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Laboratory File

Software Engineering
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering

Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab, India

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Er. Ramanjot Kaur Aman Singh
Assistant Professor CSE CSE-3rd Year (5th SEM)
BBSBEC Uni Roll No: 2001185

Practical No:1
Aim: SRS document for airline reservation system.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Document Conventions....................................................................................................................3
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions..................................................................................3
1.4 Product Scope ..................................................................................................................................3
1.5 References........................................................................................................................................4

2. Overall Description...................................................................................................................................4

2.1 Product Perspective.........................................................................................................................4

2.2 Product Functions ..........................................................................................................................4
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics .....................................................................................................4
2.4 Operating Environment....................................................................................................................5
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints..........................................................................................5
2.6 User Documentation .......................................................................................................................5
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies .....................................................................................................5

3. External Interface Requirements..............................................................................................................5

3.1 User Interfaces.................................................................................................................................6

3.2 Hardware Interfaces.........................................................................................................................6
3.3 Software Interfaces .........................................................................................................................6
3.4 Communications Interfaces ............................................................................................................6

4. System Features........................................................................................................................................6

4.1 System Feature 1..............................................................................................................................6

4.2 System Feature 2..............................................................................................................................7
4.3 System Feature3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements.........................................................................................................8

5.1 Performance Requirements.............................................................................................................8

5.2 Security Requirements.....................................................................................................................8
5.3 Software Quality Attributes.............................................................................................................9

6. Other Requirements.................................................................................................................................9


1.1 Purpose:-

The main aim of the project was to develop a website which would facilitate the reservation of online air
tickets through an effective and yet simple GUI for a normal passenger intending to travel in airways. Apart
from reserving tickets, through our system a passenger can compare online fares „from‟ various cities „to‟
various cities.

1.2 Document Conventions:-

• ARS-Airline Reservation System

• LAN-Local Area Network
• GUI-Graphical User Interface
• OS-Operating System
• RAM-Random Access Memory
• MB-Mega Bytes
• GB-Giga Bytes
• Mbps-Megabits per second
• HDD-Hard Disk Drive

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions:-

This specification is mainly intended for the developers of this software, to allow them to design the
program so that it meets the client’s requirements.

1.4 Product Scope:-

The airline booking website is an application stored in the user server. The purpose of the website is to
resolve the client to allow website users to perform tasks related to booking an airline flight. Non-member
users are only allowed to search for available flights; nonmember users are required to create an account in
order to reserve a seat or to book a flight. Member users have the right to search for available flights, to
reserve a seat, to book a flight, cancel a flight and to edit their member information. Member users are
required to login into their account prior to flight booking.

1.5 References:-

Pressman, Roger S. Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2005

2. Overall Description:-

2.1 Product Perspective:-

The “ARS” software is an independent application. It is a self-contained product. The system interfaces,
user interfaces and hardware interfaces related with this software are defined as follows.

2.2 Product Functions:-

The major functions of this system are to be able to handle the following types of requests:

• Reservation
• Cancellation
• Data file operations

The user must be able to modify the flight database by adding or removing flight details. They must be able
to reserve a seat in either first class or economy class and they must have access to all passenger and flight

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics:-

This system should have two user levels, one for regular travel agents‟ staff and one for administrative
staff. Only administrative staff will have access to the flight and passenger database. Regular staff will not
be able to modify these. They should only be able to perform the major requests required. Users do not
require technical experience to use this system. Basic training on handling the system is sufficient.

2.4 Operating Environment:-

The software must run on the version of java net Beans that is available to the client

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints:-

• The number of people on each flight should be randomly generated.

• The system should provide a unique booking reference for each flight reservation.
• The system should write passenger details to a customer data file and should write passenger lists
to a flight-booking file.
• Only administrative staff should have access to these files, so these files should be password
• The system must not crash with incorrect data entry. It should recover from errors and display an
appropriate error message.
• The system should reject incorrect data read from files.

2.6 User Documentation:-

The system requires the following documentation:

• A draft user guide, which should describe how to use the system and should include installation
• A draft maintenance/programmers guide, which should describe what functionality is found in each
class and should detail key issues for anyone who may have to maintain the system.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies:-

It is assumed that the details of the cost of ticket are already known to the customer. Future changes like
providing different types of flights with different classes like business class, economic class will allow the
customers to benefit from one facility.

3. External Interface Requirements:-

3.1 User Interfaces:-

The screen formats and menu structure should be in such a way that even have users will find it easy to use.
The product must be use-friendly and very inter-active. The functionality provided by the system like
displaying error messages should adapt itself to the different users of the software.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces:-

Airline Ticket System is a web-based project. So any personal computer, which has an internet browser, is
enough to use this system.

3.3 Software Interfaces:-

• Back End: MySQL

• Front End: Java

3.4 Communications Interfaces:-

The system must utilize the standard Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to ensure maximum inter-
browser compatibility. The client accesses the system through a web browser.
There is an LAN used for communication among the different client systems to be used

4. System Features:-

4.1 System Feature 1: A Reservation:-

4.1.1 Description

This function should allow the user to book a seat on any flight in the database.

4.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

The user should be able to input an arrival destination, date of arrival and be presented with a choice
between a first class and an economy class seat. The user should then input passenger details. The
details required are the passengers‟ title, first name, last name, address, passport number and
telephone number. The user should then be presented with a booking reference, which is unique to
that reservation.

4.1.3 Functional Requirements:-

Each flight will have its own passenger and waiting lists. There should be a passenger list and a
waiting list for each class. When a booking is made, a passenger should be placed on the end of
one of these lists depending on availability. An appropriate message should be displayed detailing
what action was taken.

4.2 System Feature 2: A Cancellation:-

4.2.1 Description

This function gives the user the ability to cancel any reservation.

4.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

The user should be able to login in his/her account input and then be presented with the details of
the corresponding flight. The user should be given an option to cancel this flight

4.2.3 Functional Requirements

The passenger should be removed from the passenger or waiting list of that flight. The first
Passenger on the appropriate waiting list should then be promoted onto the passenger list for that
Flight. There should be an appropriate message to inform the user what action has occurred.

4.3 System Feature 3: Data File Operations:-

4.3.1 Description

Administrative users must be able to modify the data files. They should be able to access the
database file to add and remove flight details.

4.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

The user should be able to access this functionality via the Flight Inquiry system. As above, the
user should input a flight number and then be presented with the flight details and passenger/waiting
lists of that flight.

Administrative users should then input their username and password, and be given the option to
modify the information associated with that flight.

4.3.3 Functional Requirements

This system should access the database file and present the user with options to modify the flight
details. The user should also have options to create or remove flight entries.

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

• The Airline Website shall have capabilities to accept 500 connections.

• For each session, system shall guarantee the connection time 5 minutes from last input, after which
the connection will be deemed expired.
• A close operation will be performed when expired. This design is to satisfy each user’s usability
and connection quality.
• The system shall send out verification request immediately (within 100ms) after the it receives a
user submitted form.
• The system shall update all flight status information every 5 minutes.

5.2 Security Requirements:-

• Passwords must be a minimum of eight characters and must contain one to seven digits.

• Email addresses should be verified before the system grants user access. This verification shall be
exercised by sending the prospective user a confirmation email after enrollment. This email must
contain information specific to completing the enrollment process.
• All exchanges from client to server involving private data shall occur using the highest available
level of secure connection (e.g., https).

5.3 Software Quality Attributes:-

• Usability: The airline website design shall allow deployment on both Windows and UNIX (Linux)
servers. The design should support Windows Server 2003, Linux 2.6.x, V10 UNIX and later.
• Robustness: The system design shall include recovery scenarios allowing the ability to restore a
state no older than one business day old.
• Reliability: ARS shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ARS shall always provide real
time information about flight availability information.
• Integrity: The system should be secure and must use encryption to protect the databases & can be
changed only by the system administer. Users need to be authenticated before having access to any
personal data

6. Other Requirements:-


• All aspects of the system should be thoroughly tested, including the functionality of the system as
a whole and of the individual components.
• The testing should include both black box and white box testing, although white box testing is not
expected to be complete.
• A suitable demonstration program should be provided to demonstrate the functionality of the
program to the client.

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