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= i?) aa be vel aul | parr 7 Py iretions: nis par yeu wi ead a selecton of ets, such as magazin and newspapr es, Diet Fuartamscages, Cacho ae fess ole by several queso Selec PS cree ror each question ad mar the tr) (2) () (on your newer sheet. ‘Questions 147-148 afer th towing nats, Asherton Garden Fair “Tne City of Ashertonprouly presents a Garden Fir ‘onthe grounds of Asherion Maor ‘Sauda, June 10 1100.aset 5:00 rs, Fre adminsion incades Chile's genes, eas, and Toca bands ‘Shue bse from nearby Askerton Trin and Bus Station Pants nd seed forsale Refreshments for prchase—hot and ead beverages, aks, sndwiches, nd nose! ‘Tours of Asherton Manor avaiable fra smal fee Parking valle at he manor for $10 per vehicle Fr mor formation 16885-0187 ‘a7, Vatis nscale shout Aahoron Manor? 148 What wit NOT be rea the? (is evlabe fo pra pares ) Games {B) ts pan any tom 7100 a (e) muse 198.00 rat () Shuto ies (©) Weaye ors ute tus, {B) Onate pang {B) Mi near aan ston, ers 7 (Questions 149-150 reer tothe fllowng aorsement 9 SS Eleanor’s Catering ‘Make Your Next Event Unforgetiable “Leong for a cater: fo your special oto? Search no lo! Elena's Caring can be oh for eney ype of socal uhetingftem mal once geben lng, mal event: Heanor fer high-qul,deliiws food fora ene ue false ing serie indus borage tn eas oF ble ina dikes ol Gude. Our af wl do eying ae your sec ents acca eh Salve everything you as tp and han enone sed ‘Togpeacontcimare, plas complete Caring Rua Farm on our Wb it at vowtemoseacing com Tigo imens tem alae oe ue # ie 149, Wats purpose fie atversonent? 150, According oh aves. whats (1 Tooter a secoun'o new cats, ‘rata by sec eae? {8} eam row non tame (2) Food samping {0) Te cesorte he sews of tusiness (©) Veoetaan most {©} To atom comer regrets {© homens ©) Demeter nator 181-152 rit lowing ea. snnemliibartiminnaisthacs ten ea nee SSS Saag —— SSE | 1 e-mied you he te rey docmnt om Monde, tangs tha yon die ee sae yo Frm ny psu oma reer an hy work ema You a ei al ved to Jor jak fer sted nay 1 ‘Sit eam he eeamet he rte sti approved by nest week, my em wil expedite completion of tet ie tb pra a pe have ell bling oj append bef SECT; th Sct cn eon ee 181, Acar Sy a 482, Who most ly Ms Bryant? i iat ot hve eon the na ines etl (8) Aa Sparring maregoe (A) She forgot to attach its her ma {e) Avene {@) She sont oa core person (©) Apropery omer {6} Wray have gone ote wrong oa ole (0) Tessin may hav been bo age smmmeneenety wart 28 asa Questions 188-154 roor tothe following onine chat discussion, OO ge ‘Mandi Garafelli (3:32 PM.): Hella Thanks for conmacting Pictumos Caner etstomer 7} sc Hon can tpn Theo Ubud BARD HLT ce ae Ps i gn Mandi Ganfel 35M): OK. Hine oo done hv eps tah te eoeon Teen icon and heen S Tasha cif andom apn 3 eho Se pcr he ee Theo Ube GSRRML} Iisa pan 2 Noise Mandi Gar (1PM: Beco ey pg oy penne a bat reno ay Pan Buses Theo Vie GA2MM): Yeu he Mand Gasol 45 PM: Dos iY use sal oom ape Theo Uses G4 PME) Throat Tan rol Mandi Gafeli Q5 PM.): Sue ne ar = 488. Vinathas Me Ubi NOT done? (A) Purchasod a new camera 184, AL:42 ru, what dos Me Uta most ly ‘ean when he wes, Ye, hae? (6) Connocta he camera othe comeuter (@) Ho tours cn, {c) Rewanes ne camara (©) Rested the computer (5) Homevesthe comers. (6) Ho upassed te pleas. (0) Mo soe he atuctore ‘Questions 155-157 rafer' ne fokowg mem, MEMO Te Alsat From: Danian Pres Date September 3 Ren Sikreinapecon Tomoren; Seremban ste in he ators The nape Far an capected to arte a 30 stand dept by 3:0 ev Nowe ha er Min bc prin meng poor the aspection nel. The sched i below Fine [Acieey Required Atendees[ocuion an cif Opcing meng Misa Gen THOT a [Taspetor cc wih Genco Manager [Danian Pez | Newing oom | TiS xar one [Darian afer = Co Tia Tiny fo “Wik he cee of the opening mesg fires for wore shoul bea ese MaDe Senghne th dy. Dang he opesons inspection, th inspector ny it Feeney nk about machines Please respond Gc and ones and then casings ‘big nso th spectros 155, Who ast hay is Mr Pee? 457. Whats ha meme suggest stout factory (a) factor toor water er werk? {2} Afoos servo wear {a) They mst prepare wen pots {ch Tne eney nepoct {B) They bese eave wrk ea. {0} The gone manager {G) Ther atereoon work nigh Be Irioruptn 486, vnan yt te spocton bein? (0) Tho warts might apes ‘naval, {B) Atr0000, fj attasorn (ALSo00m, porns, ‘Questions 188-160 refer the following ems From: “alin Home ‘OurGints —[_Work Samples Comat ‘Over he pat five years we have provided masetng solutions roan eer groring cane port Sonsisly-Foods = Anal “Technology lve Bay Bakesies © Sakari Sporswcur Crepe ‘erry electele + Usban Activewear Company.“ Gigi tech + Overthe-Moon Teas. * Chie Wiape New Teams Ofc Stems + Surefie Lexning = a Te: Son cha Sic nena SURI STS From Mar Ohya on coor Soa Bee ree ee] subject Gis 7 [Bers ‘hope this message fins you well You may have rd he news tht my family and ae preparing to move fom New Yor to Marakesh nthe fT the paces oping to mee my mheins fim, Ohayon Mariting, othe mea eal You may cemerber ht fe 11 Sharp Smart and moved ou of New Deth—t fresaned for Craftpace, which wea oom ny Companys fi Tn oe ‘scent yearn company has branched to somslt ft lgenbes of bse "wou cominoe wih sis wok by easing scent base in Mere am ‘sachin ctf yu Beate of your contact inthe fusines comma te I jou iow tayone who mii nse te Srvc If, wold 5 Hn as 0 Eee a x a Dats: | [i Pie rs i] a ae aaa rey eae ET 1 was please to bear rom you. You remember oe: do have sana it Hwa ere 1 ered opin Shp Sart | worked fo a company tt ad Margie, Rass, sat Lmlea ere een en rie agencies Hou Weald US Tlo, Mie ac retarn n In sespose your ‘le nowiedpabe War eeu, 186, What rete about Ohjon Marketing? (8) lespcitze In faiy-omne companies (@) those dere clon porto, {) tay supports expr rms. {6} feame moa os revenue rom the seca reuse. 187, For wnat industry Onayon Moxksing freteone? (A) Onkine eacaton {B) Spocty Foode (6) Aopare! (0) Tecmotogy 408, Whatissuggasied abut Sharp Smart? (a) Wha fos in Now Ohi {8} recenty hired severe ew repiogees. (c) nis undornow management. (0) Rreaenty merged win gor em. uy wil insoduce you MI a a ha oo ou tat he wl e epi 030 by email o Ms, Same Kae She 189, Who a Mr Menta? (A) Atrve ogort {B) Anenoctvo recur (6) Atsmer coleague Mr, Ohayon's {b) anchayon Marta pastor 490. Wy wi Me Ohayon ost tly eoniact Me Kader? (9 romatna mentation {@) Tooele business cppermnies {B} Toot sighsoen recommendations soovrongnssr ee srt (Questions 181-198 reer ite ffowing yer, nces and one review, Steel Wheels Vehicle Insurance ith 2 topaf.hedn cr you should have top-fhedne protection (Choose whichever plan best sults your naed, = * Malotenance Pan: Includes an annua inspection, esting and monthyol changes ‘+ Repaitan: Covers repairs needed tthe engine and other major systems, Including eleeiea, exaust, and cooling Includes al replacement parts + Gleaning Pian: Compete interior and exter caning every tees monihs, ‘including replacement fear mats when necessary * ombinaton Pian Includes benefit fall thee plans Monthy fes vary by vehicle mode Erma us at paninfosstaeiyheatsins com for spect cost and plen information, Lum Motors Sales and Service ‘hen Hing Kong Date ia Oecember Insurance Stel nets ‘Serve Received [coveredby insurance | Billable to Cantomer Replaced spl ralaor ode ond CONES 30 © New foor mats 0 330 Teal 320 250 fy wish examine or key any parts thot have been reploce,pleose sk opto {the mechonic when youpick up your veil Parts ml ot be kept ofer the sence doe Recommended roduc Goldings arthetic ol orsmoother engine uneoning Harmon ar fites to protect your engine Lette fabric treatment te potetcloth seat uprostry verse spay to heep your interiorsmling rsh [aioe oaouniatenomaneeeeeror 0 Auto Forum a) Great product By Ming Xong/29 December 73 PM tors much better. cant recall the name, but | Bought thls product based on a recommendstion ‘Caininycar dealers sence department, and it works very well. The gud tor at ive battle with yellow etering Asa father ofthe, have hard ‘Spaecping the nterorofmy car clean Many products claim o protect fain stan, but this one actualy works. allourspils wipe ight oft. £ven ae apres is the pric. cost about the sare a other brands but ‘81. Aecong tthe fie why soul ie ‘oder eat Soa Weel ete Insane? (0) Tongue aout plan coverage {6} focttai separ estate {G) Te ected an apporiment {6} fof parbopatng seve center 198 ‘92. What insurance pan ds ME Xiong ost inh’? (a) Tee Mstanence Plan {8} The Ropar Pan {6) The Coanng Plan {6} The Comaintion Pan 488, Acorn the ivoee, what could ir ng hv reused on Decor (a) Tae mecha’ work ota (B) Hs care ld pans {) Atta ot {0} Aoaner shies 496, Wnt preduct id Me Xiong mos ey pronase? (8) Galdngesyati (8) Atlaron aoe (6) Lert are weatment ‘coring the online evi vt pease rong bout th roduc? (9) te epsonablo rice (8) fs lesen econ (6) te mova packaging {0) le suse popstary eormnencermes, ‘Gvostons 196-200 reer fllong mission statment, noe, and annourcrent ‘Te Hulani Harbor Neighborhood Assocation (HHINA) isa self-governing ‘ttanizaioa that srves to promotes nate vibra, and enjoyable somucty forall. Members le inthe Hula Harbor tea and ae comsated tose following goals |. Bearing thatthe Hula Harbor ara mainansa range of housing ypes and rice levels 2. Preserving the architectural character of histori homes 23. Planning seasonal gatherings and evens for residents 4, Promoting open discussion of local issues and initiatives ||| The Hulani Harbor Neighborhood Association Quarterly Mecting || Seite Tendo. ap 207 ‘Newson aed ie meting agents || ~The Chena Copy ses reaping or 3912 Benn emo 2 j| esac stuctre ou in 1908. Te company seg the ||| eveny be approved fr connec user afer which the eee td be ample rene. We ite eden fo tend the city coune eng |] sich pati Wines ma den conos [ PS pepe asc he ae asa em I ‘The leadership commie forthe Brazoria Creek sector announces a Bositon opening. Duties inclae serving as pono conte or seen, isting the monthly newsleter. nd saving information wid efor leaders ofthe HEINA. Individuals who are inerested in repreening Brazoria Creck will ach be asked o speak briefly before s vote wil _ tl —! ail “The HHLNA i pease wan th Hema Renan as been ket sete neat reeset nthe HTTNA forthe Brit Cree sect, Ne Rs Til ais of in oa pbs ions She st" Lam vet woessionay che foes eer Fos bee septating pee canis tha acy at ‘dca ok ean oii the commniy hese Eee Fring oer 5 yeas” 186, Wat dos the HEIN nea he 490, Wnatiasogestd bout Mi. Reiman? isin statement? (9) She spate at» mss in oh (2) tis anindopenenty ron ou. (6) Sheauned a busnese nan! {8) wos torn rece. Neer {e) hie savood by cy fica (©) Sho responsible fr dtrnsng the {B) Wetargee membersip foes mes soon (0) shores arts for ners 1497. Wy re residents encouraged to tend 3 Inosing on Monday, Aga 17? ‘200. Wat dose Ma, Redan sugget ques (a) Toreceine tring n publ speaking ere oproseratie pest? {8} To snow support for some oy (A) Her untorsy degree plicane (8) Heres ear eas (©) Wat fomaon stout zoning {G) Her awareness atonal sues preses {0} Hor exparene in supporting el (0) Tere! some new noghbors sa 198 What HINA goal mest kay bing Chaterge by he Chenaux Company? @) Got (6) Soai2 {Goats (©) Goaa snd of the tost. If you finish before time is called, you may Go ‘ack to Parts 5, 6, and 7 and check your work.

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