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 ITLA Virtual  Mis cursos Este curso Español - Internacional (es)   Stacy Dion Marte Gómez

 2022-C-2-1557-472-ING-

 Participantes
Inglés Nivel 10-12 (Virtual) | 2022-C-2 | Jesus Manuel Reyes de la Cruz
 Insignias Área personal / Mis cursos / 2022-C-2-1557-472-ING-004 / Tema 10 / Grammar

 Competencias

 Calificaciones Comenzado el Thursday, 28 de July de 2022, 22:03 Navegación por el

Estado Finalizado
 Finalizado en Thursday, 28 de July de 2022, 22:11 1 2 3 4 5
Tiempo 8 minutos 42 segundos
 Tema 6 empleado 6 7 8 9 10
Puntos 70.00/100.00
 Tema 7 Calificación 7.00 de 10.00 (70%) Finalizar revisión

 Tema 8 Pregunta 1 Write the correct tense (present perfect or present perfect progressive) according to the word in
Correcta parenthesis.
 Tema 9 Se puntúa 10.00
sobre 10.00
 Tema 10 Marcar
I think you're right. He has walked by us at least twenty times. He probably thinks we (order, already) 
pregunta have already ord
 Área personal  .

 Inicio del sitio

La respuesta correcta es: have already ordered

Pregunta 2 I think the waiter has forgot us. We (wait) 

have been waitin
Se puntúa 10.00
sobre 10.00  here for over half an hour and nobody has taken our order yet.

La respuesta correcta es: have been waiting

Pregunta 3 Look at that couple over there, they (be, only) 

have only been
Se puntúa 10.00
sobre 10.00  here for five or ten minutes and they already have their food.

La respuesta correcta es: have only been

Pregunta 4 He must realize we have not ordered yet! We (sit) 

have been sitting
Se puntúa 10.00
sobre 10.00  here for over half an hour staring at him.

La respuesta correcta es: have been sitting

Pregunta 5 I don't know if he has even noticed us. He (run) 

has been running
Se puntúa 10.00
sobre 10.00  from table to table taking order and serving food.

La respuesta correcta es: has been running

Pregunta 6 That's true, and he )look, not) 

hasn't looked
Se puntúa 0.00
sobre 10.00  in our direction once.

La respuesta correcta es: has not looked

Pregunta 7 We ___________ (study) English yesterday at 4:00 pm.


Se puntúa 10.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 10.00
a. had had studied
pregunta b. were studying 

c. was studying

d. had been studying

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: were studying

Pregunta 8 When I arrived, they ___________ (play) cards.


Se puntúa 0.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 10.00
a. played
pregunta b. were playing

c. was played 

d. had played

Your answer is incorrect.

La respuesta correcta es: were playing

Pregunta 9 Mr. Thomson ___________ (drive) very fast when he hit the tree.

Se puntúa 0.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 10.00
a. was driving
pregunta b. had driven

c. was drove

d. had been driving 

Your answer is incorrect.

La respuesta correcta es: was driving

Pregunta 10 While Mr. Triump ___________ (fix) the television, he fell asleep.


Se puntúa 10.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 10.00
a. were fixing
pregunta b. was fixing 

c. had been fixing

d. had fixing

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: was fixing

Finalizar revisión

◄ Vocabulary Ir a... Phrasal Verbs ►

Instituto Tecnológico de Las Américas ITLA

ITLA Centro de Educación en
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