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)! Test 7 rn lete the spaces With the most suitable Word/phrase given.

Use eac
11 Co p h word/ phrase once only. There are two extra words that
you do not need.


/ (10x 1) 10Polnts

I needed i ·· ~:.! minute1 to complete this task

I - ·- --c- ' .• I BEEN
Language Competence Test I HAVE I - (no word isneeded) I WITHOUT I TO I
I/tiII Would you ........ . be.. ...... · 0 prepared to manage all your financesthrough your smartphone? This is the
The use of a dictionary IsNOT allowed.
hope Of
You have 30 minutes for thistest many financial technology (fintech) start-ups aiming to transform our money management habits.
'i (1Sx1) 15 points

I Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below.
;~:i:.;[ :J minutes to complete this task They think we now trust our mobile technology . . . . . .. . . .. . .. 1 to carry out banking, money transfers,

investments and loan applications
By introducing new special features we hope to strengthen the brand ...... of our customers. 2 ever stepping into a bank branch or writing a cheque.
But are they right?
A popularity likelihood c devotion @ loyalty

Whenever a new banknote is issued some people try to pay with ...... money. One start-up is going a step
3 , bringing many financial services together onto one app
A counterfeit a invalid c forgery D infringed
4 that you have complete visibility of all your cash transactions in one place. The app,
Parallel with the spread of the Internet ...... is becoming a popular form of employment.
called Bud, has .. .... ... .. ..... ..... 5 developed by 26-year-old Ed Maslaveckas. He says:"Many people simply
Ahomework a housework c homeworking o commuting
don't have the time or expertise to track down the apps
6 can 'help them manage their
3 Are you ...... with the Japanese corporate culture?
Awell-known a familiar c informed o introduced money. So we've created an independent, universal ban king app for my generation and anyone else who
wants to make their money ... ......... ...... ... 7 work harder for them.•
4 Blue ...... jobs usually pay less than jobs in offices.
A berry a -print c -collar o -chip As well as several ma instream banks, many other fintech firm s
8 joined Bud, including
s We will have to do some ...... this week if we want to finish the project by the deadline. crowd-investment platform Crowdcube. The idea
9 that customers will be able to

, overwork a flexitime c core time o overtime
aggregate all their bank and credit card accounts into one place and switch money between them quickly and
6 is collected separately in some countries.
•. ...• waste
easily. "The Bud app fits into a wider trend in the market as banks battle it out to make their online services as
A Home a Household c Housework o Housing
effortless as possible," says John Rakowski, director of technology strategy at AppDynamics.
, The Japanese Nippon Bank has opened a new ...... in our town
I , outlet a service c branch o subsidiary "As consumers become increasingly used intuitive tools such as Siri and Google Now_.
• The company usually .... all my costs while I am abroad on a business trip. the idea of using multiple apps to do their banking is becoming outdated."
A covers a accounts for c amounts to o subsidises
9 Companies wishing to ...... the proj ect should follow the standard procedures. Ill Finish each sentence in such a way that it mea ns exactly the same 0
/ {Sxl )Spoints
, apply a bid c supply for as the sentence before it.
o tender for I needed minutes to complete this task
1o The biggest ...... we are facing in the near future is from the cheap competition. Both Mr Jones and his deputy disagree with the Board's decision.
A strength a weakness c opportunity
o threat Neither .... Mr Jones nor his deputy agree with the Board's decision ................................................................................
11 Hungary and nine other countries ...... to the EU in 2004. 1
It might be worthwhile to seriously look into the problem.
Abecame members a acceded
cjoined It is worth ....................................................................................................................................... ................................................
o entered
I'm really sorry, but we cannot offer you a job as there is no ...... currently. . . 2
Our product is the most popular one on the market
A vacancy a redundancy c joblessness o downsizing
No other ........................................................................................................................................................................
Price-...... shoppers compare the prices of two similar products and buy the cheaper one. 3
There has been a definite improvement in your work recently.
A determined a conscious c cautious o interested
14 Lately your work
The head of department was accused of ...... and finally he was forced to resign.
8 bribery 4
A bribe c bribing The problem was too difficult for him to solve.
1 o bribed It was such
s They ...... a new product in May but I'm not sure the market was ready for it.
A launched imposed c invented

s Scientists expect global warming to continue in our century.
o resourced
Global warming is ............................... .. .................


On the basis
of the text are the following statements true (T) or false
,•s an example (0) for you.
/ (Sx t) S points
0 (!) F
I needed
o Not only iPhones will be more environmentally friendly.
The use of a printed dictionary isa_llowed- nsion test and the writing task. T ' F I minutes to complete this task
You have 150 minutes for the reading comprehe Apple has stopped mining the earth for minerals.
2 Apple is close to fulfilling its promise.
TEXT 1 led material T F
J Building "Liam" is the second step of recycling.
k iPhone entirely from recyc
Apple pledges to ma e . h company needs more customers to recycle F • 4 Apple requires suppliers to use renewable energy only
. . First, t e . . . .
Apple has said it aims to make all of ,ts ,Phones, their devices, whilst bu,ldmg its own capacity to re- T F s Rivals have already fallen behind Apple.
iPads and other products entirely from renewable them. Apple has built a machine called ' Liarn•
· the earth use
or recycled materials and stop mining . that can take apart around 2.4m phones a Year
fo r anything. That's not something that can be s~,d so their parts can be re-used. By compari son, the
11 Answer the questions briefly (1 - 10 words) on the basis of the text.
for the current crop of smartphones from App e, mpany shipped 75m iPhones in the last th ree
f · of which co Full sentences are not required. The re is an exam ple (0) for you .
Samsung and others, the manu actunng nths of this year alone. That's not to mentio n /(Sxl ) Spoints
h ar Many of mo
uses millions of tonnes of CO2 eac ye · . ·p d Macs and other products. o What will Apple replace mined materials with? I needed
the ir smartphones also contain components built I a s, minutes to complete this task

from minerals such as gold which have been linked Apple also said it needs to do more to re d uce its ... Renewable and recycled materials............................................
to environmental degradation. In March, Apple estimated 29.Sm metric tonnes of greenhouse gas ···················••..... ·········• .. , ...........
stopped buying cobalt mined by hand in Congo, emissions. More than a third of these are from the
, What proves the fact that Apple is not environment friendly at the moment? (Write two)
following reports of child labour and dangerous production of aluminium· a highly energy-intensive
working conditions. Children as young as eight were process. Apple said it has already reduced the
found to be working 12-hour days carrying heavy amount ofaluminium in the iPhone 7 by 27 per cent
sacks, sometimes in heavy rain. compared to the iPhone 6. The company has also 2 How can the company eliminate its influence on the environment?
In its annual environmental report the firm said work put pressure on its suppliers to reduce thei r carbon
is well underway towards its pledge for a so-called footprints, with seven having now pledged to power
I 'closed-loop supply chain'. meaning, in theory, it can
make its products with zero environmental impact.
their Apple production entirely with renewa ble
energy, the company said.
J Why could Apple have waited with the announcement of its plan?
But the report admitted that it still has some way to
Gary Cook, a senior analyst at Greenpeace International
go to realise its lofty ambition. "We're actually doing
I something we rarely do, which is announce a goal
before we've completely figured out how to do it,"
said: 'This commitment has put Apple far ahead of
others in the sector. Major IT brands such as Samsung,
What proves the fact that ' Liam's" capacity will be limited?

I said Lisa Jackson, Apple's head of environmental Huawei, and Microsoft should quickly match Apple's
policy, in an interview with Vice News. leadership, if they don't want to risk fallin g even
further behind:' 5
Why is aluminium production especially polluting?


Ill Ch
oose the best one of the given alternatives (a / b / c). There is an
examP le (0) for you.
I ll0xl) 10 Points
TEXT 2 II more British foo d? I needed
minutes to complete this task
Ready meals...
UK supermarkets: Why don'tthey se . financial.
The hurdles aren't iust . The UK doesn't 0
A make you even hungrier.
ve enough room to grow all the crops
When you pop your ready meal into the microwave actua lly ha and @ may have been produced outside the UK.
keep all the animals that we currently eat. According

fl\ at the end of a long day at work, you're likely to be c are mostly produced in the UK.
to a survey, three-~u_arters of shoppers said they try
thinking how hungry you are, rather than marvel
to buy British food 1f 1t 1s available. Although notabl Waitrose ...
at the fact that the meal itself may well have been 1
a lot less . just under a third· said they were wi lliny, A changed the name of its lamb ready meals.
produced outside the UK.
The recent scandal at Waitrose, which was forced
to pay more for the privilege. But while the notion!
buying British may be appealing, the reality is that on
8 does not sell meals with lamb from New Zealand any more.
c labels all its ready meals as "British~
to rebrand the lamb ready meals in its ' British'
range because some are made with lamb from New a bigger scale it's very difficult to achieve. Food in the UK ...
Zealand, has highlighted the issue. When we go into And while supermarkets may talk of looking at A is in the centre of trade.

a supermarket, we're at the very centre of a huge web alternative supply sources · something which is s is dominantly an export product.
of food and drink trading relationships. In fact, just a good way of putting overseas supplie rs under c comes mostly from abroad.
half of the food we eat in the UK originates here, with pressure to keep costs low · the reality is that the
i In the UK ...
most of the rest imported from Europe. impact on consumers may also be unpalatable. A the Brexit vote has led to a fall in imports.
On top of this, the pound's 14% fall against the Lots of products which we take for granted as bei ng s importing companies have been hit by the Brexit vote.
euro since the Brexit vote means imports cost more .. available all year round, no longer would be. c British suppliers might increase costs.
Supermarkets are secretive on just how much they Production cannot be changed quickly, whether
source from the UK, with Morrisons the only one of • Morrisons...
you're talking about zucchinis or cotton trousers in
the "Big Four· to answer my email on this question. It A ordered the report on global trends.
an economy almost entirely rel iant on the services
has pledged to recruit 200 more British suppliers after s reacted to the email together with the "Big Four".
economy. The intensity of compet ition from c decided to hire more British staff.
a report it commissioned found global uncertainties.
discounters Lidl and Aldi, and the ever-present threat
The chain is already in an unusual position in that it
of Amazon, means supermarkets will be willi ng s It will be difficult. ..
already owns a slaughterhouse and meat-processing
to absorb much of the rising costs to protect their A for Morrisons to create a domestic supply chain.
operations, as well as produce-packing sites, making
market share. For supermarkets this fierce war for s for the UK to use all the room for food production.
it easier for it to be more self-reliant. For many of its
customers is a far bigger priority than sourcing more c for its competitors to keep up with Morrison,.
rivals, replicating this kind of domestic supply chain
would be much tougher. food from the UK.
6 Most people surveyed ...
A buy British food.
8 are willing to pay more for British food .

c would give preference to British food.

7 Dependence on food imports ...
A is currently unavoidable.
8 could be eliminated if people were willing to pay more for British food.

C could be offset by better financial conditions.

8 A change in the supply system ...

1· A will be welcomed by consumers.

II 8 might decrease import costs.

C would hit all import products.

111 9 In the UK it would be ...

I A difficult to replace foreign suppliers.

8 sensible to improve the service sector.

c more realistic to produce cotton trousers than food.

Supermarkets ...
A are intensifying competition with discounters.
8 will not be willing to pass on rising costs to consumers.

c give priority to local production to beat discounters. ¥@

m11 61
Writing Task
The use of a printed dictionary is allowed. d' comprehension test.
You have 150 minutes for the writing task and the rea mg
Write an e-mail in 100-120 words.
Do NOT use your own name in your writing.
[ :J '-~~nts
I needed L ___ j minute, to -plot, thh laslt
rd You
ogram ro, , oompa,y ~at ""'"' pO,tt, '"" ,.,,., Yoo "' plao,i,, • '"'"" ., ''""""''
me for schools across the country to raise green awareness and to tackle the important topic of
Write your opinion using the given prompts in 140-160 wo s. ..f / 35 points
I needed !,.... ............
. ·: minutes to complete this t collect
p, Inyo
g ur opinion
wa,te v,,. "'""" u,...,••.,,.., - "'"" """
on the issue in an e-mail.
""'""'· rom,..,, - yoo •
_ ask
Use the given prompts for your composition:
For decades there has been a strong consensus that globalisation brought more jobs, higher wa
lower prices - not just for richer countries but also for developing and poorer nations. But man ges and
, how you see the current level of green awareness in the country
, how you would educate people in this respect I
including politicians, are now voicing their anger as they see jobs being taken by machines old _Y People,
t when and where you would go during the •road show•
disappearing and waves of migration disturbing the established order. ' induS ries

Use the given prompts for your composition:

the advantages/disadvantages of globalisation
how have countries like Hungary been affected by globalisation
what changes you predict in this respect in the next decades


task achievement
lexical resource: Sp
Igrammatical range and accuracy: Sp
~ e and coh~slon: Sp

- ,op
task achievement: op
lexical resource: 10 p
grammatical range and accuracy: p
62 5
TEST 7 coherence and cohesion: TEST 7 63

lete t he spaces with t he most suitab le word/phrase given.
Test 8
use eac h w o rd /ph rase once only. There are two extra words that
you d 0 n o t n eed. L •• __j /(10x1) lOpcints

I I~==:~·!
needed minutes to complete this task

- 11 I WH ICH I Ho w I LI KE

l :I
1~111•iiet•Wii·M-1¥Ni91 ······
over f
Since . . . . .... . 0 the start of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century, machines have been taking

'I The use of a dictionary Is NOT allowed. rom human workers. They are cheaper to run and produce more, but .. .. ... .. .. . .... ... .. 1 robots
'1 (15x1 ) 15 points
You have 30 minutes for this test.
end up
' I Choose the best word to fill each gap in th e sentences below. lminutes to complete this task doing all our work in the future? The shift to automation brought not only mass production,

. .. .. . .. 2 also anxiety over job losses - and those fears still exist today. Experts believe the latest
The Chinese bank has opened a new ...... in the country. o subsidiary cyber-p hy
0 slcal systems and the "Internet of things• demonstrate how we are now in the fourth phase of the
, outlet • hotspot @ branch
. IRe volution ' and we need .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ... 3 figure out how to progress.
The ...... is paid as a percentage of the annual turnover of the franchised outlet. D royalty
, dividend a commission c premium In Germany, t e
h government is looking to the future with a programme called Work 4.0. The new ·social
Money ...... seems to be easy in some countries of the world. compromise• .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . 4 aimed at providing more work-life balance for staff and better working
2 o cleaning
Alaundering a whitening c cleansing
conditions, while embracing technology and
5 advantages. Euronews journalist Damon
3 Last year lots of problems ...... owing to poor stock management.
o have risen Embling visited Audi's car factory in lngolstadt, north of Munich, to see
A rose a raised c arose 6 they are adapting
to a rapidly changing world.
• With the letter of application please ..... your OJ and a copy of your certificates.
, enclose , engage c entitle o enter
Around 600,000 new cars are made at the factory every year, with each one creat ed by 1,000 different robot s.
5 In the last few years the ...... power of people has significantly decreased in the country. But the company says it will not
7 reducing its 44,000 on-site staff. Audi's Vice President
, buyer a shopping c purchasing o paying
of Human Resources said:•
8 will be big changes in the nature of work, but in the end
• Nowadays more and more green energy is generated by wind ...... .
we will need all of our employees
A farms a locations c centres o ranches 9 we do today.• He added: "Jobs are already digitized
As my salary is rather low and I have to rent a flat, I am continuously in ....... in the offices. We also implemented mobile working. Now we're introducing flexible working hours in shifts
A debit , loan c debt D credit 1 o is part of a pilot project."
Never forget to print your name below your signature on your ...... .
A autobiography , appliance c cheque
D covering letter Ill Finish each sentence in such a wa y that it means exactly the same
as the sentence before it. !t(Sxl) 5 paints
• ...... between two firms are quite similar to marriages-they are not always happy and successful.
l neede,i/ ! minutes to complete this task
, Mergers a Takeovers c Acquisitions D Buyouts 0
Public employees demand that the governmen t keep its promises.
10 All of our administrative follow-up work is done in the ...... office in London.
Public employees want .... the government to keep its promises ..................................................................................... ..
A main a head c front
1 o base It is said that t he company is making h uge losses.
, During a recession, demand ...... goods and services declines.
, b 0 00 c~ The company is .............................................................................................................................................................................
D by 2
12 Shareholders expect maximum ...... on their investments. US salarie s are too high, that's why companies outsource different kinds of work to developing countries.

, income , gain c return o interest If US salaries ................................................................................................................................................................................... .

13 3
1Would like to open the window. I hope it will not disturb you.
The Public ...... (PR) department is responsible for forming the image of the company.
, Resources • Relations c Research Residence Do you mind ................................................................................................ ................................................................................... .
O 4
, Two hundred skilled workers have been ...... in the past 3 years.
They m ight have notified h im before the invoice arrived.
, redundant , made redundant c redundancy
15 He ........................................................................................................................................ .. .....................................................
The firm's ...... last year was not as good as expected by the management. D redundantly 5
"You should take some t ime off work: he suggested to me.
, resource a department c Performance
He advised ........................................................................................................ ................................................................................ .
o account
64 TEST 8

Language competence total: 30 / 3 = 10 points

TEST 8 65

Ont h e ba
sis of t he text are the following statements true {T) or false
(F) 7. There is an example (0) for you.
Reading Comprehension Test / (Sxl) S Poinls
T ® o Toshiba has given up on being saved. I needed
The use of a printed dictionary Is allowed. minutes to complete thistask
You have 150 minutes for the reading comprehension test and the writing task. T F 1 The fact that Toshiba is still alive is attributed to its creditors.

TEXT 1 T F 2 There are many zombie companies in Japan due to its economic problems.
T F 3 Innovation is the key to Toshiba's problems.
Can Toshiba escape fate of corporate Japan's zombie hordes?
T F 4 The semiconductor unit is a main rival for Samsung.
Breaking up is hard to do. But Toshiba President
Once a household name, Toshiba is now bleeding T F s Company owners are against the President's move.
Satoshi Tsunakawa has no other choice but to
billions of dollars and frantically trying to reassure
sell off some prized parts if he wants to keep the
investors that it will not give in to the kiss of death.
company afloat and alive. Toshiba is in the process of
The company admitted this week that its survival
is at risk following a major accounting scandal and auctioning off its semiconductor unit, which makes 11 Answer the questions briefly (1- 10 words) on the basis of the text.

an ill-timed investment in nuclear power. Toshiba memory chips for smartphones and, computers. It is full sentences are not required. There is an example (0) for you. / (Sxl) 5 Points

is a "walking dead" financially, says Gerhard Fasol, the world's second-largest chip manufacturer behind
o What does Toshiba promise to its present investors? Ineeded ~- minutes to complete this task
chief executive of Eurotechnology Japan: Zombie Samsung, which is a noteworthy ach ievement,
companies are loosely defined as loss-making or given how competitive the industry is. The chip sale
... It will not go bankrupt............................... ······························-··········································
insolvent entities that should be allowed to fail, but is now said to be facing opposition from various
continue to operate because of merciful creditors. stakeholders, including US firm Western Digital, 1 What were the reasons that drove Toshiba into this difficult situation? (Write two)
Thousands exist in Japan and the issue is considered which has a joint venture deal with Toshiba.
to be a reason why Japan's economy risks suffering The Japanese government is also believed to be
from a third ' lost decade". reluctant to allow the sale of another company with
2 Why is •creative destruction" a preferable scenario for the company's investors?
All Toshiba needs now is a bailout from the proprietary technologies to a Chinese or South
Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ), Korean rival. However, arguments that technology
a government-backed body that rescues ailing transfer ultimately trickles down to China are
companies, for this to happen. The fact that overall doubtful as Taiwan and Korea have more advanced 3
How is the low number of bankruptcies interpreted by some politicians?
bankruptcies have fallen for eight years in a row chip technologies. Toshiba could be allowed to fail.
is praised by Japan's Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, But that would have serious harmful consequences
as a sign of economic success. However, many and will see thousands of shareholders lose their
investors are not fans of this option. They argue that savings. Then there is the issue of national pride. Why does the government have no reason to worry about selling Japanese firms to Korean competitors?
zombie firms need to be killed off, so that "creative But the government cannot afford to be proud with
destruction" can take place. If the government gets Toshiba on the brink. So the best case scenario is for
involved, Toshiba might be found back on the brink the Japanese government to stay out of thi s bidding
s What might be set back by national pride?
again sometime in the future.
process and allow market forces to run their course.

66 TEST 8
e the b est on e o f the g iven a lternatives (a / b / c). There is an it (lOxl) lnts
Ill Ch o o se OJ fo r yo u. ....... __ .. ,,....... ..,10 po
exampl ( lneeded t .............. ' minutes to complete this ta sk
TEXT 2 At the insurance group staffare...
. taff to sleep slept fess than seven to eight hour 0

The company that pays ,ts s t "staff who s, A paid £300 a year far sleeping.
tha .
enence s1
d ·gnificant productivity loss on averag
e @ rewarded far sleeping enough.
1·1 pays to get a exp , r times more likely to catch a cold when
For staff at insurance group Aetna, such and were ,ou
c are not tired.
good night's sleep. Specifically $JOO a yeafr. 1 ep
h ·mpact o s e
exposed to the virus~
is the US firm 's concern about t e , Thefirm ...
fO rmance, that 11 . Huffington, the boss of Huffington Post

deprivation on employee. per t a scheme t ha1 Ananna A is a concern.

until 2007 she was trying to survive on very
encourages Its workers
says! ha t . s has seen a decline in its performance.
. to sign up hours of shut- little sleep_ often just three hours a night. Until one
rewards them for getting at feast seven c is worried that staff might underperform.
eye per night. Aetna staff that participate can earn day she lost consciousness in the office as a result
$25 for every 20 nights in which they sleep seven of exhaustion. Ms Huffington woke up covered in 2 Joining the scheme ...
th by 17,300 employees in 2014 was a success.
hours or more. Introduced in 2014, 17,JOO of e blood from a cut above her eye. "For many years 1 A

firm 's 49,500 employees participated last year. Staff subscribed to a very flawed definition of success. s means $25 per night for the staff.
are trusted to manually record how long they have "In terms of the traditional measures, which focus c requires staff to sleep enough.
slept every night. on money and power, I was very successful. I knew J The firm ...
Kay Mooney, Aetna's vice-president says that something had to radically change:• She is now so A offers money to staff doing exercises.
the sleep scheme is ·one of many different healthy enthusiastic about the need for people to get more s tracks staff's healthy lifestyles.
behaviours we wanted staff to track~The firm's staff sleep that earlier this year she released a best-selling c reco rds how many hours employees sleep.
also receive extra funds if they do exercise. "Aetna
book on the subject -
likes to view itself as a "living laboratory, to see if this 4 MsMooney...
US businesswoman Sabrina Pa rson s says she
is something effective for other large employers as A is pleased with their staff's honesty.

well~' We're not worried that some workers may be has valued getting a good night 's slee p for years.
B 's insurance group sets an example for other companies.
pocketing the cash without actually getting all the "When I'm tired I'm not quick on m y mental game, c feels t hat the scheme is effective.
sleep, it's on the honour system, we trust our staff; even simple tasks such as answe ring e mails can be
exhausting''. s The firm's initiative ...
she says.
Aetna's commitment to ensuring that its workers As more business leaders recognise the problems, A has led to a number of studies.
get enough sleep comes as a number of studies warn an industry has grown up to help th e m ta ck le th e B might reduce working days.
that not sleeping long enough can significantly affect issue as without enough sl e ep p e ople lose th ei r c might have a significant effect on performance.
our ability to do our job. In the us alone, the average ability to judge their own performa n ce. 6 Sleeping little ...
worker lo_ses 11.3 working days per year due 10 sleep
A leads to health problems.
deprivation . Meanwhile, a European study said
8 makes you exposed to viruses.
c was studied both in the US and Europe.
7 Arianna Huffing t o n ...
A did not perform well due to sleep deprivation.
8 misinterpreted the way to success.
c woke up one morning injured.
Arianna Huffington ...
A managed to make a lot of people interested in the importance of sleep.

was not interested in success anymore.

c was impressed by a book on the subject.
Sabrina Parsons ...
A does only simple tasks when she is tired.
!( 8
serves as a good example for the need of enough sleep.

'\1 '
c has not been able to sleep enough for many years.

Sleep deprivation leads to...

Wrong self-evaluation.
the need for more business leaders.
c Problems mainly in industrial fields.
Reading comprehension test total: 20 points
68 TEST 8

TEST 8 69
Write an e-mail in 100-120 words.
Do NOT use your own name in your writing.
'/ 25 points
The use of150
a printed dictionary is allowed. . teSI. I needed -·-·- - ··-; minutes to complete this task
You have minutes for the writing task and the reading comprehension
Your company hired a catering fi'.m (!opFoo~) to provi~e its services to 150 people participating in your
company event. You are severely d1ssat1sfied with the servIc~ o_fthe catering company in several respects. Your
11 ague (Jane/James), who works for your company and Is in charge of keeping contact with the catering
TA SK 1 i/35poi~IS co e ny, asked you to express your opinion on the issue in an e-mail.
Write your opinion using the given prompts in 140-1 60 words.
1needed [............. _[ minutes to complete this task
Use the given prompts for your composition: .
• the reasons w hy your company chose this catering firm
British people are keen to support their local economy. In fact, three-quarters of people said they t h t the problems were (mention two)
.buy British food
. and drink if it is available, mainly with the motivation
. to support. British manufacture ry to • : h:t compensation you would consider acceptable
Jobs, according to a survey of 1,700 shoppers. However, a lot less -JUSt under a third of them - said the
willing to pay more for buying British products. Y were

Use the given prompts for your composition:

• what you think of supporting domestic manufacturers
which sector/type of product would most need support in Hungary, why
• what you think a similar survey would find in Hungary

task achievement: 1op

lexical resource: 5p
grammatical range and accuracy: 5p
coherence and cohesion: 5p

task achievement: 10 P
lexical resource: 1OP
grammatical range and accuracy: 5p
70 TE ST S coherence and cohesion:
TEST 8 71

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