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Invigilator Sign

Cambridge International
Cambridge International General Certificate of
Secondary Education

Summative Assessment
Sample Paper 2 English TIME:
50 Marks

• Answer all questions.
• Use a black or dark blue pen.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number
in the boxes at the top of the page.
• Write your answer to each question in the space
• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
• Do not write on any bar codes.
• You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.

• The total mark for this paper is 50
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in
brackets [ ].
Section A: Reading
Spend 30 minutes on this section.

Read the text, and answer questions 1–12.

1 Look at the first paragraph (lines 1–5).

(a) What literary technique is used in line 2?

Select & tick any one from the options

ii. hyperbole

iii. oxymoron

iv. personification [1]

(b) What are the crowd’s feelings?





(c) The narrator describes herself as ‘... scrawnier than a wire fence’ (line
How does this help Liza and her brother?






(d) What does we spilled out in front (line 5) tell the reader about the way
Liza and her brother emerged from the crowd?







2. Look at lines 6–9.

(a) Liza has been feeling impatient to see the new object.
Give one word that tells the reader this.




(b) The appearance of a telephone in the post office is a remarkable

event.How does the writer build up the excitement of this event?
Give two ways.












3. Look at lines 10–15.

a) Explain how the writer has linked the three paragraphs







b) Liza shares the crowd’s feelings about the telephone.

Give one phrase that tells the reader this.







4 Look at lines 16–18.

What does the reader learn about Liza’s experience of falling in love?







5 Look at lines 19–21.

(a) Liza was reluctant to leave the post office.
What word tells the reader this?





(b) Look at lines 20–21.

What question is Frank about to ask Liza?
Tick any one of the options.

a.How are you going to get the money?

b.Where are we going?

c.What are you thinking?

d.Why do you want to use the telephone? [1]

6 .The writer uses dashes ( – ) for two different reasons.

a)Why does the writer use a dash in line 29?






(b) Why does the writer use a dash in line 31?





7. What decision have the twins made between the end of the thirteenth
paragraph (line 34) and the beginning of the fourteenth paragraph (line




8. Look at lines 38–40.

What does the reader learn about Liza?
Tick any one from the following.

i.She is always honest.

ii. She knows magic tricks.

iii. She is very imaginative.

iv. She has a silly voice. [1]

9 (a) Look at lines 41–43. Explain what Liza thinks is unusual about the
mine why?What is unusual?










(b) How does the writer convey dramatic effect?





10. Look at lines 47–52.

(a) What is the writer’s use of the word ting (line 47) an example of?
Tick any one




iv.onomatopoeia [1]

(b) What does it (line 51) refer to?




11. Do you think Liza shows great determination to get what she wants?
Tick any one.



Explain two ways that her actions show this in the text.








…………………………………………………………………..……………. [2]

12.The story is set in the historical past. One piece of evidence is that
people are familiar with how the telegraph works. Give one other piece of
evidence from the text that shows this.







Section B: Writing
Spend 30 minutes on this section.

13 The extract ends:

‘Just then, voices sounded in the next cavern over: “Zed, hold it higher.”
Two men stepped
through a gap in the far wall.’
Continue the story.
Consider the following:
• the character viewpoint
• who the two men are
• what happens next

Space for your plan:















































[Total 25]
Creation of texts : 5
Vocabulary and language :3
Grammar and punctuation : 7
Structure of texts :7
Word structure [spelling] :3


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