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CVG 5175

CVG 5175
Numerical Methods for Geotechnical Engineers

Assignment 2
Steady State Seepage (FDM)
Due Date: November 18, 2016

Question 1
Develop the 2D steady-state flow equation for a problem with non-uniform, non-isotropic soil and a
variable spacing of the grid (i.e. Δx and Δy are not constant).

Question 2
Using the Finite Difference Method, calculate the hydraulic head distribution at steady state below the
dam and cut-off wall shown below. Assume a uniform soil with an isotropic hydraulic conductivity.

Question 3
Using the Finite Difference Method, calculate the hydraulic head distribution below the dam and cut-
off wall shown below. Assume isotropic soils. The hydraulic conductivity of Soil 1 and Soil 3 is
0.005 m/s. The hydraulic Conductivity of Soil 2 is 0.001 m/s.
Assignment 2: Steady State Seepage (FDM) p. 2 of 2

Due Date: November 18, 2016 CVG 5175

CVG 5175

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