among the non-albicans Candida family gene (LIP 1–10). The expression of the genes in human
species. Candida albicans is usually the most potent phospho- infection was first shown by Stehr et al. [197] In 2008, Paraje
lipase producer. The low phospholipase activity in majority of et al. [198] showed for the first time that lipase produced by
the non-albicans Candida species suggests that the enzyme is C. albicans triggers cytotoxicity and facilitates lipid deposi-
probably not a significant virulence attribute for these species. tion in the cells of the immune system. This attribute is prob-
Non-albicans Candida spp. such as C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, ably due to the production of ROS. Although lipase produc-
C. krusei, and even C. parapsilosis have been reported to tion was first reported in C. albicans, non-albicans such as
produce phospholipase [191]. Thus, more attention should C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, and C. tropicalis have
be focused on studying the phospholipase potentials of non- all been shown to possess lipase genes orthologous to those
albicans Candida spp. since this enzyme correlates with anti- found in C. albicans [199]. Tissue destruction due to
fungal resistance and plays an important role in increased C. parapsilosis infection can be greatly reduced by lipase
disseminated of infection. inhibitors [200].

Proteinases Coagulase

Proteinase is an important enzyme that cleaves or breaks down Coagulase is not only a differentiation factor in Staphylococci
vital proteins [51]. There are four categories of proteinase: but also an important virulent determinant in most pathogenic
serine proteinase, aspartyl proteinase, cysteine proteinase, organisms. Both C. albicans and non-albicans (C. tropicalis)
and metalloproteinase. Candida secretes secretory aspartyl show coagulase activity with human plasma [201]. The
proteinases (SAP). SAP is one of the multifunctional mole- change in the coagulase activity of Candida species mostly
cules involved in Candida pathogenesis. SAP production by observed could directly or indirectly provide insight on the
fungi increases colonization and penetration of the host tissue. importance of virulence factors in candidiasis. However, the
The expression of different SAP genes correlates with disease process involved in the changing of coagulase activity ob-
types; hence, SAP is one of the major determinants for differ- served in pathogenic Candida species warrants future
ent types of candidiasis [50, 51] (Table 3). SAP genes ranging research.
from SAP1–SAP10 have been identified in C. albicans [190,
192]. While Aya et al. [193] and Lima et al. [194] reported the Secretion of cytolytic proteins (candidalysins)
distribution and high frequency of SAP genes and antifungal
genes in Candida isolates recovered from vulvovaginal can- Candidalysin, an amino acid peptide, is a cytolytic toxin pro-
didiasis, Kadry et al. [49] showed a link between the forma- duced by C. albicans. A similar cytotoxic protein is also pro-
tion of biofilm and SAP prevalence in resistant Candida duced by non-albicans such as C. tropicalis and
albicans isolates. Ramos et al. [195] reported that all isolates C. dubliniensis. Candidalysin is secreted from Ece1p protein.
of C. albicans and majority of the non-albicans isolated from In C. albicans, the ECE1 is one of the major morphology-
cases of cutaneous candidiasis produce SAP. Both albicans associated genes usually expressed during hyphae formation
and non-albicans species produce and spontaneously express [93] (Table 2). Candidalysin has the ability to permeate and
SAP genes. Candida glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, trigger lysis in the host epithelium. It induces a danger re-
C. dubliniensis, and C. albicans are highly pathogenic sponse signaling pathway and drives epithelial immunity ac-
Candida species frequently reported to produce SAP [189]. tivation [58]. It is very crucial for mucosal infection immuno-
Although non-pathogenic or minimally pathogenic species pathology. Recently, it was demonstrated that candidalysin is
possess and express SAP genes, they produce insignificant also required during disseminated systemic infection by
quantities of the enzyme. Candida albicans [202].
The production of candidalysin rather than hyphae forma-
Lipases tion is one of the indispensable mediators of host cell damage.
This makes it one of the major virulence attributes in Candida
Lipase is one of the enzymes produced by pathogenic [57]. During C. albicans mucosal infection, damage to the
Candida spp. Lipases facilitate lipid digestion for nutrient cells of the epithelium and the overall virulence was greatly
uptake (refer to Table 3 for other functions). The enzyme is reduced by the removal ECE1 gene [31]. ECE1 mutants form
also required for initiation of inflammation. This is achieved hyphae akin to the wild-type strain but lack the ability to
by lysing resident microflora within the immediate environ- damage the cells of the epithelium. Thus, for C. albicans hy-
ment which affects cells of the immune system [53, 54]. phae to mediate invasive mucosal infections and enhance
Lipase is a key enzyme that facilitates the hydrolysis of ester damage to tissues without affecting filamentous growth, it
bonds of triglycerides releasing monoacylglycerol (fatty acid) must be able to secrete candidalysin. This attribute provides
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

Table 3 Extracellular hydrolytic enzymes and other virulence factors and molecules in Candida species

S/ Functions References

1 Secretory aspartyl proteinase Facilitates adherence to epithelial host tissues [48]

(SAP) (SAP 1–SAP10) Degrades host tissue proteins [49]
Enhances dissemination
Enhances biofilm formation and phenotypic switching [50]
Protects the fungus against the immune system due to its ability to digest a number of
proteins (complements, cytokines, and immunoglobulin) essential for host defense
Essential for hyphae formation [51]
2 Phospholipase (PLs) Digests membrane phospholipids resulting in cell lysis and morphological changes [52]
that facilitate adherence and consequent infection
3 Lipase (LP) Facilitates the breakdown of lipids for nutrient assimilation [53]
Enhances adherence to host surfaces
Promotes invasion, mediate interactions with various enzymes, cell signaling and
penetration of infectious particles.
Crucial for initiation of inflammation [54]
4 Hemolysin (HL) Facilitates the degradation of hemoglobin, involved in iron acquisition [55]
Enhances growth, metabolism, and hyphal invasion during infection [56]
5 Candidalysin (CAL) Cytolytic peptide toxin encoded by ECE1 gene [57]
Triggers cell lysis or host cell damage and induces epithelial immunity [58]
6 Adhesins (ADH) Promote adherence to surfaces [59]
Mediate colonization and persistence required for biofilm formation [60]
7 Phenotypic switching Protects from host immune response and facilitates adaptation in a changing environment [61]
8 Superoxide dismutase Help to detoxify ROS
(SOD) and catalase
9 Farnesol Quorum-sensing molecule involved in morphogenesis. [46]
Represses hyphae growth via its effect on signaling cascade involved in morphogenesis. [62]
It controls diverse proteins and TFs involved in hyphae formation.
Involved in biofilm formation and negatively impacts host immune response [47]
10 HSPs Mediate stress responses and involved in morphogenesis [63]
Control several signaling pathways
Regulate diverse cellular processes including biofilm formation [64]
• Hsp 90: Involved in morphological transition, heat tolerance, regulation of cell cycle, [65, 66]
and drug resistance
Controls yeast cell proliferation. Interacts with calcineurin for mycelia to yeast transition to occur. [67, 68]
Elicit the genes that negatively regulate yeast-to-hyphae transition via the Ras1-pka [69]
signaling repression
Downregulation initiates Ras1-pka pathway important for hyphal growth [70]
• Hsp 70: The two members seen in C. albicans are Ssa1 and Ssa2. They trigger endocytosis [43]
of the host cells and exert strong effects on C. albicans virulence. These effects can be positive
or negative.
• Hsp 60: Basically involved in immunological reactions
• Hsp 12 (small Hsp): Enhances cell adhesion, proliferation of yeast cells and decreases [71–73]
C. albicans susceptibility to farnesol
• Hsp 21 (small Hsp): Controls homeostasis of glycogen, glycerol, and trehalose [74]

the link between hyphal development and epithelial damage. receptor (EGFR). This observation justifies EGFR as a sensi-
It is now known that the production of candidalysin is a vital tive part of candidalysin-induced immunological response.
step that enhances mucosal Candida infection and accelerates Candidalysin triggers the production of lactate dehydrogenase
disease progression. [93, 204] which indicates damage to the cells and disruption
According to Ho et al. [203], candidalysin activates innate of the membrane. In addition, candidalysin triggers epithelial
epithelial immune responses via the epidermal growth factor immunity using MAPK signaling molecules which invariably
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

activates the recruitment of immune cells essential for protec- Adaptation to pH fluctuation
tion against mucosal infection [93, 205, 206]. It also triggers
the NLRP3 inflammasome causing cytolysis in phagocytes. Environmental pH has effects on Candida survival. At opti-
Candidalysin and the associated signaling components are mum pH, proteins function effectively. However, they lose
potential therapeutic targets for treatment of mucosal infec- their activity when there is alteration in pH [215]. This change
tions. Understanding how candidalysin interacts with the cells in pH disrupts nutrient (e.g., iron) acquisition required for
of the epithelium prior to damage and infection progression is innate immunity and other vital functions. However, change
very important. Future studies should also look at how in pH triggers signaling pathways (allows the organism to
candidalysin is detected by cells of the epithelium. This will sense pH alteration) and changes the expression of genes,
help to better understand the pathogenesis of Candida species PHR1 and PHR2, in Candida species [215]. Controlling ex-
and more importantly pave the way for better therapeutic tracellular pH is a vital aspect of fungal physiology necessary
approach. for maintaining fitness within the host. Adaptation to varying
environmental pH is an indispensable factor in Candida
Heat shock protein secretion pathogenesis.
In most pathogenic fungi, alkalinity induces morphological
Heat shock proteins (Hsps) found in most microbes are usu- changes, filamentation, and even the production of fruiting
ally induced in response to oxidative and thermal stress, nu- bodies [216]. Most of these physiological processes are criti-
trient deficiencies, osmotic pressure, and pH stress [67]. They cal for disease progression. Alkalinity enhances invasion of
interact with several signaling pathway regulators which gives tissues and helps cells to evade activities of immune cells. In
them the ability to control vast number of cellular activities maintaining internal pH, C. albicans produces ammonia
and virulence factors [23]. Hsps act as molecular chaperons (NH3). During the process of exporting the NH3 out of the
(proteins that recognize and bind with nascent polypeptides cell, the NH3 is changed to NH4+ by the action of the enzyme,
and partially folded protein intermediates) preventing their urease. Increase in the quantity of the NH4+ within the envi-
aggregation and misfolding. In dimorphism, expression of ronment increases the pH which has been shown to facilitate
these Hsps is upregulated at the yeast stage. morphogenesis. It also enables the fungus to evade the action
When signaling pathways are triggered by thermal stress of phagosome and macrophages [217]. Therefore, a dramatic
and other environmental perturbants, the heat shock transcrip- cytosolic alkalinization in C. albicans precedes hyphal forma-
tion factor (Hsf1) is phosphorylated [207, 208]. The phos- tion. Studies have shown that Pma1p is the regulator of this
phorylation of Hsf1 results in the expression of Hsp genes. event [218, 219]. About 20–40% of the entire plasma mem-
The heat shock element (HSE) aids the expression of several brane protein is made up of Pma1p. Recently, Rane et al. [220]
Hsp genes [209]. This gene expression has a high influence on suggested that Pma1p, the major regulator of cytosolic pH in
several cellular processes [23] and overall virulence of fungi, plays an important role in cytosolic alkalinization and
Candida spp. as shown in Fig. 3. Nair et al. reported that contributes to growth, pH homeostasis, filamentation, and the
Hsf1 regulates several cellular processes [210]. When induced overall increase in C. albicans virulence. The role of Pma1p as
by non-thermal stress, Hsf1 regulates key chaperons, controls a pH regulator in Candida makes it an important target for
genes involved in filamentation. They are also involved in antifungal drugs.
stress response and resistance to antifungal agents. During Not minding the role of alkaline pH in Candida virulence,
iron starvation, Hsf1 is also very vital for survival [210]. Candida species can also acidify the environment.
Hsp plays an important role during cellular stress. It interacts Acidification of the environment allows the secretion of
with regulators of several signaling pathways. It is crucial for SAP-potent virulent factor and offers a protective effect to
yeast growth and the overall virulence of Candida spp. as Candida species. Adaptation and survival of Candida in acid-
specified in Table 3. Disrupting signaling pathways associ- ic environment are important for vital cellular activities such
ated with Hsps could have a great effect on Candida as phenotypic switching, mating, and morphogenesis [221]. In
pathogenesis [65, 211]. By controlling signaling pathways, a media with pH ranging from 2–10, Candida can proliferate
Hsps confer antifungal drug resistance [212]. Six HSPs effectively. Studies have isolated Candida in the oral surfaces,
associated with pathogenesis have been observed in stomach, and vaginal tract with pH of 2, 4–5, and 6 respec-
C. albicans: Hsp 90, Hsp 60, Hsp 21, Hsp 104, Hsp tively [222]. The cell wall of C. albicans grown in the acidic
12, and Hsp 70 [213] (refer to Table 3 for their specific environment has a higher level of chitin and β-glucan. The
functions). Based on the available studies, targeting HSP- remodeling of the cell wall due to the acidity results in in-
related signaling pathways or disrupting the activity of creased immune cell identification of C. albicans and higher
HSP 90 which happens to be the most frequently proinflammatory processes resulting in better colonization.
researched heat shock protein is a potential route for de- Finally, the acidity of the vagina contributes to increased re-
veloping new drugs against C. albicans infections [214]. sistance to azoles [223]. Lourenco et al. [224] in a contrasting
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

Oxidative stress
Thermal stress Non-thermal stress Osmotic stress Environmental perturbants
Nutrient stress
Heavy metals

Calcium-calcineurin RAS-cAMP-PKA MAPK pathways

Hsf1 Hsf1

TFs Hsp 70
Hsp 21 Heat shock proteins (HSPs)
Hsp 90 Hsp 60 Hsp 12

Biofilm formation
Cell adhesion Resistance to antifungal drugs

Increased virulence &


Fig. 3 The activation of heat shock proteins and their role in Candida Hsp genes. The heat shock element (HSE) aids the expression of several
pathogenesis. When signaling pathways are triggered by thermal stress Hsp genes. The signaling pathways also induce the Efg1 gene and several
and other environmental perturbants such as oxidative stress and the TFs including those involved in biofilm formation and hyphae formation.
presence of heavy metals, the heat shock transcription factor (Hsf1) is This gene expression has a high influence on several cellular processes
phosphorylated. The phosphorylation of Hsf1 results in the expression of which ultimately result in increased virulence and pathogenesis

observation noted that the level of acidity in the vagina regu- Immune response can also secrete proteins that are very lethal
lates C. albicans and C. glabrata sensitivity to the azole anti- to Candida spp. The recruitment of neutrophils, basophils,
fungal agents. What remains to be fully understood is whether cytokines, chemokines, and even the complement proteins
the presence of acid in the vagina facilitates resistance or sus- can reduce the chance of proliferation, tissue invasion, and
ceptibility to the azole antifungal drugs used in the treatment the survival chances of pathogens. Notwithstanding, microbes
of candidiasis. This understanding will help in developing must find a way to survive.
better therapeutic options for the management of vulvovaginal Most pathogenic Candida spp. have evolved efficient
candidiasis. In addition, studies on pH signaling pathways in stress response mechanisms while new mechanisms keep
C. albicans and non-albicans Candida species are clearly emerging in response to ever-fluctuating environmental con-
needed. ditions. Candida responds to various stress inputs using spe-
cific signaling pathways such as MAPK, Hog1, and Mkc1
Efficient responses to multiple stresses pathways (refer to Table 1). Cap1, Skn7, and Msn4 are some
of the transcription factors that drive stress response in
In dynamic environment, stress adaptation is very critical for Candida [30]. In C. albicans, the Hsf1, Cta4, Cap1, and
microbial survival and effective colonization. For yeast cells Skn7 are actively involved in resistance to thermal,
to adhere, multiply, undergo morphogenesis, invade the tis- nitrosative, and oxidative stress conditions. Cell wall remod-
sues, and establish infection, they must be able to cope with eling, fatty acid metabolism, and response to oxidative stress
multiple stresses. Some of the stress conditions encountered have an association with cationic stress [225]. Ribosomal bio-
by yeast cells can be categorized into oxidative stress, osmotic genesis reduction and glycerol accumulation are part of the
stress, nutrient stress, thermal stress, and even pH-related requirement for survival in high NaCl environment [226].
stress. Host defense mechanisms are also perceived as a form There is also a reduction in translation.
of stress. Generally, immunological response can release reac- Most pathogenic Candida spp. are less likely to survive in
tive oxygen species (ROS) leading to oxidative stress and can any environment with high prevalence of cationic and oxida-
even create a nutrient-deprived environment for yeast cells. tive stress [227]. In the presence of cationic stress, Candida
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

upregulates ORF19.7296 transcription but requires Hog1p most important adhesins [234]. Some proteins that are not
and Sko1p (HOG signaling components) for full expression adhesins such as Cbk1, Svn41, and Pga1 also control adher-
[225]. The ORF19.7296p is found in the plasma membrane ence [89, 235]. During infection of the mucosal epithelium,
and together with SLP3 make up C. albicans genome [228]. Als-3 is upregulated. Als-3 also plays an important role during
Diverse environmental stress triggers an increase in SLP3 ex- biofilm formation as it helps cells to adhere to each other
pression. Under stress conditions and in the presence of high [236].
concentration of NH4+, SLP3 transcription is upregulated
[229]. However, SLP3 is downregulated during yeast-to-
Antifungal resistance
hyphae transition and exposure to thermal stress [230]. SLP3
was found to be an important gene mediating stress response
Resistance to antifungal drugs, especially the azoles, is gener-
factor in the yeast phase but not in hyphal phase [228].
ally attributed to changes in the expression of ERG11 gene,
Reduction in the quantity of short-chain fatty acids, derived
and alterations or mutations in ERG biosynthesis. It is specif-
from fungi due to antibiotic elicited stress, results in a rise in
ically due to the overexpression of the ERG11 which increases
C. albicans colonization of GIT [231]. Therefore, therapeutic
ERG11 enzyme copy number. The upregulation or overex-
approaches that augment host defense can be developed by
pression of the multidrug transporter also enhances resistance
understanding of stress response mechanisms.
to antifungal drugs. Resistance to antifungal agents is one of
the pathogenic determinants of Candida spp. because of the
Genome plasticity
ability of the resistant cells to persist, survive, and establish
Candida albicans is a highly heterozygous diploid species
Table 3 summarizes the essential virulent factors and their
with a high level of genomic and genetic variability among
roles in Candida pathogenicity while Fig. 1 shown in the
clinical isolates. Candida also shows an unusual ability to alter
previous section outlines the major network of Candida viru-
its genome, adapt and survive in an ever-fluctuating environ-
lence and pathogenesis. It shows the connections between the
ment [33]. Different genotypes and strains of Candida
various determinants of pathogenesis and virulent factors
albicans exhibit different virulence activities [186]. Changes
discussed in this review.
in genetic composition under fluctuating environmental con-
ditions trigger pathogenicity [232]. Genome plasticity has sev-
eral effects on virulence and pathogenicity of Candida species
(Table 1). Dunn et al. [233] reported that genetic diversity Conclusion/recommendation
associated with the massive increase in TLO gene family,
encoding the Med2 subunits, influences a range of pheno- This review has shown that several transcriptional factors,
types. It also contributes to C. albicans commensalism and metabolic pathways, morphology-associated/virulence
its switch to an opportunistic pathogenic strain. encoding genes, biofilm formation, phenotypic switching,
Therefore, exposures to host environment, antifungal host microbiota composition, and a host of other virulence
drugs, DNA transformation, oxidative stress, temperature, nu- features are indispensable factors required for virulence and
trient stress, and osmotic stress induce and elevate large scale pathogenicity in Candida species. Targeting the various path-
chromosomal changes that lead to genome plasticity. Genes ogenic routes represents a very vital way for the formulation
mediating virulence and pathogenicity in most pathogenic of novel antifungals. Much have been learned in the under-
fungi are highly clustered in variable and physically distinct standing of Candida pathogenesis mechanisms as shown by
genome compartment. Phenotypic variation in addition to host the plethora of published data illustrating modern therapeutic
specificity, pathogenicity, antimicrobial resistance, and viru- approaches. It is unequivocally clear that in order to formulate
lence in pathogenic Candida species may be explained by new antifungals or increase the efficacy of the already avail-
genetic diversity and genome organization. able ones, develop novel vaccines, and efficiently control can-
didiasis, significant advances in the understanding of the di-
Adherence to surfaces verse routes and regulatory mechanisms of Candida pathoge-
nicity are indispensable. The following conclusions (key
Adherence to host surfaces is a primary event in candidiasis. It points) and recommendations extracted from our study can
is required for initial colonization and persistence prior to be made:
initiation of infection. Adherence is controlled by proteins
termed adhesins [59]. The ALS gene is responsible for the 1. There still remain considerable gaps in our knowledge of
most common adhesins in C. albicans (Table 2). Eight sets the exact mechanism that triggers Candida transition
of ALS genes encode the glycoproteins of which ALS-3 ap- from yeast to hyphae. To better understand this, more
pears to be the most important [150]. Hwp1 is also one of the attention should be given to yeast promoting regulators.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

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gy in preventing fungal virulence. Anti-virulence com- mechanisms of Candida pathogenicity will contribute
pounds that could target morphogenesis and other im- immensely in the management of candidiasis.
portant signaling pathways could be a very possible al-
ternative or contribution to the current armamentarium
of antifungal drugs. Identification of alternative physio-
logical pathways of central metabolism that affect path- References
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