MSG - 90 - 119460 - Spell Bee

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. Words Meaning
1 Altruistic Regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish; -- opposed to egoistic or selfish.
Contrariety or opposition in feeling; settled aversion or dislike; repugnance;
2 Antipathy distaste.
3 catastrophe a sudden disaster that causes great suffering or damage
4 Geta a type of Japanese wooden sandal.
5 Perjury False swearing.
One who practices philanthropy; one who loves mankind, and seeks to
6 Philanthropist promote the good of others.
7 Plausible Worthy of being applauded; praiseworthy; commendable; ready.
8 Prodigious Of the nature of a prodigy; marvelous; wonderful; portentous.
9 Demarche a course of action
Characterized by, or of the nature of, an hypothesis; conditional; assumed
without proof, for the purpose of reasoning and deducing proof, or of
10 Hypothetical accounting for some fact or phenomenon.
Influenced by conscience; governed by a strict regard to the dictates of
conscience, or by the known or supposed rules of right and wrong; -- said of
11 Conscientious a person.
To cover with a flood; to overflow; to deluge; to flood; as, the river inundated
12 Inundate the town.
To please; to give pleasure to; to satisfy; to soothe; to indulge; as, to gratify
13 Gratifying the taste, the appetite, the senses, the desires, the mind, etc.
14 Glutton One who eats voraciously, or to excess; a gormandizer.
Not to be defeated; not defeasible; incapable of being annulled or made
15 Indefeasible void; as, an indefeasible or title.
16 Charisma compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.
To follow or pursue with a view to reach, execute, or accomplish; to
endeavor to obtain or complete; to carry on; to continue; as, to prosecute a
17 Prosecute scheme, hope, or claim.
Mode or system of rule or management; character of government, or of the
18 Regime prevailing social system.
Evenness of mind; that calm temper or firmness of mind which is not easily
19 Equanimity elated or depressed;
Liable to vanish or pass away like vapor; vanishing; fleeting; as, evanescent
20 Evanescent joys.
21 Succinct Girded or tucked up; bound; drawn tightly together.
Not resolute; not decided or determined; wavering; given to doubt or
22 Irresolute irresolution.
The transversal part of a church, which crosses at right angles to the
greatest length, and between the nave and choir. In the basilicas, this had
often no projection at its two ends. In Gothic churches these project these
project greatly, and should be called the arms of the transept. It is common,
23 Transept however, to speak of the arms themselves as the transepts.
24 Tantamount Equivalent in value, signification, or effect.
25 Onomatopoeia The formation of words in imitation of sounds; a figure of speech in which
the sound of a word is imitative of the sound of the thing which the word
represents; as, the buzz of bees; the hiss of a goose; the crackle of fire.
The quality or power of distressing or paining; extreme degree; extremity;
intensity; inclemency; as, the severity of pain or anguish; the severity of cold
26 Severity or heat; the severity of the winter.
27 Gaiety a feeling of happiness and fun
Hardened in feelings, esp. against moral or mollifying influences; unyielding;
28 Obdurate hard-hearted; stubbornly wicked.
29 Nauseating To become squeamish; to feel nausea; to turn away with disgust.
Liable to vanish or pass away like vapor; vanishing; fleeting; as, evanescent
30 Evanescent joys.
31 Cantankerous Difficult to handle.
A percussion instrument consisting of a small drumhead with jingling disks
32 Tambourine fitted into the rim, usually played by shaking and striking with the hand.
A disease caused by eating undercooked meat, usually pork, that contains
trichinae, which develop as adults in the intestines and as larvae in the
muscles, causing intestinal disorders, fever, nausea, muscular pain, and
33 Trichinosis edema of the face.
34 Gourmand A lover of good food.
35 Supererogatory Performed or observed beyond the required or expected degree
A lustrous, grayish-white, strong, ductile metallic element obtained primarily
36 Zirconium from zircon
37 Hacienda In Spanish America,
An arbor or a passageway of columns supporting a roof of trelliswork on
38 Pergola which climbing plants are trained to grow.
A jointed puppet manipulated from above by strings or wires attached to its
39 Marionette limbs.
40 Bequeath To leave or give (personal property) by will.
41 Quandary A state of uncertainty; perplexing situation or position; dilemma.
A large deer (Rangifer tarandus) of the Arctic tundra and northern boreal
42 Caribou forests, having large hooves and long branched antlers in both sexes.
The definition of mayonnaise is a condiment made of egg yolk, oil, vinegar
43 Mayonnaise and seasoning.TT
44 Wainscoting A wainscoted wall or walls; paneling.
Phlegm is defined as mucus in the back of your throat or your respiratory
45 Phlegm passages, or a sluggish or calm temperament.
The natural detachment of parts of a plant, typically dead leaves and ripe
46 Abscission fruit.
A person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity,
47 Aficionado subject, or pastime.
A person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity,
48 Aficionado subject, or pastime.
49 Aggrandise Increase the power, status, or wealth of.
50 Arrhythmia A condition in which the heart beats with an irregular or abnormal rhythm
Relating to a system of government in which most of the important
51 Bureaucratic decisions are taken by state officials rather than by elected representatives.
52 Cataclysm A large-scale and violent event in the natural world.
53 Clairvoyant A person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the
54 Connoisseur An expert judge in matters of taste.
55 Pseudonym A fictitious name, especially one used by an author
56 Psychiatric Relating to mental illness or its treatment
57 Querulous To be complaining in a whining manner
58 Quintessential Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
59 Reverberates A loud noise repeatedly sounding as an echo
To deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for
60 Sabotage political or military advantage
61 Schizophrenic Having, relating to, or characteristic of schizophrenia. Mentally illness.
A short fight between small groups of soldiers, especially one that is not
62 Skirmish planned
Not happy or smiling; Done or said in a very serious or sincere way; Of a
63 Solemn religious ceremony or formal occasion performed in a very serious way
An instrument that a doctor uses to listen to somebody’s heart and
64 Stethoscope breathing
65 Septicaemia Blood poisoning, especially that caused by bacteria or their toxins
The occurrence and development of events by
66 Serendipity chance in a happy or beneficial way

67 poignant causing sadness or pity

68 odor a smell (often an unpleasant one)
69 animosity a strong feeling of anger and of not liking somebody/something
70 maneuver a movement that needs care or skill
71 homogenize make uniform or similar.
72 nuisance a person, thing or situation that annoys you or causes you trouble
a difficult situation in which no progress can be made because the
73 impasse people involved cannot agree what to do
74 subtle not very noticeable; not very strong or bright
75 robust strong and healthy
76 malicious having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone
77 admonish v. scold or to advise firmly
78 alleviate v. to relieve a problem or ease a burden
79 ambivalent having mixed or contradictory feelings about someone or something
80 condone v. to approve or allow
81 confound to confuse or astonish
82 copious adj. plentiful or abundant
83 delineate to describe very accurately
84 deride v. to mock or ridicule
85 emulate to imitate or attempt to equal in accomplishment
86 anomaly noun – something that is unusual or unexpected
87 equivocal adj. – not easily understood or explained
88 lucid adj. – very clear and easy to understand
89 assuage verb – to make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense
noun – a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult
90 enigma to understand
91 desiccate verb – remove the moisture from (something
92 gullible adj. – easily persuaded to believe something
93 loquacious adj. – tending to talk a great deal

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