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1 Cell biology

1.1 Introduction to cells

Felipe Carrera
Name: ………………………………. Date: ……………………………….

Surface area and volume

Question 1
Four graphs are depicted below. Only one depicts the correct relationship between surface area to volume ratio and
cell size. Choose the correct model and explain why it is correct, and why the other models are not correct.

La gráfica correcta es la d ya que si disminuye la relación de área de

superficie a volumen el tamaño de la celula aumenta.

Question 2
The micrographs below show human white blood cells, a human egg cell, and the cells of a bacterium that can
cause bacterial meningitis in humans. Each of the cells is spherical. The diameter of the egg cell is 100 μm, the
diameter of the white blood cell is 10 μm and the diameter of Streptococcus pneumoniae is 1 μm.

White blood cells

Egg cell

Streptococcus pneumoniae

1.1 Introduction to cells

a Using the formula 4πr2 calculate the surface area of each cell type.
Células Blancas: 31,400µm²
Ovulo: 314µm²
Streptococcus: 3.14µm²
b Using the formula 4/3πr3 calculate the volume of each cell type.
Células blancas: 1,570,000µm³
Ovulo: 1,570µm³
Streptococcus: 1.57µm³
c Calculate the surface area to volume ratio of each cell type by dividing the surface area in µm2 by the
volume in µm3.
Células blancas: 0.02µm-1
Ovulo: 0.2µm-1
Streptococcus: 2µm-1
d State what happens to the surface area to volume ratio of a sphere, as its diameter increases.
El volumen aumenta si el diámetro aumenta
e Using surface area to volume ratios:
i Explain the advantages to Streptococcus pneumoniae of its small size.
Que sea la célula de menor tamaño tiene sus ventajas como: mayor
superficie de contacto, se mueven más rapido, requieren menos
nutrimientos, generan menos desechos y tienen una mayor tasa
ii Suggest reasons why no human cells are larger than the egg cell.
Esto se debe a que los ovulos tienen que conseguir los
nutrmientons sucifientes para alimentar al embrión.

1.1 Introduction to cells

Question 3
The table below shows the surface area of skin and mass of five small mammals.

Mammal Mass (g) Surface area (mm2)

Etruscan shrew 2 12

gerbil 74 90

mole 76 83

mouse 29 72

pygmy shrew 5 21

a Plot a graph of the data in the table, with scales and a label on each axis and the points plotted with
small crosses.

Grafica adjuntada en otro pdf

b Explain reasons for the relationship between mass and surface area shown by the graph.
Dependiendo de la masa del mamífero el area de superficie incrementa o

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