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The Children's Rosary is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her
Son. Jesus tells us "Truly, I say to you unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the
Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The Children's Rosary is an effort to begin in parishes rosary
prayer groups composed of children and led by children. Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will
guide our young people while at the same time sanctify families and Parishes.

The Power of the Rosary

How will the rosary sanctify our children? Pope John Paul II describes how this sanctification
can occur in the Rosarium Virginis Mariae when he quotes Blessed Bartolo Longo: “Just as
two friends, frequently in each other’s company, tend to develop similar habits, so too, by
holding familiar converse with Jesus and the Blessed Virgin, by meditating on the mysteries of
the Rosary and by living the same life in Holy Communion, we can become, to the extent of
our lowliness, similar to them and can learn from these supreme models a life of humility,
poverty, hiddenness, patience and perfection.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church also recognizes the importance of the Holy Rosary as an
“epitome of the whole Gospel.” (Catechism 971)

Our Blessed Mother a Place of Refuge

Our Blessed Mother is always pointing to her Son. She wants none
of the glory for herself. Instead she means to take our hands and
bring us on the straightest path to her Son. Her last recorded words
in Scripture were at the wedding feast of Cana when she said, “Do
whatever He tells you.” (Jn 2:5 NAB)

Our Lord means to help us by giving us His own Mother who

nurtured and held Him as a child and then held Him after his final
sacrifice for us on the cross. Our Lady always has her arms
outstretched to her children…calling them to herself and through
her intercession to the loving heart of her Son, Jesus.

“Before, by yourself, you couldn’t. Now, you’ve turned to Our Lady, and with her, how
easy!”(St. Josemaria Escriva)

Our Lord has chosen His Mother as a “mystical channel, His aqueduct, through which He
causes His mercies to flow gently and abundantly.” (Saint Louis Marie de Montfort in the
Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin)

The Catechism of the Catholic Church also recognizes “the Blessed Virgin as Mother of God
to whose protection the faithful fly in all their dangers and needs” and acknowledges “devotion
to the Blessed Virgin is intrinsic to Christian worship.”(Catechism 971)

If one worries about affording Mary too much honor Saint Louis Marie de Montfort states:
“We never give more honor to Jesus than when we honor His Mother, and we honor her simply
and solely to honor Him all the more perfectly. We go to her only as a way leading to the goal
we seek – Jesus, her Son.” Saint Maximilian Kolbe echoes this sentiment, “Never be afraid of
loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.”

The Role Children Will Play in Our Church

“Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt 18:3 NAB) This
was part of the Gospel reading on the Memorial of Our Lady of
the Rosary on October 7th, 2012. If we reflect on these words of
Jesus one might question why children have not played a larger
role in our Church in the past. While prayer groups exist in many
parishes for adults there is a scarcity of such groups designed for

If we still ask whether Our Lord intended our children to meet

Him in prayer, we have only to return to Scripture: “When Jesus
saw this He became indignant and said to them, ‘Let the children
come to me; do not prevent them, for the Kingdom of God
belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not
receive the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.’” (Mk 10: 14-15 NAB)

Our Blessed Mother has chosen to convey messages to the world and the importance of the
Holy Rosary through children such as the three children of Fatima. Our Lady also appeared to
the child, Bernadette, at Lourdes France while she was praying the Rosary. If Our Lord and His
Mother have been so clear about the importance of children praying and leading prayer, might
we listen to their words and example and bring our children to them?

Through the means of the Children’s Rosary our children will experience prayer with other
children under the watchful eye of their Heavenly Mother. They will be schooled in virtue and
holiness by the most perfect of teachers: Our Blessed Mother. Jesus has told us something else
about our children in the portion of St. Matthew’s Gospel: “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you
have revealed them to the childlike.”(Mt 11:25 NAB)

Our children have an enormous capacity for spirituality and a deep relationship with Our Lord
and His Mother. In this springtime of faith may we look to the future of our Church, our
children, to help lead us all back to the warm embrace of Our Savior.

Role of Parents

“Through the grace of the sacrament of marriage, parents receive the

responsibility and privilege of evangelizing their children.”
(Catechism 2225) When should this evangelization begin? The
catechism is clear that it should start at an early age: “Parents should
initiate their children at an early age into the mysteries of the faith of
which they are the ‘first heralds’ for their children. They should
associate them from their tenderest years with the life of the Church.”
(Catechism 2225)

The Children’s Rosary is a means for parents to expose their children

to prayer at an early age and develop a faith steeped in the Tradition of
the Catholic Church.

What is the Children’s Rosary?

The Children’s Rosary is a lay prayer movement for

children. It is an effort to begin in parishes Rosary prayer
groups composed of children and led by children. The
target age of the children for these prayer groups is between
4 and 14 years old. The children of Fatima and Bernadette
of Lourdes were all within this age range. However, there is
flexibility at each end of the range and children should
never be turned away if they have a desire to be part of a
prayer group. Of special note are children with disabilities
who may be older in age but have a special place in the Children’s Rosary. These children
should be encouraged to be a part of this prayer movement. Adults are always welcome and
encouraged to come to the Children’s Rosary. These individuals are the special “guardian
angels” of this movement.
Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will guide our young people while at the same time
sanctify families and Parishes.

How the Children’s Rosary Began

The Children’s Rosary began out of Love for Our Lady and
her Son, Jesus. It was born out of a call for help. The
request for help came from our pastor who saw his Parish
suffering a financial crisis and worried for its future
existence. In prayerful reflection on this call for help an
inspiration came to bring our children before Our Lady and
Our Lord in the prayer of the Rosary, for we know how
strong and dear are the prayers of children and how all
heaven delights in them.

The first meeting of the Children’s Rosary was on April 10, 2011. It was the Sunday before
Palm Sunday that year. A group of children gathered that morning. The children knelt before a
statue of Our Lady and prayed as a group for our parish and the intentions of Our Lady. The
weekend of the first Children’s Rosary had a record collection surpassed only by Easter and
Christmas for the remainder of the year. There was nothing special about that weekend except
for a small group of children who knelt in prayer of the Holy Rosary.

The Children’s Rosary has been dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart
of Mary. It is therefore under the protection and guidance of Christ and His Mother.

The children finish each Children’s Rosary with an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for
Our Holy Father the Pope. It is our hope that the Children’s Rosary will be a strong source of
prayers and blessings for the Holy Father, our Church as a whole, and the New Evangelization
called upon by Pope Benedict XVI.

The Children’s Rosary which once began in one Parish has now grown and by the grace of
God will continue to grow so that Children’s Rosary groups will exist in parishes across the

Blessed Mother Mary of the Children’s Rosary

May we humbly share the story of the picture we fondly call: Blessed
Mother Mary of the Children’s Rosary. The picture was drawn by Alina
Kaufman in 2011 when she was 11 years old. Alina was hoping to be
considered for an art enrichment program at school. They required
several pieces of original artwork to be submitted. I remember the
evening Alina came down with the drawing. She said before picking up
the pencil she prayed to Mary to help her with the drawing.

When I saw the image it touched my heart. It was a picture of the

Blessed Mother but in so many ways she looked like a child. It seemed a
perfect way for a child to envision Our Lady innocent like a child and
yet loving like a mother. The picture was submitted along with several
others for consideration for the enrichment program and inclusion in an
art show. However, they were not selected to be included in the art show
and they did not qualify her for entry into the art enrichment program.
Yet there was a feeling that this image was special.

On December 8th 2011, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, we gave this picture to
Our Blessed Mother in prayer before Holy Mass. We hoped it would bring her joy. One year
later the Children’s Rosary book was complete and was sent to the publisher for publication.
The book contains this picture of Our Lady on the inside back cover.

When the drawing was presented to Our Lady as a gift on her Feast the idea of the Children’s
Rosary book had not even been conceived. Yet one short year later, a Children’s Rosary book
with this drawing inside of Our Blessed Mother was completed. The book contents, image and
name of the image were all approved by the Archbishop of Hartford for publication. This
drawing has also become part of the official logo for the Children’s Rosary.

We are grateful to Our Lady for accepting this picture and continuing to bless the Children’s
Rosary and all its members.

(written by Blythe Kaufman)

How to Start a Children’s Rosary Group

If there isn’t a Children’s Rosary near you consider starting one.  Our Lady has continued to
show us through the apparitions in Lourdes and Fatima that she is calling our children to prayer
and in a special way, the Rosary.

Steps to Begin a Children’s Rosary in Your Parish

1. Obtain permission from your Pastor to begin a Children’s Rosary group.

2. Choose a location (usually in a church or parish center but does not have to be limited to
those locations).

3. Choose a regular meeting time (monthly or if interest exists weekly or daily).

4. Invite a group of families and children to your first Children’s Rosary and consider
putting a notice in your Church bulletin (usually these groups begin small and with time
they will increase in size)*

5. Register your Children’s Rosary with us at the website or by mail at

P.O. Box 271743, West Hartford, CT USA (In this way  we will have a central list of all
Children’s Rosary groups formed and those looking for a Children’s Rosary will easily
be able to find one at

Guidelines for Your First Children’s Rosary

1. Begin by Consecrating your new group to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate
Heart of Mary.

2. Bring the children together in front of those gathered and have them kneel (pillows are
a welcome addition for them to kneel on).

3. In turns have a child stand and lead a decade of the Rosary (if a microphone is present
this is a nice way for their soft voices to be heard).

4. The child should say the first part of each prayer: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is
with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
The entire group then responds together: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

A similar alternating arrangement should be used for the Our Father prayer and Glory

5. An optional addition is the use of flowers (roses or any other flower).  This is

particularly nice for smaller children not able to lead or children with disabilities
preventing them from leading.  At the end of each decade a child is asked to place a
flower at the foot of a statue of Mary if available (otherwise just place the roses in a
small pile on the ground in front of where the children are praying).  While the child is
placing the flower an adult is saying, “Mary we humbly place this flower at your feet
and ask for the gift of… Faith”  if one were saying the first glorious mystery.  The gifts
asked for correspond to the fruits of the mysteries.

6. Consider having a prayer book with illustrations of the mysteries of the Rosary for the
children to use during prayer. The Children’s Rosary book  was designed for this
purpose but any visual aid can be used.

7. Consider having a petition box. The children can decorate the box if desired and it can
be placed in front of the children while they are saying their monthly Rosary.  If the
group desires and is given permission from the pastor the box can be left out for
members of the parish to place petitions in all month.

 We have found that those people invited individually tend to be more responsive to
attending a newly formed Children's Rosary.  Additional publicity such as notices in
bulletins and announcements after Mass have been helpful as well.

 Once you signed up as a Group Leader at the website, you will have access to sample
flyers, logos and other resources.

Any questions please contact Blythe Kaufman at:

Address: PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA
Phone: (860) 785-3340

Frequently asked Questions When Starting a Children's Rosary

Okay you have decided you would like to begin a Children's Rosary...what is the next

We have some resources to help folks get started. There is a list of guidelines for beginning a
Children's Rosary and also suggestions for your first meeting. Click here for more information.

Some Frequently asked Questions which may help those who would like to begin groups:

Can a Children's Rosary begin in a school?

Yes we have two children's Rosary groups which have already begun in schools and these have
gone very well.  We have a third school meeting next week in Texas.  

Do the children have to kneel during the Children's Rosary?

Yes, I would recommend that the kneel  unless they have a physical condition preventing this.
If one looks at the apparitions of Fatima and Lourdes we see that the children knelt in prayer of

the Rosary.  This clearly shows us that this is pleasing to Our Lady and Our Lord.  On a
practical note we have found that when the children kneel this is a cue to them that this is a
different time one which is special.  By kneeling they automatically become more attentive and
seem to refrain from excess talking.  There is a reverence which seems to naturally flow from
having the children kneel.  Rarely have I found a child not fall easily into the semicircle of
other children kneeling.  They actually really enjoy being all together shoulder to shoulder in
prayer.  A sense of togetherness with other children.  It is actually beautiful to see. 

Where should we hold our Children's Rosary? 

Most of our Children's Rosary groups meet in a Church or chapel but one could meet in
another space as well such as an outside grotto or parish center.  Some of our groups exist in
schools and if it is not possible to go to a Church the group could meet within the school or on
the grounds.  If you have Eucharistic Adoration at your Church it would be wonderful to hold
your Children's Rosary during Adoration.  Some parishes have 24 hour Eucharistic Adoration
and others offer it on the First Saturday or First Friday.  These would be wonderful times to
If you are meeting in a Church usually the children would gather before the altar in a semi-
circle kneeling on the ground. If you have a statue of Our Lady it is nice to place Our Lady
before the children.   

No matter what the location there are many blessings being poured down through the prayers
of the children.  

How often should we meet? 

This requires some prayer and discernment.  One must decide if you want to meet weekly, bi-
monthly or monthly.  Some groups who meet weekly feel that the children form a routine and
this helps them to remember to come and it is woven into their weekly prayer life.  Other
groups feel that given the number of commitments folks have these days that realistically a
monthly frequency is better. Often the frequency is dictated by the availability of the space and
the amount of time the person leading the group has available.

When should we meet?

This is probably the most frequently asked question that new group leaders ask.  Many of our
group leaders have chosen first Saturday in honor of Our Lady.  Meetings after a Saturday
morning Mass have worked well or before the evening vigil.  Others have chosen First Friday
in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and chosen to meet at 4 or 5PM. Many others have
chosen before or after a Sunday morning Mass.  The advantage of before Mass is the children
are fresh and not tired.  The advantage of after Mass is you could offer a little snack or treat
after which is not possible before Mass.  Coupling the Rosary before or after Mass is nice as
you may find other adults who like to join the children for the Rosary and the children
definitely like to see folks in the pews as they lead the Rosary.

Here is What Clergymen, Parents and Children are Saying About the
Children’s Rosary

 Cardinal Sean O’Malley blesses members of the Children’s Rosary

at Sacred Heart Church in Middleboro, Massachusetts USA

Robert Cardinal Sarah; Vatican City

“The graces that are so evidently springing from the Children’s Rosary through the powerful
intercession of Our Lady give me great hope not only for Africa, but for the many countries
worldwide that you are engaged in and where the Lord wishes you to venture. Please know of
my fervent support for your apostolate.”

Fr. Andrew Apostoli CFR; EWTN Host

“This is a great prayer movement. I hope many people will either want to form a group or
encourage groups to form.”

Archbishop Emeritus Henry J. Mansell; Hartford, CT

“It is clear that the Children’s Rosary does not offer a new Rosary, but rather serves to assist
the children who pray the Rosary to do so in a special way bringing them to safety and holiness
of life under the intercession and protection of the Blessed Mother.”

Timothy Cardinal Dolan; New York, NY

“Please know how grateful I am for your efforts to introduce and inculcate a devotion to the
Rosary among our young people.”

Vicky Bunty; Children’s Rosary group leader: Hanover, PA

“It is such a blessing and gives me so much peace to watch my grandson as well as all the other
children saying the Rosary.”

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Connie Anderson; Mom and Children’s Rosary group leader: Baton Rouge, LA
“The Children’s Rosary is a gift from Jesus’ family to ours. Like Bl. Mother Teresa of
Calcutta’s witness, this prayer movement for children is a ‘simple path’ to holiness. There is
nothing complicated about it.”

Allie; fourth grader and member of the Children’s Rosary: Destrehan, LA

“Saying the Rosary together feels more powerful than just saying it by yourself.”

Asher; Age 6 West Hartford, CT

“The Children’s Rosary is important because we can give more love to Jesus and Mary.”

Sr. Angela de Fatima Coelho,  asm; Postulator of the Cause of Canonization of Francisco
and Jacinta Marto, and Vice Postulator for the Cause of Canonization of Sr. Lucia
“The movement of the Children’s Rosary seems to have captured one of the central calls of the
message of Fatima, which is the prayer of the Rosary.”

Children’s Rosary Advisory Board

Meet the Members of Our Advisory Board.

Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe M.F.V.A., is the Chaplain of the Eternal Word Television
Network where he initially came to work as an engineer. Two years later he became one of the
founding members of the men’s community which Mother Angelica founded in 1987:
the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word. Fr. Joseph was ordained to the priesthood in

Mike Ford, is the Director of Our Lady’s Rosary Makers which is a lay Apostolate
based out of Louisville, Kentucky. The focus of this Apostolate is to teach people to make
Rosaries. The Children’s Rosary has received thousands of donated Rosaries from members of
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers from around the world. Mike Ford has been an instrumental part of
introducing those who participate with Our Lady’s Rosary makers to the Children’s Rosary.
His love of Our Blessed Mother and focus on propagating devotion to the Rosary is in keeping
with the goals of the Children’s Rosary.

Immaculée Ilibagiza is a survivor of the genocide in Rwanda.

She survived by hiding with 7 other women in a tiny bathroom for 91
days. She credits the Rosary with helping her find peace and also
forgiveness for those who killed her friends and family. During her
time in hiding she recalls praying 27 Rosaries per day. Immaculée is a
beautiful example of love and forgiveness for our children.

Alan Napleton is currently the president of Catholic Marketing Network.

He is the past Executive Director at Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Foundation and
past President at Radio Guadalupe. Alan Napleton has a strong Devotion to Our
Lady of Guadalupe and the Rosary. Inspired by Our Lady of Guadalupe's ability to
bring so many together, he has tried to follow a similar vocation. Through the
Catholic Marketing Network he has spent over 30 years connecting people for the
good. Alan also has one son and he is named after Pope John Paul II. Alan has played an
important role connecting many wonderful people with the Children's Rosary.

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Catherine Wiley is the Founder of the Catholic Grandparents Association. Catherine
has worked tirelessly to highlight the important role of grandparents in the family. We are
extremely blessed to have guidance from these wonderful individuals. Each individual brings a
wonderful element to the movement. One common link they all share is a love of the Rosary
and a desire to bring more souls to Our Lord.

We also remember Fr. Andrew Apostoli CFR who was on the Children's Rosary
Advisory Board from 2014 until his passing on December 13th 2017. He was the co-founder of
the Community of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. He was ordained a priest by Bishop
Fulton J. Sheen in 1967 and served as a Vice Postulator for the Cause of Canonization for
Archbishop Fulton Sheen.

Resources to Start a New Group

Our Lord said, “Let the children come

to Me.” (Mark 10:14) Repeatedly
throughout Scripture Our Lord speaks
of how dear the children are to Him
and how He calls them to Himself in a
special way. The Children’s Rosary
strives to bring children closer to
Jesus through the formation of
Children’s Rosary prayer groups in
parishes, schools and orphanages.
Through this time in contemplation of
Our Lord’s life at Mary’s side, a
friendship can develop and deepen between each child and Jesus. The following resources have
been provided to help in starting a Children’s Rosary prayer group:

 Step by Step Instructions on How to Start a Children’s Rosary

 Instructional Videos
 Children’s Rosary Book
 Children’s Rosary DVD
 Children’s Rosary CDs
 Music
 Theme Song Videos
 How to Pray the Rosary
 Children’s Rosary Banner
 Resources for Disabled
Once you register your group and are approved you will have access to sample flyers, sample
bulletin notices and our logos. Please note that Children’s Rosary groups do not meet in private
homes. Meeting locations include: a Church parish (including outposts of the parish), schools
or orphanages. If you have questions please contact us. We are happy to help.  Please know we
are praying for you and your efforts to begin a Children’s Rosary.

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Children’s Rosary Book

Children’s Rosary A Prayer Group Movement for Children

By Blythe Marie Kaufman, DMD MDS. This booklet
contains all twenty mysteries of the Rosary with original
illustrations for children and a special preface by Most
Reverend Henry J. Mansell, Archbishop of Hartford, CT. By
means of the Holy Rosary our children will be guided to
safety and holiness under the protection of our Blessed
Mother. This beautiful little book has a complete
explanation on how to start a Children’s Rosary prayer
group, step by step, including guidelines and the prayers of
the rosary. It is also ideally suited to be used by children in
prayer of the Holy Rosary. 32 pages, pamphlet style
paperback, 4″ x 5.5″ size.

For those individuals who would like to start a Children’s

Rosary prayer group and need materials such as Rosaries,
and a prayer book to begin a group but do not have the funds
to purchase them please contact us at: We try to fulfill requests
through donations we receive.

Children’s Rosary CDs

The Children’s Rosary has released three CDs: The Children’s Rosary Glorious Mysteries, The
Children’s Rosary Sorrowful Mysteries and the Children’s Rosary Joyful Mysteries. We plan
to release the Luminous Mysteries soon!

Each Children’s Rosary CD not only contains the children leading the Rosary but also contains
original music and a classical Marian hymn which corresponds to that mystery of the Rosary.
In this way, the children are exposed to some of the treasured classical hymns – all sung by

NOTE TO CHILDREN’S ROSARY GROUP LEADERS: These CDs are important resources

for your groups. The Glorious CD contains our theme song “Rosary Children” which you may
want to play at the end of your Children’s Rosary. The “Hail Holy Queen” song included on
the Glorious CD is perfect to play during a May Crowing. Likewise, the children singing “At
the Cross Her Station Keeping” which appears on our Sorrowful CD can be played if your
group would like to lead the Stations of the Cross.

With sweet and angelic voices members of the Children’s Rosary lead a Rosary set to peaceful
instrumental music. Timeless and beautiful for all ages. Both young and old will enjoy playing
along with these innocent ones.

Special highlights include: the theme song, Rosary

Children, sung by the Children’s Rosary; an Introduction

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by Blythe Kaufman (Founder of the Children’s Rosary) and the hymn, “Hail, Holy Queen”,
sung by the Children’s Choir of the Basilica of St. John the Evangelist.

Special highlights include: the theme song, Rosary

Children, sung by Jeff Batter; an Introduction by Blythe
Kaufman (Founder of the Children’s Rosary; and the
hymn, “At the Cross Her Station Keeping”, sung by the
Children’s Choir of the Basilica of St. John the Evangelist.

Special highlights include: the theme song, Rosary

Children, sung by the Children’s Rosary; an Introduction
by Blythe Kaufman (Founder of the Children’s Rosary)
and the hymn, “The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came”,
sung by the Children’s Choir of the Basilica of St. John
the Evangelist, with an original song “Catherine of Siena”
sung by Jeff Batter with members of the Children’s

Instructional Videos

We have three instructional videos which we

hope will be helpful to you. The videos
included below are in English but we also
make them available
with Spanish and French subtitles.

How to Run Your First Children’s Rosary

Group Meeting
Children’s Rosary – A Frequently Asked Question
How to Start a Children’s Rosary
Instructional Videos Specifically for Starting a Children’s Rosary in a School:
An Invitation to Schools
How to Run Your First Children’s Rosary Group Meeting in a School
Children’s Rosary DVD

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The Children’s Rosary offers a simple and deeply moving
experience of prayer. With the innocent voices of the
children, one can pray all four mysteries: Joyful,
Sorrowful, Luminous and Glorious.  The Rosary is led by
members of the Children’s Rosary prayer group

Both young and old will find this a favorite way to pray
the Rosary. Special highlights include the Children’s
Rosary theme song, Rosary Children, featuring little ones
from around the world in their Children’s Rosary prayer
groups.  This video provides a glimpse into a Children’s
Rosary prayer group and a window into the hope and joy
which represents our future.

Bonus Features include instructional videos with step by

step explanations of How to Start a Children’s
Rosary Prayer Group and demonstrations on How to Run Your First Children’s Rosary Group
Meeting.   Frequently asked Questions are also answered by Blythe Kaufman, founder of the
Children’s Rosary.


The Children’s Rosary has a theme song which

was written by Fr. Lawrence Tucker SOLT. 
This song was written for the Children’s
Rosary prayer group movement.  We are very
grateful for this gift.  We have made the sheet
music for the song available to Children’s
Rosary groups HERE.  We also have a music
video for our theme song featuring members of
the Children’s Rosary from our groups around the world.

As children so much like to sing we invite Children’s Rosary groups to sing our theme song at
the beginning or end of their meetings.  We have a CD with the song recorded if you would
like to play the song to accompany the children singing in your group.  We are aware that
many of our Children’s Rosary groups are praying in other languages but we still invite the
children to learn our theme song “Rosary Children” in English.  In this way it is a universal
song that the children can sing all around the world.

The music component to the Children’s Rosary meetings is optional.  Some groups may want
to meet and pray without singing.  Others may choose to sing other songs at the beginning or
end of their meetings.  There is flexibility.  Our Children’s Rosary CDs each contain a
traditional Marian hymn which also could be played.  The “Hail Holy Queen” song included on
the Glorious CD is perfect to play during a May Crowing. Likewise, the children singing “At
the Cross Her Station Keeping” which appears on our Sorrowful CD can be played if your
group would like to lead the Stations of the Cross.

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Resources for Disabled

The Children’s Rosary has a Commitment to Including

Children of all Abilities.

The Children’s Rosary is a prayer group movement for

children. Looking back on the first meeting of the
Children’s Rosary on April 10th 2011 it would seem Our
Lady always intended children with disabilities to have a
special place in the Children’s Rosary. Although the
group was small when it began several of the children
had disabilities. The group grew in a special way involving children of every ability. As
founder of the movement, I too have an inherited disability with my joints preventing me from
driving or using my hands for many activities. Two of our three children have disabilities: one
an inherited physical condition that is progressive in nature and our other child suffering from
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). So indeed there was an awareness that
children are called to prayer no matter what their abilities.

In a special way we have incorporated things into the Children’s Rosary to include children
who might be unable to lead the prayers. One example is the inclusion of roses at the end of
each decade. A child is asked to place a rose at the foot of a statue of Our Lady at the end of
each decade. This gives children unable to lead prayers a way to show mother Mary how much
they love her. The prayer group also provides a wonderful place for children of different
abilities to support each other. It is moving to see a little child taking the hand of an older child
with a disability and together leading prayers. Likewise, some of the older children also find a
sense of belonging when they can help an uncertain littler child. No matter what the age and
ability all come together with a heart open to love and prayer.

Recently we recorded several Children’s Rosary CDs. A mom of four who leads a Children’s
Rosary, shared that her 16 year old son who has Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) has
struggled for years with the Rosary. He would try to pray at home but became frustrated as it
was difficult for him to finish and it would take him up to an hour. His mom was looking for
something to help him. She received our Children’s Rosary CDs as a gift and her son began
using them. He was so excited as he could finally pray the Rosary daily and complete it
without frustration. It was then that we began to see the CDs as a resource for those that
struggle praying the Rosary due to disability. Another resource that we have to help pray the
Rosary is a diagram created with help from the children. Recently we also heard that this has
been helpful for a child with dyslexia. His mom shared that he began using the diagram which
has different colored beads, moving his fingers along the diagram. He found using the diagram
helped him pray a complete Rosary! The Diagram can be downloaded and printed.

The Children’s Rosary book in English is available in Braille free through the Xavier Society
for the Blind. The Xavier society also provides our Children’s Rosary CDs free of charge to
individuals who are blind. Several of our Children’s Rosary group leaders are blind and utilize
these braille materials in their groups. These group leaders have offered to help other
individuals who may be blind and would like to begin a Children’s Rosary. Please contact the
Children’s Rosary if you would like to be put in contact with one of these individuals.

Our Children’s Rosary instructional videos have been provided with subtitles for those with
hearing impairment. We thank all those children and adults who are a part of the Children’s

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Rosary. We strive to provide materials so that no adult or child despite his or her ability will be
excluded from participating in the Children’s Rosary. Thank you all and God Bless.

Your Friend in Christ,

Blythe Kaufman

Interactive “View from Heaven” Map

What is a View from Heaven?

A View from Heaven is the world as it might be seen from heaven with the Children’s Rosary
groups visible as twinkling lights.

As the children come to Our Lord with an open heart and with their innocence one can imagine
their prayers rise with a very pure light.  One that travels a great distance to find the heart of
their Heavenly Father.  What joy must be found in heaven to see such children praying the
Holy Rosary, a prayer so dear to Our Blessed Mother and her Son.  As we know from
Scripture, “where two or three are gathered in My Name there am I in their midst” (Matthew
18:20). Through these little prayer groups indeed Our Lord is called down to be with us and
hence the light shines all the more brilliantly…illuminating the darkness.

To see such lights growing in number around our tired world a beautiful hope wells.  As more
groups form, the lights coalesce forming a stronger brighter light. The children are praying that
more groups will form so they can keep adding to the lights on the map.  While we began by
showing the lights of the children meeting in their prayer groups, the children recognize that
each person seeing this has the ability to fill the sky with more and more light.  The children
are praying that you will join them in prayer.  By unifying prayers and clicking the JOIN IN
PRAYER button each person can add their gold light to the map.  Each Children’s Rosary
prayer group is asked to pray for those unifying prayers with them. In this way by joining
prayers with the children, they are praying for you!

While some may feel they are alone in their prayers a View from Heaven lets children and
adults see that we are not alone and our prayers however small have an illuminating effect.

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How does the Map Work?

This is a view of earth from heaven.  One can see prayers going up represented as little lights
illuminating the sky.  A blinking blue light represents children actively praying in a Children’s
Rosary group meeting.  The blinking gold lights are people unifying prayers with the children
meeting and with other individuals.

We invite you to join the children in prayer.  The children always pray for those unifying
prayers with them.  Don’t forget to click the button: JOIN IN PRAYER to see your light on the
map.  If no blue lights are blinking, see our schedule for the next meeting time.  Click on the
red dot (Registered Locations) in the legend to see where all our groups are located.

When the website first opens, all registered locations will show as red dots on the map for 5
seconds. In addition, you will see the lights representing prayers: both groups meeting
(represented in blue) and those joining in prayer (represented in gold).  After 5 seconds have
passed, the red dots will disappear. By clicking on the blue button in the legend you can see
only the groups actively meeting. By clicking on the gold light in the legend you can see just
those individuals joining in prayer. By clicking on the combined blue and gold light in the
legend, you will again see both group meetings (blue) and individuals (gold).


he Children’s Rosary blog was begun shortly after the formation of the Children’s
Rosary. It became a very personal way for the founder of the Children’s Rosary,
Blythe Kaufman, to share the day-to-day experiences of members of the
Children’s Rosary prayer group movement. While the growth of the Children’s
Rosary necessitated a website that had the capacity to register groups and
provide a larger infrastructure, the blog remains true to the grassroots nature of
this prayer group movement. In the blog, we share our sufferings and blessings. It
is also the place where one can see children from around the world meeting in
their Children’s Rosary prayer groups. From interior Alaska, USA with its frigid

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temperatures to children meeting in rural Kenya at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro, it
can all be found at
Please note, posts are written primarily in English but occasionally in other
languages such as Spanish and French.
How to Say the Rosary

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IN THE NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (As you say this,
with your right hand touch your forehead when you say Father, touch your breastbone when
you say Son, touch your left shoulder when you say Holy, and touch your right shoulder when
you say Spirit.)
I BELIEVE IN GOD, the Father almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ,
His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into Hell. The
third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of
God, the Father almighty. He shall come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the
Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the
resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

OUR FATHER, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be
done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. Amen.

HAIL MARY, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and
blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.

GLORY BE to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is
now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

O MY JESUS, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell; lead all souls to Heaven,
especially those in most need of Thy mercy. Amen.

HAIL HOLY QUEEN, mother of mercy; our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we
cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in
this vale of tears. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us. And after
this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet
Virgin Mary. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ. Amen.

Fruits of Each Mystery and when to Say Them:

On Monday and Saturday, meditate on the “Joyful Mysteries”

First Decade: The Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary (Luke 1:26-38)
Second Decade: The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-56)
Third Decade: The Birth of Our Lord (Luke 2:1-21)
Fourth Decade: The Presentation of Our Lord (Luke 2:22-38)
Fifth Decade: The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52)

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On Thursday, meditate on the “Luminous Mysteries”
First Decade: The Baptism of Our Lord in the River Jordan (Matthew 3:13-16) FRUIT:
Second Decade: The Wedding at Cana, when Christ manifested Himself (Jn 2:1-11) FRUIT:
Third Decade: The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15)
Fourth Decade: The Transfiguration of Our Lord (Matthew 17:1-8)
Fifth Decade: The Last Supper, when Our Lord gave us the Holy Eucharist (Mt 26) FRUIT:

On Tuesday and Friday, meditate on the “Sorrowful Mysteries”

First Decade: The Agony of Our Lord in the Garden (Matthew 26:36-56)
Second Decade: Our Lord is Scourged at the Pillar (Matthew 27:26)
Third Decade: Our Lord is Crowned with Thorns (Matthew 27:27-31)
Fourth Decade: Our Lord Carries the Cross to Calvary (Matthew 27:32)
Fifth Decade: The Crucifixion of Our Lord (Matthew 27:33-56)

On Wednesday and Sunday, meditate on the “Glorious Mysteries”

First Decade: The Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord (John 20:1-29)
Second Decade: The Ascension of Our Lord (Luke 24:36-53)
Third Decade: The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-41)
Fourth Decade: The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
Fifth Decade: The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth

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How to Start Family Prayer

The Children’s Rosary has offered over 1,000 novenas and many Masses for the intention of
renewal of family prayer.  We humbly provide some suggestions on how to begin family
prayer on our Blog.  Please know we are praying for your efforts.

How To Begin Family Prayer

May I humbly share how our family has approached family prayer.
The best way to begin family prayer is to assemble the whole family.  If
only for a few minutes bring everyone together.  At the heart of family
prayer is scripture.  The children’s rosary has been giving out read aloud
Children’s Bibles . 

These are wonderful as they are compiled in a way that makes reading the
stories easy and relatively brief.  The Bible we use also has two questions at
the end of each story which allow for the children to become more
interactive.  Our family reads 2 stories per night. 

The next relatively essential part of night prayer is prayers of petition by each person.  We have
by example shown our children that these prayers are not meant for ourselves but other people
or family members.  Despite what has gone on during the day, there is a healing of the family
that occurs when you hear your children or spouse pray for you.  So often I will lose my temper
with the children during the day but yet at night they pray for me.  Hearing them pray for me
after I have disciplined them seems to heal any misunderstandings or disagreements we may
have.  No matter what has happened they still care about us and we care about them.

The next piece to night prayer may include an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.  This is not
essential but merely a suggestion.  When I began adding prayers to our family night prayer, I
began with prayers that they would need to learn for the rosary.  This seemed to work out well. 
Later after months of night prayer it became much easier to teach them the rosary when they
already knew most of the prayers.

One thing I have learned from being in the school of Our Blessed Mother is that she always
takes things slowly.  She does not expect us to change our lives over night.  Begin small but do
it faithfully.  If I may humbly suggest a starting point a family could:

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Read 1 or 2 Bible stories
Say 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory Be together
Each person individually pray aloud for their petitions

Nice additions to family prayer include having a crucifix present during prayer. 
Many graces are available to families who pray at the foot of the Cross. Also place
your Bible in a visible place in your home.

Additional prayers that we say during our night prayer include:

Children’s Prayer to Mary
Fatima prayer
Vocation prayer 

Children’s Prayer to Mary

Dear Mother of Jesus,
look down upon me
As I say my prayers slowly
at my mother's knee.
I love thee, O Lady 
and please willest thou bring
All little children
To Jesus our King. Amen

Vocation Prayer
Loving God we pray that more young people will be touched by your grace and say yes to your
invitation to follow Jesus by becoming priests, brothers, and sisters.  We ask this through
Christ our Lord .Amen.

Advice about prayer from Our beloved Saints:

What prayer could be more true before God the Father than that which the Son, who is Truth,
uttered with His own lips? (Saint John Chrysostom)

"Have confidence in prayer. It is the unfailing power which God has given us. By means of it
you will obtain the salvation of the dear souls whom God has given you and all your loved
ones." Ask and you shall receive," Our Lord said. Be yourself with the good Lord." (Saint
Peter Julian Eymard)

My daughter...why do you not tell me about everything that concerns you, even the smallest
details? Tell Me about everything, and know that this will give Me great joy. I answered, But
You know about everything, Lord." And Jesus replied to me, "Yes I do know; but you should
not excuse yourself with the fact that I know, but with childlike simplicity talk to Me about
everything, for my ears and heart are inclined towards you, and your words are dear to Me. (St.
Faustina, Divine Mercy in my Soul)

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How to Plan a May Crowning

The Month of May is dedicated to Mary and many enjoy the wonderful tradition of a May
crowning of Mary. Often May crownings are held on "May Day" which is May first but any
day in May is wonderful. 

Here are the Basic Steps

1. Center the crowning around a Statue of Mary.  Some Churches have statues of Our Lady or
you can bring a statue of Mary and then choose your location within or outside the Church.

2. Consider decorating around the statue with some flowers or candles.

3. Organize a processional which ends at the statue of Our Lady.  During the processional
consider singing a song to Our Lady.

Here are some suggestions for possible songs:

Immaculate Mary (Ave Maria)  ..... Bring Flowers of the Rarest ...... 
Hail Holy Queen ......

We have included on our Children's Rosary CD of the Glorious Mysteries the children
singing Hail Holy Queen.  This is meant as a resource for groups who would like to play
music as the children process.  
4. Place a crown of flowers on Our Lady's head at the end of the processional.  If there are
children processing it is always sweet to have the smallest child crown Our Lady if they
can reach. The crown of flowers is often made of little roses but can be made of wild
flowers.  Most grocery stores with a florist department will make one with a small bow for
a very reasonable cost.  

5. Prayers are then said before Our Lady.  There is flexibility here to say one Hail Mary or a
whole Rosary.

A May crowning is a wonderful way to begin a Children's Rosary during the month of May. 

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Saints invited to Join the Children’s Rosary

The following Saints have been invited to join the Children’s Rosary and to pray with us and
for us.  A nine day novena has been completed to each Saint listed below for the following

To become a member of the Children’s Rosary one only has to tell the Lord in their heart of
their desire to be a part of our group.  You will then be included in all the novenas being said
and all of the rosaries being prayed daily.

A nine day novena has been completed for all the Saints listed below. Eight hundred and
twenty Saints have been invited to join the Children’s Rosary. We plan to continue until all
Saints and Blesseds in Heaven are members.

If you would like to add a Saint, Blessed, Venerable or Servant of God to our list please pray a
9 day novena for the intention above. Let us know of your novena and the Saint’s name and it
will be added to our list!

Write to us by postal mail or email at:

Children’s Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA
Thank you so much. We are so grateful for the prayers!

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Prayer Initiatives for the Children's Rosary


The second year of the Children’s Rosary was dedicated to renewal of family prayer.   Over 40
Masses were said for this intention.  Seven Hundred and seventy individual Novenas were said
to different saints for renewal of family prayer by members of the Children's Rosary.  Over 500
read Aloud Children's Bibles have been given away as part of this effort.  For when our
families are strong then our Church will be strong, too.  

Recently in prayer, Our Lady seemed to be pointing to another area where she would like our
help.  A novena of 9 Masses was begun on April 1st for Our Lady's Intentions with the hope
that she would clarify her wishes.  In many very small ways she has continued to put things in
place that reinforce this first inspiration that she wishes for us to pray for: her seminarians.  Just
as Our Lady in her wisdom started with the children to increase prayer in families and parishes
she is now looking to the priests for healing.  But to begin, she is going to those early years
while they are still young and in formation.  These young men are the future shepherds of our
Church and our children are the future flock.  It is my hope that the Children's Rosary this year
can be a source of prayers for these young men studying to become priests. How beautiful are
the plans of Our Lady which weave these two groups together. 

All Masses are all offered for all seminarians that they will grow in holiness and lead us all
in love.  Every month we have a Mass offered for this intention.  As our seminarians will be
the future shepherds and our children are the future flock it seemed a beautiful way for the
children to help.

These efforts are three-fold:

 A Monthly Mass will be offered on the first of the month for all seminarians that
they may grow in holiness and lead us all in love.
 Children's Rosary groups will pray over all of the names of individual seminarians
that they may grow in holiness and lead us all in love.
 Members of the Children's Rosary will have the opportunity to choose a
seminarian to pray for daily in their home.  

There is an awareness that these seminarians are our future shepherds and these children are
the future flock.  It is therefore particularly important for the children to pray for these young
men.  It is also beautiful to contemplate that many Seminarians this month have been ordained
as priests and are going out to parishes and missions around the world. If there is any
seminarian who wants to be prayed for, contact the Children’s Rosary and they will be
included in Masses and in the Children’s Rosary Meeting.

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The children also pray for renewal of family prayer in their prayer groups. In addition, over
780 individual 9 day novenas have been said by members oft the Children's Rosary to different
saints also asking for renewal of family prayer.  Why so much attention and prayer for this
The Children's Rosary is not an intercessory prayer group, meaning its purpose is not to purely
pray for intentions, rather it is a prayer group for children which helps support their prayer
lives. Yet one cannot ignore the importance of prayer in the family.  Saints throughout history
have championed prayer in the family.  The famous saying coined by Servant of God Fr.
Patrick Peyton summaries it so beautifully, "The Family that stays together prays together".
And so to keep and strengthen our families we pray for them. We hope that the prayer the
children experience in their prayer groups will blossom into a richer prayer life in their homes.
Many members of the Children's Rosary have shared how this is happening in their families.

Recently, we have begun to experience some of these graces in our own family prayer.  It
began one night by chance.  My husband was reading the Bible, as we do each night.  We had
reached the Psalms.  On this particular night, there was something that caught my attention and
I asked my husband to repeat it as I very much liked the verse. Then an idea came, maybe I
should ask the kids and my husband if there was something they liked in the reading.  We
found that it took several re-readings of the psalm that first night for everyone to find a favorite

As the nights continued, we began to ready the children before prayer telling them, listen very
carefully for the part that "speaks to you".  Our middle son and I found having a pen and paper
ready to quickly take down our favorite part made things much easier.  Our daughter found that
she liked to try and listen extra hard and remember just a phrase.  Not only would we ask the
children to say their favorite part of the reading but also explain why it was their favorite.  

May I humbly share some of what our children found  One of our children chose some of these
quotes over several nights"Leave all to the Lord. Be patient and wait for the Lord" (Psalm
37:5,7). To this he said, sometimes you do not feel anything when you pray but you must wait
things will happen.  "Give up anger... Shun evil and do good.  For the Lord loves what is right"
(Psalm 37: 8,27,28).  As parents it was interesting to hear such selections chosen as favorites.
Yet we could see his selections mirroring some of the recent decisions he had been making.

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Instead of losing his temper he had been choosing another path.  There was a new willingness
to try harder for the good.  For this we all have been so grateful.

Our younger son found Psalm 31:10 spoke to him, "Have Mercy on me for I am in distress".
He said, when you are faithful to prayer and offer sufferings, God is always happy to help you.

This new evolution in our family prayer comes after at least 5 years of praying together as a
family.  It is interesting it took so much time for us to find this way of discovering Scripture in
a new way.  Something else interesting began to happen, our eleven year old son began to take
a notebook to Mass with him and began taking notes during the readings and homily. He liked
having notes from both family prayer and Mass.  The first weekend he began to do this the
homily perfectly mirrored what we were experiencing.  The priest was talking about Scripture:
that we must read, listen and respond.  Before we were simply reading Scripture in our family.
Now the kids (and yes us parents too),  are listening and responding with how it is moving in
our hearts.  

Indeed no matter what our starting point is with prayer in our family, Our Lord can make it
better and for this we pray and offer Masses.  It is our hope that we may have holy families
where prayer feeds us and serves as a unifying force to keep us together.

May we all try to renew family prayer in our homes.  Through this coming together as a family
Our Lord will bless us.   Through prayer more love will blossom where division exists. When
the family is strong then the Church will be strong.  Our Lord has the medicine for the family it
is prayer.  Pope Francis recently made reference to the healing power of prayer when he gave
out Rosaries in pill boxes and likened himself to a pharmacist prescribing medicine for the
heart.  May we  also reach out to other families and encourage renewal of family prayer. Such
efforts please Our Lord and Our Lady.  For so many Saints and Popes have expounded the
necessity for family prayer.

"We know certainly that our God calls us to a holy life. We know that he gives us every grace,
every abundant grace; and though we are so weak of ourselves, this grace is able to carry us
through every obstacle and difficulty."-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

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9 Ways to Get Involved and Help the Children's Rosary

We will be highlighting ways people can get involved and

help the Children's Rosary. For those unfamiliar with the
Children's Rosary,  the Children's Rosary is a prayer group
movement for children. It is an effort to begin in parishes,
schools and orphanages Rosary prayer groups composed of
children. These groups meet regularly to pray a Rosary as a
prayer group. Some groups meet monthly, weekly or in
some places daily. The children in the groups traditionally
range in age from 4-14. But any child with an interest to
attend should not be turned away especially those with
disabilities who may be older. Children younger then 4 can
also attend. More and more there is an appreciation of the benefit young children can receive
from praying and seeing other children praying at a very tender age.

The first way to get involved with the Children's Rosary is to Start a Children's Rosary in
your parish, school or in an orphanage.

This is a relatively small group of children...usually 2 or 3. Some of our Children's Rosary

groups are much larger but many are tiny with a handful of children meeting. I share this group
as an example because many may feel intimidated that finding enough children for a group
would be difficult. 

If one thinks of an adult prayer groups these traditionally are small. Yet, there is great comfort
that comes with praying with just one other person. It is also okay if the children involved are
different ages...actually there can be some benefit to this. Young children are beautifully open
to prayer.

One of the ways I have seen to engage older children is to give them an opportunity to help the
younger ones. Having a younger child in the group that needs help is just the situation where an
older child can step in and help. I have seen this with my own children. When my older two
children see a younger child come to the group who might be a little nervous and unfamiliar
with the prayers they light up. There is something inside of all of us that takes joy when we feel
needed and can help someone...this is especially true for children. 

We have tried to create various resources for those interested in beginning groups. We have the
steps to begin a Children's Rosary outlined
in English, Spanish and French.
We also have created three instructional videos to help in: 
Starting a group (video in English & Spanish) 
Running your first meeting (video in English & Spanish) 
Answering frequently asked questions (video in English & Spanish)

The Children's Rosary book was also designed to help a person begin a Children's Rosary
group. It can be very helpful to show the book to your Pastor when asking permission to begin
a group. Additionally, it can also be used by the children to pray the Rosary.  We have also
created a printable pdf of how to pray the Rosary in English, Spanish and French. This is
particularly useful  if you do not have access to the Children's Rosary book.

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If a person would like to begin a Children's Rosary and does not have the means to order
materials please contact us ( We will make every attempt to get
the materials to you. We also have donated handmade Rosaries which can be shared with
groups that are forming.

Second, we would like to invite those able to

provide a financial donation.
The Children's Rosary continues only through the
generosity of people like yourself. We try to do a
great deal with a very little. We would like to share
with you how your donation can make a difference:

 A donation of $25.00 helps us share enough

materials for a new small Children’s Rosary
group to form in the United States.
 A donation of $50.00 helps us send enough materials for a small Children’s Rosary group
to begin in a foreign country.
 As requests internationally are usually for large groups, $125.00 allows us to send enough
materials for 75 Children to have enough materials to begin a group and each child to
have a Rosary.
 Smaller donations of $5-$20.00 allow us to put together a missionary package to hand
deliver to a person traveling to a distant area of the world to help begin Children’s Rosary
 Larger donations of $1,000 or more help us meet the demands of materials from
missionary outposts where 15-20 new groups are requesting materials.

The picture above are some of the materials that were carried to Russia this past spring with
hopes to begin a Children's Rosary in Magadan. Through donations we have been able to keep
supplying materials and covering the cost of shipping these items all across the globe. 

The fruits of these efforts are bountiful. The group meeting pictured above is our new
Children's Rosary group at Nativity of Jesus Parish in Magadan, Russia. The children there
were the ones who received the Rosaries and books we sent last spring. The little seeds planted
are bearing fruits. We have sent packages with Children's Rosary materials this year to the
following countries: Vietnam, Philippines, Uganda, Colombia, Ecuador, Pakistan, Nicaragua,
Brazil, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Panama, Tanzania, Kenya, Australia, and 
throughout the United States.

If you would like to help these efforts and become part of the tapestry of the Children's Rosary
donations can be sent to: 
Children's Rosary 
PO Box 271743 
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA or electronically at
Checks can be made out to: Children's Rosary Inc.

Thank you for your generosity which helps us keep reaching more children. Please know that
we are praying for you.

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Third, we would also like to invite people to help get the word out about the Children's
Rosary. Jesus in the Gospel reading invites Andrew and Peter to become fishers of men. So we
ask you to cast your nets into the sea. Reach out to people and invite them to become a part of
the Children's Rosary.

Here are some ideas:

• Going on a pilgrimage - order our Children’s Rosary DVD to play on the bus and request
100 pack of our Children’s Rosary bookmarks to share with your fellow pilgrims or those
you meet.
• Order a 10 pack of our Children’s Rosary Books which explain how to begin a Children’s
Rosary prayer group and also how to pray the Rosary and keep one in your pocket. Say a
prayer that the Holy Spirit will guide each book into the hands it was meant for and bring
beautiful fruits. See how fast the 10 go!
• Obtain permission from your pastor to leave out information about the Children’s Rosary
such as our bookmarks or Children’s Rosary books in a special area of your Church or
Adoration chapel.
• Contact us about ordering larger quantities of our Children’s Rosary books or our
bookmarks to give away. Discounted pricing available.
• Sign up for news and updates at the bottom of the screen on our home
page and share information with friends and family.
 Contact us at or call us at (860) 785 3340 with questions or for
information about obtaining our bookmark.

Fourth, we also would like to humbly ask for

the help of those who may be able to help with
translations. The Children's Rosary is trying to
reach children across the globe. But we need to be
able to communicate to those in their native
languages and provide materials such as our
Children's Rosary book in a language they can
read. There is need for individuals to help in
translation and also those who could proof or read
over things that have been translated. 

As I speak English as my native language and have spent years trying to learn Spanish without
much success, I am impressed with anyone who is fluent in two languages.  If you have any
interest in helping please reach out. We have ongoing need for help with Spanish and French.
Other languages that we are particularly looking for help would be: Vietnamese, Urdu,
Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Tagalog and German. But if you are fluent in another language
and also speak English and would like to help please contact us at

The Fifth is we would like to invite people

to donate handmade Rosaries to the Children's
Rosary. We are very grateful to the people who have
made Rosaries and sent them to the Children's Rosary.
Yet, the demand continues to increase with more new
groups forming throughout the world. It gives us great
joy to be able to send little ones handmade rosaries. 

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The children package the boxes and carry them to the post office to be sent around the world.
Indeed there is much tender love and care that goes into what is sent out. Boxes are prayed
over before they leave our house.

We also try to make Rosaries available to any Children's Rosary group forming even ones that
might be able to afford to purchase them. In those cases we ask for a donation to go toward the
postage if possible. We would like all children to have the opportunity to receive handmade
Rosaries. It is just another way the children can be connected together and experience the love
of others. 

If you would like to send Rosaries to the Children's Rosary these can be sent to:
Children’s Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA

(Please note that rosaries should be sent in a box or envelope with padding otherwise they can

The sixth way to help is to invite people to be

a Core Light on our View from Heaven map.
First we must explain the View from
Heaven map. This is a view of the earth as it
might appear to Our Lord and Our Lady with
the lights of prayer illuminating the dark
sky. Currently, when Children's Rosary groups
are meeting a blue twinkling light flashes in the
world where the children are praying. The
children invite others to join them in prayer. There is a button one can hit "join in prayer"
which allows that person to add a gold twinkling light to the map which signifies a soul is
unifying prayers. This light remains twinkling for 30 minutes. We wish to have this View from
Heaven map never dark with people joining in prayer continually. To accomplish this we are
looking for 48 people or families to each take 30 minutes a day.  We ask each person to sign up
for a half hour each day to unify prayers and hit the button "join in prayer". In this way when
people come to the site the map is never dark.  When there is a light flashing there is an
invitation for others to unify prayers. We do not want the light to go out. If you are interested
please contact Blythe at 

We will add you to our list of people who would like to be "core lights". We will be having a
Mass said on Christmas Day for all those who are committing to be a core light. 

In summary what is involved is to visit our site each day ( or or and hit "join in prayer" during the
time you have chosen. We ask people to say internally after hitting the button:

Lord I would like to unify prayers with the members of the Children's Rosary praying. By also
hitting the button "join in prayer" they join those visible on the map plus by saying that little
prayer they join those unifying that do not have access to a computer who are part of the
Children's Rosary and are praying.

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Again if you are interested in being a core light please let us know what time you would like to
cover each day by emailing

There is also a video in English and Spanish helps to provide the idea behind a View from
Heaven. Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of
meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing
light to our View from Heaven map. For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our

The seventh is to ask people to be Invite a Saint to join

the Children's Rosary. This involves asking a Saint,
Blessed, Venerable or Servant of God to be a member of
the Children's Rosary and intercede for the Children's
Rosary. We ask that you pray to that Saint a 9 day novena
for the following intention:



To become a member of the Children's Rosary one only has to tell the Lord in their heart of
their desire to be part of the group. You will then be included in all the novenas being said and
all of the rosaries being prayed daily.  Please email Blythe at to
have your Saint added to the list once the 9 day novena has been completed.

The eight way to help is to invite people

to Join the Children in prayer from their
Visit one of our websites: 
and add your light to our View from
Heaven map. First we must explain
the View from Heaven map. This is a view
of the earth as it might appear to Our Lord and Our Lady with the lights of prayer illuminating
the dark sky. Currently, when Children's Rosary groups are meeting a blue twinkling light
flashes in the world where the children are praying. The children invite others to join them in
prayer. There is a button one can hit "join in prayer" which allows that person to add a gold
twinkling light to the map which signifies a soul is unifying prayers. This light remains
twinkling for 30 minutes. We wish to have this View from Heaven map never dark with people
joining in prayer continually. 

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Please consider unifying prayers with the children and adding your light!

In summary what is involved is to visit our site each day

( or or and hit
"join in prayer". We ask people to say internally after hitting the button: “Lord I would like to
unify prayers with the members of the Children's Rosary praying. By also hitting the button
"join in prayer" they join those visible on the map plus by saying that little prayer they join
those unifying that do not have access to a computer who are part of the Children's Rosary and
are praying.”

And the ninth and last way to help the Children’s Rosary is we also
would like to ask people to Share your Talents. Our Lord has granted
each of us gifts that are unique. We humbly invite you to share those
gifts what ever they may be with the Children's Rosary. Are you a
talented artist? We have had adults and children who have provided
drawings and illustrations for various projects and on our blog. We
especially love to have children submit drawings. All drawings done by
children are precious and they should be encouraged to send artwork if
they have an interest. 

Some may be talented singers or gifted with music. We have heard how
children have learned our theme song "Rosary Children" on various
musical instruments and have played this during their meetings. Others
have played the violin during their meetings including the Ave Maria in
between decades. 

Others may have knowledge of graphic design, video editing or

programming that they can share with the Children's Rosary. Some may be able to share their
experience as a Children's Rosary group leader, providing mentorship to new group leaders.
We welcome the involvement of many. Let us know of your interest. 

Thank you all so much for your help! Please know that you are being
covered in a blanket of prayers by our Children’s Rosary groups around the
world. We ask the children in our groups to pray for all those who help the
Children’s Rosary. We also have a monthly Mass offered on the 25th of every
month for all the members of the Children’s Rosary and all who help the
Children’s Rosary.


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Want to help?

Five Ways You Can Become a Vital Part of the Children’s Rosary

1) Provide a Financial Donation

The Children’s Rosary continues only through the generosity of people like yourself. We try to
do a great deal with very little. We would like to share with you how your donation makes a
 A donation of $25.00 helps us share enough materials for a new small Children’s Rosary
group to form in the United States.
 A donation of $50.00 helps us send enough materials for a small Children’s Rosary group
to begin in a foreign country.
 As requests internationally are usually for large groups, $125.00 allows us to send enough
materials for 75 Children to have enough materials to begin a group and each child to
have a Rosary.
 Smaller donations of $5-$20.00 allow us to put together a missionary package to hand
deliver to a person traveling to a distant area of the world to help begin Children’s Rosary
 Larger donations of $1,000 or more help us meet the demands of materials from
missionary outposts where 15-20 new groups are requesting materials.

We also made our materials available free of charge to the Xavier Society for the Blind. They
in turn provide the materials free of charge to blind individuals that request them.

The Children’s Rosary is a non profit organization with 501 (c)(3) status through the IRS. All
donations are tax deductible in the United States.
Donations can be made out to Children’s Rosary Inc. and mailed to:
Children’s Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA
Recurrent monthly donations however small are particularly
helpful to continue the work of the Children’s Rosary.
Single and recurrent electronic donations can be made.
The children are involved in every part of the Children's
They pack and carry packages to the post office for
destinations around the world.

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2) Start a Children’s Rosary in Your Parish, School or Orphanage
The Children’s Rosary is a grassroots organization so it is through your help that new
Children’s Rosary groups continue to form. Children are open to prayer but they need an
invitation. They need adults to help start groups in their parishes. Learn more about starting a
group in your parish.

Larger boxes of rosaries and materials the children carry

by wagon to the post office.

3) Donate Rosaries
We are always in need of rosaries. If you are an
individual or group of individuals who makes rosaries we
very much would appreciate donated rosaries to share
with our groups. We also accept used rosaries or store bought rosaries. Please do not send
broken rosaries.

Rosaries can be sent to:

Children’s Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA
(Please note that rosaries should be sent in a box or envelope with padding otherwise they can

4) Help Get the Word Out

Here are some ideas:
• Going on a pilgrimage - order our Children’s Rosary DVD to play on the bus and request
100 pack of our Children’s Rosary bookmarks to share with your fellow pilgrims or those
you meet.
• Order a 10 pack of our Children’s Rosary Books which explain how to begin a Children’s
Rosary prayer group and also how to pray the Rosary and keep one in your pocket. Say a
prayer that the Holy Spirit will guide each book into the hands it was meant for and bring
beautiful fruits. See how fast the 10 go!
• Obtain permission from your pastor to leave out information about the Children’s Rosary
such as our bookmarks or Children’s Rosary books in a special area of your Church or
Adoration chapel.
• Contact us about ordering larger quantities of our Children’s Rosary books or our
bookmarks to give away. Discounted pricing available.
• Sign up for news and updates at the bottom of the screen and share information with
friends and family.
 Contact us at or call us at (860) 785 3340 with questions or for
information about obtaining our bookmarks, bumper stickers, sample flyers, or large
quantity pricing of our materials. THANK YOU!

5) Add Your Prayers

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One of the most important ways you can help the Children’s Rosary is to pray. Please include
the Children’s Rosary, the members and the intentions of the Children’s Rosary in your
• We invite you to say a prayer for specific intentions submitted to the Children’s Rosary
on our Prayer Wall.
• We also invite you to unify prayers with the children meeting in their groups around the
world. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them. See our VIEW
FROM HEAVEN Map to see if groups are meeting now and join your prayers to theirs.
Don’t forget to hit the button join in prayer and become a light on the map.

Thank you all so much for your help! Please know that you are being covered in a blanket of
prayers by our Children’s Rosary groups around the world. We ask the children in our groups
to pray for all those who help the Children’s Rosary. We also have a monthly Mass offered on
the 25th of every month for all the members of the Children’s Rosary and all who help the
Children’s Rosary.

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