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Understanding and interpreting

antinuclear antibody tests in systemic
rheumatic diseases
Xavier Bossuyt   1 ✉, Ellen De Langhe2,3, Maria Orietta Borghi   4,5 and Pier Luigi Meroni   4
Abstract | Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) are valuable laboratory markers to screen for and
support the diagnosis of various rheumatic diseases (known as ANA-​associated rheumatic
diseases). The importance of ANA testing has been reinforced by the inclusion of ANA positivity
as an entry criterion in the 2019 systemic lupus erythematosus classification criteria. In addition,
specific ANAs (such as antibodies to Sm, double-​stranded DNA (dsDNA), SSA/Ro60, U1RNP,
topoisomerase I, centromere protein B (CENPB), RNA polymerase III and Jo1) are included in
classification criteria for other rheumatic diseases. A number of techniques are available for
detecting antibodies to a selection of clinically relevant antigens (such as indirect immunofluo­
rescence and solid phase assays). In this Review, we discuss the advantages and limitations of
these techniques, as well as the clinical relevance of the differences between the techniques,
to provide guidance in understanding and interpreting ANA test results. Such understanding
not only necessitates insight into the sensitivity and specificity of each assay, but also into the
importance of the disease context and antibody level. We also highlight the value of titre-​specific
information (such as likelihood ratios).

The presence of antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) is associ­ the main advantage of these assays being their high
Department of Microbiology,
ated with various systemic rheumatic diseases, including reproducibility and specificity.
Immunology and
Transplantation, KU Leuven
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), systemic sclerosis Notably, ANA positivity (ANA with a titre ≥1:80 by
and Department of (SSc), primary Sjögren syndrome, mixed connective HEp‐2 IIF or an equivalent positive test by SPA at least
Laboratory Medicine, tissue disease (MCTD) and idiopathic inflammatory once) was confirmed as a new entry criterion for the new
University Hospitals Leuven, myopathies (IIMs, such as polymyositis and dermato­ 2019 SLE classification criteria3. In these criteria, specific
Leuven, Belgium.
myositis)1. These diseases are collectively referred to antibodies against double-​stranded DNA (dsDNA) and
Department of Rheumatology,
as ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases, and several Sm were included as immunological domains for SLE
University Hospitals Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium.
autoantibodies that are specific to each disease have classification3. Although ANAs are useful for screening
Laboratory of Tissue
been identified. for SSc, primary Sjögren syndrome, MCTD and IIM,
Homeostasis and Disease, The gold standard approach to screening for ANAs ANA positivity is not included in the classification cri­
Department of Development in rheumatic diseases is detection via indirect immuno­ teria for these diseases. However, positivity for some
and Regeneration, Skeletal fluorescence (IIF) assays using human epithelial type 2 specific autoantibodies is included in these criteria:
Biology and Engineering
cells (HEp-2 cells) (referred to here as HEp-2 IIF assays)2. antibodies to SSA for primary Sjögren syndrome, anti­
Research Center, KU Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium.
In the case of a positive ANA result, follow-​up testing bodies to centromere protein B (CENPB), topoisomer­
Istituto Auxologico Italiano,
is performed to identify the specific autoanti­b odies ase 1 (also known as Scl70) and RNA polymerase III for
IRCCS; Immunorheumatology present. However, HEp-2 IIF is laborious, necessitates SSc, antibodies to U1RNP for MCTD and antibodies to
Research Laboratory, skilled operators and has a high inter-​observer vari­ Jo1 (histidyl tRNA synthetase) for IIM4–7. Antibodies
Milan, Italy. ability and low specificity 1. ANAs can be present in to U1RNP at high levels are suggestive of MCTD.
Department of Clinical patients with various other diseases, including non- The inclusion of ANA as a new entry criterion in
Sciences & Community rheumatic diseases (for example, autoimmune liver the 2019 classification criteria for SLE, along with the
Health, University of Milan,
Milan, Italy.
diseases), and can also be present in healthy indivi­ emergence of new techniques and the improvement of
✉e-​mail: xavier.bossuyt@ duals1. Therefore, researchers have developed alter­ previous techniques, has raised new questions regarding native (automated) solid phase immunoassays (SPAs) ANA testing in the clinical setting. Should HEp-2 IIF to screen for autoantibodies that are specifically remain the ‘gold standard’ for ANA detection? What is
s41584-020-00522-​w associated with ANA-associated rheumatic diseases, the best approach to interpreting a positive HEp-2 IIF

Nature Reviews | Rheumatology


As ANA testing by HEp-2 IIF reveals reactivity not only

Key points
to nuclear antigens but also to cytoplasmic and mitotic
• Clinicians should be aware of the type of assay used for antinuclear antibody antigens, the term anti-​cell antibodies is increasingly
detection and the advantages and disadvantages of using immunofluorescence (IIF) being used by researchers9; however, this term is yet to
assays and solid phase immunoassays (SPAs) for screening. disperse to the clinic. Cytoplasmic reactivity is clinically
• IIF assays can vary in performance between different laboratories, whereas the relevant and should be considered and reported as a
performance of fully automated assays is more consistent. positive ANA test result.
• The performance characteristics of IIF assays and SPAs are disease-​dependent;
IIF assays are more sensitive than SPA for screening for systemic sclerosis Solid phase assays
(and systemic lupus erythematosus) but not Sjögren syndrome.
Alternative, automated screening SPAs are gradually
• For both IIF assays and SPAs, no single cut-​off has both good sensitivity and good being introduced into clinical laboratories. In these
specificity; combining IIF with SPA has the highest clinical value. assays, the solid phase (for example, a plate, bead or
• A dichotomous interpretation of test results overlooks important information at the membrane) is coated with a mixture of relevant (puri­
antibody level; this limitation of antinuclear antibody testing can be overcome by fied or recombinant) specific autoantigens (that in
reporting test result-​specific likelihood ratios.
some assays can be complemented with a cell extract).
• The differences among the assays are not only important considerations when Autoantibodies present in a patient sample attach to
screening and diagnosing patients, but also when using these assays for classifying
the autoantigen and are bound by a detection antibody
patients (for example, for clinical trial enrolment).
linked to an enzyme that generates a colorimetric reac­
tion (such as with enzyme-​linked immunosorbent assays
(ELISAs)) or a fluorescent reaction (such as with fluoro­
test result, and what is the relevance of the HEp-2 IIF metric enzyme-​linked immunoassays (FEIAs)) (Fig. 1b).
titre? What titre should be used as the cut-​off point? Alternatively, the detection antibody can be linked to a
What is the clinical performance of the new screening chemiluminescent compound (such as with chemilumi­
SPAs, and how do these assays compare with HEp-2 nescence immunoassays (CIAs)) (Fig. 1b). Supplementary
IIF? What are the optimal testing strategies, and what Table 1 gives an overview of the blend of autoantigens
is the value in using a combination of HEp-2 IIF and included in such screening assays. Following a positive
SPA testing in the diagnostic workflow? All these issues screening SPA test result, the specific reactivity of the
justify a reassessment of ANA testing. In this Review, autoantibody should be determined in follow-​up assays,
we attempt to answer the above-​mentioned questions in which the solid phase is coated with a single autoan­
and argue that information gets lost when a single tigen, unless a multiplexed assay was used for screen­
cut-​off value is applied when interpreting test results ing and the autoantibody specificity has already been
(dicho­tomous interpretation). Different techniques identified.
have varying performance characteristics and pro­ Various multiplexed SPAs are available. For example,
vide distinct types of information. Physicians habit­ in the addressable laser bead immunoassay (ALBIA),
ually interpret test results in a dichotomous way and each autoantigen is coupled to a bead with a distinctive
often are unaware of the intrinsic differences between intrinsic fluorescent signal. This approach enables the
the assays and their clinical relevance. This Review is simultaneous, multiplexed measurement of autoanti­
aimed at improving the understanding of the clinical bodies to various autoantigens using flow cytometry
performance of the avail­able techniques to empower (Fig. 1b). Assays that use alternative technologies (such
clinicians to better comprehend and interpret the as particle-​based multianalyte technology (PMAT))
results in the context of systemic ANA-​associated (Fig. 1b) are also under development10.
rheumatic diseases. Finally, line or dot immunoassays also enable multi­
plexed detection of autoantibodies to various auto­
Available ANA assays antigens; these antigens are typically immobilized as
Indirect immunofluorescence a line or dot on a nitrocellulose membrane (Fig. 1b).
Traditionally, ANAs are detected by IIF on rodent tissue In general, such assays are used to identify the specific
sections or on HEp‐2 cells. With HEp-2 IIF, the auto­ autoantibodies present in patients who have had a pos­
antibodies that attach to the HEp-2 cell substrate are itive screening result (for example, positivity by HEp-2
visualized with a fluorescence microscope after stain­ IIF) or in patients who are highly suspected of having
ing with fluorescein-​labelled anti-​immunoglobulin an ANA-​associated rheumatic disease (for example,
antibodies (Fig. 1a). In addition to recording the highest for detecting IIM-​specific or SSc-​specific antibodies in
antibody titre that provides a positive test result, the pat­ patients suspected of having IIM or SSc, respectively).
tern produced by the autoantibodies can provide further
clinically useful information as certain patterns are asso­ How well do the assays perform?
ciated with particular autoantibodies. The main ANA Performance characteristics: HEp-2 IIF
staining patterns are homogeneous, speckled, nucleolar The interpretation of an HEp-2 IIF test result is depen­
Specificity and centromere. The International Consensus on ANA dent on the antibody titre and pattern. In this section,
The ability of a test to correctly Patterns working group have made efforts to harmo­ we discuss the importance of considering both the
exclude individuals who do not nize the HEp-2 pattern nomenclature8. Table 1 gives an antibody titre and pattern, as well as additional aspects
have the disease; the specificity
is calculated as the fraction of
overview of the patterns associated with disease-​related such as the use of automated HEp-2 IIF, the clinical rele­
individuals without the disease autoantibodies. Examples of some of the most prevalent vance of HEp-2 IIF negativity and variation in HEp-2
who test negative. HEp-2 IIF patterns are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1. IIF testing.

ANA titre and the value of titre-​specific information. HEp-2 IIF test results. The high sensitivity associated
The international recommendations for the assessment with a HEp-2 IIF cut-​off of 1:80 ANA enables such a
of antibodies to cellular antigens, which were formu­ cut-​off to be used as an entry criterion for SLE classifi­
lated to support ANA screening during the first level cation. However, one should be careful when interpret­
of diagnosis for systemic autoimmune-​rheumatic dis­ ing a 1:80 result during disease diagnosis, given the low
eases, define the HEp-2 IIF cut-​off value as the titre that likelihood ratio associated with such a result. In patients
corresponds to the 95th percentile of local age-​matched with such low ANA test result, the diagnostic workflow
and gender-​matched healthy individuals11. In an inter­ and eventually the diagnosis will have to rely on clinical
national study on healthy individuals, this 95th percen­ manifestations or characteristics to avoid false diagnoses
tile corresponded to a titre of 1:160 (ref.12). However, the and unnecessary treatments.
international group of experts who created these recom­
mendations recognized that, at a 1:160 dilution, the Staining pattern. The antibody staining patterns with
sensitivity of HEp-2 IIF for ANA-​associated rheumatic HEp-2 IIF assays provide useful information that can
diseases is not perfect and that a negative result at such inform the disease diagnosis8,17,18. The classical nuclear
a dilution does not necessarily exclude disease11. patterns are speckled, homogeneous, nucleolar and
At variance with the suggested HEp-2 IIF cut-​off centromere. For each of these patterns, the PPV for
titre of 1:160 in the diagnostic workflow for SLE (and ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases increases with
other systemic autoimmune rheumatic disease) men­ increasing antibody titre18. Of these patterns, the cen­
tioned above11, the steering committee for the 2019 SLE tromere pattern has the highest PPV for ANA-​associated
classification criteria concluded that a titre of 1:80 has rheumatic diseases and is highly associated with SSc18.
sufficiently high sensitivity (97.8%) to be considered as Except for the centromere pattern, which is specific for
an entry criterion3,13.This conclusion was based on a lit­ anti-​CENPB antibodies, the HEp-2 IIF pattern does not
erature review and meta-​regression analysis of the per­ enable the identification of the specificity of the anti­
formance of HEp-2 IIF antibody testing for classifying body, even though associations between the antibody
SLE13. A cut-​off titre of 1:80 was chosen to optimize the pattern and specificity have been described (Table 1).
sensitivity of HEp-2 IIF for SLE classification; however, For example, anti-​double-​stranded DNA antibodies
it should be noted that the specificity associated with the are associated with a homogeneous pattern, anti-​SSA/
1:80 cut-​off titre is low (74.7%)13. Ro60 antibodies are associated with a fine speckled pat­
Typically, a single cut-​off value is used to interpret tern, anti-​U1RNP and anti-​Sm antibodies are associated
test results. However, using a single HEp-2 IIF cut-​off with a large/coarse speckled pattern and anti-​PM/Scl
value with a dichotomous interpretation (positive or and anti-​fibrillarin (U3 RNP) antibodies are associated
negative) overlooks the fact that the chance (likelihood) with the nucleolar pattern. Some cytoplasmic patterns
of disease increases with increasing antibody level (titre). (such as a (dense) fine speckled pattern) are associated
A dichotomous approach does not convey informa­ with the presence of antisynthetase anti­bodies (such
tion inherent to the antibody level (or the specific test as antibodies towards the amino-​acyl transfer RNA
result). For ANA detection by HEp-2 IIF, each test result synthetases Jo1, PL7, PL12, OJ, EJ, KS, Ha or Zo), anti-​
(antibody titre) has a specific likelihood ratio of disease signal recognition peptide (SRP) or anti-​ribosomal P
(known as the titre-​specific likelihood ratio). The con­ antibodies. Of note, some of the cytoplasmic antibod­
cept of likelihood ratios is explained in detail in Box 1. ies (for example, the antisynthetase antibodies) can be
Box 2 explains how the likelihood ratio can be used to detected at a low titre. In any case, a positive HEp-2
estimate the post-​test probability or positive predictive IIF test should be confirmed with an antigen-​specific
value (PPV). Estimates of the titre-​specific likelihood immunoassay. A nuclear dense fine speckled pattern
ratios of HEp-2 IIF suggest that the likelihood ratio on HEp-2 cells can also occur at high titres for sam­
increases with increasing antibody level14. For example, ples from healthy individuals17, owing to the presence
the clinical and diagnostic value of a titre of 1:80 (like­ of anti-​DFS70 antibodies. Hence, confirming the anti­
lihood ratio of 0.5) differs from that of a titre of 1:640 body specificity of this pattern with a specific assay is
(likelihood ratio of 19). A 1:640 titre has a likelihood important, as determining the antibody specificity using
ratio of 19, meaning that samples from patients with SLE microscopy can be difficult. Anti-​DFS70 antibodies are
are 19 times more likely to give a positive test result at present in 1–8% of healthy individuals, mainly in young
this titre than control samples, whereas a 1:80 titre has females19, but are also present in a wide range of diseases
The ability of a test to correctly
a likelihood ratio of 0.5, meaning that control samples (reviewed elsewhere20). The physiological importance of
detect patients with a disease; are twice as likely to give a positive test result at this titre these antibodies is not well understood. The presence
the sensitivity of a test is than samples from patients with SLE. Such titre-​specific of anti-​DFS70 antibodies might explain the finding of
calculated as the fraction of information is more valuable than a dichotomous inter­ a high-​titre ANA test result for some individuals who
patients with the disease who
pretation that uses a single cut-​off point. Applying a have no evidence of an ANA-​associated rheumatic dis­
test positive.
single cut-​off point ignores the clinical information ease. Some researchers have proposed that the presence
Likelihood ratio inherent in the antibody level (titre). Titre-​specific like­ of monospecific anti-​DFS70 antibodies (that is, anti-​
The ratio of the probability lihood ratios (and PPVs) have also been estimated for DFS70 in the absence of a disease-​associated antibody)
of a particular test result for ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases15,16. can be used as a biomarker to exclude individuals with­
a patient with a particular
disease and the probability
Taken together, titre-​specific likelihood ratios hold out an ANA-​associated rheumatic disease20,21. However,
of the same test result for an more clinical value than using a single cut-​off value other researchers have argued that the absence of
individual without the disease. and, therefore, enable a more accurate interpretation of disease-​associated ANAs and clinical symptoms should

Nature Reviews | Rheumatology


a Indirect immunofluorescence
Antibody labelling Antibody detection

Fluorescent tag

Detection antibody
(patient sample)
Autoantigen Microscopic evaluation
in HEp-2 cell (by indirect


Antibody titre Antibody staining pattern

(for example, in the nucleus and cytoplasm
Autoantigens 1:80) (for example, fine speckled)

HEp-2 cell

b Solid-phase assays
Antibody labelling Antibody detection

Solid phase assay Substrate or

Detection oxidizing agent
• Colorimetric
Autoantibody • Fluorescent
(patient sample) Autoantigen • Chemiluminescent


Dot or line blot (multiplexed assay) and blotting) or
compound (CIA)

Different autoantigens

ALBIA and PMAT (multiplexed assays)

Detection by flow
cytometry (for
ALBIA) or by camera
Antibody label (for PMAT)
antibody Detection by a laser
(for ALBIA) or a
Autoantibody 1 Autoantibody 2 light-emitting diode
(patient (patient (for PMAT)
sample) sample)
Bead or particle
detection by a
different laser
(for ALBIA) or
light-emitting diode
(for PMAT)

Different beads (for ALBIA) or particles (for PMAT)

with a unique intrinsic fluorescent signal (ALBIA) or
signature (PMAT), each coupled to a specific antigen

◀ Fig. 1 | overview of methods used for aNa detection. a | In immunofluorescence (IIF) the low abundance of the antigen and/or because of the
assays, patient samples are typically incubated on a slide covered with a monolayer of fixation method29–34. If the patient is suspected to have a
human epithelial type 2 (HEp-2) cells. Any antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) from the patient disease associated with one of the aforementioned anti­
that bind to autoantigens in the HEp-2 cells are detected by fluorophore-​labelled anti- bodies, a negative HEp-2 IIF should not elicit hesitation,
immunoglobulin antibodies (detection antibodies), which are then visualized using a
but should rather trigger the clinician to request an
fluorescence microscope. The test report includes the antibody titre and the antibody
staining pattern. b | In standard solid phase assays, a solid phase surface (for example,
alternative diagnostic assay (such as a SPA).
polystyrene or nitrocellulose) is coated with (a mixture of) autoantigens. Any ANAs
present in the patient sample that attach to the autoantigens are then bound by Assay variability. Different HEp-2 IIF kits are avail­
detection antibodies that provide a readout of the ANA concentration. This readout able that might yield varying results; two studies have
can be generated by linking the detection antibody with an enzyme that produces either shown that variation among HEp-2 IIF kits can influ­
a colorimetric signal (known as enzyme-​linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs)) or a ence ANA detection in patients with established SLE35,36.
fluorescent signal (known as fluorometric enzyme-​linked immunoassays (FEIAs)) in the In one of the studies, some patients with established
presence of a particular substrate. Alternatively, the detection antibody can be linked SLE had a negative ANA test result, and the frequency
to a compound that emits a chemiluminescent signal in the presence of a particular of ANA negativity (which varied from 0.6% to 27.6%)
solution (known as chemiluminescence immunoassays (CIAs)). In a line or dot blot
varied depending on the assay kit used35,36. Conversely,
(multiplex) immunoassay, the autoantigens are usually immobilized as a line or dot on
a nitrocellulose membrane. The autoantibodies bound to the nitrocellulose membrane in a correspondence to one of these studies, an Italian
are then detected with anti-​immunoglobulin antibodies linked to an enzyme (similarly study reported good sensitivity of manual and various
producing a colorimetric signal). In the addressable laser bead immunoassay (ALBIA) and automated HEp-2 IIF methods37. Nevertheless, based on
particle-​based multi-​analyte technology (PMAT) assay (which are further examples of these findings, the researchers questioned whether ANA
multiplexed assays), different autoantigens are coupled to different beads (for ALBIA) positivity should be employed to determine eligibility for
or particles (for PMAT), each with a distinctive intrinsic fluorescent signal (for ALBIA) or clinical trials35,36.
a unique signature (PMAT). Following incubation of the patient sample with the beads External quality assessment schemes (using reference
or particles, any bound autoantibodies present in the sample are then sandwiched by samples) have revealed that the reported HEp-2 IIF titre
fluorophore-​labelled detection antibodies. The samples are subsequently analysed can vary between different laboratories38,39, which was
by a flow cytometry-​based system using two lasers (for ALBIA) or a camera-​based system
put down to variations in methodology (such as the sub­
using two light-​emitting diodes (for PMAT), which enables the simultaneous detection
of multiple ANAs with different specificities. Other assay formats might become strate, fixative, conjugate and optics used) and subjective
available in the future. evaluation of the positivity38,39. Such variation also occurs
for automated ANA HEp-2 IIF40. The use of a secondary
reference material could reduce the between-​laboratory
contribute to the exclusion of an ANA-associated rheu­ variation39, but such reference materials are not used as
matic disease, rather than the presence of anti-DFS70 standard in clinical practice.
Summary and future perspectives. The performance
Automated HEp-2 IIF assays. Over the past decade, characteristics (such as the sensitivity, specificity, likeli­
HEp-2 IIF systems have been developed that enable hood ratio and PPV) of HEp-2 IIF are usually reported
automated image acquisition. Such automated HEp-2 for a single cut-​off. However, such a dichotomous
IIF systems generate quantitative fluorescence intensity approach overlooks the fact that the likelihood of dis­
data23,24, which the manufacturers propose could be used to ease increases with increasing antibody level. Therefore,
estimate the end-​point titres25. However, in addition when interpreting the results of a HEp-2 IIF in clinical
to the antibody titre, the antibody pattern might also practice, clinicians should consider the antibody titre
affect the fluorescence intensity25. With some commercial (including the relevant titre-​specific likelihood ratio), as
systems, the likelihood ratio for ANA-​associated rheum­ well as the fluorescence pattern, to avoid loss of essential
atic diseases increases with increasing fluorescence light additional information.
intensity23,26,27, and light intensity unit-​specific likelihood
ratios have been calculated28. These data suggest that Performance characteristics: SPA
the higher the fluorescence intensity as measured by Different SPAs, including ELISA, FEIAs and CIAs, are
an automated HEp-2 IIF system, the higher the chance increasingly being introduced in clinical laboratories
(likelihood) of an ANA-​associated rheumatic disease. In to screen for ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases. Line
addition to staining intensity, some automated systems blots and dot blots are typically not used to screen for
are able to identify some of the major ANA patterns. ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases and are instead usu­
However, it is important that an experienced technician ally used for the identification of specific autoantibodies.
reviews the antibody staining pattern as not all patterns By comparison, the high degree of automation of ALBIA
are recognized by automated HEp-2 IIF systems and as and PMAT makes these multiplexed assays more apt for
some automated systems might fail to accurately assign screening. In this section, we discuss the performance
the pattern. characteristics of SPAs in screening for ANA-​associated
rheumatic diseases (as a group and for individual dis­
Relevance of negative HEp-2 IIF test result. An impor­ eases), how the screening SPAs differ from each other
tant aspect to consider for ANA testing is that an HEp-2 and whether screening SPAs can replace HEp-2 IIF.
IIF might miss the presence of certain antibodies, such as Supplementary Table 2 gives an overview of the studies
antibodies to SSA/Ro60, Ro52 (also known as TRIM21), published after 2010 that have reported data on the
ribosomal P, Jo1 and other amino-​acyl transfer RNA performance characteristics of SPA and HEp-2 IIF for
synthetases, SRP, HMGCR, NXP1 or MDA5, because of ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases14,15,24,41–48.

Nature Reviews | Rheumatology


Table 1 | autoantigens and hep-2 IIF patterns of aNas associated with various rheumatic diseases
antibody specificity associated disease hep-2 IIF nuclear staining hep-2 IIF cytoplasmic staining
Broad expression in ANA-​associated diseases
ssDNA No specific disease Frequently negative None
Histone Drug-​induced lupus, SLE, JIA and Homogeneous None
various other diseases
SSA/Ro60a Sjögren syndrome and SLE Fine speckled; can be missed None
Ro52 (TRIM21) Sjögren syndrome, SLE, IIM, SSc and Frequently negative None
various other diseases
U1RNP (70 K, A and C)a SLE and MCTD Large/coarse speckled None
cN1A Inclusion body myositis, Sjögren Undefined Undefined
syndrome and SLE
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Double-​stranded DNAa SLE Homogeneous None
Nucleosome or chromatin SLE Homogeneous None
Sm a
SLE Large/coarse speckled None
Ribosomal P SLE None Dense fine speckled; can be missed
PCNA SLE PCNA-​like (pleomorphic speckled) None
Systemic sclerosis
Topoisomerase Ia (Scl70) SSc Topo I-​like None
CENPBa SSc Centromere None
RNA polymerase III a
SSc Large/coarse speckled None
Fibrillarin SSc Clumpy nucleolar; perichromosomal None
staining in mitotic HEp-2 cells
Th/To SSc Homogeneous nucleolar None
Nor90 SSc Punctate nucleolar; staining in the nucleolar None
organizer regions during metaphase
U11/U12 RNP SSc Large/coarse speckled None
BICD2 SSc Nuclear None
Sjögren syndrome
SSB/La Sjögren syndrome Fine speckled None
Overlap syndromes
RuvBL1/2 SSc overlap with IIM Fine speckled None
PM/Scl SSc overlap with IIM Homogeneous nucleolar and weak fine None
Ku Overlap syndromes Fine speckled None
Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies
Jo1a Antisynthetase syndrome None Fine speckled; can be missed
PL7 , PL12, OJ, EJ, KS, Ha Antisynthetase syndrome None (Dense) fine speckled; can be
or Zo missed
Mi2 Dermatomyositis Fine speckled None
MDA5 Dermatomyositis None Fine speckled in a subset of cells;
can be missed
TIF1γ Dermatomyositis Fine speckled; can be missed None
NXP2 Dermatomyositis Multiple nuclear dots; can be missed None
SAE Dermatomyositis Fine speckled None
SRP Necrotizing myositis None Fine speckled; can be missed
HMGCR Necrotizing myositis None Staining (fine speckled) in only a
few cells; can be missed
DFS70 Rare in ANA-​associated rheumatic Dense, fine speckled None
Immunofluorescence (IIF) assays with human epithelial type 2 cells (HEp-2 cells, HEp-2 IIF). Several of these autoantibodies are covered by numerous solid phase
assays from different brands. ANA, antinuclear antibody; IIM, inflammatory myopathies; JIA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis; MCTD, mixed connective tissue disease;
SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; SSc, systemic sclerosis. aIncluded in classification criteria.

Box 1 | likelihood ratios of ELISAs, one study that compared different ELISAs
found that the performance was dependent on the type of
The likelihood ratio is the fraction of patients with the disease who have a particular ELISA used: ELISAs that incorporate a HEp-2 or HeLA
test result divided by the fraction of individuals without the disease who also have this test extract had a high sensitivity (90%) (at least as high as
result. The positive likelihood ratio (that is, the likelihood ratio of a positive test result) HEp-2 IIF (87.4%)) but a low specificity (45–60%) (lower
and the negative likelihood ratio (that is, the likelihood ratio of a negative test result) can
than HEp-2 IIF (72.3%)), whereas an ELISA that incor­
be calculated from the sensitivity and specificity of the test. For example, a test that
has a sensitivity of 80% (that is, 80% of the patients with the disease test positive) and porates only a mixture of separate antigens (thus no cel­
a specificity of 90% (that is, 10% of individuals without the disease test positive) has a lular extract) had a lower sensitivity (76%) and higher
positive likelihood ratio of 8 (that is, 0.8 divided by 0.1). Hence, for this particular test, specificity (90.4%) than HEp-2 IIF48. Thus, it is important
a positive test result is 8 times more likely in a patient with the disease than in an to know the type of ELISA used for ANA screening to
individual without the disease. Using the same example, the negative likelihood ratio is adequately interpret the test results.
the fraction of patients with the disease who test negative (that is, 20 out of 100 patients)
divided by the fraction of individuals without the disease who test negative (that is, SPA screening for individual ANA-​associated rheu-
90 out of 100 individuals), which is 0.222 (that is, 0.2 divided by 0.9). Hence, for this matic diseases. Data from several studies suggest that
example, a negative test result is 4.5 times less likely in a patient with the disease than HEp-2 IIF is more sensitive than FEIA, CIA and ALBIA
in an individual without the disease. A high positive likelihood ratio (ideally >10) is best
for screening for SSc and SLE but that these latter SPAs
for confirming a disease diagnosis, whereas a low negative likelihood ratio (ideally <0.1)
is best for excluding the disease. are more sensitive than HEp-2 IIF for screening for
In the example mentioned above, a single cut-​off point is used and the result is either Sjögren syndrome14,15,41–47 (Supplementary Table 2).
positive or negative. For many tests, however, more information is available than just For IIM, the sensitivity of FEIA, CIA, ALBIA and
a positive or negative result. For example, antinuclear antibody tests provide an antibody HEp-2 IIF (depending on the study) is relatively low
titre; for each titre, a titre-​specific likelihood ratio can be calculated. If an antinuclear (36–89.3% for studies that included >10 patients with
antibody (ANA) titre of 1:1,280 is positive in 20% of patients with an ANA-​associated IIM)14,15,24,44,46–48 (Supplementary Table 2). These findings
rheumatic disease and only in 1% of individuals without a disease, then the likelihood could be explained by the fact that the screening SPAs
ratio associated with a titre of 1:1,280 would be 20 (that is, the fraction of patients with do not include all known IIM-specific antibodies and that
the disease and with this specific test result (0.2) divided by the fraction of individuals not all IIM-specific antibodies are adequately detected
without disease and with this specific test result (0.01)). Similarly, if an ANA titre of 1:320 is
by HEp-2 IIF (such as cytoplasmic Jo1). A syste­matic
positive in 40% of patients with disease and in 4% of individuals without disease, then the
likelihood ratio associated with an ANA titre of 1:320 would be 10 (0.4 divided by 0.04). review and meta-analysis that compared HEp-2 IIF
For quantitative (continuous scale) results, test result interval-​specific likelihood with FEIA reported a sensitivity of 94% and 79%, respec­
ratios can be estimated by dividing the fraction of patients with disease and with a test tively, for SSc, of 87% and 81%, respectively, for SLE,
result within the specified interval by the fraction of individuals without the disease of 63% and 50%, respectively, for IIM and of 80% and
with a test result in the same interval 69. The test result-​specific likelihood ratio also 88%, respectively, for Sjögren syndrome50. These data
corresponds to the slope of the tangent on the receiver operating characteristics curve should be viewed with caution given the small number
at the point that corresponds to the specific test result69,70. of patients included in the study50. The higher sensiti­
Determining the likelihood ratio is complex and requires sufficient well-​characterized vity of HEp-2 IIF compared with SPA for SSc could be
patients and controls and, therefore, it is not realistic to expect each individual labora- because not all SSc-​specific antibodies are included in
tory to determine the likelihood ratios of the tests they are performing. Data for titre result-
the SPA screening assays.
specific and test result-​specific likelihood ratios can be obtained from the literature14–16,28
or can be deduced from published large meta-​regression data13. We encourage laboratory
immunologists, clinicians and in vitro diagnostic companies to cooperate (in multi-centre, Test result-​specific likelihood ratios. Researchers have
multi-​national initiatives) to establish test result-​specific likelihood ratios. estimated test result-​specific likelihood ratios for ANA-​
associated rheumatic diseases for automated FEIA and
CIA28. Such information could help to define thresholds
SPA screening for ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases. for each assay that correspond to predefined likelihood
Data from various studies have suggested that FEIA, ratios28. By using such an approach, the interpretation of
CIA and ALBIA are less sensitive but more specific for ANA test results can be aligned across different assays
screening for ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases than from different manufacturers.
HEp-2 IIF14,15,24,43–48 (Supplementary Table 2). In a meta-​
analysis of fully paired studies, the sensitivity of FEIA, Assay variability. Similar to the variation reported for
CIA and HEp-2 IIF (1:80 cut-​off) for ANA-​associated different HEp-2 IIF kits, different screening SPA kits
rheumatic diseases was calculated to be 78.5%, 85.9% and might also give varying results. For example, a meta-​
89.1–89.2%, respectively, whereas the specificity was cal­ analysis found high variability in test performance
culated to be 93.6%, 86.1% and 70.9–72.4%, respectively49. charac­teristics across studies for ELISAs and HEp-2 IIF
In one study that directly compared the performance of but not for FEIA49. The high variability of ELISA and low
FEIA, CIA and HEp-2 IIF24, the overall performance, as variability of FEIA could be explained by the fact that
assessed by the area under receiver operator character­ assays with diverse configurations (setups) are available
istics curve, was similar for all three assays24. Thus, the from different manufacturers for ELISA, whereas only
differences in performance between the assays largely one fully automated assay (from a single manufacturer)
relate to the way the cut-​off points are chosen (by the is available for FEIA.
manufacturer). When the cut-​off was defined as the value
that corresponded to a specificity of ~95%, then the sen­ Summary and future perspective. Taken together, the
sitivities of HEp-2 IIF, FEIA and CIA for ANA-​associated performance characteristics of screening SPAs are both
rheumatic diseases were comparable (79%, 82% and 78% assay-​dependent and disease-​dependent. Clinicians
for HEp-2 IIF, FEIA and CIA, respectively)24. In terms should consider these aspects when interpreting the

Nature Reviews | Rheumatology


Box 2 | Clinical test indices: predictive values, probabilities and odds a systematic review of studies reporting on the diag­
nostic test accuracy of FEIA and/or HEp-2 IIF for
Positive and negative predictive values ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases showed that a
The positive predictive value (PPV) is the proportion of positive test results that are double-​positive test result (that is, positivity by both
true-positive results in a reference group out of all positive results, and provides a assays) had a higher likelihood ratio for ANA-​associated
measure of the probability of disease in an individual with a positive test result.
rheumatic diseases than a positive test result from just
number of true‐positives one of the assays (26.2 for a double-​positive test result
(number of true‐positives + number of false‐positives) versus 14.4 for positivity by FEIA alone or 5.1 for posi­
tivity by HEp-2 IIF alone) and a negative test result for
The PPV is dependent on the prevalence of the disease, and the sensitivity and both assays had a lower likelihood ratio than a nega­
specificity of a test. If, out of 100 individuals, 10 individuals have the disease of interest tive test result from a single assay (0.15 versus 0.21 for
(that is, a prevalence of 10%) and a particular test has a sensitivity of 80% and specificity negativity by HEp-2 IIF alone or 0.33 for negativity by
of 90%, then among these 100 individuals, 17 will have a positive test result (8 out of FEIA alone)50. Thus, combining results from a FEIA
10 individuals with the disease (true-​positives) and 9 out of 90 individuals without the
and a HEp-2 IIF is more powerful than performing
disease (false-​positives)). For this example, the PPV is 0.47 (that is, 8 divided by 17).
The negative predictive value (NPV) is the probability of not having the disease in a either assay alone, as concordant positive or concordant
patient with a negative test result. negative results can better rule in or rule out disease,
respectively. For discordant test results, a positive FEIA
Post-​test and pre-​test probabilities
test result together with a negative HEp-2 IIF test result
The post-​test probability also provides a measure of the probability of disease in a
patient with a positive test result, and is similar to the PPV (and the two terms are
had a higher likelihood ratio than a positive HEp-2
sometimes referred to synonymously), except that the post-​test probability refers to IIF test result together with a negative FEIA test result
a probability for a particular individual, rather than that established from a reference (likelihood ratio 2.4 versus 1.4)50. Thus, samples that are
group. The pre-​test probability is a measure of the probability of the target disease for a positive by FEIA but negative by HEp-2 IIF are more
particular individual before the test is performed, whereas the prevalence is established likely to be from a patient with an ANA-​associated rheu­
from a reference group. matic disease than samples that are negative by FEIA but
Post-​test and pre-​test odds positive by HEp-2 IIF. One study performed a similar
The post-​test and pre-​test odds are estimates of the odds that a patient has a target analysis of the performance of HEp-2 IIF with or with­
disorder before and after the test result are known. The relationship between odds and out CIA and found a similar outcome: double positi­vity
probability are summarized by the following equations: by both HEp-2 IIF and CIA had a higher likelihood
ratio (12.2) than positivity by HEp-2 IIF alone (2.4) or
Odds = by CIA alone (7.3)24. Finally, according to the results of
(1 − probability)
one study16, for each HEp-2 IIF antibody titre, the PPV
Probability = for ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases increases when
(1+ odds)
combined with a positive FEIA test result and decreases
Relation to the likelihood ratio when combined with a negative FEIA test result. This
The post-​test odds of a disease can be estimated on the basis of the pre-​test odds and result further supports the value of combining HEp-2
the likelihood ratio of a test using the following equations: IIF with FEIA.
Post‐test odds = pre‐test odds × likelihood ratio
Combining information obtained from HEp-2 IIF
assays and FEIAs or CIAs has the added benefit that
Similarly, the post-​test probability (or positive predictive value, assuming that the two either assay might detect antibodies that are undetected
are equal) can be estimated on the basis of the pre-​test probability (prevalence) and the by the other assay. HEp-2 IIF can detect some antibodies
likelihood ratio, using a combination of the equations listed above. at high titres in diagnostic samples of ANA-​associated
rheumatic diseases that are undetected by SPA14,51. Such
ANA test results provided. Different commercial assays high-​titre antibodies are associated with a high speci­
have different compositions of autoantigens, and the ficity for ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases. Eight
clinician should be aware of which autoantigens are percent of patients with an ANA-​associated rheumatic
included in the SPA used. None of the assays is overall disease have a negative test result by FEIA but a highly
superior to the other assays or to HEp-2 IIF, but rather positive test result by HEp-2 IIF (that is a higher titre
each assay has different strengths. Test result-​specific than the 95% specificity cut-​off value)51. By contrast,
likelihood ratios could help to improve and harmonize patients with a weakly positive or negative test result by
the interpretation of test results. HEp-2 IIF and a positive FEIA test result have a higher
Some relevant autoantibodies probably remain likelihood ratio for ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases
uncharacterized at this time. Thus, even SPA screen­ (for example, Sjögren syndrome) than patients with a
ing assays that include a complete array of known weakly positive or negative test result by HEp-2 IIF and
autoantibodies could fail to detect an uncharacterized a negative FEIA test result51. Double positivity for HEp-2
disease-​related autoantibody. HEp-2 IIF can potentially IIF and FEIA (which occurs in 71% of all patients with
pick up hitherto unidentified antibodies, which can be an ANA-​associated rheumatic disease) has the highest
clinically helpful and useful for research. likelihood ratio for ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases51.
Taken together, considering information from both
Value of combining ANA assay data the HEp-2 IIF and the FEIA or CIA can be beneficial
Data from HEp-2 IIF and SPAs can provide comple­ when interpreting ANA test results: the likelihood ratio
mentary information, and combining data from both for ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases increases with
assay types could have diagnostic value. For example, double positivity, and both types of assays can detect

antibodies that are undetected or only weakly positive For Sjögren syndrome, FEIA and CIA are highly sen­
by the other assay type51. sitive and specific for disease and can be directly per­
formed (without the need for HEp-2 IIF). For SSc, HEp-2
How to best interpret results IIF is a good screening assay, given its high sensitivity.
Which cut-​off to use? The centromere pattern is highly associated with SSc5,8,
Current cut-​off values. Applying a single cut-​off and and the nucleolar pattern is also associated with dis­
interpreting ANA test results in a dichotomous manner ease, albeit to a lesser extent. Other SSc-​associated anti­
provides an oversimplified picture and misses out on bodies include antibodies to fibrillarin, PM/Scl, Th/To
information that is inherent in the antibody level. For or Nor90, which all produce a nucleolar pattern; how­
example, HEp-2 IIF is generally considered a sensitive ever, none of the existing screening SPAs (FEIA and CIA)
but unspecific assay. However, if the cut-​off value for is able to detect all these antibodies (see Supplementary
HEp-2 IIF is adapted, this assay can become highly spe­ Table 1). Multiplexed line blot or dot blot assays that
cific. The treating physician should ensure that they are detect all of the currently known SSc-​specific antibodies
aware of these relevant differences. exist, but the sensitivity and specificity for SSc of these
assays has not been fully documented.
Value of titre-​specific information. We propose that For IIMs, both HEp-2 IIF and SPA screening assays
studies assessing the performance of ANA assays should (FEIA and CIA) might not detect some IIM-​specific
include test result-​specific likelihood ratios (for example, antibodies. As the number of characterized target anti­
titre-​specific or light intensity unit-​specific likelihood gens of IIM-​specific antibodies is continuing to grow,
ratios for HEp-2 IIF assays). Similarly, we encourage more specific (multiplexed) testing for IIM-​specific
assay developers to include test result-​specific likelihood antibodies (for example, using dedicated dot blots or
ratios so that this information is available to clinicians. line blots) is recommended for patients for whom there
Reporting test result-​specific likelihood ratios can not is a high level of clinical suspicion of IIM58. The clin­
only improve clinical interpretation but can also help to ical performance (such as the sensitivity, specificity
align test result interpretation between different assays and likelihood ratio) of commercial line or dot blots
and methods28. Antibody levels that are below the anti­ might differ59. For some line or dot multiplexed assays,
body level that corresponds to a likelihood ratio of 0.1 a weakly positive result might have a low specificity60,61.
are useful to exclude disease, whereas antibody levels Concordance between the HEp-2 IIF pattern and results
that exceed the antibody level that corresponds to a of the specific antibody testing can enhance the speci­
likelihood ratio of 10 are useful to confirm the disease. ficity of the testing overall62,63. Not all IIM-​specific anti­
Antibody levels that correspond to a likelihood ratio of bodies are included in the SPA screening assays. For
1 indicate that the test result will be helpful in neither example, anti-​RuvBL1/2 antibodies, which typically give
excluding nor confirming the disease. The likelihood a speckled nuclear pattern on HEp-2 IIF and are associ­
ratio can also be used to estimate the post-​test probability ated with SSc-​overlap with IIM64, are not detectable by
of disease based on the pre-​test probability (Box 2). commercial assays. These autoantibodies can be reliably
detected by immunoprecipitation.
Value of the HEp-2 IIF pattern An important consideration is that other diseases
In addition to the antibody titre, the antibody pattern (including non-​rheumatic diseases) have ANA testing as
on HEp-2 IIF has further diagnostic value and should part of their diagnostic or classification criteria, includ­
also be considered during the diagnostic workflow. ing autoimmune hepatitis65,66, primary biliary cholangitis
A centromere pattern is highly associated with SSc5,8. (PBC)67 and juvenile idiopathic arthritis68. For autoim­
Clinicians should check whether the specific antibody mune hepatitis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis, ANA
identified fits with the pattern observed on HEp-2 IIF. by HEp-2 IIF remains the only option for ANA testing
as the target autoantigens are largely unknown and not
Proposed testing approaches included in SPAs. In PBC, the ANA target autoanti­
The optimal test approach to ANA screening is disease- gens include sp100 and gp210, which give a multiple
dependent (Table 2)52. For SLE, an ANA titre of ≥1:80 on nuclear dot pattern and a nuclear envelope pattern,
HEp‐2 cells or an equivalent positive test at least once respectively67. HEp-2 IIF can also reveal the presence of
is an entry criterion for the new disease classification anti-​mitochondrial antibodies in PBC, which produce a
criteria3. Thus, unlike previous criteria, these classifi­ reticular cytoplasmic staining pattern.
cation criteria enable the use of SPAs as alternatives to
HEp-2 IIF; however, the criteria did not define what Conclusions
counts as ‘an equivalent positive test’. Logically, equi­ Overall, a variety of different methods are currently
valence should be determined on the basis of the assay available for ANA detection in the framework of
sensitivity. Given that the ANA status can depend on the ANA-​associated rheumatic diseases. HEp-2 IIF assays
assay used35,36, the optimal strategy might be to combine have been used by researchers and clinicians for several
the use of HEp-2 IIF and SPAs24,51–57. Such a strategy had decades and rely on the end point titration and visual
added diagnostic value55. Researchers have called atten­ reading of the antibody patterns. However, the HEp-2
tion to the fact that the ANA status of patients with SLE IIF has the disadvantage of variability between different
might depend on the therapy, the stage of disease and/or laboratories and a low specificity at low-​antibody titres.
the natural history of the disease, the aspects of which Alternative SPAs that measure disease-​specific anti­
deserve further more detailed investigations55,56. bodies have been introduced. Compared with HEp-2 IIF

Nature Reviews | Rheumatology


Table 2 | approach to aNa detection in aNa-​associated rheumatic diseases

Disease overall approach Staining pattern by hep-2 IIF Specificity of aNas
detected on SPas
Systemic lupus IIF has a high sensitivity, but low specificity. Combining IIF Nuclear homogeneous dsDNA
erythematosus with SPA adds value
Nucleosome or chromatin
Nuclear fine speckled (can be missed) SSA/Ro60
Nuclear large/coarse speckled Sm
Cytoplasmic dense fine speckled Ribosomal P
(can be missed)
PCNA-​like (pleomorphic speckled) PCNA
Sjögren IIF might miss some anti-​SSA/Ro60 antibodies. SPAs for Nuclear fine speckled SSA/Ro60
syndrome SSA/Ro60 (and SSB/La) have a good sensitivity and can
be directly performed without the need for a HEp-2 IIF SSB/La
screening test
Systemic sclerosis HEp-2 IIF is a good screening assay and has a high Centromere CENPB
sensitivity. SPAs can detect the majority of SSc-​specific
antibodies, but not all. Topo I-​like Topoisomerase I (Scl70)

It is important to check whether the specific antibody Nuclear speckled RNA polymerase III
identified by SPA fits with the IIF pattern U11/U12 RNP
Ku (overlap)
RuvBL1/2 (overlap IIM)a
Nucleolar (clumpy, homogeneous or Fibrillarin
PM/Scl (overlap)
Poorly defined (speckled) BICD2
Idiopathic HEp-2 IIF has a limited sensitivity. Employ SPAs in cases Cytoplasmic (dense) fine speckled Various amino-​acyl transfer
inflammatory where there is a high level of clinical suspicion. Cautious (can be missed) RNA synthetases: Jo1, PL7 ,
myopathies interpretation of weakly positive results on SPAs is PL12, OJ, EJ, KS, Ha or Zo
necessary owing to the possibility of weakly false-​positive
results with some assays. The available assays do not SRP
cover the full antibody spectrum. It is important to check Cytoplasmic (fine speckled, in a HMGCR
whether the specific antibody identified by SPA fits with subset of cells) (can be missed)
IIF pattern MDA5
Nuclear, fine speckled Mi2
Ku (overlap)
RuvBL1/2 (overlap with SSc)a
Nuclear multiple dots (can be missed) NXP2
Mixed connective HEp-2 IIF is a good screening assay. High levels of antibodies Nuclear large/coarse speckled U1RNP
tissue disease to U1RNP (detected by SPA) is suggestive of MCTD
ANA, antinuclear antibody; IIF, immunofluorescence; MCTD, mixed connective tissue disease; PCNA, proliferating cell nuclear antigen;SPA, solid phase assay;
SRP, signal recognition peptide; SSc, systemic sclerosis. aDetected by immunoprecipitation (a technique for autoantibody detection based on immunoprecipitation
of the autoantigen from a radiolabelled cell extract). The technique is used in only a few (research) laboratories.

assays, the performance of fully automated systems such relevant differences in performance between HEp-2
as FEIA (and probably CIA) is more consistent between IIF assays and various SPAs. The differences among the
laboratories49,50. In terms of clinical performance, neither assays should also be kept in mind when the tests are
the HEp-2 IIF nor the SPAs (such as FEIA or CIA) are used as an entry criterion for classification, in which
superior to each other. A test result with a high sensitiv­ case a test with a high sensitivity for detecting disease
ity, such as when using a HEp-2 IIF with a 1:80 cut-​off is needed.
titre, is useful for excluding the presence of disease, The performance of HEp-2 IIF assays and SPAs
whereas a test result with a high specificity (for exam­ (including FEIA and CIA) is disease-​dependent. SPA is
ple, when using a FEIA or HEp-2 IIF with a high cut-​off superior to HEp-2 IIF for Sjögren syndrome, and HEp-2
or threshold) is useful for confirming the presence of IIF is more sensitive than SPAs for SSc and SLE. For IIM,
disease. Clinicians should be aware of the clinically the use of neither a HEp-2 IIF nor a SPA is optimal.

For patients for whom there is a high level of clinical specificity. Ideally, a screening assay should be followed
suspicion of IIM, the presence of IIM-​specific anti­ by an antibody-​specific assay. However, each laboratory
bodies should be determined by use of specific assays should define the test strategy that best addresses the
(for example, line or dot blot assay). Thus, the optimal local situation.
test strategy depends on the disease of interest. Neither Finally, and notably, interpreting ANA test results
HEp-2 IIF assays nor SPAs (that is, FEIAs or CIAs) alone in a dichotomous manner loses important informa­
can identify all patients with an ANA-​associated rheu­ tion, which can be overcome by instead considering
matic disease, and using a combination of data from test result-​specific likelihood ratios. We propose that
both types of assays provides the most clinically valuable test result-​specific likelihood ratios should be reported
information. Double positivity for both types of assays whenever possible. Such an approach should not only
has the highest likelihood ratio for disease. HEp-2 IIF enable better interpretation of test results but should
might detect relevant antibodies that are undetected also help to harmonize test results across different assays
by SPAs, whereas SPAs can detect antibodies that are from different manufacturers. This approach, however,
undetected or weakly positive by HEp-2 IIF (such as will require a change in the mindset among clinicians,
anti-​SSA/Ro or anti-​Jo1 antibodies). No single cut-​off laboratory professionals and the diagnostic industry.
value for HEp-2 IIF assays or SPAs (including FEIA and
CIAs) is associated with both good sensitivity and good Published online xx xx xxxx

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