ROTC Assign 2

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Sison, Jhon Michael S.

February 20, 2022


Assignment 2

List down Maslow’s 14 self-actualization characters.

1. Efficient perceptions of reality

2. Comfortable acceptance of self, others and nature
3. Reliant on own experiences and judgement
4. Spontaneous and natural
5. Task centering
6. Autonomy.
7. Continued freshness of appreciation
8. Profound interpersonal relationships
9. Comfort with solitude. 
10. Non-hostile sense of humor
11. Peak experiences
12. Socially compassionate
13. Few friends
14. Gemeinschaftsgefühl.

What is are the difference of Maslow and Rogers personality development theories and how it
affects the everyday life of every individual? (Essay 100 words)

In Abraham Maslow’s self-actualization, he only emphasizes all of the basic needs of a

person in a much more general term through using a hierarchy table. For me is that Maslow’s theory
is the general need of a person and much more objective in contrast to Carl Roger’s. Carl Rogers
explained that for a person to grow they need to be in an environment that provides genuineness at
self-disclosure, acceptance, and empathy. In his theory, a person needs all of this to properly develop
their personality. Both play a role in an everyday life, is Maslow’s we apply the hierarchy as our
basic needs and goals to accomplish, reaching the highest form in life, and in Roger’s we rely upon
our environment and the people around us to realize full self-actualization, even simple things in our
everyday life contributes slowly to our self-actualization.

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