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Name: Block: Date:

Topic 1: Introduction, Orientation, and BUCE VMGO

Week 1 (Jan. 17-21, 2022)

I. What is this lesson about?

In this first lesson, we will revisit the VGMO (vision-mission-goals and objectives) of Bicol University and discuss how this course and its
outcomes align with these thrusts. I shall also be soliciting your expectations on the course, the teacher, your classmates and yourselves.

This will be the first time that we will have this kind of set-up for our classes, so it’s important that we initially check on ourselves and our
readiness for what lies ahead not only in this course but for our entire semester in this so-called “new normal” in the context of higher education.

II. What will you learn?

At the end of this topic, you will be able to:

a. relate the general objectives of the course to the realization of the Vision, Mission, Goal, and Objectives of the teacher education
program, and
b. demonstrate knowledge of the course’s content, its requirements and rating criteria.

III. Let’s read!

The vision of BU:

A world-class university producing leaders and change agents for social transformation and development

The mission of BU:

Education 6-Building and Enhancing New Literacies across the Curriculum

Give professional and technical training, and provide advanced and specialized instruction in literature, philosophy, the sciences, and arts
besides providing for the promotion of scientific and technological researches (Republic Act 5521, Section 3.0)

Every BU graduate should:

1. Demonstrate critical thinking and integrative skills to solve problems and to support lifelong learning
2. Communicate effectively and appropriately orally and in writing for various purposes with the responsible use of ICT tools
3. Collaborate with diverse people ethically and with mastery of knowledge and skills in given disciplines
4. Create knowledge and innovation to promote inclusive development, as well as globalization
Now please read your course guide for this subject. Focus particularly on the course description and the course learning outcomes.

IV. Let’s Discuss!

A. Please go to and answer the survey on your available learning resources. This will guide me in
planning the rest of our modules. Skip this if you have already accomplished the survey.

B. Please answer the following questions concisely (3-5 sentences only):

1. How do you think will the course help you achieve the VMGO of the University?

This course contains information that might be able to help and guide the students through their career and in this manner, it will help us achieve
the VMGO of the University. By honing the knowledge and skills gained from this course it will pave a way to achieving the VMGO.

2. Given all you have read in the previous section and your course guide and aware of our current situation due to the COVID
pandemic, what do you expect from:

the course the teacher your learning peers yourself?

I hope that this course will be able I hope that we will have a meaningful I hope they may be able to learn and I hope that I may also be able to
to help, guide, and pass on interaction with you, and that may you adapt skills and information from learn many things from this course
Education 6-Building and Enhancing New Literacies across the Curriculum
important information and skills pass on information and skills that will this course. and to you our Professor.
that may useful in the near future. help us students.

V. How much have you learned?

To cap this first session and to commence your learning journey this semester, write a short commitment statement expressing how you as
a student enrolled in this course will contribute to the realization of BU’s VMGO. Make sure you state specific ways by which you can be faithful
to your commitment and by any of the available means, have your signature affixed above your full name after the statement.

Example: I, Juan/a De la Cruz, promise to realize the VMGO of the University by participating actively in this course and in all my
courses and by turning in quality outputs reflective of my abilities.


I, Anton Rafael B. Siapno, promise to realize, uphold and support the VMGO of the University by participating in this course and giving my
utmost best not just in this course but to all my courses now and in the future and by turning in quality outputs.


Education 6-Building and Enhancing New Literacies across the Curriculum

Reminder: Make sure to turn in this handout fully accomplished on or before February 7, 2022 8:00 pm, Monday through Google Classroom.

VI. Feedback

The times may indeed be difficult for everyone because of this global health crisis, but may we find hope and inspiration from education
and from each and everyone. The thrusts of BU clearly envision students to be change agents, to create a better society through the fields that they
specialize in. By doing your best in this course and by allowing yourself to be immersed in the holistic learning experiences that it provides, may
you contribute to the creation of a better future where we can avoid pandemics such as this.


About BU.(2020). Retrieved on July 24, 2020 from


Google classroom user manual. (n.d.). Retrieved from

BENLAC course guide (2020). Retrieved from

Education 6-Building and Enhancing New Literacies across the Curriculum


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