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Can a difficult childhood have a significant effect on your personality?

Positive & negative effects

Scientist say that we are born with some predispositions to gain some kind of behavior
and that is why we are often similar to our parent or grandparent. Indeed gens have impact on
us, but there are much more studies saying that from some age we are mostly developing our
character in society that is outside the family. It help us bled in, get to know what not to do
near strange people or just how to make a friends. We just need to watch, learn and use our
studies about others while we are having interactions or planning it with other peoples.
In my opinion every difficult childhood begins from home. If someone do not get
along with parents or do not have support from them it can easily push children into
loneliness and feeling odd. This can provide to trouble with connecting with others people.
However studies say that if u do not have a good relationship with father you are more likely
to have problem with seeing an unhealthy behaviors in future partners or friends. This kind of
mechanism are really problematic and can cause mental issues or trauma.
As an example I can use my personal experience. I never have as positive relation with
my parents. None have ever try to listen to me in my family or try to understand, because of it
I am having a problems with expressing my opinion or even talking. In time to time I am
scared that people think that I talk too much or think too much about metaphysic issues. Only
with time I accepted myself as a being odd and stranger to everyone. I use to bled in society
but it only makes me unhappy. Thanks to therapy and real friends that I have now I am finally
getting over it all.
I believe that making a comfortable zone for growing kids and giving them an
acceptance can help with their future functioning in many kinds relations and that is why I
think that not everyone can be a parent, because if you dealing with some inner problem it
most probably that you will give a mental damage for your kids.

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