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Sison, Jhon Michael S.

February 27, 2022


Assignment 3

Why is it important to practice military traditions and customs?

Because these are the traditions and customs that become the symbol of
solidarity of a military facility that has been passed on for many generations. It
maintains morale and instills pride by providing a sense of continuity between
generations. It is what shapes the people within the facility, giving them a sense of
responsibility for one another own allies and comrades, promoting solidarity so that
within a battlefield, all of the people can be unified as one. Knowing the basics of
popular military traditions and customs can make visiting your service member on an
installation or attending a military event more comfortable. Norms or culture within
the facility, helps the people learn to get closer with one another within the military

Why do people tend to obey customs?

These are the activities that have been embedded for us to follow since we
were born. People nowadays tend to obey customs because it’s like it's the unwritten
law within a society, it became a norm for everyone within that community to follow.
It also gives the people a sense of unity with one another because they share customs
and traditions with one another, helping them get along with others providing many
experiences for the people to remember. It became a way for the common people to
respect their history and traditions, by following the customs means that they’re
embracing its origin.

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