Diuyan MRR3 C1

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John Gabriel Diuyan


MRR3- Identify Politics in Education

1. What are the three (3) things that you significantly learned from the reading? Please
start by saying ' Before reading the article, I used to think that (insert thought). After
reading the article, I now think that (insert thought)'.
Before reading the article, I assumed that it was only about education, the government, and
even politics. That it will summarize how everybody is dealt with in politics and how political
issues affect them. After reading the article, I now think that discrimination is still intact in
today’s society. Violence against the LGBTQ+ community, black community, and illegal
immigrants is not new and is a major issue. Significantly, the article emphasized how long
this conflict has been going on, and how the mistreatment of a selected minority continues,
in spite of the truth that they have been formerly not "deemed worth of identical
treatment" via way of means of prison bases and authorities. The primary purpose of
"diversity" movements is to establish an environment in which all people, regardless of
color, financial scale, or gender, can live in harmony, regardless of gender, ethnicity, creed,
or sexual orientation. However, this “Perfect World” could be impossible due to the fact
discrimination remains obtrusive in modern times
Before reading the article, I assumed every student has every right to study without either
disadvantages or advantages. After reading the article, The US Supreme Court answered the
question of whether children of undocumented immigrants should be allowed to enroll in
public schools. In the United States, public schools are responsible for educating all children
who attend them and want to learn, regardless of immigration status. However, many
oppose this rule, resulting in immediate chaos.
Before reading the article, I assumed that each student, worker, or any environment where
people are dealt with fairly and equally regardless of their wealth, poverty, gender, race, or
a variety of different factors due to the laws that are being implemented to protect and that
they have the equal human rights as everybody have. However, in the recent years and
research indicated in the article, it is nonetheless an ongoing problem. After reading the
article, I now think that exceptional social groups have advantages and disadvantages
created by society. In reality, inequities and discrimination exist in conditions in which no
action is taken. The identities of these groups are still marginalized, placed below other
social groups on an unordered hierarchical scheme.
2. What three (3) things about the reading are unclear to you?
The section about illegal immigrants being capable of acquiring advantages that might be
completely available to legal residents is unclear in the section of the object titled "The New
Kid on the Block." This is due to the fact they enacted policies to prevent them from
receiving aid or exercising privileges that might be typically restricted for legal citizens
alone. More facts about the possibilities of loopholes could be helpful.
The phrase Plyer v. Doe was used in the section of the article titled "Education & Illegal
Immigrants." Its definition changed into only being stated once at some point in the
research, and it was tucked in between paragraphs. Though context cues can be used, I
trust that additional issues regarding it should be explored to be much less ambiguous to
Finally, I was a little puzzled through the segment of the article under 'In-state Tuition,' in
which the drain on a nation's workforce development and the lack of income given in-state
tuition to citizens was discussed. I was hoping there could be extra examples given in order
that I could better grasp them. This is due to the fact I'd want to analyze extra
approximately it to determine how it may lead to that result.

3. What three (3) questions that you want to ask about the reading?

According to the reading, authorities officials enact measures and regulations to help the
state's illegal citizens. However, due to the fact many people oppose it, it has been
abandoned or discarded in a few instances. Even though many would disagree with it,
immigrants are however entitled to equal rights as legal residents. The federal authorities
have said that they're dropping control of the immigrant country due to this. So, my
difficulty is: how have been unlawful immigrants capable of retaining to get advantages
completely available to legal residents, no matter the tight security?
They provided correct records based on the studying of situations wherein the government
and society offer stability and equality to everyone. Some help them in preventing their
rights on the subject of racial prejudice. Illegal immigrants are looked down upon simply
due to the fact they came from diverse components of the country. Moreover, gender
discrimination still persists today. Despite a number of society's problems and concerns,
people nevertheless seek a calm and balanced environment. Can we without a doubt
achieve a community where people are dealt with equally, and judgmental eyes are no
longer present if some are uneducated and arrogant?
Lastly, the essay centered on how the ones perceived as distinctive were discriminated
against with the aid of using others who saw themselves as the norm and standard. They
started to bully others simply because they have been different and unlike them, without
regard for their sentiments. These moves provide people the influence that they're
superior, but they're truly pitiful. My trouble is, why is it so easy for people who are
distinctive from them in terms of color, gender, and socioeconomic function to be judged
and discriminated against?

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