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Name:__ABIGAEL P. AGRAVANTE Course/Year:_beed3g____________
A. Give an example to illustrate the following rules of thumb in the construction of a truefalse
test: (5 points each item)
1. Avoid giving hints the body of the question.
Example:  Short story is a fictional narrative story.

2. Avoid using the words “always”’;”never” and other such adverbs which tend
to be always true or always false.

Example: Filipino’s always celebrate New Year using firecrackers or any instruments that
make sounds.

3. Avoid long sentences which tend to be true. Keep sentences short.

Example: literature has traditionally been applied to those imaginative works of poetry and
prose distinguished by the intentions of their authors and the perceived aesthetic excellence of
their execution.

4. Avoid a systematic pattern for true and false statements.

Example: Sonnet 18 is written by William Shakespeare

5. Avoid ambiguous sentences which can be interpreted as true and at the

same time false
Example: Verb is an action word

C. 2. EXERCISE 3.2 (Please see the

attached SAQ)

A. Construct a 10-item matching type test on the topic: “Plant Photosynthesis “

______1. flower a. part of the plant used for support

_____2. leaves b. plant of the plant that soars

_____3. stem c. The source of energy for photosynthesis

_____4. roots d. part of a plant that makes seeds

____5. chlorophyll e. part of a plant that makes food

_____6. sunlight f. the type of gas that released into the

Air after photosynthesis

______7 carbon dioxide g. the type of gas that plants need for

______8. oxygen h. the process that plants use to make energy

from sunlight
____9. sugar i. the type of food that plants use to make energy
from sunlight

_____10. photosynthesis j.a green pigment that is found in

plants’ leaves that help the plant make

B. Construct a 10-item supply type test on the topic: “The discovery of the Philippines”
Fill in the missing word in the blank.
1. Arond 500 katipuneros leave Balintawak make their way to ____________________.
2. Bonifacio issue the call of arms, the cry of Balintawak on ____________________.
3. Ferdinand Magellan discovers the Philippines and claims it for Spain and

4.The revolt in Bohol lead by Tamblot is ____________________.

5. In October 1887, Rizal begins writing ____________________.
6. The unit of US marines depart from ____________________.
7. The first election to the Philippine Assembly are held on ____________________.
8. Noli Me Tangere is published in ____________________.

9. Magellan departs from Spain with five ships and a complement of

10. On June 18, 1908, the University of the Philippines is ____________________.

C. Justify each rule used in constructing an essay type of test

Rule 1, directions is used to be able to direct the student on what are those
important thing to be enclose in their essay.
For rule 2, the criteria will be able to guide them to focus on the teacher wants to see
throughout their essay.
For rule 3, setting up time to an essay test will make the student be direct to the point and not
to be too wordy.
For rule 4,
For rule 5, assessing an essay through question by question will help the teacher to settle on
the standard and also grade the essay properly and uniformly.
For rule 6, assessing an essay without knowing hid identity can avoid bias scoring.And it will
make a fair and right judgement.
For rule 7, it is really helpful to ask for another person to grade each answer
especially in the time of looking for a student who will rise among them and be qualified for a
special award

D. Construct a 10-item data sufficiency test.

Write G if the item on the left is greater than the item on the right; L if the item on the left is
less than the item on the right; and E if the item on the left equals the item on the right.
1. Square root of 9 a. -3
2. Square of 25 b. 625
3. 36 inches c. 3 meters
4. 4 feet d. 48 inches
5. 1 kilogram e. 2 pound
6 square of 6 f 36
7. 4 kilograms g. 1 pound
8 square of 7 h. -49
9 30 inches I. 6 meters
10 square root of 4 j 40

E. In a 100-item test, what type of objective test will you include? Justify your answer.
-I think I would include the true or false, multiple choice, matching type, supply type, and
essay type. It is because each of them can assess a specific level in the given objectives. For
example, the true or false type can assess the knowledge or comprehension level, and while
the essay type can assess the analysis, synthesis or evaluation level.

F. In the sample essay “Plant Photosynthesis” given in this section, why would you give a
zero (0) score to the student writing this essay? Justify your answer.
-Grading of an essay type of test requires to follow the given direction and criteria.And giving
a zero score for this essay is possible because it is obvious that the writer/ student did not
follow any of the given direction and criteria

G.Give an example of supply type of test that will measure higher order thinking skills
(beyond mere recall of facts and information.)

H. In what sense is a matching type test? Justify your answer.

- As I found out that Matching type often test lower order thinking skills and are unable to test
higher order thinking skills such as application and judgement skills. It is used to measure the
relationship between the two sets of items

I. In what sense is supply type a of test considered a variant of multiple choice type of test?
(Hint: in supply type, the choices are not explicitly given). Does this make the supply type of
test more difficult than closed multiple choice type of test?how?
-Multiple choice type of test has a stem and offers a two or more options to choose form
wherein there is only one correct answer and the other option serves as distractions. While,
supply types of test also have stem but the student requires to provide or supply the correct

E. Quiz

Give an example to illustrate the following rules of thumb in the construction of multiple
choice tests. (5points each)

1. Phrase the stem to allow for only one correct or best answer.

2. Avoid giving away the answer in the stem.

13. It occurs when all the elements in the composition radiate outward from the center
or toward it.
a. formal balance
b. informal balance
c. radial balance
d. all of the above

3. Choose distracters appropriately.

Which of the following lines refers to the path that the viewer’s eye takes as it follows
shape, color, and form within an art work? It also gives works of art a sense of motion
and keep the viewer engaged in a composition.
a. actual b. implied c. classic d.

4. Choose distracters so that they are all equally plausible and attractive.
Example: The short story: May Day’s Eve, was written by which Filipino author?
a. Jose Garcia Villa
b. Nick Joaquin
c. Genoveva Edrosa Matute
d. Robert Frost
e. Edgar Allan Poe

5. Phrase question so that they will test higher order thinking skill.
esus Christ in the painting “Resurrection” by El Greco where Christ is shown in a
blaze of glory, striding through the air and holding the white banner of victory over
death is an example of ______?
a. distortion b. mangling c. elongation d. cubism

6. Do not ask subjective question or opinions for which there are no right or wrong answer.
. What Is the principle of art used to create the look and feel of action, and to guide
the viewer’s eyes throughout a work of art?
a. Texture
b. Movement
c. Rhythm
d. Contrast

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