Experiment 1 Ohm's Law

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% Cigtcutt Diagstam 2 “HII —" Barory Rheostat Onlenown, Reststence R cine S ¥ Chseivations t~ 31 Length Longin of the steststance evine L= sq cm 2) Range Range of the givem cimmetet = 0-250 MA Range of the given voltmeter! = lov 3) Least Count Least count of ammetey = Jo.0 mA Least count OF voltmetey = WA 0.2 " Aim 2% To determine siesfstance pextcm of a given | lot. by plotting a—guapla_of potential — ——}_-dliflenence —_veueua Cuan st ena _#Appanatus ty A siestclance eaiote, a vottimeten Co-3)v_ | arid an ammeten_Co-32 A-ct_appsiopaiate —______s1ange., a _tatten Chattesiy _¢limin atost), ;_______@_sheostar , Q emebate Scale, One urcuy teoy , Connecting 091210) _and_@ piece at sind — ic Papen. ¥ | | a ae |T[heosy o~ 2 af Acrosiding tothe oh ms low the cuwtent ? lowing — ——|-thatough a __Condlucton fs _disiectow _clistectly psiapoottional —L#te._the_polential difference _acstoss ft: ends potovided the ——..physfcal dondi tions of, the _conductosi_etemafins the same, of IT. be the _cusiient flowing’ thstough _@_conducteot {And _\V_be._-the__potentiol. difference acsioss Fs ends, A —|then__@ccoaid?ng _to__ohms_law, Tot: i Vit TO Ve pr \@hore _R_PS Abe __cov\ stant _ct__pstopoattionality. sr ic —_Lenown ar __stesistance of the conductom. Teacher's Signature: A. Leto Esurtoot Zesro ststos1 Pay ammeter) 61 0 G. Table foor Amretey and Voltmeter Reoolin 1S Zexo esisiosi Pr voltmekent ,P2 = 0 — 5. Zeso Costtection ZEHO Costrection foot ammetey, C, = ~-= _O. Zesto Cosstection foot Voltmeter, & = -&>= 0 Voltmeted Reading VCv) I. Sx, | Ammeten Reading rca) | || No. [Cbseaved | Costsrected Obselved | Contriecter| | To (MA) | Dat 4+e, Vo VeVo +, Cohm) l| 4.) Ao ho 0-4 0.4 a | i2. | 5D, sv 06 0.6 Pip | 3.40 Jo 4 10 OY 0-¥ i | 4. | Go qo 1 \ io oe tuo 14o hy hay i‘ Mean Value of sesclunce. R= 610 choy ——EE Youva Ro depends upon eee eof __motenial , tempenatund Ond__dimensions af. the _concuactoot, > \Tn__8T units, the potential oliftenemce V fo | Measuted In __volt__and the _cusxent T fn ampere, ithe oteePstance R Ps _meanured fin hoa. —____ _1)/ To establish the cuvisient- ~ volta Voltage otelasionship, constant fai _@_given_oiesistance , there fose oa gsaph __|betweem__the potential obit-e1ence Cv) and the — | Cunmenk CT) must be a stsioight line, __ ' | The constant stato gives _unkmoum value ot stosistence, =R Vv Tr Ae Poto.cedusie_2~ =, >| Apiau ange—the_ap pposiakus (gua! garcpl eaahenl gal | givem nthe asistangement!_cttagoiam. = Teacher's Signature: ——___________ ans pg. we a a. 24 porns? = 10 ! Onis? Ro = ae 0.012 = ool xid3 = toe | ens 0.011 = 0.01 x10> = lo } | Re . mA 5 0-01 i 6.01 X10” = (oes x6 Ree Wy 3 RitRe + Rs + Rut R Mean Reststance, g ~ ee ee Oe ee le i B — Only _ a [R= oy]. gz leks t led wiye sy i Sr ae Re jugs — Fron] — a ssenes-s alee aaa aida J 77 Clean the ends of the connecting svistes evi Ha_sand _—,popen__4r_siemave the fnsutations if amy —__ =? |Malee_meak clean cind_tigint connections _acconding +> lthe Cioteust ciagsiam_— while nadilcinng connecHons Cnsune that __-tVe, manteed _tesiminala_of voltmeter — = hand Anomete4 asie_joined sowoxtds ne +Ve ___Heumofnal ot the paftesy = Deteamtne “the least count Cf volbmedex_ctnd __ ammeter __and__a@lsv_Moke the zen0 estan, tf any > Tasent the leoy_k, slide the stheostat contact __land_see that _ammekest__and__Vol#meten ane ——wooailefng —_potoppexthy = Adjust the sliding contanct of the atheostat such — —_|+hak_@Q measunable _cunstent passes __thstough the _ | stesfstance cofl mt the, viesfsteance cviote | Note dono the value ok potential difference Y [ftom _Volimetet and _cusistent 1 fistom _ammetéot.— —|chift_the —atheoslatcontact_slighHy so that both. lammeden ond ___Voltmotey _ show full divisions — Loteading and mot_fu__Ssiaction. ete => Recosd_ the_oleading ch the_voltmeter and “ammeter, z Teacher's Signature: Tole at teast fives ote OF fadependeut cbsowatins, —? {Cub the stesfstance eviote_ot the points eohene ff __leaves the _tesimPnals,. stoetcl tk and find it _—lengt__by the metste scale Recosid your Ghsesvations. >| Porecautions 8 |The connections should be nec, clean and Hight. — Thick _coppey_terisier _should be ased fost the — ——|connections_oHey_siemoving ye —fnsulas?wgon ——|meast_theist_onds _by subbing site _sand__paper.— = Nalimeter anol _cmmebey should” toe __of _paiopes_siange. _~ > !A low siesPetunce siheostat should be sed, =>! The Icey should oe ___fiasestted only whi! en gieamnna Teacher's Signature: —_—___ Cal culation Soom gotoph Slope = BS P AB 1 ou ~ Toa-uo (MAD — 0.6 ie N - Go x A Re OOK 10 Re Io gn __D) Resisteince porem of the wiote_fs 10.00 0 ni! 1D the gaaph between Vand fs _a_stotaight tine. 4 Teacher's Signature:

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