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IB QUESTIONS - PERIODICITY 1. Inthe periodic table, elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. C. number of valence electrons. B atomic mass. _D. electronegativiy 2, Which one of the following series is arranged in order of Increasing value? A. The frst ionisation energies of oxygen, fluorine, neon, The radi of H+ fon, H atom, H* ion, . The electronegativities of chlorine, bromine, iodine. D. The boiling points of iodine, bromine, chlorine. 3. Which propery increases with increasing atomic number for both the alkali metals and the halogens? ‘A lonisation energies C. Electronegativites Melting points. Atomic rai 4. Which set of reactants below is expected to produce the ‘rot vigorous reaction? AL Nats) + Ch) BL Nas) + Brig) C.K) + Chg) D.Kis)+ Brig) 5. Which one ofthe following statements about the halogen sroup i correct? ‘A. First ionisation energies increase from F to. 1B Fluorine has the smallest tendency to be reduced €: Cl, will oxidise Faq). D. I, isa stronger oxidising agent than F,, TS | Which element is most similar chemically tothe element 1. 0.01 mole samples ofthe following oxides were added to 10, Which reaction occurs readily? 6._ Strontium is an element in Group 2 of the Periodic Table with atomic number 38. Which of the following statements about strontium is NOT correct? |A. Is fest ionisation energy is lower than that of calcium, B, {thas two electrons inits outermost energy level, . Its atomic radius is smaller than magnesium. D. It forms a chloride withthe formula SrCl, -- Which one ofthe following elements has the lowest fst ionisation energy? Ali Mg Na D.Al with 14 electrons? AA C.Ge BAS bP separate T dn? portions of water. Which will produce the most acidic solution? A. ALOsi8) C.N2,0%5) B. SiO) D.sOy9) 1 Brylaq) + 2109) — fag) +28 1aq) 1. Brylaq) + 2Claq) = Clfaq) + 28r(aq) A. tonly €.Both f and tt B. only D. Neither! nor I

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