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 ITLA Virtual  Mis cursos Este curso Español - Internacional (es)   Stacy Dion Marte Gómez

 2022-C-2-1557-472-ING-

 Participantes
Inglés Nivel 10-12 (Virtual) | 2022-C-2 | Jesus Manuel Reyes de la Cruz
 Insignias Área personal / Mis cursos / 2022-C-2-1557-472-ING-004 / Tema 9 / 2 PARTIAL EXAM. BOOK 5, MODULES: 2 AND 3

 Competencias

 Calificaciones Comenzado el Monday, 18 de July de 2022, 16:11 Navegación por el

Estado Finalizado
 Finalizado en Monday, 18 de July de 2022, 17:05 1
Tiempo 53 minutos 51 segundos
 Tema 6 empleado
Finalizar revisión
Calificación 2.20 de 3.00 (73%)
 Tema 7
Pregunta 1 Vocabulary
 Tema 8 Finalizado
1.    Complete the sentences with the correct word.         
Se puntúa 2.20
 Tema 9 sobre 3.00 • glittered  • far-fetched  • fussy  • rotten  • raw  • manipulate  • spoiled
Marcar • edible  • marinated  • mind-boggling
 Área personal
   1     David marinated the chicken for 3 hours before he cooked it.

 Inicio del sitio

   2     There are so many possible uses for nanotechnology; it’s glittered !

 Calendario
   3     Alfred is a really spoiled  child; he always gets what he wants.

   4     Time travel may be a rather mind-boggling  idea, but one day it could be possible.

   5     Ruth doesn’t like vegetables; she’s such a fussy  eater.

   6     The trainer is able to manipulate the shark into various poses.

2.    Complete the sentences with the correct word.         
• flipping  • refreshed  • tickled  • insomnia  • indigestion  • splitting  • chuckled
• side effects  • contagious  • treading

   1     He chuckled softly while reading the comic book.

   2     You will be treading in dangerous waters if you try to climb the mountain after dark.

   3     Sue has a insomnia  headache and is lying down at the moment.

   4     Tim has indigestion  from eating a lot of spicy food at dinner.

   5     She kept flipping nervously through the magazine in the dentist’s office.

   6     The laughter was so contagious that I couldn’t stop myself from laughing too.

3.   Underline the correct item.

   1     If a shark approaches, divers should avoid signaling/waving their hands around in the water.


(A) signaling (B) waving

Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 10.00

   2     The deep-sea diver was chewed/bitten on the leg by a shark.

(A) chewed (B) bitten

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

   3     The government has delayed/restricted the number of alligators each person may hunt.

(A) restricted (B) delivered

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

   4     Carrie moved to Louisiana to enjoy a slower pace/rate of life.

(A) rate (B) pace

Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 10.00


   5     Liam bent/knelt down on the ground to get a closer look at the mineral.

(A) knelt (B) bent

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

   6     The inventor believes he has cracked/broken the secret to time travel!       

(A) cracked (B) broken

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   7     They could hear roars/chants of laughter coming from the theater.

(A) chants (B) roars

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   8     Running is a great way to let off some energy/steam.

(A) steam (B) energy

Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 10.00

   9     You need to find an effective way to relieve/calm your stress.

(A) calm (B) relieve

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

10     She recovered/suffered from heart surgery and is doing very well now.

(A) recovered (B) suffered

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

 4. Grammar

     Choose the correct item. 

   1    This time next week, I ......... to England in order to attend the World Science Fair.

          A  will fly                  C  will have flown            

         B am flying               D will be flying

(A) will fly (B) am flying (C) will have flown (D) will be flying

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00


   2     The planetarium .........  at 10 o’clock every day.

          A  opens                   C  is opening

          B  will be opening     D  will have opened

(A) opens (B) will be opening (C) is opening (D) will have opened

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

   3     Would you ever consider ......... with sharks?

          A  to swim                C  swim

          B  swimming            D  to be swimming

(A) to swim (B) swimming (C) swim (D) to be swimming

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

   4     Even though he’s quite adventurous, Gavin still refuses ......... roasted ants.

          A  eating                   C  to eat

          B  to be eating          D  eat

(A) eating (B) to be eating (C) to eat (D) eat

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

   5     Do you want to go for dinner at 7 p.m.?

I  ......... work by then.

          A  am finishing         C  finish

          B  will have finished D  going to finish

(A) am finishing (B) will have finished (C) finish (D) going to finish

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

   6     I’ll never forget ......... last years’ skateboarding championship.

          A  to win                   C  to be winning

          B  win                       D  winning

(A) to win (B) win (C) to be winning (D) winning

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

   7     I promise I ......... you to the science festival tomorrow.

          A  will be taking        C  take

          B  will take               D  am taking

(A) will be taking (B) will take (C) take (D) am taking

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

   8    You ......... exercise more often if you want to reduce stress.

          A  need                    C  had better

          B  are likely to          D  are bound to

(A) need (B) are likely to (C) had better (D) are bound to

Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 10.00

   9     You ......... worry about dinner tonight; I already made it.

          A  can’t                     C  needn’t

          B  wouldn’t               D  couldn’t        

(A) can’t (B) wouldn’t (C) needn’t (D) couldn’t

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

10     Jean ......... go on the trip to the nature spa because she is working.

          A  wouldn’t               C  can’t

          B  needn’t                 D  doesn’t have to

(A) would’t (B) needn’t (C) can’t (D) doesn’t have to

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

11     You ......... change the bandage once a day.

          A  are bound to        C  are likely to

          B  are to                   D  would

(A) are bound to (B) are to (C) are likely to (D) would

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

12     You ......... have the correct qualifications in reflexology to work at the clinic.

          A  can                      C  need

          B  ought                   D  must

(A) can (B) ought (C) need (D) must

Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 10.00

5.     Reading

   E    Read the text. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences
(A-H) the one that best fits each blank (1-7). There is one extra sentence. (ONLY USE THE CORRECT

Wrapped in Chocolate

A deliciously indulgent day at the spa

If you are a fan of chocolate, then the following spa treatment was made for you! Introducing the
chocolate body wrap: the new (and healthy) way to enjoy your favorite treat!

The mouth-watering treatment involves getting smothered in a thick layer of delicious melted
chocolate. 1      F Then comes the best part: sampling the tasty body treatment while it works

its magic on your skin!

Like other body wrap treatments, chocolate wraps are designed to eliminate harmful toxins in the
body. This results in smoother, healthier-looking skin. 2 B    This means that it firms up the skin

while also reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

As well as being good for the body, chocolate is also an excellent stress reliever. 3  E

In addition to this, when absorbed through the skin, chocolate stimulates endorphins (feel-good
chemicals) and lowers blood pressure. It also reduces hunger, but only if you can resist the tempting
smell of the treatment!

Once patients have been thoroughly soaked in chocolate, they are unwrapped and rinsed with warm
water.  4 A            This is due to the release of water through sweating and is a temporary

effect of all wrap therapies. For more lasting results, a series of treatments is recommended, which
should be combined with a healthy diet as well as regular exercise.

Although chocolate body wraps are generally safe for the majority of people, it is not recommended
for pregnant women.  5 D    If in doubt, always inform your specialist of any health issues

before proceeding with the treatment.

The prices of body wrap treatments vary from spa to spa, but are often considerably high. A single
session could cost hundreds of dollars, which is a major drawback. Many spas will offer a package deal
for multiple sessions that may prove more cost-effective in the long run. 6_ G

If a chocolate spa treatment is a little out of your price range, don’t worry! You can still enjoy a relaxing
chocolate face mask in the comfort of your own home. All you need is ½ cup of cocoa, ¼ cup of
honey, some cream, and oatmeal powder. 7 C After twenty minutes, rinse it all off and enjoy

all the benefits of a chocolate treatment for a fraction of the price!

             A   Afterwards, many people report a sense of well-being as well as immediate weight loss.

             B   The added benefit of using chocolate is that it contains anti-aging properties.

             C    Blend the ingredients together and then massage the mixture onto your face.
             D    It is also unsuitable for those with high blood pressure or heart disease due to the
tightness  of the wrap.

             E Once covered, patients are then wrapped in foil and told to lie back and relax.

             F  Patients can choose from a variety of chocolate-themed treatments.

            G However, it will still leave quite a hefty dent in your wallet!

            H   Studies show that the smell alone is enough to improve a person’s mood.

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◄ Vocabulary Ir a...

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