Exam 4th Abpsy Final Edited SUMIDO

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Irish Jane Sumido

Case Conceptualization

The case of Mustafa


o Mustafa's presenting problem is the internal conflict that resulted to make him
feel nauseated and burped (that is not medically supported). In his case, Mustafa
cannot understand himself. He said that he labeled himself as bisexual however,
I noticed that he was reportedly fantasying about males more than females. It
was also stated in his case that he has no reported romantic experiences with
females, well aside from most of his high school friends.

o He also has familial conflict, his family lived that abide in culturally accepted life
values. He is a Muslim man in Turkey and he earned a college degree that why
he is valued by his family. It was stated in his case that his grandparents
especially his grandfather along with his father were authoritarian. They value
culture and religion. I also inferred that they're a family that put importance on the
role of being a "male" ( it was his family keep him bothering to get married and
when he pursue his major that is traditionally considered as a career for men;
and he doesn't like it but still graduated in his major).

o Has a no appetite problem but presented slight sleeping disturbance.

o He also has a conflict with revealing his gender because he knows that it was not
culturally and religiously appropriate that leads him to suppress his identity.

o He is a man that has soft features. He is soft-spoken and exhibits feminine



In this section, Predisposition is base on the interdisciplinary model which involves the
integration of biopsychosocial factors.

o Basing on the biological factor, it was not stated in the case that he has a family
history of certain disorders. It was not presented if there is a specific description
of the disorder that is rooted in their family. So in this factor, I inferred that
Mustafa failed to have an underlying biological factors.

o Basing on the psychological factor, one of the big contributors of why he has this
identity crisis and some symptoms (where he vomits and burped) because of the
event where he had a sexual encounter when he was just 14 years old. He was
afraid that if the town will discover his encounter. He is afraid of the judgment that
caused Mustafa to have an internal conflict both on his societal and religious

o Basing on cultural factors, it was stated in his case that he is a Muslim man, we
can't deny that in their culture, they somehow viewed the LGBT community as a
not culturally accepted group. Even if today, we can still see the strict prohibition
of Muslim countries in expressing gender identity. In Mustafa's case, they lived in
a culture in which they follow the standard of the cultural norms and a
heterosexist culture.

o Basing on social factors, his parents especially his father have a wide emphasis
regarding identity and gender roles and expectations ( this part is supported
when his father favored the course of Mustafa that is traditionally for men). So in
his case, risk factors involved in his sexual experience when he was young,
made him bother from the idea of being shame by the community.


His given worry is stated on the predisposition part; in his precipitants it is the part when
he encountered sexual encounter, due to his curiosity, he keeps the sexual encounter
that made him agreed to be a sexual partner of an older boy. This event made Mustafa
anxious, bothered, and stressed because of the sexual act they've done as homosexual
and in their culture rejects homosexuality. Due to this, he will experience nausea and
burp that prevented him to interact with others. This is the stressor that made him
vulnerable to hide his identity.

Protective Factors and strength.

o His family supports and love him.

o One of the protective factors of Mustafa is when after he graduated with his
college degree, Mustafa operate and own a retail store. In this way, he can be
happy and at the same time, he can fulfill the cultural expectations of his parents
(since there is a stereotype that owning a business is a career for men).
o One of his strengths also is that he is academically successful.

Pattern (maladaptive)

o Due to the event of his first sexual encounter before, he develops a pattern in
which he burps and feels nauseated.

o His father and grandfather have a big influence on his identity crisis and suffering
actually. His father always wants a male child, in this way he always decides or
supports Mustafa to be involved in a course that is traditionally for men, which is
for me it invalidates Mustafa's part.

o As I observed, throughout his education life, his father has always had a voice,
and expectedly, Mustafa follows him because even though his father is
authoritarian, he is his role model. This pattern of his father who always made the
decisions for him made Mustafa a submissive person.


The factor that maintains the problem of Mustafa is he's afraid to be judge by his
parents and society. This made him hide his identity from everyone. Due to cultural
norms, stereotypes, religious beliefs, and the heterosexist culture, these factors
maintain the problem in his case. He cannot open-up his self due to these factors that
prevented him to express his identity.

Plan Treatment

-Objectives: To assess Mustafa in the following goals:


o Require Mustafa to make a journal and this will be monitored every weekend.
With his journal, I can know what are his thoughts, experiences, and feeling by
basing on his journal writing.

o Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- I can assess this to improve Mustafa's mental

health. This also develops coping strategies that help target and solve problems.

o Require Mustafa to attend art therapy, in this therapy, he can express himself
using art. Art therapy is a technique based on the notion that creative expression
can promote healing and mental well-being. It can assists Mustafa in exploring
emotions, developing self-awareness, coping with stress, increasing self-esteem,
and working on social skills.

o Another goal is to guide Mustafa to learn how to identify maladaptive thoughts

and negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts.


o The goal is to significantly decrease or reduces the symptoms(nausea and burp).

This is a vital goal since the effectiveness of this goal can help Mustafa improve
his confidence in socializing because he has a problem with socializing due to
these symptoms.

o Improve Mustafa's self-acceptance and self-esteem. So when the day he will

confess to his parents, he already ready to face the situation.


The prognosis is that Mustafa is still good and fine. He is still interacting with the real
world. He still has track and goal in his life which is vital on his assessment, treatments,
and therapy. The things that distress him are the factors involving socially,
psychologically, religious and cultural expectations.

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