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Std. VIII Social Science (2022-23)

Ch.3 /Minerals & Power Resources (Geography) WS No.: 9(AK)
Name: ___________________________ Std. VIII / Sec: _______ Roll No._____ Date:______

I. Choose the correct options:

1. Which of these are NOT the characteristic features of minerals?

a) Minerals are naturally occurring substances found in the earth’s crust.
b) They are always found in the purest form on the earth.
c) They are formed in various geological environments and are unevenly distributed.
d) They have definite physical properties and chemical composition.

2. Why is there a pressing need for harnessing Non-Conventional sources of energy?

a) These sources of energy are cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels.
b) This alternate energy is much needed as there is a sharp increase in the consumption of
conventional sources and their depletion.
c) The toxic pollutants released from burning these fuels are also a cause for concern.
d) All of the above.

3. Why is extraction of minerals difficult and expensive?

a) Minerals found in inaccessible places or in low concentrations.
b) The extraction of minerals is expensive as it depends upon the position of the mineral
where found, technique adopted and also their quality and quantity.
c) It’s difficult and expensive as the private companies control the prices of minerals.
d) Both a and b.

4. Why is biogas preferred by the people of the rural area?

a) Domestic waste, animal waste is collected and used as organic manure.
b) Gas produced in digesters is a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.
c) There people are farmers and rear animals and find it affordable fuel for cooking, domestic
d) Both a and c.

5. Why are most industries concentrated around coal mines?

a) Coal is a source of energy for most of the industries especially Iron and Steel.
b) Coal is heavy and bulky material, so it is difficult and costly to transport.
c) It helps industries located close to coal mines to reduce cost and time of transportation.
d) All of the above.

6. Why is petroleum called Black Gold?

a) Petroleum products are extracted from crude oil, which is black in colour.
b) Petroleum is scarce and hard to find in the earth’s surface as gold.
c) The economic value of both cause inflation and affect the pricing of almost everything.
d) All of the above.

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Std. VIII/ SS/Ch.3 Geography / WS -9 (AK) /2022-23 / /
7. Why do you think Solar energy has a bright future in India?
a) India lies in the tropical zone and thus has enough scope for its production and utilization.
b) It is renewable, eco-friendly and pollution free.
c) Private companies give lot of encouragement to Solar power than the Indian government.
d) Both a and b.

II. Define the following terms:

1. Rock - A rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals but without definite composition of
constituent of minerals
2. Ore – Rocks from which minerals are mined are known as ores.
3. Prospecting - The process of physically surveying and searching for minerals.
4. Exploration - The process of conducting intensive search and deciding the possible methods
of extraction.
5. Exploitation - The stage of mining which involves commercial extraction of minerals.
6. Smelting - Process of separating metals from their ores.

III. Name the following:

1. Conversion of natural heat from the interior of the earth to generate electricity- Geothermal
2. Type of cells that are joined into solar panels to generate power for heating and lighting
purposes- Photovoltaic cells
3. The first country in the world to develop hydroelectricity- Norway
4. The first country to build tidal energy station- France
5. Popular eco-friendly automobile fuel causing less pollution than petroleum and diesel- CNG
6. The place in India which has huge tidal mill farms - Gulf of Kachchh
7. Places/States in India where Geothermal power plants are located - Manikaran in Himachal
Pradesh and Puga Valley in Ladakh
8. Two states in India where large deposits of uranium is found- Rajasthan and Jharkhand
9. Radioactive mineral found in large quantities in the monazite sands of Kerala – Thorium
10. A Nuclear Power Station located in Maharashtra - Tarapur
11. Formed millions of years ago when giant ferns and swamps got buried underneath the earth-
12. Intensively used Coal throughout the country for domestic and industrial purposes is also
known as Buried Sunshine

IV. Various ways in which we can save electricity at home and at school.

Turn off heaters and coolers when not in use.

Run your fridge efficiently, Tighten the door seal so that

cool air cannot escape.

Save electricity in the kitchen- use microwave than an

electric oven, run dishwater only if full.

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Replace old halogen light bulbs with
Std. VIII/ SS/Ch.3 Geography / WS -9 (AK) /2022-23
energy efficient long
lasting LED bulbs to save power.
/ /
I. On the outline map of India, locate and label the minerals found in the various states of India.

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Std. VIII/ SS/Ch.3 Geography / WS -9 (AK) /2022-23 / /

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