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Effective writers employ a variety of techniques in their writing.

However, the kind of

writing dictates the techniques to be employed by the writer.

This chapter discusses the techniques basically employed in technical writing and
these are Placement of Definition in Reports, Classification and Partition, Description of
Mechanism, Description of Process, Set of Instructions, Interpretation and Analysis, and
Summarizing and Outlining.
Specifically, at the end of this lesson you should be able to:
1. Apply the appropriate techniques in writing.

Lesson 1
Placement of Definition in Reports

Activity I. What comes into your mind the moment you hear the word Definition? What
are the different ways of defining terms in technical writing?

Lesson Proper

What is Definition?
Definition is a way of giving or explaining the meaning of an abstract
term or a concept.

It comes from Latin words, finire meaning “to limit”; and de meaning “from”. Therefore,
the explanation it gives is limited only to what the reader needs to know about the
term to avoid confusion.

To define is to set limit to or narrow down the area of meaning of the word. By giving a
meaning that clearly distinguishes what is being defined from other species or things,
definition works to prevent you from attaching other meaning to the target term. As
you come to know its specific group, basic features, and main function, you regard
the object as clearly different from other objects. As what Burnett (2005) said, this
makes you give the reversible property of definition, that is, a definition that fits only the
word; the word fits only the definition.
Technical writing is different from other types of writing. Technical writing uses many
scientific, technical or abstract terms and symbols that appear complex and
ambiguous. An insufficient explanation of these technical jargons may confuse the
readers. Thus, the terms that are often subjected to definition are expressions that
readers find unfamiliar such as abbreviations, acronyms, and other words with
specialized meanings. Thus, the extent of explanations given to a word greatly
depends on the audience’s or reader’s background knowledge of the term or on their
familiarity with the word being defined. (Penrose, 2010)

Importance of Definition
1. It gives the readers a clearer and
easier understanding of the concept Placement of Definition
or idea enough to encourage him to
read continuously till the end of the in Reports

2. It explains ideas or concepts behind The location of Definition is

various innovations, methods, and based on
techniques in the field of
technology. (1) the nature of the
audience or readers;
3. It lessens the gap between
technologically experts or “high- (2) length of the
tech” people and “low-tech” definition;
(3) the purpose and
4. It frees a person from any confusing, layout; and
or misunderstanding of a term.

(4) the agreed rules and

5. It helps a company member do his
job more efficiently towards a practices in an area
certain goal. of discipline.

6. It makes any technical written work

readable to all kinds of audience or

If the definition is short; meaning, one or two-sentence long, it should

be written in the Footnotes.

But if the definition consists of just a word or phrase or if you think the reader is not
inclined to read the report completely, you must put the definition in the Glossary. The
disadvantage about putting the Definition in the Glossary is the way this section
decreases the reader’s attention in reading every time he consults the Glossary for the
meaning of a difficult term.

Another section of paper where you can place Definitions is the

Introduction, that is, the meaning of the difficult term is necessary
for the reader’s understanding of the major parts of the paper.

But if the Definition uses 200 words or more, or it serves several

purposes for the readers, its place must be in the Appendix. (Lay,

Types of Definition
1. Informal Definition
This type of definition is also called a parenthetical definition or on
in-text definition. Appearing in the text in the form of a synonym, a
phrase, or a clause, this informal definition is distinguished or
separated from other words in the sentence through a dash, a colon,
a comma, parentheses, italics or bold face. In some cases, it
appears as a sentence following another sentence.

Being very quick and easy way of knowing the meaning of a

term, informal definition applies to general readers. It is also called a
dictionary definition because the meanings coming in the forms of
individual words or phrases writer after the term look like list of words
in the dictionary sequentially arranged opposite the target term.

Rom – Read Only Memory – is a special
memory that can be read from but not written into.

A tumor (swelling) signaling the presence of
cancer in one’s body is either malignant or benign.

(Phrase) A triptych, a painting on three
adjacent panels, is displayed at the lobby.
(Clause)Farad, which is a unit of electricity
capacity, sounds unfamiliar to the newly hired
2. Formal Definition

Also called as Aristotelian and one-sentence logical definition. Defining a term in a

formal manner requires you to:

1. Mention the term or species to be defined;

2. Name the genus, group or class where such term belongs; and
3. Provide the differentia to indicate its difference from other members belonging to
the class.

It is a logical or a step-by-step method of making the term meaningful. All these

elements: term, genus, and differentia should be contained in one complete sentence,
not just in phrase or a clause.

The term to be defined has to fall under a genus or class to exclude explicitly of other
meanings that anyone may attach to the term. You need to determine and name the
context or class to which the term belongs, to indicate clearly the exclusion of any
substitute meaning. Hence, specifying the genus in the sentence definition is setting a
boundary or limit that will prevent the attachment of another meaning to the term. This is
so for some words are ambiguous or have multiple meanings.
Term Genus Differentia

Refrigeration is a process whereby heat is transferred from a place

where it is undesirable to a place where it is


A. Give one and only one meaning to the term.
B. Put them in a genus or class that is familiar to your audience or readers.
C. Prevent the reader from thinking of many comparable and contrasting features of
the term in relation to others by using a specific class rather than a general class.
D. Use positive words in stating the differentia.
E. Avoid giving a bias or subjective definition by basing your explanation on facts or
universal truths rather than on your viewpoints or opinions.
F. See to it that you do not commit any of the following errors in defining.

3. Extended, Expanded, or Amplified Definition

As the name implies, this type of definition goes beyond the sentential level. It expands
into a paragraph-length definition using around three to ten sentences. here are some
ways of expanding or extending a definition of a term:

A. Etymology or Word Derivation. It gives the origin of the term based on the country
that first introduced the term to the world. By centering its explanations on the
country origin of the word, it makes the readers understand how the word derived
its meaning and spelling.
For instance, these language structures de; meaning from, and finire; meaning
to limit, are Latin terms form where the word definition came from. Usually,
English terms look back to Greek, Latin, and French languages for their original
forms and meanings.

B. Historical Definition. This stresses the historical development of the term.

Mentioned in this definition are people, places, and dates that played
significant roles in the existence of the word.

For example, to explain the historical development of the word

“communication”, you have to mention the following sequentially in your

 The 17th century discovery of the Rosetta stone

 Egyptian cave in the 17th century as the keeper of the Rosetta stone
 Ptah Hotep as the reigning king in this period
 Aristotle and other Greek philosophers studied the Rosetta stone that
gave the very first principles of communication
 Roman further improved the Egyptian and the Greek concept of
 Europeans followed suit with their invention of the first printing machine
that contributed a lot in the improvement of communication
 Americans came next with their desire for elocution contests that
enhanced communicative abilities of people

C. Negation or Elimination. Central to this kind of extended definition are those

aspects, elements, or properties of the term or concepts that do not contribute
to the existence of such term. Because this kind of definition tells what a thing is
not, it got another called elimination. Stressing negative attributes of a things, it
uses more negative sentences than positive ones, like out of ten sentences, six
go for things not belonging or related to the term; four sentences, for the
properties of the word.

While this elimination often uses negative expressions like no, not, never. This
method is not exactly the same as the formal but erroneous negative or no-not
definition. Negation as an expanded definition happens in whole paragraph;
erroneous negative or no-not, in only one sentence. Further the former is a type
of an acceptable extended definition; the latter a type of a fallacious or faulty
one-sentence logical definition.

Examples: A stapler is not an envelope opener.

A bolo is not a knife.

D. Operating Principle. This stress the process involved in the production or

creation of the thing referred to by the term being defined. Zeroing in on the
process that consists or events occurring sequentially, this extended definition
uses an organizational pattern called chronological order. Arranged based on
their time of occurrence, the ideas appear coherent in the paragraph with the
help of transitional devices like conjunctions and other conjunctive adverbs.
Examples of these connectors are: first, second, then, next, soon, previously,
lastly, finally, afterwards, before, and so on.

E. Comparison-Contrast. This kind of definition makes you extend your explanation

of a concept or a thing by pointing out how such thing or concept is similar to
or different from other concepts. Use appropriate conjunctions for comparing,
such as similar to, also, both, the same as, as, like, among others.
For contrasting, use but, opposite, in contrast to, contrary to, conversely, while,
etc. The enumeration of the resemblance and unlikeness of the term to another
object takes place in paragraph.

F. Analysis by Partitioning. Through this expanded definition, a cleared picture of

the concept is given by examining and explaining the nature, characteristics,
and function of each component or part of a thing. In this case, to define a
thing then is to divide this entire thing its parts and analyze or study each part.

G. Use of Examples. This determines the meaning of a term or a concept by

means of this type of amplified definition is how this concept applies to another
concept or how one uses it in a certain situation. Hence, this paragraph-length
definition enumerates the many uses of one concept in a particular context.

H. Explication. In this case, the sentences following the preceding one that uses
difficult expressions have the function of unlocking the difficulties in the
preceding sentence. In other words, the second, third, or the succeeding
sentences operate to give the meanings of some difficult expressions used in
the previous sentences.

I. Operational Definition. This explains the indispensable function in the process,

project, or activity. This function in differently situations, once your extended
definition gives emphasis to the role or use of this thing in a particular activity
such definition becomes an operational definition.

J. Stipulative Definition. Another way to extend the definition of a term is to

explain this word based on a special condition, a particular purpose, a
requirement or a limitation affecting any agreement between or among
people. The definition depends solely on how the parties to parties to the
agreement perceive the necessity or relevance of the term related to a certain
aspect requirement, or condition of the agreement. The definition arrived at by
the entire paragraph reflects the consent of parties who have stipulated or
specified a condition or requirement which they have to agree upon.
4. Combined Definition
Several types of definition can be used in one paragraph to expand its
meaning. But, regardless of the number of definitions used, a paragraph-length
definition must always begin with a formal or one-sentence definition that exactly
specifies its genus or class and its function or purpose. Then extend its meaning
through the various methods of definition.

Change the form of the underlined words to show conciseness.

1. Putting a period after the sentence indicates the termination of one-

sentence logical definition.

2. The modification in the definition of the fertilizer is advantageous to

the farmers.
3. The costumers’ comprehension of the proposal is contingent upon
the language of the report.

4. The representative has to demonstrate to the costumers the

utilization of the device.

5. Endeavor to obtain a clearer picture of the newly made machine.

6. Your initial move is the elucidate the operation of the device.

7. Students must furnish a copy of their registration form to the

Provincial Youth Development Office.

8. Antiqueños did not anticipate for a heavy rainfalls yesterday.

9. People are asked to discontinue their procurement of low-quality

mobile phones.

10. Numerous Filipinos went abroad to look for a better career.

Activity I. Read each statement below and choose the letter of your
correct answer.

1. Through this expanded definition, a cleared picture of the concept

is given by examining and explaining the nature, characteristics,
and function of each component or part of a thing.

A. Operating Principle
B. Analysis by Partitioning
C. Explication
D. Use of Examples

2. It gives the origin of the term based on the country that first
introduced the term to the world. By centering its explanations on
the country origin of the word, it makes the readers understand
how the word derived its meaning and spelling.

A. Etymology or Word Derivation

B. Historical Derivation
C. Operating Principle
D. Comparison-Contrast

3. This also called as Aristotelian and one-sentence logical definition.

A. Informal Definition
B. Combined Definition
C. Amplified Definition
D. Formal Communication
4. If the definition is short; meaning, one or two-sentence long, it
should be written in the _________________.

A. Sideline
B. Cover
C. Footnotes
D. Appendix

5. In this case, the sentences following the preceding one that uses
difficult expressions have the function of unlocking the difficulties in
the preceding sentence.

A. Explication
B. Parentheses
C. Negation
D. Operational Definition

Activity II. Provide the missing part of each formal definition below.

1. University of Antique is a state university in ___________________________________.

2. Multimedia is a presentation technique ______________________________________.
3. Learning management system is a software application for ___________________.
4. eskUeLA is the kasubay learning management system _______________________.
5. Cell line is a cell culture _____________________________________________________.

Lesson Reference:

Baraceros, E. L. (2011). Technical Writing in this Era of Globalization and Modern

Technology. Phil, Rex Book Store, Inc.

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