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+2 Change the adjectives to adverbs and. complete the sentences. > May sings beautifully. (beautiful) 1 Tom cycles very . (fast) 2 Bledse sped (loud): Change the adverbs into adjectives. 3 Ican'tdance very . (good) ; . . 4 My dad cooks (bad) P nicely oice ___ 3. easily 5 Do you work at school? (hard) 1 quickly —______4 hard 6 John learns languages (easy) 2 well 5 beautifully _ © Put the words in the correct column. ( Adjective Adverb Adjective or adverb) dangerous @ tum he fotlowing adjectives into adverbs. 1 loud - Joudly.....4 4 fast - 2 good - 5 easy -. 3. careful 6 hard iO} Complete the sentences. Use the phrases from the box below. his-car-stowly French very well happily together the guitar badly animals beautifully _his food fast 1 Tim drives ......Hi¢ car.slowly. . 4 Khalid speaks ..........ssesseeeeeeeeee 2 Nadia plays . 5 Emma draws ..... 3 Ivan usually eats . 6 Anna and Carlos live Cirele the correct form. ye 3 Complete with adverbs. » You walk stow / is ‘i carefull H vauraeaha sad Sor oA 1 Aunt Agatha is a careful driver. She drives ly 2 She plays volleyball good / well. 2 Hartyjis-a bad players He ploys 3 Are you angry / angrily with me? 3) Mis Hordy|ls:a.good cook. She cooks 4 Ican speak French, but bad / badly! 4 Peter's a fast swimmer. He swims 5 Ican easy / easily finish this book today. 5 Mr Hardy's a hard worker. He works. 6 Are you sitting comfortable /comfortably? 6 Lucy is a slow writer. She writes 7 Read it careful / carefully 7 Mr Davis is a quiet speaker. He speaks 8 My feet are getting cold / coldly. 8 Beth is a neat writer. She writes ee @ Rewrite the sentences as in the example: 1 She is a good dancer. | 3 Kelly is a hard worker. She / Kelly . ih 2 Youare a quick learner, 4 Janet is a beautiful singer. YOUscisscsnevisnvscesvere Janet vera crnens veveses x Complete. Use adverbs. 1 Liz always drives. a (careful) 5 Mark held the bird... sin the 2 They played . anid lestthe palm of his hand. (gentle) game. (terrible) 6 Ididn’'t work very on... -- (hard) 3 Wow! You're learning very 7 ‘Ymsorry, I'll come back later,’ Peter said 1 Well done! (fast) - . (quiet) 4 Anna waited . 5 for her 8 The boys didn’t sleep very..... brother to finish. (patient) last night. (good) BE circle the correct answer. 1 "You can do this! It’s very @asyy easily,” 5 ‘That man is dangerous / dangerously,’ the he said. police officer said. 2 ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked 6 I met her a week ago, so I don't know her rude / rudely. very good / well 3. This chair isn’t very comfortable / 7 Emily's sister sings beautiful / beautifully. comfortably. doesn't she? 4 They were looking at me very strange/ 8 What's the matter? You look very sad/ strangely. sadly today. © choose and complete. | (careful, carefully) a This is very important. Read it carefully b You con use my camera, but be very ef! with it. 2. (easy, easily) «a Of course | can do this exercise! It's very b Kelly makes friends 3. (quiet, quietly) a Please be Sarah's doing her homework. b ‘The baby's asleep,’ my mum said 4 (beautiful, beautifully) @ She sings b Those flowers are 5 (safe, safely) «@ Don't walk on that bridge. It isn’t b Bye, Dad! Drive @ Fill in the gaps as in the example. Pt beautifully Lucyisa........Reautiful,....... girl. She paints ...... beautifully... George learns . He’sa -. leasner. careful Jf carefully Anmedis a... He drives 4> Complete with adverbs driver. 1 David is a stow runner. 2 My sister draws beautiful pictures. 3 It was easy for Gary to win the race. 4 My cat jumped over that high wall. 5 Be careful when you open that door. 6 Henry is a terrible piano player 7 Yesterday, | had an early breakfast. 8 Zoe is a wonderful skier @ Match and write. 1 Tom is a slow runner. I'ma quick learner. Kate is a brave climber. This is heavy rain. Sam is a bad dancer. You're a quiet singer. OvVoaunnon Lisa is a clever writer. ‘Mrs Brown is a good teacher. ———_ ep =D 7 Renata plays tennis really .....2.2.-.+. 8 She'sa. «tennis player. 9 Isabel cooks very... ae 10 She'sa cook. 11. This is an .. question. 42 Ican answer it .. He runs She can draw He won the race She can jump Open the door He plays the piano | had breakfast She skies Its raining He dances You sing She climbs She writes He runs She teaches Tlearn © Choose and write. 1 quick / quickly 4 — quiet / quietly a Myfriend walks quickly a My teacher talks b She'sa quick __ runner, too. b She'sa reader, too. 2 good / well 5 bad / badly @ My dad sings @ My sister dances b He'sa dancer, too. b She'sa singer, too. 3 careful / carefully 6 busy / busily @ You'rea driver. a My dad always works b You ride your bike , too. b His friends are always too ® Write the correct form. Tigers are amazing animals. They can run very (quickly. (quick). They can swim (2) (good) and they're (3) (good) climbers, too. Tigers are very (4) (clever) animals. They catch other animals for food. They watch the other animals very (5) (careful). They often hide in the grass and they walk very (6) (7) hear them. Then they run (8) (slow). Tigers can move very (quiet) so other animals don’t fast) and catch the other animal before it can run away. 7 Change the adjectives in brackets into adverbs and complete the sentences. 1 Please speak _ slowly _ so everyone understands. (slow) 2. José speaks English 3. The children always behave (good) - (perfect) 4 5 Tom and | are in a band. Tom plays the guitar well, but I sing 1 (bad) They never drive - (careless) ‘Susan eats - (healthy)

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