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n his uhiliras, trald urul hae Ciliauus

Thi conduhen d ldlk ceni en valion Ln the
Otd ina humareus. lght hiarhed marni
Anoiyse his auliment wh Aleial tiréncs
ro A Gorila in The buislo
A Gonila in the Guit Koomio a misng
f cEn eys h el lok and aßeck en
or measoge

animgls. h wilur wundS Ans lo chonge

on th
cu ottudk lensard wld Lk.We should
Taki all lps Ts cen.aut wid ile Animais deo
ned hoL ond allesli n. Thy mus b allen
i n wois anol empanin
i n fuA PLrl
Aa alaeof
hui'p in all speci anumals
mpontamel. In his atvns h luarn Ihal
Guol a lemale
ntnOr Lokis inluul in phovieling
o NPomge jusT Le gie hum empan ao haihe
On los his uhinew S
doen nel ul monose
manes. When Fonge uders kLOm diandea
tou tis, hi ts'giuen peal poasible
nd lalen aufhon hishes thal
ualmend amo diet hi
he 200A Ahouid be weil- equigo¢ol
fv he anmals hty kiep
phopen habe haT
LOe &er hiu z00A should ceasn lo bt Aheus
ploceo d ardmals. lhuy shewld on bu
ally wands Tra onswohsn a h i
Lscicia hosL a h l n d haLatencd 6pLcieo
korward omd donolt geritash
iL ALopli teme

kon L pRLLP hese Ondmala

Atdry s phimarily aimid al
wlalh and mDre soLcally The endanguol
em Ihe uerge exlineion. here is k lMa
spaciis Wheru
LOmmen placi pwrapian abel 2so
animal ae pul lo public diaplay.
ity hemaclue
animals enjsu
Popli comi le uhe
amd fhe zo0 ae pe openid
oe bock hemi. hus,
cOic puwTDOM enTer taurung the u tom
wh a
e kes te hot l d animal
ol hi Lrpen
uis bein tua hahural hasiral
CcntruueA dulorusruh en ane

im calarce has emi up uh the implumentu

al s alle las's kl onimal hon commur-

saira el k , Tefh, horms , heoes h e

cia calpae
ans col caudid al an nod apo
world ru My redLni'ng actr
lunell and s other
nardud oh puopls uee

incuding seme hellare counbies who have ticd

arndare A geing en Tuyirg To protecd auch
amimal wsulo em extihèn
he Zoo' animal kels drpruAad and unhagey
Thuy ae wndurld 'and are under cnatan
human Qaze hey thus kub hilpless anepaerl
be amimals need care omd phuofeLhen prem mankind
am that jo Thi aoul negsen whay the navnatoD
keliu thof he 20o's. Ihere aru epideics and
Auch ohen unconttolable actons againal shich
l d ue can t au ne undlun fhere Lnlenane
fhe 2 o0'3 become Aonctuaruie koh auch
thuatened Apecils o i e and bre lhere musl
be vneua in thlh numbyn and then Only Thei
would b ne theao od ertíinchon. 5uch 2oo
mad be fheh home autoy kem heme yhwu thay
mouy gelphope food, nurien,
amd_an idial plake to Aertedd.
in his 200 leqital por, DruedAe in the slory
o u l a in the nsbreem "has
to tuke
animals grb toraeealancy
cant o a iwas Lo
in his 20 Hu idos
h hae goullo
uplace allhe onimals and ih huu ond hnok
AptaR.He come to bnno bulo boby mols
90ulo was avoiloss lon twalwe r d d
9urcs which was an alo al bu h
monooed to collut he o meund om the uh,
phalo Puopic pmaen and t tborillo,
N.Pongo, which ona gen
s0On ady wlid humaull to a
umal md
wag In 200-
na ua toH took all poins To humon N Porgo
ou vng hum dias , Auculer uu
and vuge toble buunurhuniuy h Asr
lall Au usly ill he wos proí d ha

medi cal aid. Ln ohdn to potde him onparn

he esen bLoughl a lemale goni la Nondy.
A huse elordo o'nayobn wwn in e iecn.
COnayh ng ehLalehid Apeciio
huo, he
okosn fhot 0hi 200'A ton Cardubulp, ain the
whld uk Alhangh it dempnd
Conn vahon e "ll odo t .
a let o eftole ando
VULd&bil anrvafien in hu phariu
pOREER PhoTecli ng plont and anumal aperi ard
hob tuts Ao panf o tha wonld's ecouploma,
wildie pro n des bolance und ahbil fy e
ralwrw's phoames. The aol o ildu cenar voian
o Lo enawe thu suruia o heat apLCiDA, nd
f eou cau prepl em irng uaounably wi h
othur ADLei LA
h uman popudalien has qreuen e xponenhal4
e The paal00years, tomord han Auwen billix
pLople o day, ans it Leninrues to napidly qra
hu maND NOlwuol esswcs are benng censum
edlaslv han e r by he biino s/ pesple on
fh planel. lhio qowih amd dwelepmènl ala
endamges the ha'bitulb ard exiafence vaui
TYpLA wilouaround he wonld, porlicularly
anumaKA Dnd planlo thal may bi dioplacid
o lond developmanl, ot Maid {on ko9d or
OTh human puwrposes. Uhon theat o
Adle inelude the Arlho diucti dn o in vasie
RL e s hem othen parlo o he worlel, daimati
chonge AollhCn, hunh ng,kiahin
Nat onal and inl not enal onganizaions
ike WorlJ Wilsli Fund, onaun vahon
Lnnoalícnak, he wildile lonaen vnlin
50.ciey, and the United Alali ana work to supparl
9hobal animal and habihl cenaen valion ellori
on amy dierenl kondo. he wonke with the"
yo n u n tv eat&bish amd protid pu blic
ands, ike nalinal park and wlduk rahua
h helpwtulk legiadoh en,uch anhe endang-
eud spicits Act s (973 inhe Unitid 5tates,
wNk th laie
10 phofeel vaucus Apecio hey Lke
Enkohcement to pkOAaLule wildiLë tumen,
wnalile hallkcking and illu gal hunling
poachi ng Ry alaß promot "biodiveraitlo
pulahen while
Auppord the oronweng human
po hahitat.
Phe Aenng exAaN na pecies and
Nalional esanophic eplohers, ikke
bioloonals Comille Coudual,
onoU Uofen
anditus Adko la, ahe wonking ulous the
speclusand fo potet
enhinhom o glokal
o n d aty and hobi talo tnpn
qlobal , ie
mental {ilmmoke omd photo graAhto
mas'P. Peschak, are esdenh ol to conaenva-
ho h/unging
ue,documeli ng anc
en contb as endlangerud wltlile all oe
alenhi&n to

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