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Beautiful Love❤Song
(Krishna )

©adesola adeomowole. m.

Synopsis 💄
what do you think beautiful love song is all about?.

Beautiful love song is about two brothers; 'Romeo' and 'Royal' also called 'Double-R'.

The Double-R are the most skillful and talented dancers in the whole of India. Double-R
popularity became something that no one could bring down when Royal composed a song
titles 'beautiful love'.The song was solely written by royal but romeo claimed it out of
greediness and transferred 99% of the fames to himself, leaving just 1% for Royal.

The Double-R brothers lives in the most luxirios mansion whose worth can make,fifty
peoples young billionaires. History made it clear that the luxurious mansion belongs to a
multimillionaire Chinese family who once seek refuge in India......No one could explain how
the most luxurious mansion suddenly becomes Marley Suga's property. Even the Chinese
family of three was no where to be found.

Although Romeo is a year older than royal,but the eldest in terms of handsomeness and
song writing is no other person than Royal.
Royal is the maker of holy hotness, his swags are greater than the spirit in him,not to even
talk of his dancing skills.
This always made the whole of India always wish they can see this god in human clothing
but royal's parents won't allow.

New protocols were set up.....

Royal was not treated equally as Romeo. He was not allowed to move out anyhow,royal was
not allowed to see the outside world, he was made to see himself only.
seeing girls was termed 'disaster' for him.

Fans never saw him in person.

the only privilege was TV.

Royals loneliness and over secured lifestyle got to a point that he had a memory loss.He
couldn't remember a single thing.
Wicked villains saw it as an opportunity to switch his destiny with Romeo's own.

who is Krishna?????

Krish is the only surviving daughter of a widow who suffers a lot of sexual abuse and
harassment from any guy that cross paths with her.
She's just too sweet and sexy for any guy to resist.
She have a sweet talent of dancing and was dared never to show as to protect herself
from the lustful gazes of guys.Krishna only dance for closed friends in a very secured place
that no one will know.

circumstances made her hidden secret known...

(by who????)

Circumstances threatened her and brought out the sweetest thing in her till she had just one

what could it be?????????

extraordinary everyday.

No ghost reading this time around.


till when you succeed.

Beautiful Love❤Song




my mom and I had been standing outside our doorstep for the past 2hours, wondering who
might have kept expensive gifts at our doorstep.

Everybody in the,neighborhood now knows Krishna to be the guys ladies.

Suitors are always coming to seek my hand in marriage at this my tender age of 19.
what is this world turning into????
I smirks and shake my head at the wrapped presents.

"Krish, let's wait a little bit" my mom said.I nodded and sat upright,resting my soft jaws on my
knee cap.
"how long will this continue???
"guys here and there all around me like flies,with there eyes sending me lustful gazes.

"mom,it's dark already!

I cautioned. She sighed and pour all the gifts away.She poured them on the space beyond
our door step,then she took me in.She locked the doors while I shut all the windows.

We don't even have a single idea of who kept the gifts there,it had always been on and on.

"Krish, maintain your worth. I never pray to see you out there like those girls without
vision,don't copy their foot steps,don't look up at those niggas,ignore their whistles because
once they get your body,they will leave you alone for good" my mom said with a strict face.

"I know....I promise not to forget"

I replied,knowing fully well that we are gonna see more gifts by the time the day break Chat
me on zero eight one thirty-nine seventy seven seventy eight eighty seven to be added to
WhatsApp group.
I took my phone on the low three sweater couch and walk straight to my averagely
decorated room.
we are not poor neither are we rich.

I got to my bed and opened my window a little bit.Shatai's window was opened also.
She saw me from her window and waved.I waved back and opened my window widely.

📱 can you come to my house now?

I wanna share things with you!.
Shantai sent.
I checked time,it was 10:30.

📱 my know she is strict" I sent.

📱 then,I will come" she replied.
I watch her insert her phone into her pink pajamas pocket then she left her veranda.

📱 just open your window" she sent.

I swallowed into nothing and,opened my window wider.Shantai appear almost immediately
and shucks in thought my window.

"I gotta show you something about my high school" she said. I grinned and joined her on my

"what is it all about??? I asked innocently and peeped into her laptop.
Shantai is my only close friend who knows about my secret of dancing and singing.She is so
bent on getting me admitted into Dice training high but I rejected the offer.
Dice high is for verrrrrrrry rich teenagers. Even if I can afford it,I won't still go. I prefer the one
my mom registered me in..You and me know that Dice high is a real hell"
I said, Shantai frowned and did her mouth in an angry manner.
"what do you Indians see opportunities as??? Krishna this is a great chance for you to
become a star" shatai said.

"only the almighty can make us stars, not mere humans" I replied.
"will the almighty come down to help you?? Shantai asked and showed me some videos on
her laptop.

I watch keenly as the three girls danced with hot techniques. We read the comments under it
and it was damn thrilling and encouraging.

"what's the name of the band leader?

I asked Shantai while pointing to the sweet looking lady on the laptop screen.

"she is Han Lily,dice high role model and first runner up dancer" she replied.I widened my
eyes and admired the lady on the screen.

"you're lucky to attend the same high school with her" I smiled and read many more

"Han Lily's impacts in Dice high" I browsed on shabtai's laptop.

The screening headlines that came up signifies fire.Everyone have many bad things to say

about Han Lily.

life is not a bed of roses. I think Han lily should learn from my saying because practically
everyone that attend Dice High trainers have nasty things to say about her.Han Lily makes
life miserable for the middle class masses,she only favour the people that befit her
standards.This is soooo bad.If this could be done to the middle class set,then how will the
poor masses be treated as??????
maybe like trash!!!!!." the commoners that tried their luck were swept out with a common
"Dice high is for kings and queens"
a girl commented.

"it was my best high school as a dancer,I always daydream to be there, I see myself there in
my sleep but I never knew it was hell because it only belongs to king and queens."
a boy rated Han lily 1 out of 5 stars.

"is Han lily this rude???

I faced Shantai.
"what do you expect??? she is the only daughter of dices founder,she always get whatever
she wants and she hates seeing people who can dance and sing.
The two of you might become a thing if she finds out about you"
Shantai said and shut down her laptop.
"do you know about double-R???
she asked.
"I don't know" I replied,she smiled.
"Krish,you are a brilliant girl,I just wish you can leave your dummy high school and attend
mine. I'm very sure you will become a star overnight because you a better than Han Lily"
Shantai said.
"sorry,I can't" I replied.
"still stubborn" she said and sneak out of my window. I bashed my lashes and went back to

Next day

I woke up as early as possible since I need to do some laundry work with mom.I picked my
black overalls and tied my hair in a upper pony tail.
I left my room and packed our laundry materials.

"you don't need to take anything" she said.I dropped down what I picked and followed her
out..We both took a cab and drop at a very beautiful closed estate.
The Gate was signed Dice,everywhere was just sparkling wealth.

"are we washing cloth in this house?

I asked with surprise.
"yes,they paid already" she replied.
We got to the gate,it was more of the word magnificent.
The gates slide open by itself,it closed back.The guards scanned us with a beeping detector
before signalling us to enter.

I admired everything as we entered the two storey building mansion.

"mum,do you know this place before? I asked,surprised with the way she moved in quickly.
She smiled and opened a particular door. On one side in the room was a heap of used
clothes while on the opposite side were lots of laundry machines.

"Krishna,let's start" my mom said.

We started using the machines to wash the heap of expensive clothes.

We've not even gotten to quarter of it when a girl of my age entered the section while
chewing gums in a lousy manner.

She had on a skimpy bumbshort with a bra top.Her hair was dyed gold while her fingers
were painted red.
The anklet she had on her feet was signed "Royal".
I kept my head low and concentrate on what I was washing. I was warned not to speak
anything by my mom.

"wash this also!!!

she fling three g-string panties on my mom's head while she throw two bra on my face.

"be a little bit nice" I was tempted to talk.

She chewed the gum more lousy. I looked at her and carried the washing spa mix.

I slipped and the contents emptied on her body.

The lady flinched back with visible fury in her eyes.

"sorry, I didn't mean to...."

she shut me up with a glare,then she brought out her phone and called securities.
I looked at my mom who was signalling me to go on my kneels.

"am I really in trouble????

"aunty sorry,I didn't know" I said and made an attempt to touch her gold hair.
Krishna what have you done!!!!!

Is she wounded by just an ordinary water??????


Note: this is the most romantic story that I have.

Don't miss it.

Beautiful Love❤Song



I stayed quiet the moment she called securities but I don't think an ordinary washing spa will
wound or hurt her, she is just taking this too far.

"Krishna we are in trouble,just kneel down and apologize, she will let go of it" my mom tell
me through an eye contact.

"why should I kneel down for her?? she is my age mate,it will never happen! I returned back
the eye contact.
my mom sighed and knelt down instead.
"Sorry,she is still a small kid,do forgive her" my mom said.
The lady scoffed and showed off HSR new manicure, then she pushed her hairs backwards.

Securities rushed in with maids.

She was covered with a thick white colored robe with an inscription.
The inscription was labeled "Han Lily".

I swallowed,into nothing and was pissed off with the way my mom knelt down for her.

"can you believe this silly thing spilled dirty water on me?? Gosh, I need to treat my skin" she
exaggerated while pointing her index finger at me.

I was shocked at her gravity of lies.

Firstly,I didn't pour the water intentionally and secondly,the water was not dirty.
why is she acting like I pour potassium hydroxide on her???

I looked in awe.
The next thing I felt was handcuff on my wrists.
"is this for real??????

my mom was signalling me to stop looking directly into Han lily eyes,I didn't heed ,instead I
looked at her in my most purest face.

"aunty why do you like putting the innocent in the wrong?? he was there when the bowl slip
off my hand" I said,pointing to the watch man at the entrance.

Han Liliy shook her head and made a look that scared the hell out of me.

"hey,did she not do it intentionally??

she scorned the watchman who only had his head bowed.

"speak!!!! she urged with command.

"she poured it on you on purpose!
the watchman changed everything.
Han Lily scoffed and left with maids flooding behind her.

immediately they left,the chief security faced the watch man and confirmed what he said
earlier but it seems the watchman was scared of Han lily threats.

"young lady!! he cleared his throat and unlock the tight handcuff from my wrist.
it hurts a lot.
My wrist suddenly turn red,almost close to blisters.

"you're lucky Han Lily didn't give orders.So,I will advise you to leave this premises within
6min" the man said and offered my mom some money to treat my wrist.
We left the mansion and went to other mansions to wash clothes before heading home at
exactly 4pm.

I was really exhausted.

"Krish,why didn't you kneel down for Han lily??? my mom questioned.
"seriously,I can't.She doesn't deserve seeing my kneels on the floor..." I said and walk into
the kitchen..

We ate both breakfast and lunch together and kept the money we made that day in our save
That money will be used to pay my fee and other tokens.

I wonder when the money will be complete.It would have been easier if I had accepted the
admission dices high gave me because I won't pay a dime but the rumors about the school
is enough to cause me death so my mom and I decide to try a smaller training school.
I just pray the money in the save will be up to what the school require.


I got dressed on a simple free dancing outfits and took one of my notepad and a single pen.
Though I was tired but I already promised to dance for Shantai in her house.

I got to her house and entered without much street and questions from the guards.
I checked well before pressing the elevator button because shantais mom is an obstacle to
our friendship.
She does not want Shantai to roll with me,she prefers her daughter making friends with her
fellow rich.

"Mrs Brown is not around" one of the maids chuckled and helped me with the door.
I entered and met Shantai and two other girls in the golden tiled living room.

One was wearing a crazy jean bumbershort all over a pink top while the other was wearing
Dice High uniform all over a classic sneakers.
I don't need a prophet to tell me that they are wealthy and affluent.

"hi" I bowed, still standing at the entrance.

"you're Krishna?? she smiled and came forward to touch my hair.
"come on,dance for us" the other girl said.

"Dance!!!!! what about our assignments???? Shantai helped me out when she saw the
stress in my eyes.

"excuse me" she said and came closer to me.

"Krishna,did you eat??? did you fight? she asked.
"no" I faked a small smile and followed her to sit.

"I'm Dora Banks" the one in uniform said.

"I'm Eve" the other girl said.

"now,help us with our assignments" Dora said and brought out her phone and laptop.
I admire the way she speaks fast and fluent.

"100marks.I can trust you with 99.9 because Shantai said you're intelligent" she winked and
started operating her laptop.I wonder how their school will look like.

"here,have a look" Eve brought out a very nice pink apple laptop.
"umm I can only do it in a book,I xajt really operate a system" I blurts out and quickly tear out
a paper.
I was done with the assignment within 10min.


nice headlines

"Double-R just came back from Korea!

"Double-R finally settle in luxurious mansion!!!
"when will we get to see Royal without securities pushing us away!!!
"it's like he gets more handsome each passing day!!!
Dora jump up and was screaming her lungs out.

"is royal human???? Damn he is soo sweet looking" Dora continued.

Shantai hijacked the phone.

"my phone,give it back!! don't take my Royal away!! Dora started chasing after eve and

"Dora,hide your excitement. Royal won't have the chance to notice any bitch.He might not
even attend Dice high" eve said.
"yeah,that's true. Royal was almost killed two times in that place almost close to the dorm
and since then,his movement was kinda restricted" Shantai said.
I just sat on one side and listen to their conversation. It sounds so interesting and lively.

"i don't think that's the reason" Dora replied.

"so what's the reason??? eve asked.
Dora looked at me and saw the confusion look on my face.

"ever heard about double-R??? she questioned.

"no,what does it stands for? I asked..

"Romeo and Royal. They are the two heirs of the Suga's family.Apart from that,they are the
most wealthiest.
Romeo is known to be a sweet mouthed guy and a frivolous spender while Royal can be
termed soft and gentle with a verrrrrryyyy accurate brain bigger than calculator.

I don't think there's something he does not know.More reason why I love him.
Gosh, he is very talented and gifted with plentiful of handsomeness.
Yeah,I think you will faint of you hear his voice. I saw him once and you see that once,it is
the most memorable day of my life.

Most importantly, Royal is betrothed to Han Lily. Another reasons why I made my feelings
sealed for Royal.

Han Lily is very dangerous whenever it comes to Royal case.She doesn't like seeing girls
close to Royal.
Whenever you meet her,avoid her".
Dora said with over excitnent and carried her very flashy colored empty bag.

For a seconds,I wonder if she is really a student coming back from school.
why am I even thinking????
Dice high students are children of kings and queens. A training school meant for the
politicians and powerful law makers.

"so,which training school do you attend???? Eve asked.

My jaws dropped down,my body felt cold.They all noticed my expression.

"hmmmm" I stammered and look at Shantai for help.

Just then,we heard cars horn,like multiple horns from downstairs.

"Shantai,your mom,she must not meet me here!!!! I rushed words and took my notepad and
pen.I rush towards the direction of downstairs.

"she's pretty and innocent" was the last thing I heard.

I got to the main door and was scared of opening the door.
Shantai's mom is wicked.

The door opened by itself,I shifted back.The guards entered first,then Shantai's mom cane
one could spot the look of a politician on her face.
She saw me and stopped walking.
My beautiful face changed into a scared innocent look.

"you again!!!!!!!!!!!
🌹🌹 🌹🌹
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna )


Adesola Adeomowole.m.


my whole body system became totally disorder,I could not breath in more air because I
already froze on my spot..

"you again!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs Brown shouted in a very high tone.Her shout made my legs and hands shakes till my
notepad and pen fell off my hand.


"I am not your mother!!!!!

she fumed detestedly and looked at me from head to nails of my feet.
"who open the gate for you??? she scorned.

"mom..I'm...not...." I starmmered.
"on no condition must you call me mom.And besides,is that how to answer the simple
question I just asked you??? she pointed out.

"no,ma!! I nod negatively.

"I opened the gate myself" I corrected and quickly bend to pick my notepad and pen.She
shut many dangerous gazes.

"im sorry,I won't come near here again" I said lowly with my hands on my ears.
"you better not!! she said and walk out on me.
I walk out of the mansion tiredly wondering why Mrs Brown hate,me so much.
well,it is,not her first time shouting at me.

I walked home tiredly and met expensive gifts outside as well as new saree's and many
luxurious jewelry. A note was handing in the middle of the gifts.
"marry me and you will taste real wealth" was written boldly in the note

I admired the gifts and went inside.

I slump into a chair and weaved some mats.I was able to weave 2medium sized mats within
4hours. I was on the fourth mat when my phone started ringing.I left the mat and went to
answer my phone that was lying on the average furnished counter.

📱 will you be my house help for an hour??? I have lots of visitors,I don't think I can handle
the cookings alone" Mrs Claudia,the second most popular woman in my neighborhood said.

📱 am coming.Am already in front of your gate as you speak" I rushed words and ran out of
our house to the,eleventh house. I was allowed in immediately and was taken to the,kitchen.

📋 macrons and beef

📋 pasta and meatballs
📋 wash the plates
📋 mop the floor
📋 package the gifts
📋 count the petals!!!!!!!
Claudia gave orders and left me alone in the royal wide kitchen.
I started with the foods first,I was cooking and using one hand to mop the oil stained kitchen
as fast as o could do.

"Krish,have you washed the plates??? Claudia shouted.

"no mom,am still moping. it is not easy but am almost done" I replied and set the pressure
pot in the right way.

"are you tired of the work?? she asked.

"no,I will wask the plates now. in fact, am almost done! I replied and stopped mopping
halfway.I rushed towards the sink and started washing the plates carefully with lots of
care.They look pretty expensive and I don't want to cause any damage.

"is this your first time of washing a plate???? right now,you look like you've never touch
anything expensive" a six years old girl with a beautiful set of teeth cane into the kitchen.

"I'm washing it and as you can see,am not playing" I replied her,she scoffed and roll her cute

"what if I make my mom mad at you? the little girl scoffed.

I stopped what I was washing and stared at her with lots of affection and care.I smiled at her
and continue washing the plate.I turn off the cooker and rinsed all the plates carefully and
went back to the mopping.

"where did my mom see you?? You look like a witch!!!

she grunted,I felt like slapping her mouth.

"a witch??? I'm a human" I replied and was done with the mopping.

"liar!!!!! only a witch will be as pretty as you are.And only witches have hairs covering the
base of their bumbum.Well your long lashes make you look real like a witch"
"now, what powers do you have???
the little girl questioned.
I widened my eyes.

"I'm not a witch.I am like you" I said.

"liar!! if you're like me,then why am I not pretty like you?? why is my hair short and not long
like yours??? she replied and came to my back.

"I'm not a witch.I'm like you.

"You're beautiful tooooooo!!! I exagerated.
She scoff and rolled her eyeballs.

"i need you to feed me water with spoon" she rolled her eyeballs again.
I sighed and said "how can a little girl be as rude as fuck" in my mind.

I filled water from the flask into a glass cup and feed her with spoon. knowing fully well that
she's only doing it to delay me.

I fed her warm water for 2hours before going back to count the loads of flowers.
"can I help?? she said.This time,she didn't scoff.

She didn't wait for me to answer, we counted the flowers together.

She even made it more faster by helping me to package the gifts.

"Aunty,I want to be like you" the little girl whispered and hugged me unexpectedly.
Claudia came in and met her daughter hugging me.I quickly disengage and pretend as if
nothing was wrong.

"am done" I bowed slightly.

She nodded and gave me a black nylon. I collected it with both hands.

"bye" I waved at the little girl and started walking away.

"Krishna, you can come here whenever you're hungry or in need of anything, I will gladly
help" Mrs Claudia said and smiled at me for the first time.

"are you sure??? I asked,unbelievable.

"I'm sure" she replied. I smiled and knelt down to say thank you.

"namaste!!! she waved and left.

I got home and hide the nylon under my cloth.My mom must not know I did the job of an
house help.
I rushed into my room and lock the door before opening the nylon.

"waoow!!! I smiled and brought out the pure white Saree with tiny gold bar design. I smell the
cloth,it smells like their mansion perfume.
And the money.....
I kept it in my save.

📱 girlfriend,am sorry about my mom. let's talk outside" Shantai sent.

"sorry,I can't. I already promised your mom I won't come near you" I sent.
"pleasssssseee I need your help" she sent. I sighed and went outside through the back door.

"in the white car!! she sent.

I spotted the car and entered it immediately. She was there with Dora and Eve.

"hmm Krishna, we need your help and it is also going to be an opportunity for you to see
how dice high look like" Dora speaks,fluently without mincing any word.

"you need my help?? I speak back slowly.

"yes,in dice high" she replied.

I became confused.
"there won't be a problem,no one will find out,it will be between the three of us.Remember I
have the money andy dad is also a lawmaker just like Han Lily's dad" D said.
"okay" I nodded.
She smiled.

"well,we need you to dance with us on dice high stage.You don't have to worry,we will
provide what you will wear and no one will find out" eve said.
my lips shakes a little bit at what she said.

"I can't dance there" I replied.

Shantai pressed my palms softly.
"girlfriend,your face will be covered in a mask" Shantai said.

"why do you need me to dance?? I asked,confused..

"Krish it is because dice high will be welcoming Double-R and you know each band will want
to catch attention.So there's a party tomorrow and each band will show up on stage. Listen,
you're not the only one that will dance.Me,Dora,Shantai and eve will join you" Shantai said.

"I still don't understand!

"do you go to school to get attention? I taught school is for learning and not for attention" I
said.They kept quiet and look at each other.
"and besides,I promise not to dance. Guys will be pestering me.They will all want me on their
beds" I replied. They kept quiet.

"Just help us,we will cover your face" Dora said.

"how will I join you when my name is not registered in your school.Am not even a student" I
"like I said,I get whatever I want" Dora snapped her fingers and pointed a purple pass card
that already my name written in italics.

"Krishna,this a game for the survival of the fittest. Don't act too much like a commoner,ignore
rumors and gossipers and if people pester you about your identity,if guys want your body
badly,run for your dear life. Krishna run...." eve said.

"what will happen if I get caught as an intruder??? I asked.

"I don't know but we will help you seal your identity since it will just be for a day." Dora said
and handed me a shopping bag.
I collected it and sneak back into my room with a mixed expression of fear and happiness.
well it's just for a day.

Next day

I woke up very early,

I bath early and wore the white royal looking Saree.
Shantai had already lied to my mom that I am going to help her with some thing so she
allowed me go out anytime I like.

within few,minutes, I was already in the place Dora said we should meet. I was astonished at
what she wore. I made use of her car since she's the master planner.

"Remember that you should run away of it get hot and never remove your mask" Dora said
and drove straight into dice high.

Kings and Queens was written boldly on the gate.

Someone should hold me!!! I smiled and look around.

I was more than scared as students gathered on one side beside Dora's car.It looked as if
she's a celebrity.

🌹 waooow what am I seeing... Dora Banks bought a new car!! the latest model omg!!! well
🌹 hmmm who is that girl sitting inside Dora's car????
let's watch out for Han Lily's own"

🌹 another pretty girl!!!

🌹 waoooow,her hair is,long!!!!!
I heard little rumors.
🌹 beauty without spots.Awwwn she looks almost like Han Lily's match but why is she rolling
🌹 Gosh,she will seduce all the guys. look at how pretty she is in a mask. How will she look
with Dora!!!

like without mask!!

I heard rumors as I followed Dora.

"hey,hi,who are you???

a girl stopped is.
for a start,I asked myself if this is really a school.

"hmmm I'm....!! I stammered.

"She's Krishna,my cousin"Dora said.

"when did you got a cousin!! the girl interrupt.

"who are you???? an intruder in our party??? the girl raised an alarm.
"I'm Krishna" I replied.

"Krishna, the daughter of who???

she asked.
I pouted.I don't think I know how to lie.

"why are you asking about my surname?? I asked her and quickly spotted Han Lily coming
to my direction.
She might recognize me as the daughter of a laundry worker.
I looked away and run through a long hallway but I made matter worst by running into a

I never knew my mask fell with the way I got pushed.

in other to prevent myself from falling,I held the tip of someone jacket,we both fell on each
I felt his hairs falling on my forehead.
Our lips were just few inches apart.

everywhere became silent.
I couldn't even open my eyes.
Each time I try opening it,I will be forced to close it back because of the strong flashlights.

"whattttttt!!!!! I'm in trouble!!!

I started shaking.

please you guys should increase on comments for faster updates.

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna

Episode 4✍ 🎓🎻

I gulp and swallow nothing immediately his hairs fell on my forehead. He wanted to stand to
stand up but his nose pressed my lips softly and gosh!! it felt cold.I was scared to death
because I know I am in a zone filled with rich teenagers. daughters and sons of
kings,queens,lawmakers,politicians and even presidents are the people schooling here.
I'm not suppose to be here,if they should find out about me,my punishment will surely be

what have I gotten into!!!!!

Poverty is a thing that made me lost my self esteem and then,I started shaking.

📱 gaaaaaaaad
📱 she hurt Royal.She hurt him!
📱 she wound him.
📱 how mean?? how clumsy!! I think she is a commoner!!!
I listened to the fluent records.My eyes forced open and met with the one that I bumped into.
He look like a total definition of handsomeness.
He was helped up by his guards but his hairs were still falling pretty on his forehead. I stood
up and could never fathom how and what I did. The back of my white Saree was stained a
little bit. I just had my head down because I couldn't stand the sights of the spoilt brats and

I was expecting him to slap me for making him fall on me but he did not do any of that.
"miss long hair,be careful" he speaks softly and walk away. I was surprised I was dragged to
no one noticed that the tip of my saree had tangled with his bracelets not until he moved.
He rolled his eyeballs and unhooked his bracelets instead of touching my Saree.Well,it might
look poor and dirty to him.

I turned into a fool overnight.

Half of the students surround me and started asking me silly and embarrassing
questions....some are even making it real by adding emotions.
"aaaah,I don't think this is a school!
"I dont think this people are seriously here to learn because as it stands now,60% of the
girls are into that guy that I bumped into. if only I have that opportunity of being a daughter of
a wealthy woman,I swear I will use that opportunity very well because dice high certificate is
not a cake to joke with.It will change my life totally.

🌹 have you met with royal before??

🌹 did you steal a kiss when he fell on you??? tell me how it felt???? cold or warm or sweet
like honey????

I listened to the embarrassing questions.If only they know that I am a poor girl, they won't
come close to me,certainly.
They disperse one after the other when I did not answer their silly questions. I sensed Han
Lily coming from the opposite direction with three other girls.
I better run.I'm screwed already since I don't have any mask on and I can't even find Dora
nor eve nor Shantai.
"maybe I should go home then!!! I shrugged and started looking for a way out.

"hi,am Yifei Dollars. I'm a Chinese and my dad is a governor" a girl smiled at me and forced
my hand into her own.I took it away in a polite manner and bowed slightly,telling her
indirectly to let go of me.

"you're pretty in the outside with a curvy and sexy shape. I want to enlighten you about Dice
High" she smiled and took my hands again.
I still don't get why rich people like being friends with beautiful people. I'm very sure she
won't talk to me if I was ugly.

"Dice High is really a zone of hell,a battle filed for the survival of the fittest, you know why it
is like that??
Every students you see here might looks spoilt in one way or the other but they all have
where they are good at and that is where the word "Competition" sets in.
in other words,Dice high is also called "competition high",a school for talented rich brats"
Yifei said.
"I know" I bat my lashes and wanted to remove my hand from her own.
"I'm not through" she said and held me back.

"There is a great opportunity for pretty and sexy girls like you because attention will find you
and that's the first goal of every student in dice high.Attention might make you explore the
world. Another thing you need to be cautious off is guys!!! The guys you see here gets
whatever they want.Watch out And don't be a victim of RAPE like Adesola was raped.
Adesola is a very beautiful Nigerian girl whose father was poor,she got an opportunity of
sponsorship to be here, but she suffered RAPE because she couldn't secure her body,she
lost her self worth because of this same "poverty! remember "dice high" is also called
"competition high" Yifei said.
I was more than scared.I feel like running away.

"you didn't tell me your name" she requested. I look at her in my purest look.
"tell me,I mean no harm.At least I was Adesola's friend before she was raped to death" Yifei

"who raped Adesola?? I asked,really concerned about the Nigerian girl.

"I don't know but am sure Romeo was the first to enter her" yifei said.

"what about Royal??? is he among too???? I asked.

"I don't really know.The only thing I know about Royal is that he only roll with
"swags","dance" and "songs".
He is also gentle and the most handsome too.You see the reason why everybody likes him.
My dear,be careful in this place!!
Yifei said.

"so what's your name??? she asked.

I felt my heart beating.
"I'm Krishna Knights the only surviving daughter of a laudry woman" I told her the truth.I
have never lied in my life.
She gasped.

"what are you doing in this battle field meant for wealthy dream chasers??? you're between
the deep blue sea and the dark devil.Romeo won't spare you if he finds out.He might rape
you too like Adesola,the innocent poor Nigeria girl.He doesn't like seeing the poor and I don't
know why! Yifei ended.

"thank you!!! I nod my head and ran out as fast as my legs could carry me. I ordered a taxi
and drop home.

😏 Romeo😏Romeo......
I was in our private place,scrolling on my phone while sipping in wine in a classic glass cup.
my manager and record keepers dare not sit in the place that I sit.They stand.I'm not like
Royal who is always being soft with everybody.

I stopped what I was doing and checked why my other phone was buzzing nonstop.

~~~~~ 📋📋📋📋📋📋
I read the heading of the 6mins video before opening it.

The video was in Royals and and it has actually got up to 320k viewers within 45min.
I opened the video and watch it keenly. It was all about a girl bumping into Royal and they
almost kissed.The sight was damn beautiful and hot.I didn't get to see the lady face but I was
able to see her from her lips side to the hips.Royals hand already block her sight view. I
checked the comments and still didn't find the lady name.
"Royal, why must you get beautiful and rare things to yourself??? damn it,you're selfish!!!
I said in my mind and sipped in all my wine. The lady has the shape of what I wanted in a
lady but she's lucky I didn't see her full face.
if I should see her,I will have her on my bed right away.
Royal came in immediately and listened to whatever the lawmakers were saying.

"being here does not mean I will attend class everyday.As it stands now,I'm only attending
dancing and singing class and it is only on Wednesdays" the remaining days are for my
private classes" Royal said and dismiss the lawmakers with just an eye signal.
"such superiority!
I watch as they walk away.

"Royal,you bump into a girl, who is she??? I asked.

he slam his forehead and said "how am I suppose to, know???

"oppps!!! I forgot he had a memory loss. He can't even remember a single thing from his
pasts,then I don't think he will remember who the girl he bumped into few hours ago.

"Keep your eyes off ladies.You're already betrothed to lily.Han lily you shall marry" I
"idiot,you can marry her for me.and I don't even remember those shits!!! he shut me another
superior glare and stood up.

"I hate you!!!

"I dislike Han Lily!!! he scoffed and went out with guards following him.

"don't push it too far,Romeo" he stopped halfway and smirks at me. I smiled inwardly
because the doctor already confirm it that he won't remember anything about his pasts.

I joined my mom in the kitchen and helped her in preparing dinner. I don't even think I will be
able to go to Dora's house because it is already getting late.
I did the finishing of the cooking and cleaned everywhere.
Suddenly,my phone started ringing and it was Mrs Claudia.
hmmm my mom must not know I'm working as her house help.She might skin me alive.

"Krish, let me have your phone" she commands.

"mom,please don't see it" I replied.The phone rang persistently. My mom hijacked the phone
and placed it on loud speak.

📱Krishna,come to my house, I need you to make, juice for,my daughter" Mrs Claudia said.
my mom ended the,call and look at me.

"when did you become a house help? did I tell you to work?? did I tel you I can't feed you???
she starts asking.
I couldn't even answer one of what she asked.
"mom,she is a nice woman, she likes me just like you like me" I said innocently.
She hissed and placed her hands on her waist.
"when will you have sense?? she asked,anger in her voice.

"mom,should I go??? I asked,stupidly because I really needed money to go to school.

"go!! go go and learn your lessons" she said.
"okay" I nodded and wanted to go.
"if you dare move an inch!!! she gritted. I ran off to Claudia's house. I will beg my mom if I'm

As usual,I entered Mrs Claudia's mansion and helped her with every single thing. I cooked
her daughters night food since she refuse to eat what the,makes cooked.
She ate what I cook and drank the juice that I made.
I lay her to bed and sang for her.

"it's obvious my daughter likes you. Ask for a thing and I will do it right away" Mrs Claudia

"ma,I want to attend dice high school" I imagined myself saying that but it wasn't coming out.

"I don't want anything" I played slowly with my fingers.

"are you sure?? she asked.
"yes" I nodded sadly because it was,my first time lying.

I waited in her house for 7min while Mrs Claudia did some things on her phone.
"follow me* she finally said.
I followed her,innocently to the living room that looks like paradise.
Mrs Claudia exchanged greetings with two men who were busy looking at me in a manner
that I can't interpret nor fathom.

"she is the one!

Mrs Claudia pointed at me,making my heart to skip a beat.
The two men looked at me again then back to Mrs Claudia.
"we will do it perfectly" the two men said.

"what are they talking about????

I stared in a confused manner like I'm not understanding!!!!
what do this two men wants from me and why are they smiling at me???


click on the liker.....

Beautiful Love❤Song

Episode5 🎻🎻

The stares were unbearable, it made,me felt as if all the part of my body are exposed.For a
seconds,I said slow words into my mind. Slow words like; "if I should come back in my next
life,I swear I will choose to be ugly so that people will stop looking at me like I am a food".

The two men noticed my confused and uncomfortable look and so,they stop staring at me. I
moved back and pull my Saree pretty well so that they will stop staring as if they've never
seen a lady.

"she is the one" Mrs Claudia said again and point at me.
"ma'am,did I do anything wrong?? I asked with an uneasy mind.
Just then,a woman entered holding five shopping bags.Another lady moved in with a
transparent thick nylon. I was quick to, sense an apple laptop that have the same color with
my lips while a new pack of phone was on the other bag she was holding.
I look at the woman then back to Mrs Claudia but she was busy signing files with the two
mens who still had lustful gazes on me.

I think I.should go so that she can have privacy with her visitors" I pouted and moved back
but she called my name.
She handed me a white file and a black pen.

I glanced into the file.


I don't know if I should start jumping up or shouting.

"won't you fill it?? it is not for staring! Claudia expounded.

I opened the pen with some nervousness and filled the form.
"why is she helping me out??? I sighed and handed her the filled form
in turn, she gave it to one of the men and made payments to them through transfer on her
immediately she made payments, the mens dismissed with the ladies.

"ma,why are you helping me?? I asked Claudia, still in shock.

"don't you feel like going to school? she asked with a smile.
I couldn't answer.instead, I transfer my gaze to the apple laptop.
"do you like it??? she asked.
I felt tears on my eyes.I move my hands into my face so that she won't see my tears.

"but ma'am, what if they find out that I am a commoner?? I asked.

"they won't find out.You are the only one that can make them find out. And let me tell you
something; Krishna you can't change where you come from or what you've been
through...but you see this opportunity, I will urge you to hold unto it tightly and never let it slip
away.Vision is not for senseless people" Mrs Claudia smiled.
I became happy and rush to hug her.
"always take lectures with your phone,then read with your laptop whenever you're less,busy"
she concluded.
"umm thank you..." I wiped my tears while her guards helped me in carrying the heavy bags
to my doorstep.

jeeeezzzz,another problem!
"how will I explain to my mom??
"she won't agree.She might not accept the offer Mrs Claudia is giving me.

"how do I explain?? how do I convince her??? I tap my head and thought of an idea but
none was forthcoming.
after several fruitless thoughts,I pushed the heavy bag backwards and covered it with a big
basket. Then I went back to our door and knock softly.
She opened the door immediately.

"why did you stay long at Claudia's mansion??? she asked with a strict face.
"I'm sorry mom" I replied while rubbing the back of my neck.
"that does not answer my question! she frowned the more.
"well...actually... I was..." I starmmered, wishing I know how to lie but I guess lying is not in
my character.
"you're hiding something" she said and look in the direction of the basket.
"what do you hide there?? she raised her brows in the direction of the basket. I felt miserable
and dragged my sluggish feet to the heavy load.
She opened the bag and brought out dice high uniform.
I was scared of what her next reaction will be.
She might burn it!!!

She saw the laptop and some other expensive stuffs,she look at me,I looked
away,pretending to be removing something from my fingers
I know she will burn everything.

"Krish,you want to go to school?? sgr asked in some strict manner..

I dare not answer or else,she will get more angry.

"Do you want to go to school or you want to go there And be dancing and singing??? she
asked,almost in a shout that made tears drop down my cheeks.
"no,I don't want to go" I shakes my head.
She soften her face.

"mom,please let me go" I begged.

"no,way" she objected and made a sad face. I wonder why my mom is so strict.

"if you go there,you will start dancing and singing, then you will get attracted to guys,other
dice high students will be jealous of you... some light go through a long journey by finding
out about your background....
Krishna,if your background is known, what do you think is the next?????
she asked.
my heart shanked.

"mum, I promise I won't dance and sing" I said,still in tears.

"are you sure??? she asked.
"certain" I replied.
"you will go but you must never dance" she finally gave in.
I moved in totally and hugged her from the back with a smile replacing my tears.

I was up early,
I dressed up with nervousness and took my bag with a shaking hand.
"Krishna,Dora is waiting outside".
I rushed outside and entered her car.
She stared at me for a while before telling her driver to drive.

"Don't forget the rules!

"Run away whenever you sense Romeo and don't give anybody face" Dora said as her car
drove into dice high.
I swallowed nothing and stared at the exclusive school building.

"what about Han Lily???

I asked.
"the only way to protect yourself from crossing Han Lily's boundary is to stay away from that
guy you bumped into the other day.if you see Royal coming,run away. You understand the
type of running I mean?? Dora asked.
"yes,I understand" I bashed my lashes.

Dora is already a celebrity already and I think that's why students are always shouting her
name and taking pictures of her whenever she drives in.
At least,I will be protected with Dora, Shantai and Eve on my side.

🌹 she is cute.....
🌹 she changed car again. Ummm is it only me that is seeing that Dora is more wealthy than
🌹 Dora,who is this new girl????
MIRA....Gosh,Dora hold hands with me....
🌹 can she dance like you???
was all I heard.
Maybe this is what it means to be so close to a celebrity.

🌹 whattttt!!!!
🌹 Han Lily and Mira"
more,paparazzi came up.
I just pray Han Lily won't recognize me" I pout And hold hands with Dora till lily passed us
with her friend.

"could it be that she did not recognize me??? I pout again and glance back at them.
Aaaah,am sooo lucky.
I left Dora's hand out of nervousness and headed for the lecture room. Sinr I'm having class
that very morning.
I was able to find the 'numeracy' lecture room with the help of the map application on my
Everything in the lecture room was either shining silver or diamond.
I took a seat at the middle roll and thank God it was a one seater with a desk for be
placed on.
Not quiet long,a man entered with two big textbook.
He dropped the textbook on the stand almost close to the smart board.

wait,is he going to teach only me!!!

I was surprised because I was the only one in the man's class.

"Sir what about other students?? I asked politely.

"in dice high,coming to lecture room is by choice and not by force.Mine is just to teach and
go I don't care if it is a single person" the man replied and started solving very hard geometry
on the board.
I took videos of very difficult aspects with my phone. I don't really know how to take notes
with laptop so I used my note pad instead.

~~~Romeo p.o.v 😳😳😳😳

"we don't have any information yet and as it stands now,we can't say if she is a commoner or
not.." my private investigator gave reports.
"how can you not say if she is a commoner or not??? don't you know how to do your work!!!!
I scorned with deep jealousy in my veins.
"yes sir,they are many hindrances affecting my observations!!
he bowed at my feet.

"what stupid hindrance???

"is there anything you can ever do?
I fummed in anger and wore my rings.
"yes sir...
"firstly,we don't know her name...
"secondly,she did not give anybody face,and her hair is long enough to prevent people from
seeing her face not to talk of knowing her name".
he gave full reports about the girl Royal bumped into.

"so what are you telling me indirectly??? that you can't do the work?? you're not up to the
task of a private investigator??? I asked with a snap.

"I will try finding out,sir" he begged.

"gosssshhh,you're horrible!! I puffed out air and took my phone and car key.
"since you can't find out about her, I will find out about her" I shot him a 'you will soon be
fired' look and went out of my penthouse to my car.
I took just a guard and drove into dice high.

I think the first class should be 'Numeracy' but students don't like attending that class.Sir
Davidson is so difficult to understand.His lecture sounds so tasky.Only Royal understands
his method of teaching.
Even though he understands it, he doesn't attend classes because students will stalk him.
"just always drooling on him as of he Is the only guy" I rolled my eyes in jealousy.

"check if there is someone in lecture room 115" I commanded my guards.

"ohhh I'm coming sir" he said and connected his phone to lecture room '115' projector.

"yes,only a girl".
"she's pretty too" he commended and showed me the phone.
I peered into the phone and saw,the girl my investigator coykdbt find out, about.

I was able to see her full face of a fucking face through the help of the projector.
"do you understand" sir Davidson came up from the projector.
"I'm trying" she replied.her voice came out more like an angel.
"she could know how to sing" I said and gave back the phone.
I positioned my face cap and took my phones in my hand. I went for lecture room 115.

"waaaooooww!! escaped my mouth.

Her hair seemed to be the,most pretty thing I have seen in my life and her lips looked as if
they've never been kissed before.Her skin was soo pure looking.
"can she be a commoner???

"sir Davidson, can you repeat that part you just solved,its confusing" she pouted,making my
eyes to glitter
I joined the class and pretended as if I came for lectures.
After what seemed like eternity,it came to an end.Sir Davidson went out. I turned back
immediately to the direction the lady was sitting and discovered that she wasn't there
how smart?????

extraordinary everyday.


🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna

©adesola adeomowole. m.



"how smart" i said and turn back only to realize that she has left.
"soooo fast!!! I glared and face my front silently.then I stood up and walk out of the lecture
room,I didn't think twice,I walked into the administration office and ordered Miss Chloe to
give me the newest student record.

"here it is" she replied and handed me a file with a bow. I open the file and went through it.
"Is this Krishna Knight a commoner? I asked Chloe with a killer look.
"I don't think so" she replied.
"why won't you know?? don't you know how to do your work? I shot her a glare.
"well,she does not look like a commoner and she was registered like a normal rich student"
Chloe replied. I smirks and throw the file back on her.
"that's not enough for a prove" I.said and walk out.

~~~Krishna 😱😱😱😱
I moved away from my hideout immediately sir Romeo passed by the classic linking hallway.
Gosh,he almost find out about me. I breathed out and used my long hair as a shade to cover
my face.I had not even walk much when I saw students talking about an update on the

"who is Krishna Knight??? If you know her, report your information to Han Lily!. signed by
I read what was on the billboard myself. Does he knows about me??? I turned away
immediately and acted as if i am not the one bearing Krishna
"maybe I should run away" I startled and made a funny expression and dialed Dora's digit on
my phone. She picked on the first ring,I moved to a
more quiet place and told her what's on my mind.

"Krishna,run away from that side" she said and asked if Romeo actually saw my face.
"yes" I replied.
"then, you're in trouble" she replied, making my heart to beat faster.
"do you tell anybody your name? she asked.
"yes,I told yifei" I told her.
i ended the call when I noticed some students are already suspecting my moves.

🌹 Umm I pity this Krishna. What business can she have with han lily and Romeo?? hope
she won't end up like Adesola????
the nasty comments made me more scared.
I walked hastily to where i kept my bag and pack my laptop inside it.
"it looks stupid and illegal.This is almost the same thing as physical abuse" I sighed and walk
out dejectedly. I still have one lecture left but I need to go in other to prevent myself from
suffering physical abuse from my mates. I walk fast and was almost close to the gate
when.two spoilt looking girls stopped me.

"miss,do you have an idea who Krishna Knight can be??? one of them asked in a sassy
"no,I don't know her" I shakes my head.
"but you look like her" the other girl said and unlocked her iPhone.
Ohhh no,she already have my picture but how come????
okay,this is confusing.

"we've find her!!!! the sassy girl shouted. my heart stopped beating for a seconds.
"I'm not the one.Okay!!!
"get out,you're blocking my way!!!
I managed to speak and force my way out.

"where's your car???

"another prove that you're a commoner" the sassy girl said and draw the attention of

I felt my mouth glued together.

Luckily for me,Dora's driver drove in with another car.

"that's my driver" I rolled my eyeballs

"gosh,she's not the one.She's rich too.I guess we combacted with the wrong person" the
sassy girl said immediately I entered into Dora's car.

Such a narrow escape!
Han Lily's p.o.v~~~~

I took Mira and Angel along to spark entertainment since the double-R will be showcasing an
open stage dance. Apart from that,it was filled with many dignitaries.
in no time,the place was crowded and was filled to it's brim.
Many artist performed on stage till it was finally double-r turn.
The cheers increased but it died away when only Romeo came up on stage.Everyone wants
to see Royal and not Romeo. Some where even adding emotions by crying while half of the
people that came left simply because Royal was not there on the stage.

"Royal didn't come" Angel whispered into my ears. I felt tears dripping down my cheeks.only
me know the reason why he did not come.
"lily,you're crying? Angel asked and quickly wipe my tears.
"ohh no,I was not crying. my eyes are scratching me that's why tears keep falling off" I
"sorry" Mira consoled.
The show ended. It was only interesting but was not too lively. I stood up and walk out of the
place in my silver heels to Romeo's side on the stage.
the place was dark,it was only a red light that was shining on the stage.

"Romeo,why is Royal not here??? I asked.He shrugged and made a "he is busy look".
"did he hate me this much?? I asked and couldn't help the tears dripping down my cheeks.
"common,he likes you so much. He always mention your name in sleep" Romeo said and
also wiped my tears
"I have been calling him since but he didn't pick.Just tell me,did I do anything wrong??? I
asked romeo.
"You didn't do anything. Stop crying, you're a pretty girl" Romeo said.
"okay" I forced a smile and walk out to my car.I told my driver to drive me to luxurious

if Royal does not want to see me,I think I should go and see him myself.
We got to his mansion within 2hours.
I was allowed on without any questions.

"is Royal in??? I asked the guards.

"yes" they affirmed.
I ran in and banged into the slivery built living room,I met him coming downstairs in an
expensive blue tux all over a black suit cover. He also had on a black classic foot wear with
just a single blue ring. He saw,me and slam his forehead.

"I came to see you" I said and stared at him with a lot of affection.
"I'm listening" he gestured and maintained a wide distance between us.He stood very far
from me and twitched the ring on his index finger.

"Royal,stop moving away from me" I said,he scoffed.

"I'm not moving away from you. Say whatever you want to say and get lost" he pout.
"you're betrothed to me" I said.
"where's your evidence??? he asked in a voice that means seriousness.
He has not even regain his memory and he is acting like this. how will he now act if he gains
back his lost memory?????

"stop staring at me like I am a food. And on no condition must you come here again without
an evidence" he said. I felt my whole body system the
tearing apart.

He walk out on me with his lashes bashed together. I followed him and block him by
standing in his presence.

"don't you think we should start spending more time together so that
we will get to know each other" I seduced him with my exposed cleavages.
"is there any sense in what you just said??? he asked and ignored me.

"Lily,I will advise you to quit this game with my family if you don't..... " he stopped his
statement halfway and entered his car.
He made me look like a fool.
He made me look like an idiot also.
My tears just keep pouring the more.

"no matter how you push me away, we will still be together!! I screamed my lungs out.

Krishna 🌹Krishna
"Dora,thank you for saving me again. I promise to be more careful" I said and adjusted my
seat and watch how she's tranfering notes to my laptop.
"I'm not taking thank you.Sing and dance for me and I will be okay" Dora replied.
"Not now....not this place.I will sing and dance for you when next I visit your home" I replied.

"why not sing for me here and you will dance for me in my house?? Dora suggested.

"I think we should do the two in your house,it will be better that way" I replied. Dora rolled her
eyeballs and asked me to follow her. I followed her innocently not knowing she is taking me
to Dice high stage.

"sing it here,no one will see you here" Dora urged and took a sit on the audience place.
"are you sure no one will see me??? I asked.
"no one will see you and as you can see,there's no student available" Dora assured.
"I don't have a song of my own" I told her.

"sing lovely by Billy Eilish" she said.

"okay" I nodded and loosed my long hair in case someone is coming. with that,I won't be
recognize easily.
I sang.
"thought I found the way"
"but you never go away"
"so I guess I gotta stay home"

I changed my low voice to a very high pitched angelic voice

"ohh I hope someday I will make it out of here even of it takes all nights or a hundred

"waooooow!!! I heard an unfamiliar voice applaud from afar. I stopped singing and ran off the

"who sang just now???

the face became more visible and appeared to be royal.

I kept quiet and look at Dora for help.

"who sang just now??? Royal asked.
wait,is it that he doesn't remember things quickly or what???? could it be partial amnesia???

"who sang between the two of you??? he asked again.

"well it was........" Dora paused.

I was sweating in the inside already.
"it was her!!! I said and pointed to Dora.

"no,it was her!!! Dora pointed to me.

"what,I can't sing,it was her!!! I pushed it back to her.

"who exactly sang it???? Royal asked again with a look of confusion.

"it was her!!!! me and Dora said together.



🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna

# adeomowole.m.

Episode 7❤

"she is the one!! me and dira said together and pointed at each other.
Royal bashed his lashes together in confusion while Dora and I recompose each other. We
felt like crying but we were able to compose ourselves so that Royal, won't suspect us.

"she is the one! Dora said.

"she is the one! I said back.
Royal widened his cute eyes and slap his forehead slightly.

"the two of you did well by giving me headache but I will find the owner of this voice one day"
Royal said and play the song I sang on his phone.
I was visibly shaking from the inside.
"is my voice sooo loud that he was able to record it from a far place???

He paused the recording and gave me and Dora a,long last look before leaving.
immediately he left,I breathed out.

"that was too close" I touched my chest and fidget slowly with my fingers.

"ummm this thing is like a pregnancy, it can never be hidden for forever" she said and
breathed out a "you're the reason for your poverty.You have all what it takes to be wealthy
but you are not using it.You're making it look like a waste. Assuming I have a body as perfect
as yours and a voice as angelic as yours,I would have gone more far.I mean no one will
even remember Han Lily" Dora relaxed on her speech.

I kept quiet and pack my laptop and phones in my bag.

"I'm not in for competition. Singing and dancing is not made for me" I said,Dora scoffed.

"you of all people know what happened the last time I followed Shantai to a dancing show. I
almost got raped by some wealthy drug lord who did nothing than to place dangerous bets
on me" I told Dora.

She smiled and stared chewing whatever was in her mouth loudly.

I got home and met my mom weaving mats at the backyard. I didn't bother taking off my
uniform, I just remove my bag and joined in weaving.

She stopped halfway and started attaching golden bars at the center. We were done within
an hour.

"who are you selling to?? I asked.

"I'm dashing one to Mrs Claudia while the other one is for sale to Mrs Suga" she replied.
"who's Mrs Suga??? I questioned.
"I don't know her too but Claudia will give you the address to her house"
I breathed out "okay" and took my bag inside. I settled for a white free gown all over my
sandals. I dashed to the backyard and carried the mats.

I delivered Mrs Claudia's own first and collect the address of where to deliver the next mat.
The next mat is to be delivered at the most popular estate while the name of the mansion is
"Luxurious mansion". I took a cab and gave him the address. Chat me on zero eight one
thirty-nine seventy seven seventy eight eighty seven to be added to WhatsApp group.I was
dropped off few meters away from the estate since cabs are not allowed in. I paid the cab
man and entered the estate. All houses in the estate are extremely beautiful but only one
was unique and that's exactly were my mat is to he delivered.

I stood dazing at the mansion and pressed a particular button on the gate, it opened by itself.

"waoooww!!! I gasped and admired the glassy designs.Everywhere was clean and sparkling

"who do you ask for???

"Sir Royal or Sir Romeo??? one of the guards snapped.

"Mrs Suga" I expounded with my heart grinding against my chest. Right now,Romeo is my

"Mrs Suga is not around but you can wait for her" the guard said.
"why waittt??? I exclaimed.
the gate opened automatically by itself almost immediately while four cars drove in

I saw Romeo in the third car.

"what a big mess???? I snorts and kept my head low.
The door of the first car opened. I can sight the guards rushing towards the third black
Lamborghini that Romeo was in.

🎀 welcome ma
🎀 welcome sir
🎀 welcome first lady.......
"where's Royal??? Mrs Suga stopped the greetings with a question.
"sir Royal went out! they replied.
"did he go out alone?? Mrs Suga asked with fury and I could send the jealousy in Romeo's

"why the....??? Romeo clenched his fists.

"fuck must you allow him out!! Mrs Suga completed in the most inhuman voice I have ever

"are they this dangerous???

"why are they mad just because Royal went out???.
"I heard Royal is 22...why the securities?????
I wondered and admired the building they live in.

"you all are fired for allowing him out!! Romeo seethed and look in my direction. I quickly
hide myself behind the chief guard.

"if he doesn't get here within 53min, you all are dead!! he glared and bounce walked in
I heaved a sigh of relief immediately he went in.
I showed myself from my hideout and held the mat.

"good evening ma,my mom asked me to deliver this to you" I bowed and stretch the mat to
her with my two hands.

one of her guards collected it and handed me an envelope.i didn't wait at all,I collect it and
ran out.
Another difficult escape from Romeo!

~~Han Lily p.o.v

I moved into my pent house,

Mira already went out for a party while Angel was busy with her phone.

I entered my room and slump on my bed with my head buried in my pillow

Mrs Samantha is the only person that can handle Royal but he is not making any
amendment in whatever concerns me at all.
His attitude towards me get worst each passing day and I don't think he will ever find
someone better than me.

Royal does not want anything to do with me!

even when Mrs samantha threatened to remove him as the band lead voice, he told Mrs
Samantha and the board openly that he is not interested.
I recollect those hurtful words he said last month.

He even disappoint dice high by not participating in the last competition just because I am a
I wonder why he hates me!!!

my phone starts ringing,

it was a call from Elliot( Royal's manager). I pick the call immediately.

"lily,Royal is missing for the past 6hours" Eliot announced.

"waaaaat! I gasped and ended the call. I rush out and drove to the places I hope I will find
him but I didn't find him there.

"Royal!!!!! I screamed out and entered the last place on my mind.

He might be in the school's stage.
I rush into dice high stage,
he wasn't there.

I retraced my steps down the opposite building and met him sitting on the fourth stairs.

Now,he wasn't wearing the blue tux anymore. instead he had on a bad boy dressing.
He was putting on a black jeans and a navy blue cardigan.

it will he soo difficult for him to be recognized with the way the oversized cardigan cap
covered his eyes.

I frozed on my spot and admire the way he did his things.

He was penning something down into a jotter.

he stopped and turn back,

I quickly move back and hide.
He smiled like a new born baby.

"ohh my royal smiled!!!. I smiled also.

Then he played a recording on his phone.

"thought I found the way"

"but you never go away"
"so I guess I gotta stay"

he smiled as he listened to the song. Slowly,he shut his eyes and removed his cardigan cap
like he is trying to remember something.
"what if he remember????

"ohhh I hope someday I will make it out of here even if it takes all nights or a hundred
the song stopped,his voice came up.

"who sang the song??? he asked in the recording.

"it was her!!! I heard Dora's voice in the recordings.
"whatttt I can't sing,it was her!!! an unfamiliar voice came up again. Her voice sounds
amazing even when it was in a low tune that she speak.
"who exactly sang the song??? royals voice came up again.
"it was her!!!! Dora and the unfamiliar voice said again.

Royal took his lips in and paused the recordings. if he keep listening to that song,he might
regain his memory.

"Han lily do something!!!! reality got me. I watch as Royal gently drop his phone beside
where he sat,he brought out another phone and called Eliot,his manager.

"don't bother looking for me!! he said and ended the call.
He clasped his fingers and shut his eyes.

"is he sleeping???? I lamented, thinking of a way to get his phone so that I can delete the
I tip toed to his back on the stairs and slowly bend to pick his phone.

Too bad,it was locked.

His phone was finger print.

How do I unlock????
or should I take the phone away??? I smirks.

I was lost holding his phone when he raised his head. I quickly hide the phone in my purse. I
was about zipping the purse when he turned back.
he slap his forehead immediately he saw me.

"Who are you???? he asked. I was surprised.

"I'm...... I'm... I'm...." I stammered.
"I sang that song" I lied.
He stared at me with a plain expression without saying anything.

I moved closer and brushed my hands into his waists,he scoffed and removed it.

"Han Lily,where is your evidence??? he asked.

"hunnnnn!!! I gasped.


🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna
©adesola adeomowole.m.

Episode 8 💗.

"hunnn!! I gasp and inhale nothing in particular.How can he tell me to bring an evidence??
Royal unveil his cardigan and maintain a curious but cute face. He is best describe as
handsomeness whenever he is angry.

"where is your evidence??? he glared.

"umm I don't have an evidence but I am the,one that sang that sing that you played" I
lied,thinking of a better way to confuse him.

Slowly,his cute expression turns cold with his brows, more prominent.

"tell me the truth" he paused and slap his forehead lightly.

I was not even listening to him instead I was wondering how he manage to be sooo
freakingly wealthy despite how Romeo and his mom brought him down times without

what will now happen if he is not brought down????

Probably he might be ranked as an over-god since Indians ranks are based on whatsoever
wealth you acquire.

"tell me the truth!! he beckoned and flapped his lashes.

"even if it will be once,just tell me the truth" he said again and deep his left hands into his
jean pocket while his right hand slowly went for the black bandana that was tied underneath
the fringe of his hair.

This,might be my chance!
I smiled and move into him.
I touched him,I touch his flesh..I felt sweetness mixed with coldness the,moment I touch
He shift back and made my hands hang in the air.

"Royal, you're ignoring me again!

I felt tears on my cheek.
"tell me the truth" he requested.
His handsomeness got me and made me forget my self.

"Royal,am not the one" I confess

"have you perhaps meet with the person that sang it??? he asked with seriousness but my
mind was on another thing.

"no,I don't know the person" I confessed again.

"thank goodness it was not you" he said and look down to where he kept his white phone
then back to me.

"my business phone,did you take it??

he requested and shut a glare my body and soul won't ever deny.
"your phone is not with me! I lied.
He scoffed and hijack my purse.
He opened it and took his phone.

"Lily,I only lost my memory,I did not lost my brain" he smirks and throw my purse to me like it
worth nothing.

"Royal,I love you" I sturlted and hug him from the back.He remove my hand but I wouldn't
stop. I kiss his neck unaware,he got irritated and push me away.
"you disgust! he mouthed and walk out. I followed him till he got to the school compound.
Ten guards are already standing there with four cars.He scoffed and entered his blue

Elliot rush to my side and was surprised to see tears on my cheeks.

"Lily,get into the car" he said.
"no,I don't want to go,let me stay here.Just follow royal, he needs attention.I'm scared he
might do something crazy" I replied.

"what about you??? Double-R agencies asked me.

"I'm okay.Just take care of Royal" I replied and bite my lower lips.
They nodded and left me.

I breath out immediately they left and sat down on the glassy edge of the field.
"who can that girl be???
"Is Royal regaining his memory or is he in love?? questions filled my lobes
I was still lost in fantasy when Angel sat beside me. I didn't even notice her presence
because I'm not close to her.We are just band mates.

She sat beside me,I stood up.

She stood up also and stand by my side.

"what's happening??? I saw royal pushing you away! she said.

"how do you know?? are you a monitoring spirit or what?? I asked.

"yes...I can't just bear to see the queen of dice high moving around all alone" she replied. I
made a fake smile.
"don't you think Dora might know the owner of the voice?? she asked.
"it's certain" I said and chewed into my lower lips.

"what is really between you and royal?? what do you share in common??? angel asked.

"my business, not yours" I put her in her place and sat down back.
Everyone know me to be Royal's, girlfriend. I can't just watch him be for someone else.

"are you blackmailing him exactly the way romeo and Mrs Suga are doing?? angel asked.
"my business ,not yours" I cautioned her with a scoff.

🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕 you're reading at #adesolagolden

I didn't wait at all,
I ran for my dear life with a mind filled with fear of the unknown. My legs started shaking but I
manage to make it to Mrs Claudia's mansion.

I stopped in front of her gate and adjusted my dress.I stopped panting and lose the scarf I
tied around my hip bone.Finally,I entered and met Mrs Claudia waiting for me in her paradise
looking living room.

"Krishna my dear,why are you panting??? she asked.

"I don't know ma.I think I am having cold" I replied with a drop of shoulder.

"I think you should go now. you might not be able to work today if you have cold" Claudia

"ma,I can work" I protested.

"are you sure??? she asked.
"yes" I nodded.
She cleared her throat and gave me an address.

"my friend need an immediate house help for just an hour. She will pay you
30,000rupess.Can you do it??? she asked.
"yes ma" I replied and checked time, it was getting dark already but I need to save some
money.It is not every time I will be asking Mrs Claudia, money.

"okay,I will go" I said.

"no wait" Claudia said and,handed me a nylon.
"thank you ma" I collected it and started heading to the house address she gave me.
I got to the,house,it look exactly like Mrs Claudia's mansion.

"are you the house help??? a woman asked.With the,look on her face,I think she should be
a real political money.I just pray she won't be harsh like Mrs Brown.

"yes" I nodded and followed her in.

She told me what to do,I did it within 40mins.

"wash those plates!!! she said.

*okay,ma!! I replied and did it within 10mins.

"hey,clean my room!! a guy said from behind.He looks rude.

I look away instantly and bowed.
His face looks familiar.
"I will clean it,where is the way?? I asked.I noticed him lick his lower lips and he was looking
down there both in between my legs and my chest.

"sir!!!! I said. He nodded and gave me the directions.

it was easy to find.
I entered into it with a pure and innocent mind.I moped the floor,I arranged his closets,I
prepared his bed and arranged his severally scattered phones and laptops on his bed stand.

I replaced the curtains too.

And,breathed out on what I have done.
He entered the room and rested his back on the door.
Now, his stares was nothing that can kill.

"sir,I'm done" I fidgeted and rested my back on the curtain.

he nodded and stretch me my money. he poured them on the floor. I quickly bend and pack
the money.

"you should visit here some other time" he said and left the door.
"never in my life will I visit here" I imagined saying that.

"you said what??? he asked.

"stop looking at me sir,I am not a food" I replied and quickly ran out.

I took a cab home and met my mom standing outside as usual.

"you're coming from where??? she asked.
"you went to work??? she asked.
"tell me one reason why you're working??? she asked asked.

I opened my mouth to say a word but nothing was coming out.

"I won't forgive you if anything should happen to you" she said.
"okay mom" I replied.
"you're saying okay??? she turned back,I flinched and ran outside.

"I didn't say anything. I love you mom" I teased her.

🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕🕕 🕕🕕
"okay" she nodded. I entered and locked the door.
next day
I smiled from sleep.
I dreamt about me and Royal holding hands...I dreamt we danced together. I can't even
remember all the dreams but I know it can never come true.

I sighed and opened my wardrobe. I closed it back and opened the nylon Claudia gave to
me yesterday.
I found a pair of white cover shoes with silver on the base. it was really pretty.
Then I saw a thick leggings that will stop few,meters away from my kneel cap with a very
pretty white tux and a long sleeved black and white patterned track suit jacket.
sometimes,I wonder why this woman like me so much.

I rushed into the bathroom and had a 10min bath. I creamed with a peppermint balm and
change into what I picked. I wore the cover shoe and did I quick review of the last lecture I
After that,I greeted my mom and rushed to meet Dora in her car.

"Good morning! I greeted the driver and joined Dora at the backseat.
"hi Dora! I smiled with a slight bow.
"how are you? she smiled and took my left hand.

"where is your earring?? she asked.

"I don't have one" I replied.
"how about the one I got for you? she asked.
"I lost it" I replied,a little,bit embarrassed.

She use a black magnet earring on both my ears then she helped in wearing a tiny gold
bracelet on my left hand.

"we are,having a combined class with the double-R.Baby girl try to doge any form of abuse"
Dora said.
I watch her in awe and asked her about Shantai and Eve.

"remember you promise to dance for us today" she reminded.

"I know" I breathed out and walk with her to the lecture room.
I pray Han Lily and Romeo are,not there.

Dora wasn't scared, she opened the classic door and cat walked in.
I huffed and held the door knob. I entered and received the most alluring glares.

🎀 those killing legs....gosh💗

🎀 soo hot....
🎀 I heard she is a governors daughter.
was all that I heard.

"miss,get a seat" sir Davidson smiled at me.

"thank you sir" I nodded and found a seat at the back. I brought out my laptop and phones.
I don't think Han Lily is here!!!
I smiled happily.We got to the,middle of the class when Lily came in with her maids.

Well she got many lovers and fans too and I think I am among.
Han lily is my secret admire. I still like her despite the bad thing she did to me and my mom.

I was the first to sight the double-R coming in through the glassy door and so I quickly
bowed my head instantly,using my laptop to dodge my fucking face of a goddess.

💖 ohhh my Royal!!!!!
💖 Royal please,touch me!!!
💖 Royal hold me,I love you!!!!!
💖 sit beside,me!!!!
the lecture became totally disordered
it died down slowly.
"thank God! I breathed out but I felt something cold touching my neck.

"ohhh my.........!!!
I started panting from the inside.
"why must he sit at my back??? and why the hell must his blue ring tangle with my hair???

He made a sweet sound and removed his fingers,leaving his ring tangling with the base of
my hair.
"common ring,he can't untangle!! I nodded and slowly went for where the ring was and
untangled it myself.

"Sir Royal ......your....your.....!! I stammered and passed the ring.

"tell me who you are??? he requested in a low voice.

"write it in a piece of paper! he said.
"be fast!!!! he commanded.

"I don't think he is talking to me!!!

i mouthed and face front.
or is he talking to me?????
I think I am still dreaming!!!

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna
©adesola adeomowole.m.

Episode 9❤

now enjoy

I think I am dreaming.
How can he be talking to me???
I made a quizical look and concentrated more on my laptop.

🌌 Gosh,I wish he I'd sitting beside me or my has been so long I percievd the scent
🌌 I wish he will touch me one day.
of his perfume.

🌌 I wish he will speak to me.

🌌 Does he even talks?? ooh no,he hardly talk but it will be a very great honour of he can
talk to me in the public!!!!

mummurs brewed up.

Students were not using their phones to take, lectures,instead they were using it to
take,several shots of royal.
Sir Davidson couldn't comprehend it, he couldn't complain about his class being divided
because,it looks exactly as if he is teaching sticks. No one was probably listening.

Han Lily was chatting with her crew.

They were talking about trending gists,trending clothes,trending heels and all other
unnecessary stuffs.

I sensed Romeo's presence,

he was busy scrolling on his phone and I thank my stars he is sitting very far from where I

"maintain absolute decorum!!

Sir Davidson ordered.

😂 please,move,out we are not interested in your boring subject!! Lily protested and look in
my direction..
Just then Royal mistakenly touch my hair. This time it was his bracelets that tangle with my

I saw the look on Han Lily's face,

it look scary!!!!
It looks murderous....
it made my panting increase.

Lily,don't think otherwise! I said in my mind and squeak my phone in between my hands.
"ohhh my,let this not be the beginning of my doom" I sweated from the inside.
Royal finally succeeded in untangling his bracelets.
I think he wanted to tap me to deliver what he asked me to write but my identity is a thing
that I dare not reveal.

Royal breathed out "have seen those faces before but where????..
I don't think he is talking to me.
I turned slightly and noticed he wasn't doing anything.He didn't take a single lecture. He
didn't bring his laptop too.

"Royal,did you take lectures??? sir Davidson asked and turn off some parts of the smart
board so as to hide some solved answers.

"what business do you have with my lectures?? Royal puffed out.

❤ ohh my,he can talk!

❤ I thought he can only sing.
❤ Gosh... I need to admit he is best handsome whenever he is pissed off. Gosh, blessed be
to those that spotted that his actions are similar with one of the,most wealthiest Indian

I think those statement made Romeo jealous.He suddenly stood up and walk out of the
lecture room.

"Royal, come and solve this. You need to be serious with your studies. you're dice high most
rated ambassador" sir Davidson complain

"ambassador my foot!!! royal breathed out and took his car keys.

🌌 ohh my,Royal don't leave!

🌌 pleaseee me,baby!!!
🌌 don't go!!!
🌌 wait!!!!!!
"Royal,come and solve this or I will report you to Mrs Suga or Mrs Samantha or I put you in
7hours detention" he threatened.

Everyone are now quiet,

waiting patiently for royals action.

Royal stood up and pick his keys on his hands.Some had the chance to take his full pictures
but he was so fast to have bounce walk to the smart board. He turned it on and took the
writing piece.

"solve this!!! sur Davidson said and displayed a very hard geometry on the board.
The sight of the hard work made two girls faint.
they were rushed by the nurses.

Royals look at the,geometry without much stress then back to sir Davidson.
He faced the board and used just eight lines to solve it.
"such brains!!!!!

He scoffed and faced sir Davidson.

"you're fired!! he glared and throw the writing piece at him.With that,he walk out.

🎀 aaaah Royal, you're the best

😂 it is as if you know how I hate,geometry. Thanks for sending this man away.At,least
someone brain will relax.
❤ Royal, I love you!!!!
students dispersed one after the other.

But a particular girl never left.

She catwalked to my seat and talk my desk.

🎀 what was my boyfriend telling you????? she glared. I was puzzled. I thought Royal is for
Han Lily.

"no,he was not telling me anything" I replied.

"really,but he was touching your hair??? his ring is with you right??? she asked.I was
speechless and at the same time infuriated.

"follow me!!!! she glared and showed off her hotly polished nails.
She smells political money.

"can't you hear??? follow me!!! she ordered.I shivered at her voice.
I took my laptop in my bag and followed her.

I wonder where she is taking me to.

"stay away from Royal, he is mine!!!
"and mine alone!!!! she glared and pushed me into something deep. I didn't noticed it,I didn't
see it coming or else I would have escaped.

I fell into a cold floor.

My head spinned and hurt a little.
I tried standing but my nerves failed me,I fell back. I resulted into crawling..
I opened my bag and saw that my iPhone screen was scratched a little.

I winced in little pain and stood up.

It pains but I managed.
I stopped immediately I felt the presence of Royal......
My jaws dropped.
He was sitting very far. I think the song he is singing made him not to hear the sound that I
fell with.

Gosh, I got pushed because of him.

I pouted and started looking for a way out but of I really want to go out,I will have to
pass,besides him but my identity!!!

I was pushed just because he mistakenly touch my hair.

what will now,happen if he see me in person???
maybe I will get killed.

I waited till it was night.

Royal didn't leave. I moved back and,hide.

Suddenly, he started singing.It was a romance filled song and a sensational song

🎤I will be your silver

🎤 I will be your gold
🎤 I will be your bronze
🎤 love me, love me....
he sang and waited.He might be thinking of the best chorus but I think a very simple line
chorus will make,it more sensational.

He sang it again.I don't know what happened, I find my self helping him with a very simple
chorus that looks likes a back up.

🎤 loveeee meee now ohhh baaabyy will can be brooonze......

I made it more sensational by making it so loud.
he turned back,I moved in totally into my hideout.

"Please,come out!!! he said......

I froze into my spot.


Beautiful Love❤Song 🎻

©adesola adeomowole.m.

Episode 10 💖.

"Please come out!! he said....
I froze into my spot with a dauntless heart.
Krishna,what have you done???
Krishna,you're in trouble!
Krishna but I thought you promise mum that you will never sing or dance! my inner mind
taunts me.

"where are you????

I heard persisting foot steps around.
I moved into my hideout very well and slowly went for my hair.I unweave the longness and
straighten the length till it stops on the base of my buttucks.
My body kept shaking.
I still can't believe what I had just gotten myself into.

Royal did not leave!

that simply means I won't leave.
There is no way I will pass without him seeing me plus he was standing close to the hallway

"I must find out about you,I just see you today. I don't care if it will takes a hundred years"
royal said in a cold superior voice but very sweet and pleasant to the hearing.

I shanked into my hide out and cry silently.

6hours passed,
Royal was still sitting.
ohhh,I can't pass.
Another 4hours passed,and then night coupled up with darkness came
He was still not leaving,meaning I can't leave also.

"Royal,please leave!
I prayed and wished silently but it seems the spirit in him is greater than mine.
The darkness hovered,
I cried mom must have been sick worried.
"okay,I will allow you leave...I promise to close my eyes,I won't look" he said and stood.He
faced the beautifully painted wall and slowly shut his eyes by flapping his lashes.
"you can leave now" he said and made his brows more prominent.
I took off my cover shoe in my hands because I am planning to run pass him.

"have you passed already??? he ask.

"No,I'm planning to do" I replied and clutch my shoes in my hands.
"are you as pure as your voice??? he breathed out.My body drop down cold.I didn't think
twice, I move out of my hideout and ran pass him.I was just 6 stairs away from him when he
opened his eyes.He didn't get to see my front view but he had the opportunity to see the
back view.

I felt cold airs,

I don't even know if I am breathing,I just keep running.

"wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he beckoned and ran after me but I was a way too fast. I'm very sure he would
have catch me to see my face if and only if he drag me by my cloth but no,hr caught my hair
and end up catching the hair chain Dora bought for me.

I so much like the chain,

but I can't just risk my identity to get it back.I'm not even sure if I can talk to him.
I ran out and found my way.....

"Royal, I'm very sorry, I would have shown you my identity but I don't really belong here plus

your standard does not allow seeing people like me" I said in my mind and took a cab

you're reading Beautifullovesong at #adesolagolden

in the cab,I started thinking of what to tell Mrs Claudia and my mom but I'm not really good
when it comes to lying.

"trouble!!! I sniffed and paid the cabman and rushed to our doorstep.
I knocked,the door was opened almost immediately by my over possessive mother all in

"eeeehhn eeehnnn miss woman,why are you just coming???....

"you sang???
"you went to dance??? she furrowed.

"no,mom...." I replied.
"is it not obvious??? you're holding your shoes on your hands and that simply means you are
just coming from a dance show" she guessed.
The shoe fell off my hand.
I pick it up hastily and drop my head down,waiting for my judgment.

"Krishna speak!!!!
"when did you turn out to be like this?? or have you start seeing guys? she asked.

"what mommmm!!! I sniffed and lost my emotions.Hot tears pricked down my cheeks.
"then why are you just coming?? she glared.

I couldn't speak.
She might turn it into another thing of i should explain.
"what happened then?? she asked.
"nothing" I swallowed nothing and wipe my tears.
"you just decided to stay till night! she smirks.I pretend to be removing something from my

"I pity you!!! if you're not careful,they will just use you!!! she shouted in a scary manner. I
rushed in, straightaway to my room.
I went ahead and lock myself inside the bathroom.

🌌🌌Elliot's p.o.v
"sir,can we go home???
I bowed slightly for royal who was busy fondling a female chain in his hands.

"I know but I don't think I am ready" he replied.I sighed and left him.
I commanded like four guards to stay with him and I warn them strictly to watch over him
while the remaining six followed me.
I remembered something and quickly excused myself.I went back to where Royal was and
squatted beside where he sat.
I don't just know why I felt pity for this handsome young guy. if and only if he knows the type
of battle in front of him, I'm very sure he will do anything to regain his memory....
I would have helped him but it is not in my hands to do it because I'm a slave to Mrs Suga
and it might cost my life.

"what again??? he pouted nicely.

"I fogort to tell you that the lawmakers will be coming over today" I said.
"I'm not coming" he replied.
"are you sure?? I asked.
"I'm sure your ear is not deaf" he said
I bowed slightly and left with the six guards.

We reached our destination within 2hours...different cars where packed in the garage.that
simply shows that the lawmakers are inside.

Gosh! Royal I wonder why you don't want to come" I clenched my fists and sat beside
Romeo's manager.

"where's Royal?? Mrs Suga asked.

he doesn't want to come" I replied.
Romeo smiled in victory.They only try to be good when royal is there but they are real devils
behind his back.

"well,I will be representing Royal" I speak on royals behalf.

We then faced the lawmakers just to hear whatever they have to say.

"the two brothers were tested in many ways and both are found skillful. They are both
competent in all ways,they have the same vote count and as a result of that,the post of the
president will be considered sealed for now". Mrs Samantha said.

"I object!!!! Mrs Rose intercepts.

"this is total partiality!!!!
"psychology says that it is never possible for two brothers to be;
"brain work skilled"
"and have the same,leadership traits rate!!
Two brothers can never be all this at the same rate. One must be greater than the other.
Mrs rose said.

"and as a result of this....." Mrs rose said.

"as a result of what?????

"wtf!!!!!!! romeo scoffed in rudely.

"you're the one doing partiality. Royal is not here and you're speaking on his behalf........
Royal is arrogant!!!!!!!! Romeo said in a deadly smirks.

"he is not" I replied.

"he is not arrogant then why is he not here???? Romeo asked.
I kept quiet.

Just then,Royal walked in.......

Gosh, it was not by mouth but his presence was felt.

"is Royal really human???

I pouted....wondering why everywhere became silent all of a sudden.


Beautiful Love❤Song 🎻

# adeomowole.m.

Episode 11❤


~~~~Eliot's p.o.v~~~

Mrs Rose paused on her statement.

I think it is not only me that is feeling the air of superiority.
Even the floor felt cold.
I stood up and rushed Royal.
Though we ain't that close but we are still close in our own way.I don't think he understand
what I did, he slam his forehead,I pull away from the hug.
He nodded and pushed his hair backwards.
He sat,I sat beside him.
"I think I am high" I smiled and move back.I'm always forgetting that I am a slave to Mrs

Mrs Samantha smiled.

"As a result of this,the two brothers are going to undergo another brain test" Sir Alex said.
I was happy for Royal.

"what test again?? romeo protested.

Mrs Rose cuts in..
she is known for her strict words.
"You and royal are going to undergo another brain test so that we can know who
the,perfectionist really is. The presidential post will still be considered sealed until we find out
who the most capable person is. If we should rush things,we might end up putting a dog in
the,position of a lion and we all know that dog lion are not age mates" Mrs rose said.
The remaining lawmakers applaud.

"and this will be the next test! Mrs Rose said and turn on the recording voice box. She is
going to make it public.
"The highest net worth wealth record so far was rated 10.5zillion of rupees.That was
achieved by Richmond Miles.If any of you can beat that limit by 5zillion more rupees,you will
be considered competent" Mrs rose blurts out.

"why 15.5zillions of rupees???

"that's a veerrrrrrrry much money and it is imposible to make such money within
three,months" Mrs Suga protested with an unfathomable expression.
"Mrs Suga,I'm not disputing the fact but what we are really saying is that a good leader
should be able to transform two pennies into a million folds.If any of you can make that
amount of money within 3month,it really shows how brainy you are!
Mrs Rose concluded.

"we shall see again in the,next 3month.Good luck and namaste" Mrs Rose dispersed
the lawmakers left.
Romeo shot a glare and head up the slivery stairs.
I breathed in and glance at Royal who was busy doing some things on his phone.
He stood up also and took another different stair way direction.

"Elliot,what's the,news about this new mansion?? Mrs Suga asked and show me a
"I don't know about it" I replied and flipped through the pages of the thick magazine that had
Royal's photo as a cover page.

"did royal really built those mansions????

"why did you not inform me???
"Gosh! how can you open your eyes and allow him build something greater than luxurious

Mrs Suga blabbed while I flip through the magazine, really surprised at what I saw.

who can really tell us the real worth of this mansion?????

I'm sure it will be six times that of luxurious mansion!
Gosh, this place looks like heaven.
Royal,take me there!!!
I wish to see the interior design someday,like dreaming am already inside,sleeping and

curdling with Royal!!!

Pop star Zayn Malik promised Royal Suga half of his wealth~~this is what he said.
"He looks innocent,well I'm ready to make him happy. I hope he will continue smiling
everyday because his smile melts away the mountain in my heart!!!!!

📋 Zayn Malik promised royal

📋 Zayn Malik is treating him like a son, there anything money can buy that

Royal, lacked???

I love him undoubtedly,but I still wish to know the secret of his wealth.
I wish him true happiness
I lovvvvvvve him but too bad he is bethrothed to Han Lily".
I read comments from fans and looked into Mrs Suga face.
"where,is the key to the,mansion he built?? she asked.
"I don't know about it" I replied.
She scoffed and took the same stairway direction that Royal passed.

"please,don't hurt him" I said in my mind and clasped my hands together.

Mrs Suga~~~~~~

I did not bother knocking,

I banged into Royal's room,his room was like his name. The floor was tiled with smooth raw
gold,the walls were painted light red with many professional designs. Many wallpapers were
pasted on the walls, the door of the washroom was opened halfly in other to reveal the bluish
water floor. it looks pretty and everywhere smells nice.

"Royal" I called in a whisper and move in.He was sleeping already.

The white robe he was wearing made him looks adorable.
I went to where he was on the bed and touched his forehead,his fingers moved to the other
side of the bed that had many laptops and many latest phones scattered on it.
Money can be seen packaged with ruberbands and they are neatly arranged on the floor.

"Royal" I whispered again and slowly lift his head, I placed it on my laps. He open his eyes
and moved his fingers into his robe pocket.
I think he kept something there.

"mom" he said sweetly and closed his eyes back.

I deep my fingers into his hair and carresed them softly.
He smiled from sleep and touch my hands...
"I love you mom! he smiled sweetly.
I smiled and untie his bandana.

"Royal,did you really build that mansion???? I asked.

"There are nine of them,so which one are you talking about exactly??? he asked.
I froze in the inside.
How can he build 9mighty mansion at once when Romeo has not even think of building

"okay,it is nice" I replied.

"well,I want you to attend the fan based session dice high will be organizing with Han Lily" I
He kept quiet.
It is obvious he hate Lily.

"I will do it for you,mom" he replied.

I smile and use my fingers to trail Hus prominent handsome brows before placing his head
back on the pillow in the most gentle manner.
Despite all this,he is still obedient and humble!! unlike romeo who act like a total rascal.
"what a world???
He hate Han lily,yet he didn't argue with me.instead he said he will do it for me!!!

Sooo sweet!

Beautifullovesong by Adeomowolesola ✍ ✍


stop!! stop!! Royal, stop touching me there!!!! I screamed from sleep while throwing my legs
"and who is Royal??? my mom showed up from behind.
my palms went to my mouth.

"who is Royal and where is he touching you??? ohhh so they've started touching your
bumbum too! my mom glared.
"I think I dreamt" I said in a scared manner.

"you dreamt that they were romancing you??? she asked.

"now, tell me the stupid dream??? she ordered.

Trouble!!! I sniffed and quickly stood up from my bed.I've been having serious nightmare
since I met him.
I even dreamt that he was feeding me pizza and juice.....

"I'm listening" my over-protective mom said and pull out a wire.

"ahhhh mom,I can't remember the dream" I lied,pretending to be staring at something in my

"then who is Royal?? she asked.

"Royal....he is nothing...he is a ttt...toy...I dream that the toy was holding my....waist..." I
pouted but stopped immediately a wire landed on my back.

"You're calling Royal,everyone's favorite a toy,I pity you!!! my mom shouted.

"If you get pregnant, just know that you're dead!! she said and left.

I rushed into the bathroom and lock myself. I cried for 3min before having my bath. I came
out in a towel and unplug my phone.
I already miss many texts from Dora,Shantai and Eve.
And also many notification from the school website group.

I went for the group chats first and saw many beautiful mansions.

it was Han lily that sent it.
waoow,my boyfriend built this! she bragged.
How can someone be this rich??
I smiled and kept my phone back. I rub my normal peper mint balm and dress in a fansy
purple lace Saree Dora gave to me.I don't think I will be going to school today.
Today is the day dice high usually celebrate celebrity.... going there might make people

know my identity. I dress well and wore a fansy foot wear,then I left for Claudia's house.

"Krishna dear,I need you to deliver this to Mrs Suga" Claudia said and handed me a package
filled with hold jewelry.

I collected the jewelry and also collected transport money.I just pray Romeo and Royal
should have gone to school.

I was in the mansion within few minutes and,like I predicted,only guards were standing on
the mansion boader.

Almost immediately, a yellow,Lamborghini drove in.

"Han Lily!!!! why did you come!!!!

I shake little bit and held the envelope well.
She step out of the car and catwalk out.I need to admit she's pretty.
She have pretty legs....
She, knows how to dress,hot...
and her makeup are properly done.

I was thinking of what to do,

when I heard that similar perfume scent.

Royal!!!!!! I bowed slightly,praying silently.

"Mrs Suga asked you to come in" the cheif guard tells me.
"okay" I nodded and passed by Han lily with my head down but she did something terrible.

She set leg for me....

I mistook my steps....
I fell forwards and bump into Royal who was coming.

He touched me there.....
his fingers brushed my waist while my hair covered the base of his face.

"Royal!!!!!!!!! Lily shouted....

her shout made me shake in Royals arm....
We both if that wasn't enough,our lips met and pressed into each other.
"I think I am high!!! I closed my eyes immediately my eyes met his own.
"please don't recognize me!!!
I pray inwardly.
~Msg +234 813 977 7887 to be added to a story group~
Han Lily went cold.
because the press took the photo in a quick swift..

"Royal!!! lily kept shouting.

Get ready for romance 😍😍

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna )
©adesola adeomowole.m.

Episode 12


"Royal!!! Lily screamed with a teary face.Her tears got me hardly. I noticed Royal tighten his
hold on my waist,Royal doesn't want to let me go. My heart was grinding faster on his chest.
I was engulfed with fears,
but Royal wasn't at all.He even smelt my lips by pressing his nose on it in a very romantic

I swear,I didn't wish this should happen but it was Lily's fault.She push me into royal.
The media's rushed me and Royal on the floor and took several shots of us

Lily cried out in tears,

guards rushed her.
What else can I do????

"Jebal,let me go!! I bow still on Royal who was holding tightly unto me.
"who the hell are you??? why are you making me fell like there is something that I don't
know,you're making me feel like someone is keeping something away from me?
Royal whispered into my ears in the most manner I can ever thought of then he brushed his
ringed fingers firmly on my bare waist on the edges of my Saree.
"tell me,who the hell are you??? he asked. I became dumb.
I don't know what to say....
"hmmmm.....! I started shaking and touch his hands on my waist.
He opened his eyes,
our gazes met with each other.

"I think I am high!!!!

I closed my eyes instantly and recover from the sweetness that I was lost in.
I stood away from Royal and bowed. I grabbed the envelope Claudia a
asked me to deliver.
The guards rushed Royal and help him up.
I fidget the moment he took his lips in.

"who the hell are you??? he asked again.

Just then,I sensed Mrs Suga and Romeo surfacing from the crowd.
I didn't wait at all,I fled away ..
Thank goodness the gate was widely open.

😒 She hurt him

😒 how can she be this clumsy??
😒 Gosh! you touched him with your stinking hands.
😒 Did you also kiss him with your shameless lips!!!
was all that I heard.
I couldn't think straight,I just keep running.

"my dream is to read my book,get a good job and be wealthy too so that I will stop.running
errands for Claudia just because she is paying my admission fee.I want to do many things. I
want to be wealthy so that I will stop fearing my teammates, so that I will stop leaving a life of
a liar who is always making her identity clandestine! I stop running and said admist my
It started raining heavily.
Everything I had on was soaked but I manage to keep the envelope that contain Mrs
Claudia's gold jewelry under my cloth.
I started running in the rain till my footwear slipped me.
I tripled and fell.
somehow, the envelope fly into the nearby water that contain fast moving dirty water.
"The gold!!!!!
I ran but the gold was gone.
what will I tell Claudia??

what will she thinks of me????

BLS🎻Krishna by adesola omowole.

I rushed into Claudia's mansion in my already dirty cloth.

I should have known already that she doesn't play with money.
"did you deliver the gold jewelry to Mrs Suga?? she asked.
"well....I did.....not....." I stammered.
"my goddddd,that gold is a very big money. Tell me you're joking" Claudia exclaimed.

"it wasn't my fault,it fell off my hand into a gutter.I'm very sorry ma" I said and quickly kneel
down while holding her legs.
she shake her head and breathed out "poor girl".
"did you really kiss Royal? she ask
"I did not" I said and fidget still on my kneels.
"you better admit it...and,mind you,the video is already on the internet" Claudia said and
show me the video,it had already gotten 1.9M views in just 45min that it was posted.

"Krishna,your admission in dice high is shaking already. It is no more stable... you might be
lucky if Han lily doesn't recognize you but I'm very sure Mrs Suga will find out about you"
Claudia said. I started crying real tears.

"Well,you will pay for my gold!!!

Mrs Claudia said.I already know she does not play with her business.
"I will tell you how to pay in the future" she said and help me to sit on the chair.
Her maids served me pizza and juice then I went home afterwards.

I'm really happy my mom is not an internet person.if not,I will have been dead.

~~~Elliot's p.o.v~~~~

Royal kissed her for real by mistake!

What was he thinking about?? I bashed my lashes and watch the video again.It had already
rise up to 89.9M views in just 6hours.
The views will only add to his fames but I really pity that innocent girl because as it stands
now, Royals fans that are girls are up to 40M and as for Lily,the video will only burst her ego

and make her like a liar in front of those people that admire her.

"waoooow,when I first saw this video, I fainted for real" 5.3k reactions on just a comment on
the videos.

The replies are as follows;

why did you faint? Alexa replied
I fainted because of the way the girl look like in Royal's arm,I mean it looks real and
adorably pretty!

💗 Han lily was there,why did she not do anything??? Lily,I'm disappointed in you!!! a fan of
lily commented.

💗 she dare not separate them.The truth is that she can never continue keeping Royal like
a,toy in her closet*

"sir Royal said you should cancel all his schedule for today" a maid interupt the video
comment I was reading.
"where is he??? I asked.
"Luxurious sitting room part B" she replied.I nod and raced up the stairs to the particular
place that Royal was
"Boss,are you okay??
I rush in..
"Fine...but still feeling little pains in my's alright anyways,I have seen the doctor"
he replied , fluency in his voice.

He smiled and turn to me.

"Ely, will you do me a favor?? he ask, chewing bubble gum slowly in his pretty mouth.
"sir....what favor??? I ask.
he has not even start speaking when Mrs Suga came in.I think she already overhead our

"what are you talking about?? she chirped in.

Royal, closed his eyes.
"umm have forgotten what I wanted to say" he said.I felt relieved.
Mrs Suga made a disappointed look.

"can you please go and see Han lily for my sake?? she has been crying since
morning.Please,help me" Mrs Suga said.
"is that what you want?? royal asked.
"yes" Mrs Suga smile
"I will do it" Royal said.
what an humble son???
I sensed something fishy but I watch royal select a white,Lamborghini out of the numerous

cars in the parking lots.

Han Lily's p.o.v

"wait,Royal held her waist and Kissee her!! has he ever hold you like that before?? angel
I scoff and slump into one,of the available chair.

"I miss,Royal... I miss the sex...I miss his touches and everything.
We made love three good times and those times,his mom lured him with alcohol for my own
good. I don't know if he will forgive me if he remember his's been so long but he
was good to me then but Now that he lost his memory, I expect him to see other girls as
disasters because he is mine and mine forever!
I said.

"did Royal really lose memory? Mira asked.

"well,he is mine.other girls are just dreaming" I rolled my eyeballs and went upstairs.
"well,I'm trapping him into my pant and breast again" I yelled and went into my room,I took
off all what I was wearing and tied a very short towel.
I smiled immediately I sensed four Lamborghini drive in.
"tell him to come into my room! I shouted to Mira who was twerking downstairs.
I heard a knock on my door 6min after.

"come in" I fake a sad voice.

Royal opened the door and enter. I stood up and rush to lock the door.

"Royal,let's take a short video.Let's tell the whole world that the first video is a lie" I said and
brush my fingers around his waist.
He move back and remove my hand from his waist.

"I know you phoned my mom and cry your usual fake tears just to get me here" he smirks.
I moved into him from the back and pressed into him softly.
He push me away.I intentionally allow my towel fall.
He didn't look at me,
instead he divert his cute face to my wall. I bend shamefully and tie my towel back.

"do you know that girl that I bumped into??? he asked.I felt air in my private part.I should
have known that Royal is a no nonsense guy.

"I'm that girl!! I lied.

"how can you be the one??? I saw the girl with my two eyes" he replied.

"well,I'm not but...........


🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna

©adesola adeomowole.m.

EPISODE 13 🎻🎤🎤

"Royal I'm not the girl,I have never seen her before.Is there any problem? I asked...while
making seductive moves.
He tried leaving.
"Royal,don't go" I said.
He came back and tap his head sweatly.
"Lily everyone know I lost my memory but do you think I will lost my brain exactly the way I
lost my memory!! okay fine! I'm finding it hard to remember my past but my mind tells me
you did something bad to me in the past.That means I will soon remember everything" he
I locked the door in fear.
"I will be very ready to deal with all of you by the time I remember" he said.
"how many of us?? I asked.
"I don't need to talk too much...just get out you this bloody liar.You irritate me" he said.
"royal,sorry.I promise,I won't lie anymore" I replied and wanted to touch him but his cold
superior look made my hand hang in the air.

"mind you,I have torn the goddam betrothed statement paper that is joining us together" he
said and brought out many pieces of paper. he poured them on my body.

"Royal, I want you" I said.

"because I'm rich" he completed.
maybe I should lure him into my pants again.
I allow my towel fell off and played with my waist chain while my index finger went deep into
my wet pussy. I twerk nakedly but Royal faced the door and unlock it smartly.
I was ashamed he didn't look at me and so,I bent to pick my towel again and tied it.That was
when he turned.

"Lilly, I'm very sure that you know who that innocent lady really is....if anything should
happen to her,you will be hold responsible for that" he said and turned his back at me.
"if possible,let's not see each other again" he said and walked out.

I fell into my bed.

Royal is not always comfortable with girls.In the past,he sees other girls like disasters.The
only girl he is comfortable with is me,Han Lilly.
Despite all my bad attitude and arrogant character,despite all the bad things I did to him,he
loved me dearly in the past.Then suddenly,he lost his memory....
Royal couldn't remember anything.
Royal didn't know anything but he was over smart in the mind.
He couldn't remember but he can smell the difference between good and bad with his eyes.
Nobody knows who injected him...
because the doctor confirmed that he was injected with a very powerful vaccine that can
cause a long lasting amnesia.

If he should find out about who he really is!!!!....if he should remember anything,me,Romeo
and Mrs Suga will lose.

I think that girl is the owner of that hair chain and it is obvious Royal is still searching for her.
whosoever you are,
I hope you don't have a nice voice,
I hope you don't know how to dance because you can't come and ruin my life.
I think I need to find out about you before Royal will do.She might make Royal regain his
memory. The psychologist said true love will make Royal regain his memory.
I will find her first and make life a living hell for her.

~~Royal's p.ov
I drove myself into the newest mansion I just built,I stopped the guards who were following
me and walk alone into the glassy wide bedroom that looks more of a relaxation center.Chat
me on zero eight one thirty-nine seventy seven seventy eight eighty seven to be added to
WhatsApp group.
I sat down on a white hairy chair and brought out that hair chain.

"though,I don't know who you are but I feel so relaxed and comfortable with you.I know you
will show up someday and I wonder why you're always running away from me.
Better show up fast because my body and soul needs to see you again.......and my silly
manager just kept on saying that your identity can't be traced.That means you don't want me
to find out about you.

Please show up before things will get extremely difficult for me because as it stands now,
you're the only one am comfortable with.
Thank you for giving me a tips on how to form a chorus of "beautiful love song"
I smiled and kept the hair chain in the most safe place.

My phone started ringing, I turned sideways,it was my mom.

"too much security" I said and pick the call.

"Royal,where are you?? she asked.

"you don't need to ask that.If you keep monitoring me with securities, do you think I will
remember my pasts?? I want to be free,bye" I said and hang up on the phone.
I switch off all my phones apart from my business phone.

Right now,I need to find out about that mysterious girl who keeps running away from me.

~~~~Krishna's p.o.v~~~~

It is morning again!
I groaned on my prayer mat.I didn't even sleep on bed.I prayed all night for Han Lilly to forget
about me.
Have not even use up to 40days in dice high, my admission is already shaking and I might
get evicted.

Today's dream about me and Royal was worst. I dreamt that we were dancing together on
stage. I really need to stop myself from dreaming those stupid things.
I comport myself immediately I heard my mom footsteps, I quickly rush into the bathroom.

"Krishna, hope you did not dream today?? she asked.

"good morning ma" I answered another thing.
"did you dream today?? she ask again.
"no ma...I didn't dream,I didn't sing and I did not dance" I replied.
"good" she replied and left.I felt relieve and step out of my bath.
I took my phone and checked the girls group chart since Han Lilly is the queen.
She is the one in charge of anything partaking to dressing.
all dice high girls should put on anything classic but must have a touch of
black~~signed,queen Lilly.
I read and drop my phone.
I went to my closet and pick the most classic black leggings alongside with the black top
Shantai bought for me then I added a yellow sweater with a girly yellow sneakers.
super classic!!!! I clapped and quickly put them on.I took an empty bag and package my
phone and laptop into it.

Dora and Shantai didn't come,

I had to take a cab halfway and trekked to school.

I was only at the gate when rumors started blocking my ears.

did she really kiss Royal???
ohhh waooowww,Lilly must be mad.How can she watch her boyfriend being

swears,I have watch that video several times and it looks like the best video and maybe
the best kiss!!

"where's your car?? the security asked me.

" don't need to know" I replied and enter.I roll my hair into two funny donught so
that I won't get recognized by my long hair.

I was happy no one noticed me.They were all carried away by the video.
some girls were even dreaming they are the one!.

"the admin manager sent for you"

a girl said to me.
"okay" I replied and started following her but little did I know it was a trick.
"where is the admin manager's office?? I'm tired of walking" I said

"will we soon get there" she replied and opened a particular door.
she moved in,
I did the same.

omg! Han Lilly!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭

"how did she find out about me???
I look at the girl that trick me into coming,then back to the remaining girls. They are like six.
Sooo wealthy looking and spoilt.

"finding out about your identity was damn hard" Lilly smiled death.
"what do you mean? I asked,purely.
"you don't need to act innocent, I will go straight to the point" she said.
I was surrounded immediately by the remaining six girls.
They should be like Lilly,I guess.
"what....did...I do??? I asked,looking really scared.
one of the girls loose my long hair,
more than enough prove to show that I'm the one In the video.

"turn around" Lilly said.

"whaaaaaaaatttttt!!! I gasped but did it immediately i got slapped.Though, I've never been
slapped before. This very one is my first one.

"turn around!!! Lilly said again.

The slap I got made me do it quickly.
"you can't imagine this idiot seduce Royal into kissing her with her big bumbum!! Lilly said
and slap my other ear.
I held it in pain and look at her.

"stop lying....I didn't seduce anybody. I'm not a prostitute,you are the one that push me into
him and I never kiss your boyfriend, it was your boyfriend that kiss me" I said the truth in

"you can imagine this idiot!!!

Lilly push her hair back and made me fall down.The other girls starts beating me..

"stop!! she ordered, they stop.

"can you dance and sing? she asked.
"No....I can't" I replied hurtfully.
she rolled her eyeballs."whenever you see him,run away....I might do something worst than
this when next I catch you" she said and gave the girls a look meaning "they should leave

Then she started slapping me many times........

just then the two opposite doors were opened by one of the girls. I was already seeing

when next i see you withRoyal,you will be raped here! she made an inhuman and lustful
"yes ma!! I nod and ran out.

well,Lilly said I should always run away from Royal if I want to stay safe". I remembered and
took another direction........but instead I ran into him again in his private place.This time it
was not a kiss,it was a very tight hug.

"is it that I'm not seeing or what???


Beautiful Love❤Song 🎻

©adesola adeomowole.m.

Episode 14


Royal's p.o.v~~~

I was already giving up,

I felt so empty just because she did not show up.She doesn't want me to see her face but I
really need her voice for my next debut.
Singing my newest song with Han Lilly won't work out and I don't think I can stand any
girl.Girls makes me look like disaster,they are my weak point and I was never comfortable
with them. Romeo once said I love han Lilly in the past, he said Han Lilly is a very skillful
dancer and that 5-stars industry has sign and recommend her to many of my debut several
Though I can't remember my past clearly but I know I can never be in love with Han
Lilly.When am not mad

Even now,she thinks I'm a fool,

she took my gentleness as a chance,
she took me as a toy in her,closet who she can always keep forever.
The last thing she did really got me.
it was just last month,on the day of our first dance show with five-stars.
I caught Lilly having anal sex and vaginal sex with jayden.Jayden was the former manager
five-stars assigned to me.
And yet,Han Lilly stoop so low. that really the person I am bethroted to????
someone who takes advantage of every little things.

"Boss,I think we should get going!

Elliot rushed in.

"why should we leave??? I asked, flapping my lashes together.

"you have an exam in the next ten minutes,you need to meet an exquisive model industry
who is really important in using you as a model plus you need to face the board of 5-stars so
that they can assign who your partner will be in the upcoming competition" Elliot said and
look at me.
"I wish to see those beautful and sexy legs again.If I should get her,I don't think I will let her
go" I answered another thing.

"Boss,what are you talking about??

Elliot asked,really confused.
"cancel all my schedules" I said.
"whatttttttttt!!!!! he gasped.
"disappear!!! I rolled my eyeballs.
"sir you're sad.should I report your mood to Zayn malik and 5-stars? he asked.

"take the,guards too.I want to be alone and if possible tell 5-stars to look for another leader.I
don't think I can be 5-stars lead dancer." I gave orders.

"but sirrrr......." Elliot widened his eyes.

"what again??? I asked.
"sir those ....i mean concerning the model stuff, you will become extraordinarily famous"
Elliot said.
Just then, a pair of pretty legs rushed in in a very scared manner that made her hairs fly in
the hair.

"is she really human???

her face was pure and she looks like parts of the royalties.
Elliot too was lost staring at her.
Her eyes was closed and she was running at the same time.I'm very sure she won't run into
here of her eyes are open.

Though it was coincident,

she rushed into me and press her soft hand into my chest.
"I don't think I'm seeing well! she spoke. I recognize her immediately as that girl.

"where is the door knob? door please,open! she said and open her slainted eyes.
she froze.
She thought I was a door.
she move back with tears dropping on her cheek and she was visibly shaking.

she moved back,I knew she wanted to run away like she has always did.
I caught her by her bag.
"who are you?? did you sing that sing with me?? are you the owner of this hair chain?? I
rush her with questions
She kept quiet and shake her head meaning 'No'.

"we once kissed by mistake right? I asked.Desires clothed me and made me encircle my
hands around her waist so that she won't run away.

"tell the truth this last moment"

I utttered....
"my breath....stop touching me...I want to run away from you.Just let me go!! she pleaded
with a faint voice.
"until you speak the truth" I said,she passed out.
I quickly held her waist while Elliot packed her hair in other to prevent it from sweeping the
"her hair is full and Long. she looks like the girl.The hair length is the same" Elliot said and
took her bag.
"sir,where are you taking her to? you're a public figure,you might get questioned by
paparazzi. Let me help you carry her to the car while you carry her bag". Elliot suggested. I
gave in immediately and handed her over to Elliot.
He took her to my car and came back to get me with my guards.It is,not easy being a public
figure and a celebrity at the same time.
"don't tell anyone I'm with a girl" I pout nicely and dismissed Elliot with my guards.
I drove straight to my the newest mansion I just built.No one knows about the mansion

yet,that means no one will find out about my whereabouts.

~~Han Lilly~~

Now,he will choose me.

He will not only chooses me but he will also beg me. I smiled and bragged to my crews while
showing off my hotly red polished nails.

"why not get Krishna evicted from dice high??? Angel suggested.
"the problem is,not even about evicting her.She will have to choose between dice high
certificate and Royal and I am certain she will never disappoint her strict mother" I replied,

"Krishna knight of a very clean girl- You understand the type of clean girl, I mean she have a
sweet sexy figure every guy will want to have and her body is very soft and flexible.I'm very
sure she knows how to dance but only pretending by not always attending dancing classes"
Mira said
"even if she can dance, she can't dance like me.I'm a Korean,she is an Indian. Indians can't
stand anywhere near a Korean" I scoffed.

Oppps,Royal's mom is calling me already" I winked and took my phone.
okay ma,I'm already preparing" I smiled over the phone and gave Mira a high five.

"Mrs Suga is going to set me and Royal's going to be a fantastic night" I smiled and
rush upstairs.
I selected the newest cloth in my closet with a matching black heels.
I took my phone and a single keys from the multiples in my drawer.

"have fun" Mira chanted immediately I got downstairs. I entered my car and was in luxurious
mansion 2hours ago.
My car door was opened by one of the guards who also help me in carrying my bag.
in a swift,I was already in the slivery built living room.

Mrs Suga was checking out a fansy magazine but she stopped immediately she saw,me.
"sit down,sweetheart,he will soon be back. I already drug his food" Mrs Suga said.
"thank you mom" I smiled shyly.

Eight good hours passed, Royal didn't come and his phone was switch off.
We did not see royal,
we did not see Elliot,.
we did not see any of his guard.

I look at Mrs Suga and breathed out a "he won't come look".
he will come! Mrs Suga said.
another 3hours passed,he didn't come.

Just then,Romeo walk in...

his face was expressionless.
He didn't speak to anybody,he just walk in without making a sound.

"Romeo,where is your brother??

Mrs Suga stood up.
Romeo stop walking and turn back.

"well,I already told you that we should kill him but you wouldn't listen...........killing him is
better than seeing him taking all the fames, killing him is better than seeing him regaining his
memory.... He is very smart and sound minded,he is doing whatever it will take to regain his
memory.He is with a girl" Romeo said

"who is the girl and where are they?? Mrs Suga asked.
Romeo smirks and puff out "non-trackable". Royal built many places, how am I suppose to
know the particular place he is???? Romeo clench his fist and left with classical jealousy
written on his face.

Mrs Suga look at me,

I started faking crocodile tears...
"Han Lilly,it is you that Royal will marry.He won't dare disobey me,not when he still call me
mom" Mrs Suga said and wipe my tears.

I will make sure five stars sign you together,I will make sure that they recommend you as the
best dancer to him so that you will get the chance to spend more time with him,

After writing songs together,

singing together,
dancing together,he will get use to you and get himself wrapped around your fingers." Mrs
Suga assured.
I smiled.
but-who is that girl???

it better not be Krishna!!!

I don't know where I am,

but I feel so relaxed sleeping there.
I'm very sure I am on my bed right now! I smiled in sleep and keep rolling on the bed.
The bed felt different from my own... but aah,I'm enjoying this sleep.
Maybe my mom change all the beds in our house.
I smiled again and continue rolling but I stopped and open my eyes when pairs of hands held

💗 ma,be careful!!!
💗 you will fall,you might hurt yourself"
💗 she is awake,what should we do!
was what I heard.

I opened my eyes fully,only to see three ladies standing beside the bed stand.
ma,you almost fell off the bed,so we held you so that you won't fall. Sorry ma'am!!! one of
the girls said.
I noticed they are all wearing a common dress.

I closed my eyes and open it back.

"what happened??? where am I???
I asked and opened my eyes and look around the room,the bed I slept on and my cloth.My
cloth was changed also.
I look at the girls who were also looking at me.

"what did you do to me?? and what am I doing here?? I asked,when I noticed that they
totally remove my bra.....

"where is my cloth???
I asked.......really confused about the purple free gown I was putting on. It looks expensive.

"sir brought you here 9hours ago" one of the girls said.
My mind flashed back to what really happened.
Han Lilly and her girls beat me,I ran away and mistakenly enter Royal's private class.I bump
into him and fainted.

I remembered what happened and look around.The bedroom is so wide with many
expensive things. More than enough that it can contain 80peoples at a time.
my eyes drifted to the floor,it was tiled with pure gold.
"Krishna,don't get carried away!!
I got myself and look back at the girls

💗 what do you want????

💗 Do you want to bath again? are you hungry?? we have everything. we have custard
mixed with sliced fruits, we have spicy grilled chicken, meatballs,chicken and pies,French

fries,pizza with juice,ice cream, chocolates,cookies......etc
He said you should ask for anything.....
the girls look at each other and exchange quizical glances.

"give me my cloth, I want to go home. Where is my bag??? I asked.

They look at each other.

💗 whaaaaaatttt!!!
💗 she can't go!!!
💗 we might get sacked!!!!
I heard them saying.

I didn't wait,I stood up from the bed and find my way around the house but everything seems
confusing. The more I walk,the more I get lost in the house but the girls were like mtn.
They followed me everywhere.
"are you deaf,I said I want to go home!! I shouted,thinking about Dora and Mrs Claudia.

"You can't leave until Sir Royal is around" one of the girls said.

"what are you talking about???

I asked,impatiently.
They look at each other then back to me.
Suddenly, they left.
"wait up!!! I wanted to follow them but a pair of sweet fingers touch me from the back.
I turned,it was Royal all in a white robe.I shifted back,he moved closer, my leg hit something
from the back but Royal caught my waist.
I was damn sweating from the inside. He touch my cheek and made me look into him in the
I wonder what he wants.....

"I need your......"he stop his statement and look into my eyes.
"my what????? I asked but his eyes where looking another thing on my body.

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Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna


EPISODE 15 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤
my whatttttt????
I asked but his eyes were looking another thing on my body and it makes me really
uncomfortable. if the door was opened,I would have ran.He look away before I could trail
where he was looking at on my body.
Luckily for me,I saw my bag lying on the couch.I went towards it and pick it up then walk
towards the glass door and stare at it confusingly.

The side buttons were the same.

one could mistakenly press the wrong one.
what if I press the wrong one and end up placing the glass door on an automatic lock???
I fidgets because there was not instructions to follow on how to open/close the door.

I look back at Royal.

He had on a simple but very charming pout.
"is my wealth too pronounce that you can't stay with me for an hour?
he asked and went for his bandana.
He took it off,alongside with the silver earring on his ear.He tool off his rings and bracelets
I think he wants to be simple.

"if I should let you go,you will run away like you've always did"
he uttered and came to stand at my back.He didn't touch me but..... his presence did
something sweet to me

"I want you!! he said,batting his lashes..

how soon????
I know this is a trap for him to get me.He must have found out about my dancing and singing
skills.Is that the reason he wants me??
I faced down and left him alone to do the staring.

"what are you thinking about???

I don't mean I want your body,I don't even mean relationship stuffs.I just need your voice.
"I need your voice to be singing into my ears maybe I can regain all what I have lost" he
pointed out and waited for an answer.

"I'm not interested!

I replied, politely.
"you will get paid"he said.
"I don't need your money,I'm not interested.I can only help you to get another person" I
"what do you see an opportunity as?? is it as a ball toy that you can just play with whenever
you wish??? he asked.

"I'm not interested.Permit me to go!

I bowed and press the first button on the glass door, it opened to the outside. I did not wait,I
fled but I can't still run very well because my bag look somehow heavy.
why should it be heavy???
it only comtain my laptop and phone.

I stopped running and open it to check it,I was shocked it had been stuffed with cash.
Did Royal keep it there????
I made a lackadaisical smile and did the zipper.
I should have said yes to his proposal but I don't think I'm ready for trouble.I'm still fighting
myself to stop crushing on him.What if I fall in love with him along the line.What if he use my
voice for whatever he want then he say it out that the proposal is over between us. Will I just
leave like that???
I don't think I can cope.
I can't cope and that's why I usually run away each time we meet.
I am not ready to face trouble at this my young age!
I shrugged and started walking on the pedestrian lane on the road. I noticed some cars

trailing me behind and so I decided to take a narrow route that cars won't be able to pass.

~~Romeo's p.o.v

I took my lips in.

"sir what should we do?? should we attack? my private investigator asked
He was the one that actually made me get Royal's newest hideout.
"what do we do?? he asked.
"trail her behind and get her" I replied.

"I don't want her for just a night,

I want her all seconds,all minutes,all hours,all mornings, all afternoons,all nights,and all
days" I smirks and stared lustfully at her back side.
I need her to satisfy my verrrrrrrry strong lust desire.She even made it easier by taking a
narrow will be damn difficult for her to be rescued.

I also step out of my car and stood in a place not too far while I watch my guards trail her.
For a start,she stopped walking and look around.She sensed some unusual movements and
wanted to back off but it was too late.
My guards caught up with her.

Her facial expression changed.

I think my masked guards scared her with their movements.
She moved back with her bag wrapped around her chest.

"what did I......I.....

she sturtled and tuck her long hair behind her ear so that she will see clearly.
"just make it easy for us.He won't take long.Just a one night stand is enough for a start" one
of the guards said.
"can you go back to him and tell him to go and quench his lustful desire with his mother!!!
she speaks out.

"what an insult??????
my guards exclaimed.
That alone made me want to get her on my bed.

I don't know what happened next,my guards fled away.

"what the hell made them run???
I made a confused expression and move into my hideout very well.

I gasped, wondering if he was also following her.
I fumed immediately he rush out to her side.My mind wish him death instantly.I couldn't hold
it,I threw a hard stone from my hideout.
I set the target on her leg,it hit her badly.Little blood gush out because her skin was damn
Royal held her and look around to see if he will find a trace but I already move in totally.

when he didn't find a trace,

he faced the girl back and squatted to the level of her leg that was hurt.
I can sense it that he was angry.
The way he look at the blood said it all.

"who was after you??

he asked angrily when he couldn't take it anymore.
"I don't know" she replied.
"how can you not know????
he asked angrily.Now his anger was more than visible.

"it was a Rape attempt"

she replied,innocently.
"what if I didn't follow you?? Royal asked.
"I will cry and accept fate" the girl replied.

This is interesting!
I made a jealous look and watch Royal touch her blood.
Royal doesn't like come he is free with this one.I should have known he like good
things,but I doubt it if he will get this one" I smirks.

I left my hideout and took a more secured route back to where my car was packed.
My intention was to capture her but it was spoilt.
how dare she insult my mom???
Gosh!!!! I shouted in a frustrated manner and drive back into luxurious mansion solemnly.
I packed very well and stay in my car for some minutes before opening the nylon at the back

I unravel the injection I bought.

The doctor said this injection is more powerful and effective than the one my mom have
been using on Royal.
This injection will worsen his amnesia.He will forget everything... even his wealth and fames.

I folded the injection back in the nylon and finally sprint out of my car. I entered the living
room and met my mom as usual.

"did you find the girl's hideout??

"I mean where she stays???
my mom asked.
my mind reversed back to what she told me.

"mom,I think she will be tough!!!

I replied...and closed my eyes at the big insult she said.
"what???? how do you mean?? my mom asked.

"mom can you believe that girl said it to my guards face that if I want to have sex that I
should use you to satisfy my lustful desire!!! mom,she abuse you!!!!!!!!! I fumed.
"how dare she???????
my mom expounded with a dangerous expression.

Just then a,maid rush in with a neatly folded paper.

"Han Lily said I should deliver this" the maid delivered,politely and left.

I took the paper and open it.

The girl is Krishna Knight.

A middle class nineteen years old Indian teenager. She lives with her mom who is a
widow.Her mom does laundry job and also work more than six other jobs per day.
Going deeper,she has an amazing dancing skills and a very soft angelic voice but won't
show it for some reason best unknown to her.....
Now,the industry will do everything to keep Royal no matter how he rejects the offer of being
the lead voice and dancer for this year......many industry wants Royal and that's why the
industry obey his heart desires and his orders are always carried out without any delay.....

Straightaway to the point, I think you should take Krishna away before Royal will push her
into the world of affluence.
Please do something!!!!
she can't just come out of nowhere to ruin me as five stars girl for this year.

Don't let the industry find out about Krishna..... she is what the industry need right now!
signed-Han Lilly.
I read what Lilly sent and folded the paper back.
Her name is Krishna!!!!
she is even a commoner!!!

Krishna, get ready to be evicted from dice high.I would have leave you but
No one insult my mom and go scot free.........

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna


EPISODE 16 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤

Next day

~~~Romeo's p.o.v

Dice high called for an urgent meeting.

I got into the industry few hours later,
Mrs Rose was in,
Mrs Samantha was also in with three more five-stars agencies.

Han Lilly and her crews entered almost immediately, chewing whatever was in their mouth.
The boys also entered, following the same pattern.
Jeffrey was at the front while Justin and Chris follow from behind.

"where is Royal??
Mrs Rose showed concern.
"Royal!!!!!!!! Chris,Jeffrey and Justin exaggerated. Almost everyone likes Royal except for

"where's he???
Jeffery the next when it comes to hotness and also the closest to Royal asked before facing
I look away stylishly and fake a smile

"ohhhh,sorry I just remembered.

ummm...Mrs Rose,Royal said he is not interested in being the lead voice and dancer" Jeffrey
said with his lashes down.
"why??? Mrs rose asked.

"it is obvious he doesn't want to participate with Han Lilly and we all know that Lilly is the
best for this.On the other hand,it is very certain that dice high will lose if Royal doesn't give
in" Justin said.

"then let's choose another leader.

We can use Jeffrey.Jeffrey is also good and it is a perfect thing that his voice is 80% similar
to that of Royal's own" Mrs Samantha suggested.

"whaaaaattttt,nooo way.I object. I can't be the leader plus I can never take my best friend's
place.Everyone already know Royal as the leader,so spare me this one and look for another
Jeff replied and bashed his cute lashes.

"Dice high must win.Royal must participate. What we need to do is the simplest thing.We just
need to find a voice better than Lilly's own. Luckily, we might even find a more better and
perfect one.Life is a choice.If one doesn't suit you,then you have to go for the next option,
the goal is to succeed." Mrs Rose said.

The boys look at each other.

"what are you trying to do???
"you should be trying to please me and not Royal. My father owns dice high for crying out
loud!!!! Finding another person indirectly means you're telling my fans that Han Lilly isn't
capable!!! Lilly shouted at Mrs Rose,rudely.

"It is never my fault that royal doesn't want to perform with you on stage. The main point here
is that Royal is a big catch and many industries might invite him to stand for them. Lilly this is
a competition for the survival of the fittest,please endure it and let another person enter.At
least you've tried enough.You have been dice high face for 2good years!! Mrs Rose
said.....Han Lilly stood up with frowns plastered on her face while the boys giggled.

"I'm enjoying this!!!!!

"please,make it more interesting!!!
well this is a competition that worth zillions of cashes and not a cup of cake!!!
Chris, the funniest cheered.

"that person,I hope you find her!!!

Lilly scoffed and smash her phone on the floor,then she ran out angrily.

"Han Lilly wants to sing with Royal,

Royal doesn't want to sing with Han Lilly!!! what type of thing is this"
Jeff hissed and,left.

"if Royal is not interested,then am not interested! Justin also left.

"I wonder what you people see in competition. Anyway,I will always support Royal's opinion"
Chris said and left.The girls left also.

"Samantha, the debut is drawing nearer.We need to find a similar voice to Han Lilly's own"
Mrs rose concluded. I smirks and stood up.

Lilly rush into me immediately I got the the linking hallway.

"this is our chance!!
"evict her...or better still,I will evict her myself...I want her away from dice high because she's
causing trouble and confusion everywhere"
Lilly said.
I nod my head and walk beside Lilly.
We left dice high meeting center. The place was specially designed for celebrities like us.

we left there and headed for the main school building. Lilly kept on talking non-stop.

"Royal is not in school.He only come to school on Wednesdays and today is Tuesday...this
is my chance to evict her as there will be no one to stand for her" Lilly said,evily as we
approach the glass made hallway.

💗 omg!!!!!! it's Lilly. Queen Lilly.

💗 Hoping to seeing you on stage with your boyfriend.I'm sure its gonna be a blast.
💗 the stage reversal that is coming up next three week is something I won't afford to
💗 I wish to see Chris,Justin and Jeff also.I'm sure Romeo too will come!
miss.Though,it is still far but I'm already dreaming!!!

everyone took pictures.

"will she be in class???

Lilly asked,ignoring the praises she's getting.
"absolutely yes" I replied.
She made another smile and follow me to my private suit.
"what are they having? she asked.

"I think Geometry and IT should be the last class for today" I replied and went for the
projector remote.
Lilly took a seat and brought out a pack of juice from the mini fridge.

I connected the projector very well and it display the lecture room sir Davidson was teaching
in.They are up to 280 in the wide and long comfortable lecture room.

"yes,I have spot her!

I smirks and set the pointer on Krishna's head.
She was sitting beside Dora in the class and was taking lectures down into her laptop.

"Romey,I can't wait to get her evicted. I want her drag out like a bag of beans for she doesn't
belong here" Lilly concluded and took her phone.
A commoner- Krishna Knight has been found in dice high.What effontery?????-
signed,queen Lilly.
Lilly sent to the school site and it went viral within a twinkle of an eye.

💗 whatttttt!!!!!!!!
💗 I can't believe this.....
💗 that girl looks like a governors child!!!!!
the reactions upload in faster.

Lilly smiled and uploaded a picture of Krishna and her mom weaving mats.
I wonder where she got them from

The class will be over in 20mins time" Lilly said but I was too busy satisfying my lustful gazes
by staring really hard at Krishna on the screen.

"look here!! Dora tapped her fleshy cheek and showed her something on her phone.
"Krishna,your identity is leaked, what do we do?.? Dora asked.
"should I run away?? innocent krish asked.
"again!!!! can't you face it?? Dora held her hands.

"how on earth was your identity leaked?? you don't look like a commoner.You could be
easily passed for an empress in an empire" Dora whispered.

"I think I should run away from this zone of hell.I don't want humiliations. Sometimes we can
not always fool all of the people at all the time even if we can always fool some of the people
at all the times! Krishna replied in a slow whisper, it came out as music.
She loose her packed hair,I was lost in the manner with which it cascaded down and rested
on her wide hips.

"I really wish I can help but I'm a no match for Han Lilly when it comes to eviction of
students.Stay safe honey"
Dora said and help Krishna in packing her laptop into her bag.
The class ended,
Krishna was the first to step out.

connect at Berthleys Roses for the commoner will be evicted and punished there!-
signed,queen Lilly .

Lilly sent then stood sobthar she can rush to the specified area with a red eviction card.

I ran as fast as my leg could carry me.I don't know why Lilly hate me this much.When it
comes to likes, I like her that I wish i can even be like her.Even when she treated me bad
that day,I never stop being a lover of her songs and dancing steps.

why is she treating me like this????

I miss my way and ended up finding myself at "Beethleys Roses!!!!

my eyes made a quick contact with Lilly's own.I wanted to look away but it was kinda late.

"that's her!!!
Lilly pointed out.
Students rushed up and surround me. it kinda look childish but I think that's their way as the
spoilt brats that they her.

📋 Krishna knight,leave dice high!!!!!

📋 leeeeeeeaaaaveeee!!!!
📋 Get out!!!!!!!!!
different things poured on my body.
Lilly watch on in excitement.

"cold water"
"Ice creams"
"Pizza" Lilly called out.
As she was calling,I felt those stuffs poured on me from my head.

"I'm very sure that after this,you won't come to dice high simply because you don't belong
here! Lilly said,arrogantly.

Lilly passed the eviction card to me,

A girl plastered hamburger on my cheeks.
"is this really a school??? I muttered in my mind.

"take your eviction card and leave!!!

Lilly said,inhumanly.

someone said.
next episode,loading..............

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna


EPISODE 17 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤

unedited 😋
someone said.The voice was kind of unfamiliar that I had to force my eyes open.

Standing in front of me was a guy whom I know nothing about.He has hair color similar to
Royal's own.... and I don't think I have met him before.

he hijack the eviction card and squeazed it.Lilly sqeauzed her face also and run away.
"ummmm this school is really based on principles.i mean students here are rated according
to their wealth or should I say their parents wealth.


the guy snapped,making other students to shift back.

omg!!!! Jeffrey!!!!

my best!!!!
Jeffrey saved her from Han Lilly's torment.Gosh!! the eviction is totally discarded and
called off.

"as from today....!!!

the guy sturtled and muttered "disgusting" underneath his breath. He Paused on his speech
and glared at me.He didn't say anything further,he took my hand and drag me out of there.
everyone took pictures.

💗 Jeff touch her for real.

💗 does he know her?? what relationship does he have with a commoner?? I wish it was me
he know that feeling whenever you get touched by a celebrity.....!!!
the pictures continued,
Girls were chanting,dreamingly.

I don't know him,

I don't know why he saved me but I think his name is Jeffrey according to what they
"sir,where are you taking me to?
I asked him because my hand was hurt with the way he was holding me. His fingers are
piercing into my skin indirectly and slow for they are pure and soft.The softness made it kind
of hurt till it started peppering me.

He rolled his eyeballs and continue dragging me.He didn't speak to me.
Such an attitude!!!!
His snub behavioral exhibition kind of made me look worthless,thereby bringing down my
self esteem.

He stop walking and let go of my wrist. He roller his eyeballs again and create a wide
distance between us.
"I need to treat my skin" he said lowly and wrap an handkerchief on the hand he used to hold
I drop my head down in embarrassment.This is the main reason why I want to try and make
it in life.All this I'll treatments seriously need to stop.

"distance yourself away from me!!

he speaks very fast that I can't even catch a single thing.

"sir,you said what??

I asked, with a little bit bow.
"move,back from me!!!
he clenched his fists. I got the message and shifted back.
Different people with different characters.

"Now,follow me and on no condition must you move closer to me" he gave orders.
I nodded slightly and followed him.

We walk and walk and walk till we passed the school building.Then we got to an off
building.The place seemed to be the most beautiful part of the school compound.
He opened the door,Dora sprint out.

"where's she???
Dora sprint out and asked.
"she's here" the guy said and hugged Dora.
They kissed slowly and verrry passionately in a sweet manner.Their tongues pressed into
each other and moved rhymtically.
I opened my eyes immediately they finish kissing.

"are you happy now?? the guy asked Dora.

"yes,thanks honey" Dora smiled and went for his lower lips that was very pink.She did a
quick kiss and broke away.
The guy scorned me and left me and Dora alone.
"another hell....why this I'll treatments??? I shrugged and followed Dora into the place.
"are you fine?? Dora asked and user her phone to order cloth for me.
"yes,am fine" I replied slowly.

I look at Dora in the eyes and said "Dora why do you care for me too much???
she smiled "I think we should treat other people the same way we wish to be treated" she
replied in all smiles.
At least,I have someone that care for me.

"that's Jeffrey,My boyfriend. He is the governors only son.I love him ssooo soooo much.He
can do anything for me.He doesn't like commoners but he saved you for my sake" Dora

"ohhhhh" I expounded.
I think that's why he was so sasssy and rude to me.
"help him tell him thank you" I replied Dora,happily.

Our orders came.

Dora stood up and went to get it.
She ordered leggings and white long sleeve top for me.

"I'm still thinking of a way to appreciate your kindness" I uttered and collected the cloths from
Dora, making sure that I didn't stain the white.

She help me open the washroom door,I moved in and lock the windows and curtains before
pulling off my old cloths. I had a quick bath and wore my undergarments before changing
into the new cloths. it fitted me perfectly. Just my perfect size but I don't really like the way
the,leggings stuck tightly to my laps and hip bones. It brought out all the shapes.
I step out of the expensively furnished washroom and pack the old clothes into my bag. Will
wash them when I reach home.

"Dora, that was a great relief..sincerely, I think I might have died of heart attack if not for you"
I said,jokingly,we both laughed.

"Krishna, are you attending spark tonight??? She asked.

"what is spark??? I asked back.
"I wonder why you act soo innocent hummmmm.....spark is a mini night party organized by
dice is more of a competition party for the most talented" Dora said.

"is it free??? I asked.

"Yeah,for dice high students only" she explained better and opened a pack of juice.
"I don't think I will come.....let me think about it first...." I replied,she chuckled.

"sing and dance for me. At least,appreciate me for telling my boyfriend to save you" she
I smiled and stood up
At least,I owe her that.

I went to lock the door first,

then I faced her.
She brought her phone to video.

Let me sing you this song;

An action love song with a very hard dancing step* I said.
Dora positioned her phone halfly and video my body,neglecting my face.
I started dancing and singing.

🎤 I love the way you call me Krishna

🎤 I pretend as if I didn't need you
🎤 but all I thought is true lo-lo-love
🎤 ohhhh,I should be gold... you should be bronze....
🎤 true lo-lo-love......
The song was short but my dancing steps are damn hard.I think it will take a verrrrrrrry wise
man many days to learn it.

"sooooo hottt,you're made for this trade.Girl,I love the way your hips sway left and right.You
need to see the way your bumbum moved"
Dora screamed and saved the video.
She was extremely happy,
I smiled and drank her remaining juice..

"If I was a boy,I will spoil your legs on bed!!

Dora said.
I smiled.


🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna


EPISODE 18 💕💕💕💕💕
"am serious,Krishna. If I were to be a guy,I mean a very handsome guy,I will wound you in
bed.It just sucks a lot that you're wasting your talents and body shapes! Dora said and rolled
her eyeballs.
I smiled,in an applauding manner.
"So krish,do you have a boyfriend?
she asked.
"umm yes yes,I have" I replied.
"seriously,who is the lucky guy? Dora showed concern.

"whaaaaaattttttt,don't know about it" I said,trying to change topic but Dora was more than
The truth is that I don't have a boyfriend.

"I'm listening" Dora said.

I itch my neck and thought of what to say....
"ummm I have a boyfriend then...
it was a verrrrrrry long time.When I was in primary six.The guy use to buy gala and juice for
me everyday because I chose him as my boyfriend but I stop being his girlfriend the day he
had no money to buy for me" I lied. Dora started laughing.
I joined in laughing.
Just then,the door opened,
Sir Jeffrey came inside with his hands tucked into his jacket pocket.
He didn't scoff,he just walk close to Dora and kissed her cheeks.
"sugar,are you not going home?? he asked Dora who was busy making sweet sounds into
the kiss.
I just hope I won't cause trouble between this two young couples because it is very obvious
that Jeffrey does not like seeing me with Dora.
"let's go!! Dora snapped.
I hurried up and carried my bag.

Jeff did that smirks again but I don't care.So far Dora likes me,I'm okay.

BLS❤🌹🌹Krishna🌹🌹 by....

Mira's p.o.v

"well,I think...." I scoffed.

"don't even think anything" Lilly snorted.
"is Jeff liking the commoner? I mean why will he save her?? Angel asked.
"it is because of Dora he saved her from our torment" I said.
Lilly smash the phone she got an hour ago on the floor and run away.

"Lilly spark is 8pm"

I shouted as she run.
"none of you should talk to me..until you get that girl evicted... get her out of my fathers
school" Han Lilly stop half way and yelled.

"I thought you said Royal lost his memory,can't you use his memory as a defense
mechanism because Royal's loneliness is causing all this" I said.
Lilly turn to face me.

"I think Royal have some prediction sense...I mean a very strong mind. I wonder why all of
five stars agencies obey his commands. if he can't be forced to do something by my
dad,then who am I to have a say in his presence???

Royal is really punishing me....

He didn't attend class for a week,
He didn't face the board,
he didn't join rehearsals,
he didn't attend our meetings with five stars when he knows I can't live a day without seeing
I'm addicted to Royal both sexually and physically!!
Lilly complained why moving around.

"did you hurt him in any way?? I asked.

"Mira look ,I didn't do anything big, just an anal and vagina sex with Jayden,his manager" I
Mira spit out her juice.

"even if I do it,is there anything that is unforgivable in this planent.It's just a mistake and
everyone make mistakes too" Lilly said.

"he will forgive you...just keep getting close to him! I encouraged.

"Gosh!! Lilly scoffed and chewed bubble gum in a spoilt manner and slump into one of her
Just then,her phone started ringing.
She pick it up and shouted "Romeo let's stop having sex,I'm for Royal . Please talk another

I spit out my juice and look at Lilly.
Lilly ended her call and plug in her earpud.She already connected it to her laptop,I knew she

wants to cram for the upcoming examination.

BLS by ADESOLA Golden Stories.

Krishna's p.o.v

The ride home was very interesting,

Jeff drove us home.
He is really fun to be with because I really enjoy the way he chit chat with Dora who was
sitting at the front seat

Finally,his car halted at the place am suppose to get down.

"Dora,tell your thing to get outta my car!! he speak very fast.
I quickly grab my car and touch the expensive car door.
Jeffrey scoffed.
Dora got the message and open the door for me.
"bye" she waved but Jeff drove away immediately.

I rush into the nearby market and bought a unique Saree with many beads with the little
money I had saved.Today is my mom birthday.

I got home and met her dishing out food on the dinning.
"happy birthday mom" I smiled widely and hug her from the back, then I started singing.

🎤 happy birthday to you

🎤 All glory to God
🎤 long life is your portion
🎤 Happy birthday to you!!
I sang,she cheered.

"ohh my dear,what a wonderful daughter am blessed with" she smiled while I presented the

"Krishna, ask me anything,I will grantly request" she said and look at me sweetly in a very
affectionate and loving look.
I stop eating cake and look at her.
Should I tell her I need freedom to be singing and dancing! hope I won't spoil this happy
umm I better keep quiet... nope,let me try.

I cleared my throat and bashed my lashes,then look at my mom.

"mom,I need just one thing" I said and raise just a finger.
"mom,I need freedom to be...."
her looks change to an angry one.
"it won't work!!!!!! she shouted.
Hot tears pricked down my fleshy cheeks.
mood spoilt!!!!!!
I ran into my room and lock myself up.

Sir Dice....owner of dice high p.o.v

{Han Cheng's p.o.v}
"Royal do you really know that your negligence had reach the most great peak that our band
is already lagging behind. What's all this?? do you know how much of my resources have
installed in this debut!!! I roared in anger.

"your resources!!!
royal said in the most sweatest voice. Aside from his voice,his handsomeness is what is
making us always obey whatever thing he decide plus many industries are kneeling for him
to join them.
in short, Royal is a great asset.

He flip through the magazine.

The magazine contains names and photos of people with great voice and dancing skills....
Five stars specially recommend them for Royal but royal doesn't want any of them as a

"I don't want them!!

"I don't want to appear on stage with them" Royal replied.
The board were shocked but dare not speak. Only me have the right to control him here.
He stood up and took his car keys.

I shouted.
"choose another leader instead. Appearing on stage with your daughter won't work" Royal

said and walk out on twenty top people.

"Royal is obviously getting out of hand.Dice high must not loose. I rest my

case!!!!~~Signed,Han Cheng.

somewhere in luxurious mansion.....

~~~underground dugeon to be specified~~~Hidden p.o.v

Two cars drove in.

Though I can't see clearly from the underground dugeon that I was thrown into many years
But I can feel him.
I can feel my blood,
I can feel my only son,
I can sense his presence.

I stayed strong and manage to seal my face on the metallic stripe and gosh,I saw him.
He was wearing white all through and he was escorted in by thirty guards if I could count

He looks extremely handsome,

His hairs were dyed white.....
He looks sooooo fresh.....
His deaminor sent cold air into my skin pores....
His walks were as thou angels are walking......

Dear Royal, please regain your memory as fast as possible so that you will save your
mom.Please make it fast,this place is hell!!! And,please when you regain it,don't have mercy
at all.This people are suffering me a lot!!! I smiled pains as I watch my son.....walks ...he
looks solo hot in whatever he wears.

"Mrs Suga,get ready!!!!

Here comes my son!!!!
extraordinary everyday......

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna


EPISODE 19❤❤❤❤

now,enjoy 💗💗💗💗
~~~Elliot's p.o.v~~~

Chris,Justin,Jeffrey and Romeo were inside the studio. Royal didn't come and it kinda make
everyone go quiet.
No one was willing to take his position except from Romeo who is happy about Royal's

"Elliot but you're royals manager. Can't you influence his decision???
Jeffrey said to me.
"I'm sure spark night will be nonsense today because those girls might not come if they get
to know that royal won't come" Justin said in a flirty manner.
"what do we even want to perform on stage?? Chris asked in the most funniest manner.
They all laugh except for Romeo who was busy using his phone.
"do you know what I need right now?? Justin asked.
"what else if not for sex!!! Chris replied,hilariously.

"we can even perform faceless on stage.It is gonna be a blast" Chris suggested.It was kind
of funny but his idea was spectaculous.
"yes yes spark will be great tonight but Royal??? anyways, let's start" Justin took his lips in
and start setting the projectors and every other things so that they will do a quick research.
The girls came in and pair up with the boys except for Han Lilly who was suppose to pair up
with royal.
I excuse them and entered my car. I need to get Royal to join them so that their efforts won't
be in vain.
I got into luxurious mansion hours later and luckily,Royal's car was in,
Han Lilly's car was in,
Han Cheng(Lilly's dad) car was in,
Mr Zayn car was also in.
What can be happening???

I made a displeasing look and hurried in.My eyes met with Mrs Suga own immediately i
entered the slivery built living room.She glared at me,I bowed in return with my left hand
crossed on my chest.
I am Royal's manager and being his manager means I should always be there whenever
he's down and I should also be able to keep accurate records of his activities but Mrs Suga
is turning it into another thing.....
Even heavens knows that each time I wake up,my first prayer is for Royal to regain his

"Royal,Five stars reported you.

You're getting out of hand and you're affecting dice high chance of winning this year debut
due to your negligence" Sir Zayn speaks.

"Dad I'm not and I'm not trynna bring be disobedient and proud" Royal replied Sir Zayn with
due respect.
Zayn has being the only one who has treated Royal as a son.I mean Zayn is....let me say
like a dad to royal.

Han Lilly smiler while Han Cheng breathed out..

"Royal look here...look at me whenever I'm speaking to one is a kid here,we should
be humble to learn from one another" sir zayn said.
Royal turn his face up and raised two fingers up in a sweet manner.
"Dad, this is not about humbleness,it is about what I want and what I don't want, it's not like
I'm a kid.I'm 22" Royal replied in a smirk and directed a deadly glare at Lilly.

"Royal,I want to see you there in spark and also,get ready for the debut and comeback with
Han Lilly as a partner" Han Cheng said and followed zayn out.

Royal scoffed coldly.
Sir Zayn stopped walking and took a glance at Royal.
"everyone,leave, only royal and Mrs Rose should stay" zayn commanded.
They left,I excused them also.
I don't know what they talk about but I pray it should be something good.

Han Lilly started smiling sheeply.

I don't think she can hold her excitement.I'm sure she's gonna brag at spark...there's more to
her excitement.

"where's Royal???
"are they done talking???
Lilly asked one of the guards in a sassy manner.
"Yes ma!! the guards bowed.
"he went out by passing the back door. Your dad and sir Zayn also left! the guard explained

"see this bitches bitch witch!!
"This is cold give me now!
"feel like commmming but no!
"Feel this pussy ohhhh pussy!!!!!
Lilly sing in a rap and ordered a maid to get her bag even when the bag is right beside her.

"Elliot, bye!
"I gotta prepare for spark!

she said and chewed gum loudly before leaving.


~~~Krishna's p.o.v

My mood was spoilt already.

Nothing reasonable came to my mind,I just felt broken.....
soon,I brought out my diary and chew the cover of the pen that came with it,then I scribbled
little wordings into it.
***Mad girl love song***
You and I are symphonies,
Exploding high in the sky,
With you,I've got hands to hold,
My heart of glass withstand you,
My mind of stones charmed you.....
But will it be right if I just walk away because I'm mad in the inside???
I stop writing and pick up my ringing phone.
ummm Dora!!! it's 8pm!!!! Spark time.
I gulp into nothing and pick her call.
🌌 Krishna,will you get your ass out of your bed because I'm right at the front door of your
house!! Dora seethed on phone.

🌌 I'm sorrry...I can't.... my mom....

🌌 bye Dora!! I quickly end the call and face my mom.
I sturlted.Just then,the door to my room opened,it was my mom.

"Krishna...." she called lowly.

"what again?? you already spoil my mood,do you want to add more depression?? at times I
ask myself if you're my mom...maybe I should you.

"Did you really give birth to me???

I asked her,tears started pouring out of her eyes.Well we resemble each she's my
"yes,I'm your mom.I'm sorry for the overprotective attitude.I don't want to lose you the way I
lost your sister!!!!
my mom said and started crying.

"my sister?? what happened to her??

I asked back and started crying too.
"hummm don't cry...get dressed,Dora is waiting in the sitting room but please don't forget the
rules" she cautioned and left.

I jump up in excitement and quickly forget the bad mood I was in. It will be so fun seeing Han
Lilly on stage tonight,she's my roooole model!
I chanted and pick out a light purple short gown and a silver wedge.
The gown was suppose to cover my kneels but my big bumbum and wide hips push it up
and made it stop on my tighs.I fit my legs into the wedge and pick a matching purse.

Ohhh my hair!!!
how do I do it!!! I wondered and started looking for my comb.
Krishna is this really your room???
someone bang in...
I turned back,it was Dora.

Solo should see your skin,sooo pure white!!! wait,what cream do you use???
Dora expounded and waited for an answer.

I'm I dreaming???
The almighty Dora in my room....
I mean Dora in my house.. ..
A celebrity in my room.....

"what cream do you use??? Dora asked,impatiently.

I went deaf and shy.
"balm!! I replied...
"you're gosh!!! she said and pack my hair.
Then I followed her to her car...
"Girl,your mom is nice. She isn't harsh as you describe.She's caring. She served me cake
and juice" Dora blabbed as her driver drove.
"you ate in my house?? I pouted.
"why not?? she replied.
"I'm honoured" I smiled.
Her car drove into dice high.
She step out and made her guards cover the two of us.We entered dice high main stage and
it was more than what I expected.
I couldn't find a better word.
The sight of the stage made me wishing I was a celebrity...
Dora paired me up with a group of girls.I guess she need to prepare since she's a celebrity.

The girls Dora kept me with continue talking nonstop and most of their talks are about Royal.
The,projectors were set up min later.
I hide my face and never allow the projector to capture it.

Then,the girls walk in.

Omg!!! Lilly dress best,followed by Dora and Mira.
I mean Lilly dress to kill.Her looks made me wish I am her.I mean she's charming.

They walk on the stage and took their stands.I kept on looking at Han Lilly till the boys walk
Jeffery look so calm while the rest were cool.Romeo just get girls drooling. A girl even jump
to touch him.

💗 where's Royal???
💗 is he coming????
💗 hmmm this people better not try nonsense!!!
mummurs bleep.
ohh my,Royal got the toppest fans that I don't think this thing will be interesting without him.

Han Lilly suddenly look miserable.

I saw the sign of disappointment on her face as the projector bleep red- meaning
something was indeed wrong.
The bright stage became half bright and half dark.
A woman whom I recognize as five stars agencies rushed in with a microphone.

💗 Royal is missing!!!!!
💗 Royal is missing,let's find him please.The tracker first reveal that he is within this building
she drop the bombshell. The girl sitting very close to me fainted.

and then it lost signal.... please find him!!!!

Mrs Rose teary face became visible on the projectors.
Everywhere became disorganized,
Han Lilly run out.
Spark was indeed spoilt and disordered.

💗 Find him!!! the projector kept on beeping.

I don't know what to do but I wish I know what the problem really is.
I stood up,someone touch my waist in a rough manner.
I pull the hands away and met the lustful eyes all over me!!!
I didn't wait,I ran out of the hall.

💗 Did you see him???

I met Han Lilly asking Mrs Rose.
Elliot too was there,looking as worried as ever.

I took the opposite direction.

I had planned on using the back exit,
I got there but it was locked.
I glance at the door in tears and forced it open by hitting the sole of my shoe on the lock,
the door open and there he was....

Ohhh my!!!!
Royal who did this too you???
I gasped and quickly bent over him.
ohh no...I gasped at the injection on the floor.Was he injected???

"Pains!!!!!!!!!!! Royal said in a very low voice.....

"Bend over me" he said again and use his fingers to flick his cute hair. For a start,I was
afraid to do it...
I don't think I can touch him.
He's sooo pure.

"Bend over me" he said again...

I know he is in pain but he didn't show it.
"let me call Mrs Rose" I suggested.
"Nooo" he said and use his little strength to push me to himself...
"I don't know who you are but...." he didn't finish his statement,he target my lips and kiss it.
He was still kissing it....he stopped and fall back to the floor.

Something started beeping on his body,I guess its a tracking device...

They will soon find him and I must not be seen with him or else,I will be in trouble.
I didn't wait,I run.

comment ooooooo
🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna


EPISODE 21💗💗💗💗💗💗

Gosh!!! 19zillion in just one week.

How come??? I seethed,
my shoulders drop down and my mind was dauntless.

"The doctor said he will be discharged this evening! he is fine already" I heard the guards
speaking with themselves.It angered me and brought out the real devil in me.
"saga,let's leave!!
I yelled at my manager.
He nodded and followed me out.
I met Han Lilly at the front of the glass door pressing her phone.

"won't you go home,it's night already. Why are you standing here? I asked.
"The doctor dismissed everyone from Royal's ward,saying that he needs to relax his
brain.Royal is really acting acting strange, he still doesn't want to see me closer to him,he
keeps pushing everyone that want to touch him away.The only person he allowed to touch
him is your mom...
I think he likes your mom.Her pretense really blind him...I wonder why he still hates me,I
mean we are all human and we all needs to be forgiven since we all make mistakes but
Royal's own is just a big difference. He doesn't know how to forgive! Lilly said.
"just pray he doesn't remember anything" I cautioned and left with Saga,my manager.

I got home...
My mom was seated alongside with two other men in similar suit.
I don't think I have seen those faces before but they smell political money.
I walked in rudely and climb on the slivery stairs but stopped when my eyes caught the sight
of the golden book on the glassy center table.
My eyes started dreaming.
"what's the,golden book of India doing here??? I took my lips in and stopped,halfway.

"Mrs sugar,your son has really brought good luck to you by passing multiples of presidential
tests that was given.How he managed to reach 19zillion stake is still something that is
shocking us.He is definitely the rightful person.He will be voted for again and announced
once he clock 23" one of the men said and opened the golden book to a certain page.
"Mrs sugar,sign here" the other man said and open a blue pen for my mom to sign.
"which of my sons passee the test?
my mom asked.I ciukr feel her heart beating faster as she waited for an answer.
The two men look at each other then back to my mom.

"Royal of course.He reached the requirements so fast!

They smiled.
My mom stood up and touched the arm of the chair in a fearful manner.
"why royal?? he is still a small guy.
Why can't it be Romeo??
Royal is 22, Romeo is already 23!! my mom sturlted and turned her back against them.

"Mrs suga, the two are capable but you this thing, it is not by age.

It is by the wealth you are able acquire so fast and your level of intelligent and it is not us
that decide it.It is the citizens and he got the votes in the last campaign" one of the man
my mom raised her hand up and signify silence.
They kept quiet.

"please sign it!!

"sign for your son..." the man that dressed well said and removed his pujab.I think he is also
a powerful lawmaker.

"I can't sign anything,get out of my house!! my mom ordered,fury in her eyes.
"Mrs suga,are you not his mom???
one of the mam pounder.
"get out!! my mom expounded.
they stood up and,left in a disappointed manner.

"this is tough than I thought!

my mom mumbled and sat back before grabbing her phone.

~~Elliot's p.o.v
I watch as Royal slept peacefully,
His hairs were spiky and they all fell all over his eyes but didn't cover his eyebrows which
was damn sharp and prominent.
His fingers was moving.
He clutch the duvet tightly....
one of his rings fell in the process..
I pick it up and inserted it into his thumb.He opened his eyes a little bit then bat his lashes

The doctor entered with his stethoscope hung around his neck.
"how do you feel??
"what was the last thing your remembered??? the doctor asked.
He ignored him by closing his eyes. I don't think he remember a single thing...

"please, make it easier by answering my questions" the doctor pleaded.

He opened his eyes again and glance at the guards standing in his ward.
"let's take it from this angel,do you know this people?? the doctor pointed at Chris,Justin and
"do you know them?? he asked.

"my band mates.

"Chris,Justin,Jeffrey my best friend"
Royal replied,softly.
The doctor write something down into the file he was holding.
"what was the last thing you remembered?? the doctor asked.

"I was blindfolded with something,I lost consciousness and got injected at the neck..I didn't
see the person that injected me~~most importantly, I kissed a girl's soft lips before five stars
found me half dead" he replied.
"are yiy feeling any pain? the doctor asked him.
"no" he replied simply.

The doctor faced Mrs Rose.

"I don't understand his case but why is that anything he is close to remember something,that
is when he always get injected by an unknown person??? He was almost remembering
something so special to him when the injection reached his mid brain.If there is someone he
like and comfortable with,get the person and let them spend more time together, it will help
help him a lot.His amnesia might be cured by TRUE LOVE according to what the
psychologist said" the doctor explained to five stars agencies and me before walking away.

I glanced at Royal's handsome face and left with Mrs Rose.


I and the other boys headed to five stars.Sir Han Cheng wasn't on seat.
Mrs Samantha and other concerned agencies were there.
We took our seats and waited a little bit to hear the information to be passed.

"I don't think there is hope for dice high because the person we installed the major role on is
currently down, fighting emotional battles" Mrs Samantha said.
I and Chris exchange glances.
Just then,Mrs rose abs Elliot walk in.
"I think dice high should withdraw in this year debut" Mrs Samantha suggested.
"Quitting only shows cowardice. challenges are ought to be passed and not pushed
away.We didn't get the right option today doesn't mean another one won't come tomorrow"
Mrs rose protested.
She went close to one of the projector and played the dance video that was showed on
spark night.

"don't you think this is the right person.. look at her shape. With Royal, it will be a blast!!
Chris recommended.

"exactly what I wanted us to do.

We can kill two bird with a single stone" Mrs Rose said and changed the video to a soft
composed song by the girl.if I could guess well.

"Firstly,we need to sweep Lilly off our priority but we won't tell her we are,not using her.Our
main target will be on Krishna and it will be secret. We are gonna train Krishna secretly
without anyone knowing.... And since the psychologist said that TRUE LOVE will help royal
overcome his amnesia.. I think we should find a way to bring Krish and Royal together but
How do we go about it?
mrs Rose asked.
She is five stars most outspoken worker.

"how do you know that Royal is attracted to Krishna??? Jeffrey asked with a smirk.

"The projector captured their kissing and romance scene simply because Krishna mistakenly
activated the tracker" Mrs Rose gave reason and showed their kissing scene.

Royal in pain,kissing an innocent girl, is that not romantic???

"why did the projector showed their kissing scene without showing the person that injected
him??? I asked.

"well,the tracker on Royal's earpud was deactivated.It was the girl that activated it and that
that was then they were kissing.She mistakenly touched royals ear and press the emergency
button" Mrs rose explained.

"waooow!!! we clapped.

"what if the kiss was not intentional?

"kiss doesn't mean he like her already? Mrs Samantha said.

"I think we should cut that off and focus on how to get them together" Mrs Rose shunned her

"who's the girl??

Jeffrey asked.
"where did you get the video from? Mrs Rose asked back.
I could feel the tension.

"what's her surname?? let's help royal so that we can win" Chris said.

Five stars private investigator step forward with a file.

KRISHNA KNIGHT is a 19year old middle class Indian girl who is the only surviving daughter
of a widow who does laundry works.Other things done by her mother include; mat
weaving,running errands for people, working as house help for others.
Krishna is also a student of dice high whose identity was sealed.The only most talented
student who hides her God given endowments by feeling so inferior among her counterparts.
She only dance for her closed friends and her dancing steps are too perfect and hard that
copying will be considered difficult. Her voice is damn soft and cool.
Her closest friend who push her to dance secretly is Dora Banks even when she was dared
not to show any of her talent publicly because of physical and sexual harassment. The last
time she sneaks out to a show,she was almost raped and was dared never to dance
five stars private investigator read out.

"this is hard!!!
"how do we get them together? even Krishna doesn't want to show her talent" Chris said.

"let's do it this way.We are gonna meet with Krishna herself and tell her Royal needs
help.We won't tell her our main motive which is to get her to be dice high face..
We will pay her to always stay in Royal's mansion every 8hours after school.We will pay her
well so that her mother will think she went to work, with that,they will get to know each other
Love will set in....
If their bonds are strong,Royal might be cured from his amnesia...
If their bonds become stronger,they will do anything for each other and no one will stop
them.Not even Krishna mom or Han Cheng.

Lastly,let this be a secret!!

Krishna must not know our main plan is to get her dance!!

I repeat,this must be a secret between us!! Mrs Rose said.

Let's welcome her warmly into the world of the affluence.

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna



Han Lilly p.o.v

I decide to use my opportunity well,

I can't just give up on Royal.
He is so good and a very big catch that only me deserve.
Royal,I promise am changed.
I mean it this time,
please,I am human and humans make mistakes. I can't just give up on you!
I uttered as I wore a yellow short top all over a black leggings,on my feet are pairs of classic
black sneakers with yellow on it's base. I sighed and apply my makeup.

I am only doing this because my dad is inviting royal over for some stuffs based on his
comeback song. I need to give him the impression that I am changed,I also told my dad to
speak with him on my behalf and I think it will work out and turn out good.
Han Lilly is never a loser!
I smiled and slump on my bed. I used the pillow to cover my face then I started memorizing
the apology speech I am going to present to royal
Not quiet long,
six cars drove in, if I could count well,
I sprang up and rushed to the window side excitedly.

Gosh!!! I started drooling.

He was putting on white.Royal and white. His hair was embroided with a yellow bandana,he
tied the head bandana in a girly manner and it made him look like a genie playboy.
Royal,you're a soon to be ruler,
why dress like a playboy!
I drooled at the way his pink lips stuck together.

Gosh!! I expounded and left the window side because I was already wet underneath, my
vagina was dripping wet like I urinated but it was royals sight that made me like this.
I'm attracted to him sexually.

I sat quietly on my bed,glancing at every corner quietly.This place had been my formal room
when I was still leaving with my dad.but I stopped when I won the face of dice high.
I became wealthy at a tender age of seventeen. I had a manager,an account and then,I
formed my crews.
I changed my house recently. I'm now 20years.
I left the room I was in and headed downstairs.

"okay sure"
royal nodded and stood up.
I think he is leaving.
I follwed him and was lucky to have caught up with him.

"Hi" I greeted.
"hi" he greeted back,looking elsewhere.
I'm not understanding Royal anymore, his attitude towards me keep getting worst.

it made me sad.
"ummm Royal, I wanted to invite you to feature in my next dance video on stage" I
said,waiting for an answer since his appearance with me will make me more popular.
He didn't answer,he just keep looking elsewhere.

"what did I ever do??

I bursted out when he wasn't answering me.
"crying will make you sick" he took his lips in. I wipe my tears and hugged him from the back.
"baby,let by gone be bygone" I said.
"should I speak?? he scoffed..
"No" i replied and hug me,more tight.
He didn't say anything,he kept on looking elsewhere.

"should I say what's on my mind?

he aaked with the most cold voice but very pleasant to the hearing.
I left his body and look into his face,
it was so clean and fresh.

"I already said its over, remember I already tear the paper that is joining us together. Go your
way,let me go mine...I can see your moves,don't call me anymore,try to call me off.. give up
on me already and if possible, let us not cross path again" he said,looking directly into my

"do you really hate me?. can't you see I'm bleeding for you... I have tried but I can't hold it
anymore! I said,tears falling off my eyes.
it is obvious Royal didn't still remember all his past but his strict principles keeps getting

"Did you find someone better than me? I asked.

"should I answer that one too? he asked with a face mixed with handsomeness and fairness
in action.

"no...but I won't still give up on you"

I replied And ran upstairs. I broke down in stairs and took my keys and bag.I guess coming
here is a waste. I only came here cuz of Royal but I was pushed away.

"am leaving!!!
I announced my dismissal and entered my car.My driver drive on,
I brought out my phone and uploaded the photo I asked my Maud to take secretly when I
was hugging Royal. Thank God she did it well.
I smiled and uploaded it...
so that people will think we are together as usual.

I scrolled on other pages and stopped at a poster of Royal and Eddy.


I read the update.
Royal and Eddy are on it again but it's obvious Royal will win this own.
Royal-five stars model
Eddy--Blinks model.

Different tags were added on their photos but my Royal was extremely gorgeous and fresh
in all ways.

That's why I can't give up on him.

I was not having lectures in school today,so I decided to stay back home and help my mom
to weave mat. I was damn tired and I dare not complain.....

she noticed my mood and said "you're tired".

I shake my head and said "am full of energy".
"better be full" she expounded. and push threads to my side.
"waaaaaaatttt!!! I exclaimed.
"what's that for?? she aked.
I composed myself and took the thread with my hands that seemed short of blood. I
swear,my legs were shaking.She looked at me,I came back to my sense and controlled my
shaking body.

She smiled."You might think I'm a harsh mother but trust me,you will appreciate me sooner
or later.I'm also tired too...its just that we have to deliver this mats today. I'm not wicked,we
are in this together. I would have said we should rest but this mats are needed urgently" she
I smiled and relax my nerves.

"will you sit while I do the finishing? she asked.

"No,you sit" I replied,simply.
"nooo,let's do it together" she gestured.

We were able to weave seventeen mats within 12hours.

I breathed out and left the backyard for my room.
I picked my ringing phone,
the call was from an unknown number and I was already warned not to pick strange
The number called again,I ended it.
it kept on calling,i kept on ending it.

A message popped instead.

Dear Krishna Knight,your presence is needed at dice high staged-hall. Be there in the next
1hour~~ signed-Mrs Rose.
I read the message with a scared look. I think they want to evict me from dice high. Maybe
they already know about my background!
I fidget andcsore my sandals.

"where to????
my mom showed up from behind.
"I just got a message that my presence is needed in school" I explained.
"and you're dressing like this?
she asked back. then took over my closet.

"Krish,you're 19years old, you need to start acting mature" she said and pull out a white
dress for me. I never knew such cute dress exist in my closet.
I changed into it and watch myself in the mirror as she pack my hair since the length is
massive and full.

"I hope it's not trouble" she said and gave me t-fare from my purse.
I rushed out and took a cab.
I was in dice high within 30min. I was rushing,hoping I won't exceed the time given.
I stood in front of the glass door.

"You must be Krishna Knight"

one of the,guards said.
"yes,did I do anything bad? I asked, feeling a little bit perturbed.
"not at all,just follow me" he said. I followed him,he led me to a very wide office.
it smells for wealth...
Everything inside were glassy!!!

"She's pretty than I thought!

"not bad for a Start!
was what I heard.
I regained myself and look well. I didn't even know people were in.

"Good evening ma's" I greeted shyly.

"Good evening sir's!! I greeted the two boys who were sitting close to each other.
I don't think I have seen them before.
"Chris, control your eyes!!
one of the guys chuckled.

"miss Krishna, I will be asking you few questions and will be happy if you will he honest" Mrs
rose said in a very outspoken manner.
I fidget and look down.

"Can you tell us more about your background?? she asked.

I widened my eyes in fear. I kept quiet and didn't answer.

"I think she's shy"Chris said...

"Do you have a boyfriend? she asked.

"no..." I replied softly,wishing Chris and his partner will stop looking at me.....

"will you keep whatever think we discuss here as a secret? she asked.
"yes" I replied, she wrote something's down.
"good,follow them!
she commands and pointed at two girls who are putting on common maids uniform.
I bowed and followed the two girls.
I really can't explain how uncomfortable I felt.

They took me to a room that looks very beautiful.

"we will excuse you to change your cloth" one if the girls said and drop a box on the bed.She
detach the price tag.
Though I didn't see it but it must cost some fortunes.

"why are you doing this?

I asked.
"I don't know" one of the girls said and walk closer to the door.
"You have just ten minutes"
she said and lock the door.

"Can I really wear this??. I wondered.

"are you through? the girl beemed from the outside.

"No" I replied..

"why is your voice like this??? did you use anything to make it more angelic? she asked.

I sighed.This has always been my weakness."No... I didn't use anything and please why are
you doing all this? I asked.
she didn't answer.I had no choice than to wear the clothes.

I wore the lemon off cut top and the tight fitting Jean skirt. The jean skirt stuck tightly to my
hips and made them more prominent.
"can you at least change this top? I don't like the way my chest and my upper cleavages are
showing... it is making me feel like am naked.
I protested,they didn't answer.

"wear the heels".

was what I heard last.
I don't even think I know how to walk on it.The last time I tried it,I started feeling dizzy.

"are you done??

I heard the females voices again.
"why are you doing this? I asked,holding the expensive heels in my hand.

I saw myself through one of the mirror ...

"am I dreaming....this is not me!!
I blinked my lashes.

"have you wore the black chain?

one of the ladies asked.
I found the black high neck fitting chain on one corner in the box,I put it on.....
I don't want to believe this is me.....
Because right now,I look like a very wealthy somebody..
I don't think I can pretend to be what I'm not.

"why are you doing this??

I asked.......

"why is she not coming out???..

I heard someone asking from the exterior......
It sounds like.............Ro.....
extraordinary everyday.

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna



That voice,
it sounds like.....Ro......
"why is she not coming out?
the voice came up again,this time,it was more stern,rude and commanding this time around.
"ohhh noo,Romeo!!!
my heart shanked,I suddenly felt like the ground should open and swallow me up.

"are you deaf?? I said who is inside there?? Romeo asked ruefully.
I didn't hear the ladies saying anything back to him.
Who are they to talk back at Romeo?

"open the door, I want to see who the hell is inside! he commands.
then I felt his hands,pressing on the outside knob,
it actually make the one inside to turn also.

"sir,no one is here and as you can see,the door is locked" I could hear one of the ladies
"where's the key?? he asked them.
Just then,the back door opened.

I was scared but I relaxed when it turn out to be Chris.

He dipped his fingers into his hairs the moment he saw me and I could sense a corner of his
eyes on my chest,almost close to my cleavage. I felt shy and embarrassed at the same
time.I had no choice than to look down.

"hey,will you follow me or do you want Romeo to see you here?? Chris asked,taking his
lower lips into his mouth in a playboy manner.

"No,sssir" I startled.
"good" he smiled and moved closer to me.I felt somehow scared.
"can I??? he asked.
I don't know what he is talking about but I said "yes".
The next thing I felt was his ringed fingers brushing into my wrist.
He took me out in a fast manner.
Thank God,he is not like Jeffrey who always show a lot of attitude.

"you're pretty..what's your name again? Chris asked as he took me with him.
"umm Krishna.. thank you sir" I smiled.
We went silent again.
He took me into another resident.
"stay here for a while, we need to sort things out" he said.
"Sir, why am I here??? I asked.

"you will know sooner or later" he replied and lock the door of the place he kept me in.
Mrs Rose~~

"what do we do? I burst out.

Chris and Justine look at each other.
"since you said the plan should be secret,in think we should be extremely careful.This is a
very big risk. The girls life might be in danger if care is not taken. I really wish Mrs sugar and
Han Lilly won't find out." Mrs Samantha said.
Romeo came in almost immediately.
We allow our discussion die down.
Royal is not aware of our plan, while must Romeo know?? it's not aw if he is important.
No matter what,royal will always,be our industry number one priority.

"Rose,you were having meeting and you didn't call that how you were taught to treat
the industry teams??? Romeo expounded angrily, not minding the age between us.
I am even old enough to he his mom.

"Rose,I'm speaking to you!!

he expounded again.

"can you at least add a little respect? she's not your playmate and as you can see,we are,not
having any meeting.How can we be holding a meeting without Jeffrey and Royal?
Justin replied.

"does today look like our meeting day??? Chris chirped in.
Romeo seethed,
then he walk out.

"You see,we don't have an idea he will come" I said.

"where is she??? Mrs Samantha questioned Chris.
"she's safe" he replied.

"Good, we will talk to her about our,plan tomorrow. We won't tell her what we really want
her,we are just gonna tell her that royal need some help, then we will work her into Royal's
newest mansion. You know Royal just built that place,no one knows about it and that's
where royal is staying currently. Mrs Suga won't find out about her there" I explained better.

"then,why did you order the maids to dress her?? Chris asked.
"yes,I wanted her to do some photoshoot so that the media can start working on her design
on posters and banners but since Romeo is here,I think we need to cancel that for some
other day. For now,let's keep her safe" I said.
"ohhkay,I will let her out immediately I sense Romeo's absence! justice said that quickly.
"I will do it" Chris replied.
i smiled at them and left.

Chris p.o.v~~~
I checked the garage,
Romeo's car wasn't there.
That's an evidence he is gone.
I breathed out "at last!.
Then I walk back into the residential building. After a,long walk,I got to where I lock Krishna
I still can't believe a commoner can be pretty.Soo pretty with natural red lips.I thought
commoner are piece of trash but this one here just prove me wrong.
I'm so gonna win this bet!!
I opened the door and met her standing.

"Hey, he is gone. You can go home for now.The manager will get back to you" I smiled and
took my eyes away from her body.She might feel uncomfortable with me if it becomes too

"okay,I think I should go. Namaste!

she bowed and walk to the door.
hips soooooo tempting!
I smiled,inwardly.

"can I drop you?? I asked her.

"no....yess.....nooooo thank you sir" she bowed,politely.
"at least,take my card.You can call me anytime" I said and handed her my card.
"thank you sir" she bowed and collected it..
I kept on looking at her dreamingly till she walk out.

"I will get her first,okay!!

Justin showed up.

"idiot!!! we both said and burst into laughter.


it is obvious Mrs Rose is hiding something from me.

There's more to their presence in school by this time of the day. its already 8:30pm,they
shouldn't be here at this time on a norms.

Their presence means something and I must find out.

soon enough,Chris came out to check the garage.
That alone made me more suspicious.

Not quiet long,

I spotted someone running out of the dark.I couldn't see the person face cus it was night.
I was about standing up when a black Lamborghini drove in.
The car light shown on the person's face,it turned out to be a girl....
I could see shocks on the girls body.
She quickly took another direction.
she was too fast,
I didn't get to trace her steps.

I turned at the direction of the Lamborghini, it was Royal.

He was putting on a white top and a black designer jean,his bandana was a mixture of
yellow and black.
Jealousy took over me....maybe because of his handsomeness.

he look down like he's looking for something and he was on call too.
"ummm did the school cleaner find my presidential bracelet?? he asked on phone.
"whatttt,she didn't find it!!!
he scoffed and ended the call,he look like he will cry.

He was on phone and was walking at the same time..

"where's that girl???
I scoffed and reveal myself from my hideout.

"Nope,it can't be here!!!

I heard royal saying,then he took another direction.He was checking the floor as he was
walking.Chat me on zero eight one thirty-nine seventy seven seventy eight eighty seven to
be added to WhatsApp group. When he didn't see it,he gave up and stood at a for a
while,thinking where last he stayed in school.

I was so fast to have seen the girl.... she seemed lost in her own world.

She looks damn confused.

Royal was walking and on phone,
She was also coming in the same direction without looking where she was going....

They jammed each other.

Their lips touched,
I could sense Royal expensive phone flying in the air the moment their skin came in
What type of awkward contact is this???
My blood was hot...
maybe 100°C.

Royal's phone scattered on the floor, he didn't look like he cares....

"Who are you??? he asked instead.
"Nothing!!! she replied and brought out his bracelet.
How come?????
I wondered,terrified.
extraordinary everyday.

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( krishna


EPISODE 24❤❤❤❤❤❤

~~Krishna p.o.v🌹🌹🌹🌹

"who are you? he asked.

"Nothing....this is your bracelet!
I quickly chirp in and present his diamond made bracelet.After that,I went for his phone.I pick
it up and went back to him.I was so smart to have hide my face by using my long hair as a

"Sir,your phone"
I said and avoided his eye contact.
I only look at him from his tommy to his pretty legs.
"Krishna,are you okay??
your mom is waiting badly for you, remember you haven't wash Mrs Claudia's cloth" my mind

"You phone" I said again.

"you're always missing my questions and I think I'm not lucky.I'm always seeing you in the
night.I'm was never lucky to see your face"
he said another thing.
I couldn't even look him properly. If this is what it means to be close to the world favorite,then
I think I have had enough.I don't think he will take his phone back because it already have a
scratch,so I drop the phone slowly on the floor.
I ran.

"wait!!! I heard his voice calling.

I didn't wait for him.
He started running behind me.
He caught up with me soon enough and catch my hairs that had already cascaded down my
hip bone while his other hand brush into my back slowly down to my waist line.
I was forced to stop.
He moved close to me properly,still holding my hair.
my fears increased.
but I know one day,I will be able to fight my fears.

What if he finds out about me too??

I will be in trouble and might be evicted out of dice high.

"would you quit running?? I'm tired of your sick games,it gives me a lot of sleepless nights"
he said,his voice sounded pleasant to my ears.
my body drop more cold,
what I want is to run away.
only me understand my predicaments. I don't want to get involved with anything or anybody,
what I need is just peace.

"Stay with me,please,don't walk away, don't run away like you've always did" Royal said.I
kept quiet and shake at the way his grip on my hair was firm. He made it pretty difficult for
me to run away.

"I want to see your face properly"

he said again.
ohhh no,this is to much for me... I don't belong here,if I should show my face to him,I might
end up jeopardizing my life in this zone of hell.

"your face...please show it.I can't really recognize you,I can only feel your presence and
smell you" he said sweetly.

"you don't need to see my face.

Please let me go.You don't need to see my face" I replied.
"are you the same girl all through??
he asked.
"yes" I replied.
"we have been kissing and hugging mistakenly?? he asked..
"yes" I replied.
"You helped me when I was injected" he asked and held my hair in a soft but hard manner.
"yes,I'm the one,let me go" I said.
"You sang with me!! he asked.
"yes" I replied and touch where he was holding on my hair.He took his hand away
immediately the tip of my fingers touch his own.
"I could feel it" I heard him saying.
I use my opportunity well and run away. It was really dark but I made it to Mrs Claudia's
mansion safely..
I was allowed,in without much questions.

"why are you late??

"I wanted you to go to my friends shop and help her with somethings" Mrs Claudia said.
I kept quite and recollected all what happened to me earlier.
She took her phone and called someone.Perhaps,it might be the person she wants to send
me to.

"Krish,she is still there in her shop. Will you go or you're already tired?? don't go if you're
tired" Mrs Claudia said.I took my lips in and face down.
"I will go" I whispered.
She show me the address.
I nodded And went there.

There I met a big truck in front of the shop,I walk in reluctantly and met a woman sitting
"are you the one Mrs Claudia sent to me?? she asked in a very loud voice.

"yes ma'am" I replied, scared at the load of works in her shop.

"okay,you can start" she gave permission.
I started doing the works.
Be fast, its getting darker!! she commands.

Such a woman!!
with a very big attitude. She can't even help me so that it will be fast!!
I sighed and pack all the goods into the truck I met outside.
After that,I swept everywhere and dispose the refuse bin properly.
Then,I lock the shop and handed her the keys.

"have this,I will call you again some other time" she said and handed me a brown envelope.
"hey,let me drop you!! she said.
she drop me in front of my house and drove away.
I sneak into my window and kept the money in my save box.
I entered the bathroom and changed into my pyjamas.
I entered the kitchen and took my food to my room without making any sound that will attract

my mom.

Next day ~~~~~~

I had my bath and prepare for lectures,since its only three class today,I'm going to be back
I dress up and pack my bag.
My phone beeped,it was a message from Dora.

📋 I'm not feeling fine...might not come today" Dora sent.

I wonder how school will look like today without Dora. She had always made my day fun.
I took my cab and got to school.
The rumors probably made everyone not to notice me as the girl Han Lilly want to evict.
💗 I heard Royal finally found his bracelet, well I wish I was the one that found it.
💗 I always dream to touch it.You won't believe I joined the cleaners in searching for it.The
girl that found it is so fortunate"
rumors were everywhere.
Spoilt brats,

they don't even recognize me as the girl Lilly want to bully.

Your presence is needed urgently at the admin block~~Signed,Mrs rose.

I read the,message and started walking towards the admin office.
i met Mrs Rose with two other five stars workers.
what have I done again???
I made a quuzical look and greeted.

"Krishna,about what we discuss yesterday,remember you promise to keep it as a secret" Mrs

Rose said.
"yes ma" I replied.

"Good. This is an opportunity you won't want to miss" Mrs Rose said.
"what opportunity?? I asked back with respect.
She cleared her throat and look at the two other workers then back to me.

"it's about Royal.He needs help"

Mrs Rose said,looking intoy face which was already filled with hidden emotions.
Even though I always run away from him,I still feel concerned about him.

"Royal needs serious help"

Mrs Rose said again.
Her speech only make me feel more emotional.
"what type of help does he need??
I rushed them with questions.

"can you do it? she asked.

"I will do it if it won't cause me troubles" I replied.
"okay,you will be paid every eight hours for the help" she said.
I was surprised.
How does she know I work every eight hours after school.

"which help?? I asked.

"it's a simple thing.You just have to stay in his mansion every eight hours" Mrs Rose said.
"does he not have maids" I asked.
"No,he doesn't have. It is a new mansion no one knows about yet.No one will find out about
you and remember,you will be paid and even be more safe" Mrs Rose said.
I made a puzzled look.
How does she know am not safe??
This offer sounds tempting but I don't think there is something serious in it.Going deeper,it
will help me because I will be paid,I won't get to run errands for people,I will have chance to
read my books.... but what
if Han Lilly finds out".
I made suggestions in my mind.

"like I said,no one will find out.Just help us by staying there till five stars will get another
maid" Mrs Rose said like she could read my mind.
"okay,I will start next week" I said.
"Nooo,start today" she replied.
I gasped.

"yes Krishna, start today.Like I said, you are safe there" Mrs Rose said and walk away.
I went back to class and took lectures.I was so lucky Lilly didn't come to class till we finished.

i pack my notepads and laptop.

I made my way out and met a lanky guard following me.
"Mrs Rose ordered me to take you to where you will be working" he said...

I was dumbfounded but I still followed him.

After about 3hours drive,

we got to the so called mansion,
Royals name was inscribe boldly on the gate.The name fits it's description.It looks like the
most massive place I have ever seen.

I followed the guard in quietly,

he showed me everywhere before taking me to a very beautiful room.
"this is where you can relax yourself.You can eat anything you like,you can order anything
you want. Feel free,I will be going" he said and left me speechless.

There is more to this!!

I think this people want something from me,that's why they are doing all this. My mind never
lie to me.
No one will ever treat a maid like this.
How can they tell me to do anything I like when am not his girlfriend.
This is not ordinary...
I think they want something from me, and I wish to know what is it,I may not be to offer what
they want.
I started ruminating as I wandered around the big place,making sure I didn't break anything.

Two cars drove outside the gates,

The securities didn't open the gate for them,I think that is the order given to them by royal.

The door of the first car open,

omg!!!! Lilly!!!
I watch her walk to the gate but the securities didn't allow her in.

"open the gate"

I heard her discussing with the securities. ~Msg +234 813 977 7887 to be added to a story
"no,the owner isn't around. We can't just open the door for you like that. Bear with us ma" the
Somehow,Lilly look towards my direction,i moved in properly.

"he already got a maid....or who is she????? why so fast??

"who is she??? Lilly asked.
I left where I was staying and walk inside, making sure she only saw my back side.
extraordinary everyday.

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna


EPISODE 25❤❤❤❤❤❤

"who is she???
"tell that prostitute to get out of my boyfriends mansion or else,I will whip her ass up and kill
her right away" Lilly shouted with all her voice.

what's wrong with her???

have she forgotten that is in an estate and that noise is not allowed!

"who is she??? let me in or I will do the unexpected!

Lilly bragged while dragging the door with the securities but thank goodness, it was already
locked from the inside since it is an automatic smart door.

"she's only a maid,nothing else is attached. You should understand, there is nothing difficult
to emphasize" one of the securities said,getting pissed of at Lilly's over possessive

I lock the main door that was made with pure blue glass.
but I thought Mrs Rose said no one knows about this mansion.This people are really putting
my life in danger.
I lock the windows too and went ahead to sit on one of the pretty chairs in the slivery built
living room, I turn on the television and change the channel to fashion show but Lilly's loud
faint voice was distracting my attention.
I left where I was sitting and went to stand beside the window. Lilly was still there.
Her face was filled with plentiful of flares mixed with furry.
I think she's waiting for the arrival of Royal so that she will have the chance to enter.

Like I predicted,
a red Lamborghini drove in.
The gate opened by itself automatically and with that,Lilly had the chance to enter.
She started crying as royals guards rushed to open his car door.
She rushed him and allow her tears to flow freely. I don't know if she is trying to impress him
or she mean it.

"Baby, who is she??? who is that girl? is she your new girlfriend or did five star higher her as
your maid?? Lilly asked and push her hair backwards.
Royal expression changed.

"what are you saying???

"Are you sure you're with your sense? Royal raised his brows at Lilly coldly.
"I saw a girl in your mansion... she looks like a prostitute... is that one a maid or a gold
digging whore? Gosh, I fell like bitching her up mercilessly. She's so lucky I didn't see
through her face!
Lilly blurted out while panting heavily. I gasped from where I stood beside the window.
how can she be mad over a little thing?? is she always this proud and over possessive??
I held my breath and listened to their conversation.

Royal was looking as calm as ever.

"how did you find out about this place? he asked.
"I've been monitoring you with my tracker.Royal you're my future husband,stop pushing me
away. I deserve all care and affection. I deserve respect from you" Lilly said, tears in her
"even if you're a cake..I won't accept you.I will need to forget the fact that it is my favorite.
Sometimes what you like might kill you" Royal rolled his eyeballs and distance himself from
Han Lilly.

"you didn't tell me who that girl is?

Lilly questioned.
"why should I answer?? okay okay, she's a maid and I know she is the same thing like you.
The two of you can never be like HER! Royal replied.
I felt embarrassed.
He said me and Lilly are the same thing and that we can't be like HER.
That simply means there is someone more better than me and Lilly.

Well,I'm not the jealous type,

I am wishing whosoever the so called HER is a very big good luck.
Lilly stood with pitiful eyes,
those eyes that can make someone cry....

on no condition must you step your flirty legs into this place,you must stop those monitoring
spirits of yours and don't ever find out about the HER.If she gets hurt,I will hold you

There is officially nothing between the both of us,you can go and get betrothed to Romeo for
all I get.
Take note of my words and don't move an inch close to my mansion or me.Even if you see
my cup,don't touch it,it might hurt you badly!
Royal said to her.
This time,his voice was filled with superiority.
why does it have to look as if angels are commanding???.

"Royal,do you hate me??

Lilly asked.
"100%" royal replied.
"then,I promise to kill myself"
Lilly cried and brought out a pocket knife.I think she will cut herself if care is not taken.

"hey stop,I love you"

Royal pout and rush to collect the knife from her.It is obvious he still have an heart of gold.
"do you really mean it?? Lilly asked.
Royal scoffed and throw the knife away.
"have you forgiven me??? Lilly asked.

"may we never cross path again. My amnesia doesn't mean I would be a fool.I can't accept
what my mind can't accept.You will be sorry by the time I regain my memory and everything I
have lost" Royal said and left Lilly standing speechless.

I left the window I was standing by and ran to the room the guard said I can relax myself.
This is really tougher than I thought.
I wish Royal find his HER as soon as sucks up seeing him in pain.I can even
help bring them together if I know who the girl he is talking about really is.
ummm but fate will tell.

Let me guess...
The girl will be sooooo pretty,
she will have nice set of teeth,
Her skin will be sooo clear and pretty. Noo,my mom said I have the best skin,umm maybe
my own skin will be a little bit beautiful than the girls own, then, our shapes will be the
Then....what else???
maybe she will be her lips will be a little bit red than mine.

her voice will sound more angelic than mine,she will know how to dance best.
Anyway,whosoever you are,I can't wait to see you to make Royal happy because he seems
comfortable around you for him to mention you to Han Lilly.
I smiled but stop my imagination when a soft knock came on my door.

It was Royal.
I could see his pretty legs through the glass door that was half of bronze and glass.

"sir!!!! I answered without opening the door.

"keep your sir to yourself,it is of no use" he shunned.His voice was more cold and filled with
commands than when he was speaking to Han Lilly.

"I'm listening sir or should I open the door?? I asked..

"like I care in seeing your face" he replied,even more cold.

"I know you forced your way into my place or perhaps, you must have begged five stars to
assign you as my maid.For your information, you can be like just keep your
goddamn self lock up here.Don't even dare touch my things not to even talk of my cup and
spoons. If possible,don't let us see ourselves till your stay here will expire. I repeat don't let
our faces meet if you don't want trouble!
royal blurts out and left.

This is terrible!!
I sighed and stood beside the door.
I went down and sat in the floor.
am not really surprised because I am already use to words like idiot, prostitute,
bitch,asshole,whore,slut and so on....
Those words only made me remember my childhood days when no one wants to be my
friend or even touch me...
the only persons that had eyes for me then and even now are,guys

Girls of my mate call me witch,bitch and unimaginable words like it's my fault to be this
Mrs Claudia's kid once called me a witch,judging by my looks..
Those words really hurt.
This is just too much for me.....
I never said I want trouble,I only want peace.

Just then,my phone beeped.

it was Mrs Rose.I quickly pick the call so that I won't miss it.

💗 Krishna,how is everything?? she asked,over the phone.

"fine ma....but I think I want to quit. I can't continue anymore" I replied.
💗 why?? why??? but I thought you said you want to help Royal??? she reminded me.
💗 please,don't give up on him, he is always like that...please don't quit,he will soon get use
to you,he can be so annoying, please manage him" Mrs Rose said. I was very confused.

"Mrs rose what do you mean???

"Do you actually bring me here for the job of a call girl???? I asked, almost close to tears.
Mrs Rose didn't say anything.
"Mrs rose, what is it that you want from me??? I asked her.
She kept quiet.
Her quietness made me more confused.

"don't quit,Five stars will increase your pay"she answered another thing and quickly hung up
before I could say another thing.

Like seriously,I'm confused.

7hours passed,
I was still in that room since he said our faces should never meet.
I can't just wait for anymore.
I just wish one hour should pass again quickly do that I can leave.

"My friends are coming, prepare something for them..

Chris loves eating Shidya ,

Justin loves eating pancake
Jeffery loves eating Spaghetti .
Royal knock at my door and left immediately as if something is pursuing him.

I stood up immediately and find my way to the kitchen.

I tied the apron and also use a white cap to tie my hair.

I started cooking the dishes....

it was so difficult handling his kitchen utensils but I managed.
I spotted spoons,cups and plates with the name Royal, I didn't touch them since he already
warned me.
I concentrated on the dishes and cook them perfectly.

umm....does royal eat???

is he not hungry???
orrr,let me cook kimchi for him.
I guessed and started cooking another thing. I carried the already dished food to the
dining,making sure I bowed my head as I pass.

I set the dishes and dash back to the kitchen to prepare Royal's own,hoping he won't shout
at me.
I did it well and was serving it....
when he showed up from behind.
As usual,be distance himself from me.....

"That's why I said you're a witch...

how did you know that kimchi is my favorite???? Well,it smell nice but nevertheless, you can
keep it to yourself and stop enticing me. I asked you to cook for my friends and not me" he
scoffed and left.
I turn off the gas and put down the food....
this is terrible!!
I said and took off my apron and scarf and washed all what I used in cooking.

Thank goodness an hour has passed,making it a complete 8hours.

My work for today has ended.
I breathed out "what a relief" before dashing to my room. I pack my back and left for

I stopped halfway as I watch Jeffrey devouring the spaghetti like he has never eaten before..
Even Chris and Justin too.
I was happy.

Royal was just sitting beside Jeffrey on the dinning,doing some things on his phone.

"This is the most delicious meal I have ever tasted!! Jeffrey said in all smile.
"it's sooo delicious. Will you have a taste?? Jeff said,a mouthful of spoon in his mouth.

If only he knows a commoner cooked that food,I'm very sure he will pour it away.

"A maid cooked it. I mean a commoner that forced herself into working here" Royal replied.
It hurts somehow.I didn't even noticed tears in my eyes.

"Really??? well,I don't care. As for this spaghetti,I'm finishing it" Jeff said..
I was sooo happy.

"Gosh, I wish it was that girl!!!

Royal blurted.
Chris and Justin laughed.
extraordinary everyday.
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🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹)
Beautiful Love❤Song
( Krishna

EPISODE 26 💜💜💜💜💜💜

"I never knew you already have a she as sexy as Han Lilly???.
Chris asked royal who was busy with his phone.
"you should trust me in that" Royal replied, happily.It was my first time seeing him smile and
it was so cute.

"Royal,we are not understanding you. You're saying you've find another person,what about
the girl five stars recommend for you,what are you going to do with her? Jeff asked and
finally finish his spaghetti.
Not even a crumb was left in his plate.

"So five stars already choose someone for me?? Royal asked.
"of course yes,they choose someone for you,her name is Krishna. Royal you need to see
her,she is so pretty with a perfect description of a model. Should I call her for you to see
Justin asked.
my heart skipped a beat.
I hope they are not talking about my own Krishna. Well, definitely not because there are lots
of Krishna all over the word,it is even possible that there are people bearing Krishna in dice
high,apart from me.They can't even apoint me because number one, I won't sing publicly
and I have seen a situation whereby a commoner is chosen over a wealthy person.

"which Krishna? I'm not interested. I have my own her.Gosh, you guys are annoying" Royal
burst out.
"you're the one who is annoying and difficult to get" Chris replied him jokingly.
"Really?? royal scoffed and hit him with the spoon Jeff used to eat.

"Royal,why not see the girl first?

Jeff suggested.
"No" Royal replied.
Chris and Justin gave up in convincing him.
"excuse me" royal said and stood up with his phone.I think it was a call.

"Mrs Dustin,can I have the backstage projector? I need to find out some things.I wanna try to
see if I can figure out someone's face through it. Make sure the projector get here within
25min" Royal speaks fast on phone and ended the call.
He then went ahead to sit close to Chris. He is very much close to Chris than any of them.
"why did you requested for,the school projector? Chris asked calmly.
"I want to find out about my HER. I wonder why she's always running away from me
whenever we meet" Royal replied.

my heart beat increased.

I know it's not me....I don't think I'm the only one who is always running from him.Our kisses
and hugs might be mistakes.Yes,they are mistakes.
I hope he finds the person soon.

At least,Mrs rose will release me from this,place quickly.

not quiet long,

a man and a young lady came in with laptops in there hands. I think I should leave so that
they can have privacy.
I turned back up the stairs quietly and intended to pass the back door since Royal said our
faces must not meet each other.
I was about opening the back door when someone held me.

"Sir Chris! I beemed,then bowed.

"how are you?? he asked,looking into my eyes.
"I'm fine" I replied but I never knew I was already in tears.
"you're fine and you're crying" Chris said and moved closer.
I fidget with my fingers and shifted back till my back hit the wall.
"I'm fine" I said again and wipe my tears. I don't even know why I cried.

"Sir Chris,can you do just one favour for me? I asked him,raising my little finger.
"ask me anything,I will do it and stop calling me Sir"he said.
"okay sir" I said
"Chris" he said.

"yes sir,....sorry sir....umm Chris" I replied.

"Good" he said and moved close to me,he use his thumb to clean my tears.'ask me what you
want' he said

"Chris,can you help me to tell Mrs rose to allow me go? I don't think I can continue this job" I
told him.
He smiled and use his thumb to dry my tears.
"never knew you are this cute when you're crying" he said.
I kept quirt and left my bag on the floor.
"look at me" he commands.
"okay,Chris" I said and look at him.
"why are you crying? he asked.
I kept quiet because I also don't know why I'm crying.
"was Royal rude and mean to you" he asked.
"Nooo,he was nice" I said.
he smiled and brought his face closer to mine like he wanted to kiss me. I look away.
He took his lips in and shifted his face back.

"Don't lie to me,do you like him? cause you can't be crying for no reason" he said.
"like who?? I widened my eyes.
"Royal of course, do you like him? I think you have feelings for him" he said.
I was quiet.
"tell me the truth" he added.
"who wouldn't want to? he is everyone's favorite,he is loved by everyone" I replied.
"I'm talking about you,not everybody.
Krishna,do you like royal??he asked.
"siiiiiiirrrrrrr" I stammered.
"yes,answer my question" he said.
"No,I don't like him" I replied and quickly drop my head down.

"you don't need to lie,I already saw it.You like him.Anyway,it is a very good thing at
least,Royal deserve someone as good as you. If you really like him,then you need to be
calm and patience. Royal is worst when it comes to girls. I remember the times he use to
change his cloths whenever he gets touched by girls...
To him,girls are disaster.
Girls are his weakness.....
Royal said girls are annoying....
Coupled up with his competitors, do you think it will be easy for him?
He has many unhealed scars in his heart that's why he is finding it very difficult to trust and
forgive but once he loves someone,it's very sure the person won't suffer.He can be rude and
cold but he is still the most kind person I have ever seen.Bear with him" Chris said.

why are you telling me this???
"I didn't say I like him and besides, I am a maid...I love in the normal way and I care in the
normal way" I said.
His ringing phone made him move away from me.

"Elliot,what did you say??.

he asked over the phone.
I could hear every single thing since the call was on loud speaker.
"Chris,you have a show tonight" Elliot said.Chris frowned.It was obvious he doesn't want to

"ohhh Chris, he is not around.This is Justin" Chris suddenly made his voice sound like
Justin's own.

"Okay Justin,give the phone to Chris" Elliot said.

"Nope,Chris is not here.It's only I and Jeffrey" Chris formed his voice. it sounded very much
"Give the phone to Jeffrey" Elliot said.
Chris looked at me then smiled.
"Jeff I think you should take up this singles song since Chris is being careless about it" Elliot
"hell no!! I have my confirmation go attend. I need breathing space. You can tell Royal to do
that!! Chris formed Jeff's voice again.
"You brats!!!!! Elliot shouted over the phone and hung up angrily.
Chris turn to look at me.

"Krish,you can tell me anything....

take me as a brother,okay" Chris blew me a kiss.
I went out immediately.

Thank God it's not my Krishna...

well,its good for Han Lilly.
She deserve to see someone take who she always boast about away.
I got to the gate and was scanned with a detector before I was allowed out.It really befit the
standard of the house. That means they trust no one.

I had not even walk much when a black car stopped in front of where I was standing.
ohhh no,Romeo! my eyes sparkle.
He was putting on a red tracksuit with a white inner tux.His hair was dyed black,on his left
ear was a tiny diamond earrings.
He whine his window totally .
The first thing he did was to look at me lustfully. I wish I could slap him for doing that.
but who am I to do that?
He smirks and direct his gaze to my hips,maybe because I was wide there
Then his left hand went for the plastic water that was lying on the space beside the driver
He opened the plastic and gulp the content halfly.
I wanted to move away but his words stopped me.
"you dare not move when I'm still looking at you" he said.

I hissed at him....
"Romeo,you're soo inhuman...."
I stopped my statement and squeeze my mouth because of his guards who are already
getting out of the first car.

"it's actually a good thing you now work here as a maid.I will advise you to be a maid and
nothing more.Don't try anything intimate with him.Stat away from him in that house and if
possible,quit. You must have heard about Mrs suga,Krishna be warned if you don't want to
face her warths!!
Romeo cautioned and drove away.

I took a cab immediately and drop at Shantai's house.I was,lucky her mom wasn't in.If not,I
will end up chased away.I was ushered in.
Shantai caught me unaware and hug me.It was so long and I kind of miss her.
"Dora told me everything. Are they treating you well?? Shantai asked while opening the
"yes,they are nice.Most especially Chris and Justin.Jeffrey is like Royal, he doesn't talk" I

"do you like the job?? I wish it was me so that I will get the chance of seeing royal everyday"
Shantai winked.
I smiled.
"do you like him??? she ask.
"maybe...small" I replied.

"anyway,are you attending spark training camp? it's a two days training for all dice high
student" she explained.I look on as she speak.
"is it free??? I asked.
"Nope.... it's one million rupees note" Shantai replied.
"ahhhh,I don't think I can go.How will I even tell Mrs Claudia to pay for me. She told me to be
in dice high for the certificate, not for trainings" I replied.
"common Krishna.... dice high is a competition high,it's more of a training camp.It's also for
learning and besides it's compulsory and it will come up in one weeks time. it's hundred
marks.Whosoever that doesn't pay will score zero.Hope you don't want carry over? Shantai
I look down." I will try...."

"common,cheer up. You're a pretty girl,stop making that face.Now,let me tell you a secret"
she said and kissed my cheeks in an unaware manner.

"one simple thing can transform a human being is emotion.Your emotion can drag you into
the gutter or take you to the highest peak of consciousness. Be careful with your emotions"
she said.
"thank you" I replied and stood up.

She phoned a guard and told him to help in dropping me home before her mom returns.

Chris p.o.v~~~

"you're surely going to win the bet about Krishna's heart. You are caring too much for her"
Justin jerked me and stop me from joining royal in the living room.
I turn to look at him.
"you like Krishna? you have feelings for her? don't lie,I saw you, you almost kiss her red
lips.You would have kissed her if she had not shifted back. She's driving you crazy"
Justin said.
I dipped my fingers into my hair, not knowing what to say.

"Chris,you love her" Justin said.

"Justin,let's drop the bet on Krishna, she's not that type of girl.She's just an innocent girl who
is lucky to have three times the body shape of what other girls will wish for. She's weak
whenever it comes to emotion.Royal is the best for her,me and you don't deserve her, we
are playboys.I think she's in love with Royal but she doesn't know it yet. Krishna is Royal's
medicine.Do not let us touch her.....
I wanted her,yes
I wanted to see her pant,yes
I wanted to have sex with her,yes
I wanted her to kiss with me,yes but all that stopped when i learnt that guys are her greatest
fear and that's why she is always conscious of her body.You could see she moved back
when I wanted to kiss her,if it were to be other girls,they won't move back. Instead of tearing
her and royal apart, let's help bringing them together..

Five stars never want to loose Royal,

They want royal in the next competition so that we will win......
I think we should try to bring them together because Krishna's voice and appearance will
solve the puzzle. It's really rare to see someone that have that type of Krishna's skin and
body shape.Her voice is very powerful with lots of emotions" I said.

"Okay,no more bet but can you cope?

it's obvious you're in love with her"
Justin said.

"I will manage. I really know how to hide my emotions" I replied.

"are you sure? Justin asked.
"Yes I can.She is meant for Royal and not for me.Royal falling for her will change her life.If I
should force her, it will look as if am selfish and that I am punishing her creator. She's just a
definition of a helpless talented lady.I'm doing it for Krishna herself.I can't just take
advantage of her ignorance and Royal's amnesia.

Am even glad Jeffrey who doesn't like commoners accepted her when Dora showed him
many videos Krishna dance and many songs that she sang.........Jeff even cried when he
listened to her song.

Royal own was worst....

Royal doesn't sing peoples song but he sang her song and copied her dance steps.... that
means he loves her the most.

Our chances on wining the debut depends on Krishna.

Sooner or later,Royal will find out about her.....
I wish that day will come fast.

Krishyal,I can't wait for your bonding.

They will help themselves.

extraordinary everyday.


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