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Antioch Biblical Seminary & College

Theology of Work
(B.Th– II, II Semester, 3 Credits Hours)
Course Description
This course provides a biblical and theological reading of the work of God in the history of the
Hebrew people. It explores the importance of work as an action oriented. It will revisit the notion
of work as a calling and help students develop a theology of work that integrates faith and work.
It will address the needs of work in ministry field, and explore how people of God should
effectively work in the field. It also surveys how daily work is related to service, calling, and
mission. The course is designed to equip both the everyday Christian and the church ministry
professional to do the work of ministry in the work world.
Course Objective
 To initiate the students to understand source of God and His work.
 To provide a survey of work themes in the Bible and in Christian thought
 To understand the biblical nature of Christian vocation. Social relevance Personal
 To explore the application of biblical theology.
 To challenge some preconceptions of Christian belief about the work of God and the
value of our work.
 To provide the theological framework for the application of one’s biblical theology of
 To Understand God’s calling to include all followers of Jesus Christ as God’s ministers.
Pedagogical Methods
 The course will be accomplished by online lecturing with PowerPoint presentation and
students are asked to prepare academic paper and present like seminar format. Class must
be interactive nature with the teacher and students.
Course Requirement
 Attendance must be at all session in ZOOM metting class, two academic papers or
Assignments are required from the students.
Course Textbooks

 M. D. Chenu, The Theology of Work: An Exploration. Chicago: Regnery, 1966.

 Dorothy L. Sayers. “Why Work?” in Creed or Chaos?. Manchester: Sophia, 1974.
 J. H. Oldham. Work in Modern Society. Richmond: John Knox, 1962.
 Alan Richardson. The Biblical Doctrine of Work, Ecumenical Biblical Studies. London:
SCM, 1954.

Course Grading Criteria

 Reading Assignment 5%
 Participation & Class Test 10%
 Writing Assignment (Academic paper) 25%
 Final Examination 60%
Course Outline
I. Introduction
a. Definition Theology and Work
b. Types of work
c. The nature and form of work
d. The problem of work
e. Ethics in the work
f. The purpose and importance of the work
g. The scope of the work
II. Different religion understanding on work
III. Work and worker: successful person, engaging in the different business, mission
and vision
IV. The Origin and Development of work in Bible
a. OT (Economics of God, Holy Spirit, Israel and women and different period of
economic condition)
b. NT (Economics of father, son and Holy spirit, disciple, women and economic
condition during of Roman empire)
V. Gender issue and work
VI. Children and work
VII. Theology of work
a. Action or praxis: responsibility, duty, Job, practical theology and “action
oriented” or karma
b. Work of God: ( OT/NT-Mission/missio dei, Blessing, Deliverance, Covenant
and covenant fulfilment, serving, preparation and proclamation)
c. Work of humankind: (OT/NT-Mission, covenant, blessing, responsibility,
serving, proclamation of Kingdom of God and faith)
d. Contemporary Theologies of Work
e. Doing theology or theologizing in the context
f. Theology of work is Contextual theology
VIII. Work and work of theology in different period
IX. Role of the church and Missionary work
Cosden, Darrell. The Heavenly Good of Earthly Work. Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, 2006.
Douglas, J.D. New Bible Dictionary.I.V.P. England: 1996.
James, E. Emmanuel.Ethics: A Biblical Perspective. T.B.T, Bangalore: 1992.
Keller, Timothy, and Katherine Leary Alsdorf. Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Workto
God’s Work. New York: Dutton, 2012.
Richard, S. Gnanakan. Work in God’s World. T.B.T, Bangalore, 1992.
Richardson, Alan. The Biblical Doctrine of Work. New York: SCM Press, 1963.
Selvanayagam, Israel. Moving forms of Theology faith Talk’s Changing contexts. Delhi: ISPCK,
Seng song, Choan (Edr).Doing Theology today. C.L.S. Madras: 1976.
Sherman, Doug and William Hendricks. Your Work Matters to God. Colorado Springs, CO:
NavPress, 1990.
Stott, John. Issues Facing Christian Today. Gospel Literature Service: Bombay, 1996.
Taylor, Harold.Tend My Sheep. I.S.P.C.K, Delhi, 2002.
Zuck, B. Roy.The Speaker’s Quote Book. A.T.C. Bangalore, 1999.

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