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1. Arrhenius k 1 set of conditions 2 A first order reaction has an activation energy of 65.

1 kJ/mol and a frequency factor (Arrhenius constant) of 3.68 x 1012 sec -1. Calculate the rate constant at 11 oC.(3.908)

2. A first order reaction has a rate constant of 0.136 at 25 oC. Given that the activation energy is 92.2 kJ/mol, calculate the rate constant at 48 oC. (1.957)

3. Consider the reaction, A + B + C => D, which is found to be first order in A, first order in B and first order in C. (either 2/3) Which step of the proposed mechanism must be slow in order to agree with this rate law? 1. A(g) + B(g) => X(g) 2. X(g) + C(g) => Y(g) 3. Y(g) => D(g)

4. The proposed mechanism for a reaction is: I2 => 2 I Fast I + H2 => H2I Fast H2I + I => 2 HI Slow Which of the following would be a rate law for the reaction? (rate = k[I2][H2])

5. Consider the following mechanism: (reactant) NO => N + O O + O3 => 2 O2 O2 + N => NO2 What is the role of NO?

6. Consider the following mechanism: 1. ClO-(aq) + H2O(l) <=>HClO(aq) + OH-(aq) FAST 2. I-(aq) + HClO(aq) => HIO(aq) + Cl-(aq) SLOW 3. OH-(aq) + HIO(aq) => H2O(l) + IO-(aq) FAST What is the molecularity of step 2? (bimolecular)

7.This exothermic reaction is catalyzed by MnO2(s). 2H2O2(aq) => 2 H2O(l) + O2(g) Which of the following will increase the rate of this reaction? (Both 1 and 2) 1. Raising the temperature 2. Increasing the surface area of MnO2(s)

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