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continuity and Diflerentabiliy Wy =(sinx)* +sin 4 -1 Jim then find 2 de rita sin” eae at? 7 (Delhi 20150, 2013C, 2009, A1 20090) (AI 2008) e 58. Ifx"y"= =(x+y)"™, prove that —=*- 5.4 Exponential and Logarithmic . Det . Fores 201: Functions Coe £ dj BEG (4 marks) 59, If (x—y)-e"7 =4 prove that Dee +x=2y. (Delhi 20140) xcos 1x 48, ME y= ~logy/i— 22, then prove that dy =x? 60, If (tan-!xy’+ yf = 1, then find 7. x dy os (AI 20140) we, (Delhi 20150) ‘ de a= yh? 61. Differentiate the following functio® with : respect to x: (log x)" +" (Delhi 2013) 497 Tre +e! =e, prove that +e? *=0 2 dx 62. Ify'= 6", prove that 7 yp CERES (Foreign 2014) dx logy (AI 2013) ee tan? é ) se F=!. prove that 63. Differentiate the following with respect to x + + sn dy __2a° sin (Ss (A12013) ie (AI 20140) 1+ (36) i ee ret logx _ 51. If log(Vi+x? —x) = yV1+2° , show that i prove ie (14 logx)* aby Baay+t-0 (120110) (AI 2013, Delhi 2010C) ad advady adh ae 7 bj 65, Find ©, if y=sin | : } (A12013C) [,? +1-log ea 1+, |, sind be 144 x dx (peti 2008) 65 UE eos "= (cos, yw ind fl — cos2x Ben 2012, AI peer then show that E at 1+ cos2x a # Sacre or. if y=, fin. a ‘ (AI 20070) if si eee) (Delhi 2012C) dy 3 @bhunindearahenwink 1, hare ae 24x +2. (Al 2012C) 69. Differentiate x*“* nee ee (Delhi 2011) 7, Show thats eee 70s fx’ = dx (log(xe) (AI 2011) 108 W/x 71. Find ay , if y = (cos x)* + (sin x) dx (Delhi 2010) Wee thy = (sin x — cos x)""* °*, 3 d Bex thenfind =. (AI 2010C) 4 4 dx 73. Differentiate the following with respect to x. Gee (Gini) 7 (Delhi 2009) 74. If y= (log x)* + (x)°°**, nee a . (Delhi 2009C) 4 d 75, Ify=(x)"* + (log x)*, find = 5 (Delhi 2009 C) ' d . Ify = x= (sin x)*, find - (AI 2009C) dy, dx (Delhi 2008C) Me z eae > log x) ae 8 + (cos x wrt. x. (Delhi 2007C) ee ee d: I eo —— x sec? x dx tanx BROS eae 2 2 ES eee sinx cos*x 2sinxcosx sin2x =2cosec2x 54. Let y = (sin x)* + sin”! ee = y=u+v [where u = (sin x)* and v=sin™ vx | dy _du dv | me as dx “ Now, u = (sin x)* Taking logarithm on both sides, we get log u =x log sin x 1 du 1 ——— = x ——(cosx)+ log sinx u dx sinx ta (sin x)* (x cot x + log sin x) (ii) a OU) sin x. ese ll ae 8 % Le} ok Ait) (i), (ii) and (iii), we get 1 1 x)* (x cot x + | sina)+ A f x + log a ee 55. Given that, x” + y= a! => oles sey — gh On differentiating both sides with respect to x, we 72 Fa 2 get ne ' sate feat (or) 4 4 (etlonyy dob a au Uae ye ey: = ) 2 element x(14 x? +1) a(1+ Ji? +1) + ytfisngyre ttl =o ydx 3 ferogss ys 8] Sefer ty] oilogs d a = FS Uy loga)+e leer 4, (logy) =0 53. We have, y = log 1=cos2x => (x logs tay Da yx? 1+ "logy = 1+cos2x ae yes “t+ y* log y dx | x logxtay" | 56. Let y=x** + (sinx)°™ | a yamine sin { Differentiating both sides war.t. x, we get osx 2sinxcosx — sin2. =2cosec2x dy _sinxlogx 1a, x sin 2x S sinx- + + log.x-cos “a os woe (sae logx-cos 54. Let y= (sin x)" + sin erst logan x [cos £25 sogsins (sins) sinx y [where w= (sin x)" and v= sir Ve] = tes gone SE tops coss x =) dx. neat (colaes +(sinx)) (: ate =sinx-logsinx sinx 57. Here, y=(sinx)* +sin y= eP P8808 4 sin! Ve dx sinx ge Vizx we dy DY <(sinxy(l +xcotx)+————= =F =Gsina)*(logsins+* Wee ; eye Taking log on both the sides, we get y= (m+ mlog (+9) = (m+n) log (x+y) y xty) xty x dy(n_mtn)_m+n_m dx| |S ae de yay) xixty) xrty) 59. Here, (x= ))-e" “Taking log on both sides, we get ss fen =loga => log(x-y)+—* x "Differentiating w.r.t. x, we get 4 @-pacs(1-4 ) @-» 0 logy = get tiating Wt ot 1 4Y _ cosec” x-loBy Seotx'= al pala, Oey “am ‘Av (, se8t cotx Ye cosec x-logy) ~-() Se dx Ix pom and OMe eat Mrathaet F,1, | cant eon (1¢x)tan | x corx | 60tX YW — cosec?x:log y sey |g dx 4) (tant x)? log(tan 04 dx cots-l cot x] = 1 got cot cosec2x-log y— (tan ee Fy de tan x)” log(tan x+y" 61. Let y= (log x)" ae = prlostlogs) 4 (logs? Differentiating wart. x, we get dy ye logx 4 > Oe en ; clogx 4 yagg Fe OE), lowtlog sys {(logx)"} y 1wp\t = (I Saal log.x) {+(e} toe} +x lB (2002304) x x 1 = (log x) les + log(log »f {eee ee 62. Here y*=e"-* Taking log on both sides, log y=(y-x)loge=y_ (1 + logy), =y we get grt Let y= sin"! ees [= 2 y=sin pees = sin 14G6)" |" put 6" = tan 0 = 0 = tan lo" al 2tand y=sin” |] — 1+tan*@ =| y=20=2tan'(6") Now differentiating wart. x, we get 1 ar 5 de 9 14(6*) dx 2 1+(36)" 64. We have, x” =e“ Taking log on both sides, we get ylog x =(x- y)loge=x-y pari! 1+(6*) Js nae 210g6-6" 1+(36)* 6° log6 = x © it legad=x = y= TS Differentiating w.rt. x, we get 1 ay ctegoi-a(2) ae dx (1+ logx)? (1+logx)? be a MR islog~ “dx (1+logx)? 65. Refer to answer 63. 66. We have, (cos x)’ = (cos y)* Taking log on both sides, we get _y7log (cos x) = x og (c0s »” entiating w.r-t. guess, (i) ge (cos) oe Let w= x8it¥-cosx ng y X= 1 e41 yeuty = du, dv dx dx de Now, = xi = logu = (sinx ~ cosx)logx Differentiating w.r.t. x, we get 1 du 1 ' = (sin —coss) t(eosx sina) logs du _ sinx-cosx =x" sinx—cosx S% 4 (cosx +sinx)-logx Now, v= x4 a 241)? = hoo (ae dx From (1), (2) and (3), we get dy _ sinx—cosx (ae cosx * 4 (sinx-+cosx)- Be dx - cotx 68. Here, y=x Let =x y= xe 4+x42 dy _ du, dv = youty > Oa dx dx dx Now, u =x" = logu=cot x-log.x Differentiating wert. x, we get ama u dx du _ cotx( cotx du = ot cae dx ze 1 =cotx-——cosec” x-logx x cose x-logs} 2x2 -3 x txt? dy _ G2 42) te 9) (Qx+)) (xP tx42)° dy _ (4x0 442 +8:)—(40" 428? 68-9) (er txt2)? Also, v= (3) (4x42)? From (1), (2) and (3), we get ay dx 2x? 14x +3, 20S cosee tog} 69, Let y= x" 4 Let w= x*©°* and y yeuty = du dv a) dx dx dx Now, w=" Taking log on both sides, we get logu = xcosx-loge Differentiating wart. x, we get 1 du ‘ d =xc0sx “(log x)+xlog x (cosx) lade ge ta 8) + * 18x : + cos x log x 7 (x) 3 Fide cos ls slog (sins) +c0s-rlogx u de seer on = C08 x~ x sin xlog x + cos x log x Me F085 0055 xsinxlogx+cosxlog x] ,,(2) dx i x41 Also, v= oe Differentiating w.r.t. x, we get Meal 5 ayy oF) (xP += (x7 4) 4 (x? 1 dy_ DG Y= +) 7-1) eae LRT ga TT I (2x) are 3) ay 7 (3) (A ( -1 From (1), (2) and (3), we get 2 x* [eos x—x sin x log x+cos x log x] 4 =x" [cos.x(1+ log x) ge teloe= a : ean We have, dy___logx _ dx (1+logx)’ (loge +x) logx ___logx (log(xe))” 71. Wehave, y= (cosx)" + (sina) logsin.x fe slogeos® 4 9 x Differentiating wrt. x dy dx xx 1 _(-sinx)+ logcosx cosx ae) (cosx)*[logcosx—xtanx] 1 ae cotx logsinx ‘ x 72. We have, y = (sin x ~ cos x)"*"°s*) Taking log on both sides, we get cos x) log (sin x log y= (sin x cos x) Differentiating wrt. x, we get aa ,(cosx + sinx) ¥ = (sinx —cosx) y dx (sinx ~cosx) + log (sinx ~ cosx)-(cosx + sinx) 1 dy = © = (cos x+sinx)[1 + log (sinx —cosx)] y dx dy sinx ~cosx) (sinx —cosx)“ ‘, dx 2 [(cosx + sinx) (1+ log (sinx —cosx))] 73. Let y = (x)** + (sin x)!" 05 log fan clog sinx ne eee Differentiating wrt. x, we get £08 xlogx| COSx = e005 xlog a sinx = 00s x] Cosx 2 7 sinxlog 3 Be Haney [ + sec? x log sin. | 1+ sec? xlogsin x | entity and Diflerentabil | ey 128 “7a. We have, y = (logxy" + (x) a fF yeettatoe «erin = FP aGinay* {see log sin.x +1} | i : pifferentiating wart. x, we get + (cos x)" {see x tan x-log cos.x ~ sec x tan x} xlog(log. x) x | Bee log(log [sacge on] 79. x =a sin2t (1+ cos2t), y = b cos2t (I= cos2t) d Now, ba =2acos2t(I+cos2t) +asin24(—2sin2¢) d = 2a cos2t + 2a{cos? 2t— sin? 2] a cos2t + 2a cos 4t cosx-logx[ cosx te 4 [ ~ + log x(-sinx. | =togs'[ Hoon | | c sex [68% edo 2b 75, Refer to answer 74 : dyldt Sov ax dx/dt 76. We have, y = x°~ (sinx)* dx de/d Fach. gies: 3 (2) “of Differentiating w.r.t. x, we get dx usenia a| cosm+cos(n/2) * stogx| | —exlogsinx [x . dy _ bf sin(ax/3)~sin@n/3 | 4 | gyeo sos] (2). 4 Se aeons = (x)"(1 + loge) = (sinx)* (xcot «+ log sinx) ea in 3b a 77. Wehave, y=(logx)™* + cos xlog(log) Be ae qos 80. Let u=tan Differentiating w-rt. x, we get pie Giemsa anos SSX + Jogilogx) cans] xlogx I‘ =1ax-(x? +D2x) i ax =(x" + 1)(2x = a: on] Differentiating wit. x, we get du zt dx 2142) Also, let ¥

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