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Republic of the Philippines


Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila




TITLE : AKA • PAN HUB: (Akademiko+Kaisipan) An Academic and Mental Hub

STUDENT NO. : 125-0139


“The Youth is the Hope of the Nation”, our nation needs youth that is physically, mentally, and spiritually,
strong. Youth that can cope with failures and can overcome discouragements in life, but still standing and
continue fighting the battle. The one that will help other people to walk on the right path.

But today, youth are about to give up because of depression, bullying, sexual activity, harassments, drug and
alcohol use, academic problems, and peer pressure brought by social media toxicity. Those are some of the
things that the youth have been struggling that affects their lifestyle and changes the way they communicate,
learn, sleep, exercise and other personal things they’ve been doing, that results in physical, mental, spiritual
exhaustion, or worst—suicide.

Giving importance in academic is one way to help the youth because education has the power to change a
life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life, it also makes us capable of interpreting
things, among other things. And there are reasons behind every failure in academics, like scarcity of resources—
problem in gathering relevant information to include in their studies because they are not aware of every source
that can be referred to. Lack of motivations, some might call this ‘laziness’ but it could possibly be a behavioral
condition or a poor learning environment. Overwhelming pressure, not everyone can process the same amount of
stress, some simply can’t handle the workload and even though stress can be dealt with in a number of ways—
too much pressure causes it to blow. And lastly, mental health issues are universal and that anyone can find
themselves struggling, the reason it is included in academic problems too.

Mental wellness leads to a better academic performance, they’re both connected to each other and it plays an
important role in everyone’s life.


AKA • PAN HUB: (Akademiko+Kaisipan) An Academic and Mental Hub


More than being at home, some needed a place without any distractions, a place that they can own or
where they can feel that it’s a place where they truly belong. And that is the main purpose of the academic and
mental hub, from its title “akapan” it is a redemption for everyone most especially to the youth and young
professionals—embracing them in the midst of their struggles or welcoming them in their own workplace to stay
and be productive.
AKA • PAN HUB aims to inspire, motivate and give awareness to everyone the importance of academic
and mental state by building a place where they can focus, learn, enjoy, find comfort, be productive and be
themselves, for twenty-four hours. Despite of people’s variation, the project targets the youth, to develop their
life and their future by fulfilling most of their needs. The place itself will be an effective way to help thru
architectural, bringing plants and nature inside the building that can have a positive effect in mental health. It is
more than an escape to a lot of distraction but it is definitely an approach in finding the answers or dealing with
it. It will motivate everyone to study or work rather than wasting time in corner.


• To develop an awareness and understanding to everyone the importance of academic and mental state.
• To provide an accessible way to study, review, and work and being productive and motivated in all ways.
• To accommodate many users without limitation by giving them a twenty-four hours service.
• To provide the opportunities for the youth to develop the knowledge and skills giving an access to
resources like library, computer area, etc.
• To provide a supportive and stimulating workplace using materials that have psychological effects on
• To foster the enjoyment of studying without any distraction by providing different rooms according to their
needs or they prefer.
• To provide a secure and peaceful place for relieving such as meditation rooms, healing or walkway
gardens, recreational rooms, etc.
• To uplift the spirit and appreciation towards our nature using materials such as woods that has stress-
reducing effect.
• To provide a soothing ambience with aesthetic interior designs, lights and positive vibes music in selected
• Aims to build an eco-friendly project that completely fulfill the purpose in helping the user and the nature
as well.


Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila

• Corner lot is best for commercial establishments.
• Near Universities, Museums, Churches, and Theme Parks that will approach or attract more users
especially the youth and young professionals.
• Accessible to major and minor road that is convenient to anyone who wants to visit
• Interesting places are located near Quezon Memorial Circle and one of the most popular tourist spots in
Manila, the proposed project will blend into Philippines’ history and culture.
• Quezon City aims to be the future “Wellness capital of Asia” that will be an aspiration of the proposed


Amenities Function

Entryway Smart security gate and security gate is located here
before they enter the main lobby to completely guarantee
the security of the users.
Lobby Where the information and waiting area is located; will
also influence the first impression of the user upon
entering the building.
Restrooms Separated rooms for men and women, and easy access
for PWDs.
Clinic Provides first aid in illness and injuries and provides
health counseling that will help the user.
Registration area Reliable source to manage the project for maintaining
and improving.
Donation Station Stuff such as miniatures, paintings, books, or anything
that can be a source for the knowledge or skill of the user
to develop and improve.
Library Open field so that anyone can pick the book they need for
studying or working before going to their desired spot.
Café or pantry Snacks and beverages on the menu if they got hungry or
want more energy and a better mood while studying or
Sort-it-out Trash Bins Area Place where the user will sort out their trash that
completely helps in recycling waste and reduces
environmental damage.
Parking Area Parking slots for users

Study rooms Designed for use by one person who wants to
Computer area To those who didn’t have their own laptop or desktop to
use. Plenty of software provided for different profession
or courses of the user.
Discussion rooms or mini conference rooms For group of people who needs a meeting place in private
provided with white boards and markers for meeting
Conference rooms For large group of people like school or work
organizations, etc. that can have discussions provided
with projector, white board and markers.

Walkway Garden Gives a serenity to the user because of the real nature
such as plants and water features.
Support group area For people who wants to be part of a group where they
can share common experiences or concerns in life, they
can also find encouragements, advice and comforts with
each other.
Meditation room Great place to find relaxation and wants to be alone to
clear their mind and find peace.

Auditorium Seminars and events that will have a good influence and
benefit to the user.
Flexible classroom with operable partitions For small events, exhibits and different activities to help
the user to improve and grow.
Study field An open area designed for use of group study and cross-
pollination of ideas.
Art Gallery Some of the stuff in donated station will be place here to
influence them in appreciating and learning all kinds of

Recreation rooms Indoor activities to enjoy and reduce stress.
Open field This is different from the Walkway Garden, open field is
connected to dog and cat café so that they can get more
sunlight and fresh air.
Dog and cat café There’s nothing like pet therapy to brighten your day if
you’ve had a long week in school or at work.

Refilling stations of beverages All zones will have a refilling station in the corner that
may provide mental boost.
Sleeping capsules area Users that live far from the hub can register for the use of
sleeping capsules, it’ll also help them to accomplish their
works right away.
Shower room Anyone who likes to take a shower who spent so much
staying in the hub.
Locker cabinet To secure the belongings of the user to keep their peace
of mind while focusing.
Ample sockets area Provides a plenty of power sockets for the users’
Printing and photocopy A convenient place for the user after they’re done doing
their projects, etc.

Utility Area Helps in keeping the place hygienic and clean.
Offices Different offices provided with different concerns that will
help in maintaining the project progressive.
Staff area Locker area, shower rooms, and rest rooms for the
Restroom Restricted to all employees
Lounge area Where employees can have their meals and rest for a
while on their break
Storages All materials that are not being used and for future use.
CCTV Headquarter Monitors all the CCTV cameras in all areas of the building
for the security of everyone inside the building.
Electrical and Mechanical room Equipment that keeps the entire building running
smoothly that includes air handlers, pumps, chillers,
switchgears, and many of the utility lines.
Parking Limited parking slots for the employees separated from
the users’ parking area.

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