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Schools of Thought

A school of is a collection of people who put their ideas under the same umbrella.
Because these people have similar ideas, and they use similar methodologies, and their
aim is also similar. These people may not belong in the same region.
We will discuss the Humanistic school of thought.

Humanistic Approach:
• Humanism is concerned with helping people realize their full potential.
• Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow emphasized the unique qualities of humans,
especially their freedom of choice and decision making, as well as their potential
for personal growth.
This school of thought is related to Human potential. This school of thought is related
to Human potential. every individual has their own potential, but not every person can
use their potential.
In this school of thought, every human has unique qualities, especially their freedom
of choice and decision making.
In my professional life, I have the freedom to choose a University that is best for my
life, and I can choose any program. It all depends on me because I can make my
decision, or I have freedom of choice. But all in that If we have freedom of choice
then I also have responsibilities. We must complete these two concepts.
if I choose the BBA program. Then my responsibility is to that learn more about a
new business idea, improve our communication skills, get a good grade in every
subject. If I did not that, then I cannot full fill this concept.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

Also called “theory of human motivation”
According to Abraham Maslow, one had to reach one need before reaching another

Below are the general stages in order and descriptions of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:

Physiological Needs:
These basic needs include food, water, sleep, oxygen, and warmth. If these needs are
not satisfied the physical body cannot function optimally. Maslow considered
physiological needs the foremost important as all the opposite needs become
secondary until these needs are met.

Safety and security:

If all students have these needs met, subsequent stage is Safety and security. These
needs are often fulfilled by the family and society. These needs include shelter, job
security, health, Family, and safe environments.
Love and Belonging :
Everyone must feel loved and wanted. they need to feel they are a crucial a part
of their families, social groups, and community .
Self Esteem:
If an individual has low self-esteem, it results in an efficient unbalance and
thus produces negative effects on academic performance. These needs include
confidence, achievement, and respect for others.
Self-actualization needs are the very best level in Maslow's hierarchy and ask the
belief of an individual's potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth, and peak
experiences. Maslow describes this level because the desire to accomplish everything
that one can, to become the foremost that one is often.

creativity, Morality,
Acceptance, experience

Confidence, achievement, respect of others,
the need to be a unique individual.

Love and Belonging

Friendship, Family, sense of connection

Safety and security

Health, employment, Education, property

Physiological Needs

Food, water, clothes, Air, Health, sleep, breathing.

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