ENG 2-7 Sadhu Sanga Real Situation Slides

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Given by: Dayavan das LNS
k a-bhakti-janma-mūla haya ‘sādhu-sa ga’
k a-prema janme, te ho puna mukhya a ga
The root cause of devotional service to Lord K a is
association with advanced devotees. Even when one’s
dormant love for K a awakens, association with
devotees is still most essential. (CC Madhya 22.83)

Sadhu-sanga - the root of bhakti, thanks to which we
took the path of bhakti, and received the seed of bhakti-
In order to continue on the path of devotional service
and awaken Krishna-prema, we must always be in a
dependent mood of the sadhu-sanga.
One must learn to qualitatively enter the sadhu sanga.

and Bhagavatam 3.25.20-25

Pure devotional service is independent

• neither from piety,
• neither from karma, morality,
• neither from jnana,
• neither from yoga, cultivation of a strong
mind, austerity, the ability to concentrate on
the object of meditation.
The only quality for achieving perfection in
bhakti is a blissful, humble, open, quality heart.

vettha tva saumya tat sarva
tattvatas tad-anugrahāt
brūyu snigdhasya śi yasya
guravo guhyam apy uta
And because you are submissive, your spiritual masters have endowed
you with all the favors bestowed upon a gentle disciple. Therefore you
can tell us all that you have scientifically learned from them. (SB 1.1.8)

Three components
of sadhu-sanga
1. Sa-jatiya - one mood of service. All Vaishnavas worship
one form of the Lord, Krishna in Vrindavan, who inspires us.
2. Svato vare - siksa and association with senior devotees. In
the sadhu-sanga process with seniors and equals, we
discuss the instructions of pure devotees, paramahamsas,
liberated souls, not our imperfect experience.
3. Snigdha - relationship with tenderness, attentiveness,
gentleness, respect, care, love, lack of envy.
The quality of snigdha is mutual, it is also necessary in the
relationship between seniors and juniors, and juniors and
seniors, as well as between equals. Without snigdha it is
impossible to derive maximum benefit from sadhu-sanga. In
the absence of respect and in the presence of envy, one can
lose mercy of the Lord.
The Nectar of Devotion (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu),
CC Madhya 22.131.

We need to learn how to treat others with love,
without envy, how not to pay attention to their
shortcomings and not to show them off.
We must learn to see exalted qualities, to focus on
the spiritual subject matters.
We also should discuss exalted qualities of both
seniors and equals.

Devotees Always Discuss
Spiritual Issues
ādhyātmikānuśrava ān
nāma-sa kīrtanāc ca me
ārjavenārya-sa gena
niraha kriyayā tathā

A devotee should always try to hear about spiritual matters and should
always utilize his time in chanting the holy name of the Lord. His
behavior should always be straightforward and simple, and although he
is not envious but friendly to everyone, he should avoid the company of
persons who are not spiritually advanced. (SB 3.29.18)

In his purport to this verse, Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura writes

that first the devotees discuss the positive qualities that help them
develop the nature of the soul, and only after that they discuss the
obstacles that prevent the attainment of the Goal.

Prasanga is deep sanga when And the quality of saralata will
we let devotees into our hearts, manifest itself - openness,
allowing them to become a part simplicity (diplomacy leaves), a
of our life. devotee strives for exalted
Then we can chant Holy Name relations, avoids low relations of
constantly. asat-sanga.
False self-esteem disappears from

Important principle

Just as we have become strongly attached to

matter, we should become attached to devotees.
Then the gates of liberation open.

prasa gam ajara pāśam
ātmana kavayo vidu
sa eva sādhu u k to
mok a-dvāram apāv tam
Every learned man knows very well that attachment for the material
is the greatest entanglement of the spirit soul. But that same
attachment, when applied to the self-realized devotees, opens the
door of liberation. (SB 3.25.20)

Close relations with materialists (prasanga) opens for us the

gatesto the lower regions of existence, to the hellish planets.
Due to close association, materialistic people’s life, different
things and situations related to them become part of our life.
It is the way how deepest identification with matter and
material attachments develop. But we need to develop deep and
strong affection for the devotees!


To develop the qualifications of a devotee, one
must obtain mercy from the devotees.
And then faith in devotional service and taste
for it will awaken in the heart.
(According to Rupa Goswami’s teachings)

Distinguishing Real Renunciation from False

If one’s renunciation is When renunciation If through association

real, a person first is false: still there is no real
with devotees,
strong attachment and taste
becomes attached to for devotional service and identification with them,
Krishna, acquires inner Krsna, still there is no inner we have acquired inner
spiritual wealth. Only then wealth, but we renounce loved wealth, attachment to
he renounces the outer. ones, work, renounce of
different items (things). Krishna, we easily
Then renunciation becomes renounce all outer husks,
covered with anger (dvesa). renounce the sense of
The devotee identification process

1. By listening to the devotees, our faith is strengthened,

knowledge deepens, and some attachment arises.
2. Although we received a certain sambandha, we feel
some dissatisfaction, since this sanga did not cause a
deep change in our heart.
3. We begin to look at the qualities of sadhus, we look for
an example in the qualities of devotees, although we have
knowledge, but it is theoretical and it has not changed us.
And we need to change, which will manifest itself in our
4. Therefore prasanga with sadhus is necessary. For this,
hearing alone is not enough. One should become attached
to devotees, see their spiritual qualities, adopt and develop
these qualities in oneself.

Devotional qualities

titik ava kāru ikā

suh da sarva-dehinām
ajāta-śatrava śāntā
sādhava sādhu-bhū a ā

The symptoms of a sādhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all
living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures,
and all his characteristics are sublime. (SB 3.25.21)

Devotees are the adornment of this world!
Two are valuable in this world - the living entity
and the holy name, the Supreme Personality of
We need to start appreciating Vaishnavas! See
their qualities!
Our mistake is that we do not appreciate the most
important thing, we do not appreciate the pure
consciousness that purifies the consciousness of
One should see and appreciate the personality of
the devotees and their spiritual qualities, not the
outer husk.
A pure devotee does not identify with the body,
with faults and with anarthas.
We must learn to see the inner nature, devotion,
the soul - the carrier of faith in Krishna, prema-
bhakti. 16
The main quality for progress
on the spiritual path
(the difference between bhakti and karma, jnana and yoga)

We need to have a loving heart that appreciates the

strengths of sadhus and shows them to the whole
world, a heart that has the quality of snigda, in which
there is no envy or criticism.
Such deep prasanga opens up the spiritual world of
Vrindavan for us.

satā prasa gān mama vīrya-sa vido
bhavanti h t-kar a-rasāyanā kathā
taj-jo a ād āśv apavarga-vartmani
śraddhā ratir bhaktir anukrami yati

In the association of pure devotees, discussion of the pastimes and activities

of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very pleasing and satisfying to
the ear and the heart. By cultivating such knowledge one gradually becomes
advanced on the path of liberation, and thereafter he is freed, and his
attraction becomes fixed. Then real devotion and devotional service begin.
(SB 3.25.25)

Devotees are carriers of eternity, they carry Krsna in their hearts. When by
mercy of sadhu-sanga there is snigdha in one’s heart - then hearing of Srimad
Bhagavatam casts out all anarthas from the heart, the taste (ruci) awakens,
then one doesn’t think himself a proprietor and becomes free from material
identifications, and asakti, bhava and prema awakens.

The main quality of a sadhu
(svarupa laksanam) - to serve only
(from this root all other qualities grow)
mayy ananyena bhāvena
bhakti kurvanti ye d hām
mat-k te tyakta-karmā as
Such a sādhu engages in staunch devotional service to the Lord without deviation.
For the sake of the Lord he renounces all other connections, such as family
relationships and friendly acquaintances within the world.

The sadhu acts only for the satisfaction of Krsna and renounces all
attachment, that is, the sense of possession. He acquires inner wealth
- begins to love all living entities - as a part of Krishna, Vaisnavas - as
servants of Krishna.
And renounces the outside. This renunciation is not in dvesa, hatred,
but with snigdha, with tenderness in the heart, without greed, since
faith in service has appeared in the heart.

’Kavaca’ from SB

mad-āśrayā kathā m ā
ś vanti kathayanti ca
tapanti vividhās tāpā
naitān mad-gata-cetasa
O My mother, O virtuous lady, these are the qualities of great devotees who
are free from all attachment. You must seek attachment to such holy men, for
this counteracts the pernicious effects of material attachment. (SB 3.25.23)

Krsna-katha will remove all faults.

Reasons for offenses:
1. Superficial, low-quality sadhu-sanga without respect
for seniors and no heart, without a humble mood and, as
a result:
2. Inattentive chanting of Holy Names, resulting in

Problem as a result of offenses:

In our spiritual practice, we can rise no higher than the
level of unstable devotional service (anisthita-bhajana-
kriya), where some ups inevitably alternate with downs.

We need to learn to treat senior devotees with great
respect, respecting equals, seeing the spiritual qualities
in the devotees.
Then one goes through anartha-nivrti very quickly and
the taste develops - rati, bhava and prema.

ta ete sādhava sādhvi
sarva-sa ga-vivarjitā
sa gas te v atha te prārthya
sa ga-do a-harā hi te

O My mother, O virtuous lady, these are the qualities of great

devotees who are free from all attachment. You must seek
attachment to such holy men, for this counteracts the pernicious
effects of material attachment. (SB 3.25.24)

If we develop deep attachment to sadhus, begin to appreciate them, to

identify with them, then such attachment to devotees will drive out from
our hearts all the shortcomings and anarthas that we have acquired
during a long time of interaction with matter!

To overcome our envy of devotees, sadhus, we need to
develop in our hearts the quality of snigda - tenderness,
respect, love.
And then, thanks to real sadhu-sanga, we will be able to
progress on the spiritual path, chant the holy names of
the Lord qualitatively, we will serve Srila Prabhupada,
we will help ISKCON to banish the manifestations of the
age of Kali, which is trying to turn devotees against each

Thank you for
being with us!


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