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Faculty of Business, Economics & Accountancy

Semester 2, 2021/2021

Course Title : Research Methodology and Research Project

Course Code : BZ8007
Credits : 7 credits
Contact Hours Per Week : 3 hours per week
Delivery Methods : Online lectures, Tutorial and online facilitation
Dr. Lim Thien Sang
Lecturer’s Name : Dr. Siti Nor Bayaah Ahmad

Faculty/ School : Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy

Course Location : Online Platform via MS Teams
Day :
Every Wednesday, 7pm until 10pm
Time :
E-mail :,
Consultation Hours : By Appointment


The course offers an introduction to the theory and practice of research methodology to provide
participants with appropriate foundation in conducting research that is relevant to current issues
in business and human management. Specifically, the course aims to provide students with
research knowledge and more importantly provide the required skills for undertaking academic
research projects. The concepts and process of conducting an academic research will be
explained and discussed. Students are required to complete TWO stages in the course. The first
part is where students need to produce a research proposal. To accomplish this part, it is
fundamental for students to attend lectures. This will assist students to identify research topics and
problems, to write a literature review, to produce a comprehensive framework for a study, to
understand research methodology and lastly to expose students to research statistics and data
analysis. By the end of the first stage, students are expected to have identified a research topic
and to have developed a complete research proposal. This will prepare students for the second
stage which is to embark on field study and to finish the research project.


The objective of this course is to:

1) Enable students to develop analytical skills as well as translate a management problem
into a feasible research question
2) Formulate hypothesis based on a strong foundation of the particular
theoretical/conceptual framework
3) Enable the student will learn about data gathering process and data analysis techniques
to test their hypothesis.
4) Enable the students to learn about how best to present their findings in report form.

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Faculty of Business, Economics & Accountancy
Semester 2, 2021/2021

At the end of the course, the learner should be able to:

1) Explain the key concepts and theories of consumer behavior. Demonstrate the skills to select,
evaluate and synthesise appropriate knowledge toward research design.
2) Systematically applied relevant body of knowledge to conduct scientific research in the
related field
3) Conduct academic research for the betterment of organisation, industry or society.
4) Inculcate ethical and professional values consistent with the standard of academic research
5) Communicate clearly and effective relevant concepts and issues related to the research
6) Manage and utilitise past and current information contributing to better decision-making in
solving problem


Contact hours : 3 hours

No. of weeks : 14 weeks
Lectures/Tutorials/Online Facilitation : 26 Hours – Online lectures and Facilitation / 16 Hours -
Online Facilitations
No. of assignments & Activity : 3
No. of test / exam : 1 online final exam
Forum : 1 online midterm


Learner are required to abide by the university’s Academic Regulation pertaining to all matters
during their course of study. Learners are advised to take note that class attendance is very
important. Learners who do not meet the attendance requirement will be barred from sitting for
the final examination.

(will be based on TOC )

Assessments Description Issue Date Due Date %

Research Proposal W1 TBD 20%

Final Research Project W1 TBD 80%

Individual task to
Draft of Introduction (funnel design) - support writing of -
Individual task to
Journal Summary table - support writing of -

TBD= To be determined

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Semester 2, 2021/2021

You are expected to fulfill the following requirements of the course to obtain a grade:

• Research Proposal (20%)

This is an individual task. Each student is required to prepare a research proposal that
comprises of Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 Literature Review, Chapter 3 Research
Framework and Methodology. Evaluation and comments on the research proposal will be
provided to enable students to revised and to do improvement before proceed to the final
research project.

• Final Research Project (80%)

This is an individual task. Each student is required to complete the writeup of Chapter 1
Introduction, Chapter 2 Literature Review, Chapter 3 Research Framework and
Methodology, Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results, Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion
which will be presented before the examiners.

Students must refer to Gaya penulisan UMS with latest APA style reference.


• Accessing/Checking SMARTV3
It is utmost important for students to access and check their SmartV3 for any updates and
information pertaining to the course regularly throughout the semester. Lecturer may as well
use other additional platform such as Group Telegram for discussion and communication.
Please be ALERT.

• Attendance
Online attendance is compulsory. Please observed the University regulation on attendance.
Punctuality is equally important. Hence, respect is a very important value to observed.

• Participation
Students are required to participate actively in class discussion, exercises and other class
activities. Students are to carry out whatever assignments given to them and submit / present
them at the scheduled time.

• Missed assessments

• Please refer to the Postgraduate Studies Rule related to incomplete assessment

• Grade “X” is given to the student who registered for a course but did not complete
any assessment of this course. X value is equal to 0.0.

• Academic Dishonesty Policy

• Any student who fails to give credit for ideas, expressions, or materials taken from
another source, including internet sources, is considered plagiarism and academic
• Any student helping another to plagiarise is also considered academic misconduct.
• Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, may be
reported to the office of student affairs.

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Semester 2, 2021/2021

• Note: If there were any need to make changes to this course plan during the semester, the lecturer
or the course leader will inform through SmartV3


Grade Grade Point Percentage Status

A 4.00 80 – 100 Pass with distinction

A- 3.67 75 – 79 Good Pass
B+ 3.33 70 – 74 Pass
B 3.00 65 – 69
B- 2.67 60 – 64
C+ 2.33 55 – 59
F 0.00 0 – 54 Fail


Guided Learning

Learning (N2
Course Material



Topic 1 Philosophy and Nature of Research 2 5
Topic 2 Overview of Research Process – 2 5
Model Building
Topic 3 Literature Review 5 8
Topic 4 Problem Statement, Research 3 6
Questions and Objectives
Topic 5 Theoretical, Conceptual and 4 7
Research Framework / Modelling
Topic 6 Development (formulation) of 4 7
Topic 7 Research Design 5 8
Topic 8 The Qualitative Journey 4 7
Topic 9 Quantitative Design Strategies 4 7
Topic 10 Instrument Design and Measurement 4 7
of Variables
Topic 11 Sampling Methods 3 10
Topic 12 Data Analysis 5 14

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Semester 2, 2021/2021

Sekaran, U and Bougie R., 2016. Research Methods for Business – A Skill Building Approach, 7th
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Mukesh Kumar, Salim Abdul Talib and T. Ramayah, 2013. Business Research Methods, 1st edition,

Hair, J.F., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E. and Black, W.C., 2018. Multivariate data analysis, 8th Edition,
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice hall.

Thornhill, A., Saunders, M. and Lewis, P., 2019. Research methods for business students. 8th
Edition, Prentice Hall: London.

Jackson, S. L.. 2003. Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach. Thomson.



Topic 1 - Philosophy and

Nature of Research

Introduction to Academic
Business Research; Meaning Greeting students/Ice
Table 4, Assessment
of research; Types of breaking/Self-introduction
Guidelines, Smartv3
research- Exploratory Week 1 Explanation on course Asynchronous
UMS, WhatsApp,
research, Conclusive 02/03/2022 outline, assessments, learning
research; The process of lesson plan
research; Research
applications in social and
business sciences; Philosophy
of academic research.

Topic 2 - Overview of
Research Process – Model

Features of a Good research

Online Lecture and ,
study. Writing a research PPT Slide, Smartv3,
Week 2 Discussion, activity Asynchronous
proposal- Contents of a Group Telegram,
09/03/2022 etc. learning
research proposal and types Youtube Video
of research proposals.
Research background and

Topic 3 – Defining the

Research Problem
Online Lecture and ,
Discussion, activity PPT Slide, Smartv3,
Defining the Research Week 3 Asynchronous
etc. Group Telegram,
problem; Management 16/03/2022 learning
Youtube Video
Decision Problem vs
Management Research
Problem; Problem

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Semester 2, 2021/2021

identification process;
Components of the research
problem. Problem
identification and literature.

Topic 4 - Literature Review

Online Lecture and ,
Literature Review Process; Discussion, activity PPT Slide, Smartv3,
Week 4 Asynchronous
Underpinning theory; Previous etc. Group Telegram,
23/03/2022 learning
Findings; Literature Evaluation Youtube Video
and Synthesis;

Topic 5 - Research Gap

Your own voice, Literature Online Lecture and ,

PPT Slide, Smartv3, Asynchronous
Gaps, Bridging literature and Week 5 Discussion, activity
Group Telegram, learning
research problem. Hypothesis 30/03/2022 etc.
Youtube mVideo
formulation; Types of
Research hypothesis

Topic 6 - Theoretical,
Conceptual and Research
Framework / Modelling and
Development (formulation) of
Online Lecture and ,
Discussion, activity PPT Slide, Smartv3,
Formulating the research Week 6 Asynchronous
etc. Group Telegram,
framework; From theory to 06/04/2022 learning
Youtube Video
framework; Theoretical,
conceptual and research
framework; Hypothesis
formulation; Types of
Research hypothesis

Topic 7 - Research Design

Meaning of Research
Designs; Nature and
Classification of Research
Designs; Exploratory Research
Designs: Secondary Resource
PPT Slide, Smartv3, Asynchronous
analysis, Case study Method, Week 7 Online Lecture and ,
Group Telegram, learning
Expert opinion survey, Focus 13/04/2022 Discussion, activity
Youtube Video
group discussions; Descriptive etc.
Research Designs: Cross-
sectional studies and
Longitudinal studies;
Experimental Designs, Errors
affecting Research Design.

Topic 8 - The Qualitative

Journey and Quantitative
Design Strategies
Online Lecture and , PPT Slide, Smartv3,
Week 8 Asynchronous
Primary and Secondary Data: Discussion, activity Group Telegram,
20/04/2022 learning
Classification of Data; etc. Youtube Video
Secondary Data: Uses,
Advantages, Disadvantages,
Types and sources; Primary

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Semester 2, 2021/2021

Data Collection: Observation

method, Focus Group
Discussion, Personal Interview

Topic 9 - Instrument Design

and Measurement of

Types of Measurement
Scales; Attitude; Classification
of Scales: Single item vs
Multiple Item scale,
Comparative vs Non- Online Lecture and ,
PPT Slide, Smartv3, Asynchronous
Comparative scales, Week 9 Discussion, activity
Group Telegram, learning
Measurement Error, Criteria 27/04/2022 etc.
Youtube Video
for Good Measurement.
Questionnaire Design:
Questionnaire method; Types
of Questionnaires; Process of
Questionnaire Designing;
Advantages and
Disadvantages of
Questionnaire Method.

Topic 10 - Sampling Methods

Sample vs Census, Sampling

vs Non-Sampling error;
Sampling Design- Probability
Online Lecture and ,
and Non-Probability Sampling PPT Slide, Smartv3, Asynchronous
Week 10 Discussion, activity
design; Determination of Group Telegram, learning
11/05/2022 etc.
Sample size- Sample size for Youtube Video
estimating population mean,
Determination of sample size
for estimating the population

Topic 11 - Data Processing:

Data Editing

Data Editing- Field Editing,

Centralized in house editing; Online Lecture and , PPT Slide, Smartv3,
Coding- Coding Closed Week 11 Discussion, activity Group Telegram,
ended structured Questions, 18/05/2022 etc. Youtube Video
Coding open ended
structured Questions;
Classification and Tabulation
of Data.

Topic 12 - Data Analysis

Descriptive vs Inferential
Online Lecture and , PPT Slide, Smartv3,
Analysis, Descriptive Analysis Asynchronous
Week 12 Discussion, activity Group Telegram,
of Univariate data- Analysis of learning
25/05/2022 etc. Youtube Video
Nominal scale data with only
one possible response,
Analysis of Nominal scale
data with multiple category

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Semester 2, 2021/2021

responses, Analysis of Ordinal

Scaled Questions, Measures
of Central Tendency,
Measures of Dispersion;
Descriptive Analysis of
Bivariate data.

Topic 13 - Testing of

Concepts in Testing of
Hypothesis – Steps in testing
of hypothesis, Test Statistic for
testing hypothesis about
population mean; Tests Online Lecture and , PPT Slide, Smartv3,
concerning Means- the case Week 13 Discussion, activity Group Telegram,
of single population; Tests for 01/06/2022 etc. Youtube Video
Difference between two
population means; Tests
concerning population
proportion- the case of single
population; Tests for
difference between two
population proportions

Topic 14 - Academic
Research Writing and Ethics

Structure of the research,

Guidelines for writing (UMS
Style). Week 14 Online Lecture and , PPT Slide, Smartv3,
Ethics in Research: Meaning 08/06/2022 Discussion, activity Group Telegram,
of Research Ethics; Clients etc. Youtube Video
Ethical code; Researchers
Ethical code; Ethical Codes
related to respondents;
Responsibility of ethics in


At the end of each lesson students will be given a reflective question relates to the topic discussed
in that particular week. In other words, it should reflect students’ understanding of the core subject
matters covered throughout lesson for that week.

Students are expected to read the main textbook which can also be purchased in the e-Book
form (detail will be provided in class) and other references before coming to class. A copy of each
chapter’s Power Point presentation is shared in SmartV3 however, just reading these PPT file won’t
help you in understanding this course.

Prepared by : Dr. Siti Nor Bayaah Binti Ahmad

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Faculty of Business, Economics & Accountancy
Semester 2, 2021/2021

Signature : Date: 16/02/2022

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