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George W.

Bush president of US from before birth to age 7

Twitter launched at age 4
Israel attacks Lebanon at age 4
Barack Obama president of USA from age 7 to age 14
Haiti earthquake - 220k dead, 300k injured at age 8
Japan 9.1 earthquake and Tsunami - 10K dead at age 9
Voyager I crosses the heliopause at age 10
liquid water found on Mars at age 13
COVID-19 appears at age 17

Jospeh Biden President of the United States from age 19 to age 22

When George Bush was chose the president of US, I hadn’t been born

Twitter had launched in 2006, I had already 3 years old

By the time Israel had attacked to Lebanon in the same year, I just was 3

Barack Obama had been chosen the president the US in 2009, I was 6

As soon as I had already 7 when Haiti earthquake that had 220.000 dead and 300.000 injured

By the time, the Japan earthquake and Tsunami had left 10.000 dead, I was 8

When Voyager I had crossed the heliopause, I just was 10

I had been 12 years old when the scientists found liquid water on Mars

The coronavirus had expanded in the world in 2020 after I had already 17 years old

When Joe Biden had been chosen president of the US in 2021 after I was 18

I was born on December 26, 2002. George Bush was chose the president of US, I hadn’t been born.
He was chose the president of US before I had been born.

Twitter was launched in 2006, just I had been 3. It was launched just I had been 3 years old.

By the time Israel attacked to Lebanon in the same year. I had been 3 when Israel attacked to
Barack Obama had been chosen the first brown president the US in 2009, I was 6. He had been
chosen the first brown president the US, when I was 6.

I had already 7 when that Haiti earthquake had 220.000 dead and 300.000 injured. The Haiti
earthquake had 220.000 dead and 300.000 injured. I had been 7.

By the time, the Japan earthquake and Tsunami had 10.000 dead, I had just been 8. The Japan
earthquake and Tsunami had 10.000, I had been 8.

When Voyager I had crossed the heliopause, I just was 10.

I had been 12 years old when the scientists found liquid water on Mars.

The coronavirus expanded in the world in 2020 after I had already 17 years old. That virus was
expanding in the world after I had already 17 years old until now.

When Joe Biden had been chosen president of the US in 2021 after I was 18. He was chose
president of the US after I had been 18.

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