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Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament

The Acts of the Apostles

Chapter: 2
0xyl4d 0db9-
B :0xxc

were assembled as of Pentecost the days were fulfilled and after

wwh Ny4ynk dk 0=swq=npd Fmwy wylmt0 dkw .1

like a sound heaven from all of a sudden there was as one all

Ky0 fq 0ym4 Nm 0yl4 Nm 0wh .2 0dxk0 Jwhlk

in which that house all with it was and filled groaning a spirit

hbd wh Fyb hlk hnm 0wh Ylmt0w Fzyz9 0xwr

were that divided tongues to them and appeared were they sitting
wwh Nyglptmd 0n4l Jwhl wyzxt0w .3 wwh Nybty
and were filled of them every one upon and sat fire like

wylmt0w .4 Jwhnm dx dx L9 wbtyw 0rwn Ky0

to speak were and they driven of Holiness with the Spirit all of them

wllmml wwh wpq0w 04dwqd 0xwrb Jwhlk

to speak to them had given the Spirit as just in different tongues

wllmml Jwhl 0wh Bhy 0xwrd 0m Ky0 N4l N4lb

who feared in Urishlim who were living men now were there

Nm Nylxdd Ml4rw0b Nyrm9d 0rbg Nyd wwh ty0 .5

and when heaven that are under nations all from Jews God
dkw .6 0ym4 tyxtd 0mm9 Lk Nm 0ydwhy 0hl0
because and were rioting the people all gathered that sound occurred

L=m $gt40w 0m9 hlk $nk wh fq 0wh

were who speaking among them each man were they hearing
wwh Nyllmmd Jwhnm $n0 $n0 0wh (m4d
and wondered all of them now were they astonished in their own language

Nyrmdtmw Jwhlk Nyd wwh Nyryht .7 Jwhyn4lb

who are speaking all of them these one to another were they saying while

Nyllmmd Jwhlk Nylh dxl dx wwh Nyrm0 dk

each man <we> do hear we how are Galileans behold not

$n0 $n0 Nnx Ny9m4 Nnx 0nky0 .8 Jwn0 0ylylg 0h f

and Elamites and Medes Parthians we were born in which the tongue

0ynl0w 0ydmw 0ywtrp .9 Nnx Nydyly hbd hn4l

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
The Acts of the Apostles
Chapter: 2
0xyl4d 0db9-
B :0xxc

and those from and Cappadocians Yehudeans in Beth-Nahrin who dwell and those

Nmdw 0yqdwpqw 0ydwhy Nyrhn-tyb

Nyrhn tyb Nyrm9d Nyly0w
of Phrygia the areas and those from and of Asia of Pontus the areas

0ygwrpd 0rt0 Nmdw .10 0ys0dw Sw=npd 0rt0

that are near of Libya and of the areas and of Egypt and of Pamphylia

Nybyrqd 0bwld Fwrt0dw Nyrcmdw 0ylwpmpdw

and proselytes Jews Rome from who have come and those to Cyrene
0rwygw 0ydwhy 0mwhr Nm wt0d Nyly0w 0nyrwql
from them we are hearing behold and Arabians Crete and those from

Jwhnm Nnx Ny9m4 0h 0ybr9w 0=rq Nmdw .11

of God the wonders <ours> in our language that they are proclaiming
0hl0d htrmdt Nlyd Nyn4lb Nyllmmd
saying while and were amazed all of them and were they astonished

Nyrm0 dk Nyrywtw Jwhlk Nyd wwh Nyrmdtm .12

mocking but others affair this is what one to another

Nyqymm Nyd 0nrx0 .13 Fwbc 0dh Yh 0nmd dxl dx

have drunk new wine these [men] saying while them were

wyt40 Fyr0m Nylh Nyrm0 dk Jwhb wwh

among Keepa Shimon stood up afterward and have become drunk

M9 0p0k Jw9m4 Mq Nkrtb .14 wywrw

Jews men to them and said his voice and lifted up Apostles the eleven
0ydwhy 0rbg Jwhl rm0w hlq Myr0w Nyxyl4 rs9dx
and pay attention to to you let be known this in Urishlim who dwell and all

wtwcw Jwkl (dytt 0dh Ml4rw0b Nyrm9d Jwhlkw

are drunk these [men] think you as for not my words

Nywr Nylh Nyrbs Jwtn0d 0nky0 ryg f .15 Ylm

this but hour it is [only] the third now up until for behold

0dh f0 .16 Ny94 Nyn0 tlt 04hl 0md9 0hd

in days it will be the prophet by Yoel that which was spoken is

Fmwyb 0whn .17 0ybn Ly0wyb 0rym0d Yh

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
The Acts of the Apostles
Chapter: 2
0xyl4d 0db9-
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flesh all upon my Spirit I shall pour out God said latter

rsb Lk L9 Yxwr dw40 0hl0 rm0 0yrx0

visions and your young men and your daughters your sons and will prophesy

0nwzx Jwkydwdgw Jwktnbw Jwkynb Jwbntnw

and upon my servants and upon will dream dreams and your elders will see

L9w Ydb9 L9w .18 Jwmlxn 0mlx Jwky4y4qw Jwzxn

and they will prophesy those in days my Spirit I will pour out my handmaids
Jwbntnw Jwnh Fmwyb Yxwr dw40 Ythm0
the earth upon and mighty deeds in heaven signs and I will cause

09r0 L9 Fwrbgw 0ym4b Fwt0 Lt0w .19

into darkness will be changed the sun of smoke and columns and fire blood
0n=m9b Plxtn 04m4 .20 0nntd 0r=9w 0rwnw 0md
and awesome great of the LORD the day will come before into blood and the moon

fyxdw 0br 0yrmd hmwy F0n fd9 0mdb 0rhsw

will be saved of the LORD [on] the name who call [that] all and it will be

0xn 0yrmd hm4 0rqnd Lk 0whnw .21

the Nasraya Yeshua these words listen to Israel sons of men
0yrcn (w4y Nylh fm w9m4 Lyrsy0 Ynb 0rbg .22
and with signs with miracles to you was shown God who by a man
Fwt0bw fyxb Jwktwl Yzxt0 0hl0 Nmd 0rbg
as by his hand among you did that God those and with mighty deeds
Ky0 hdy0b Jwktnyb db9 0hl0d Nyly0 Fwrbgbw
<him> was who set apart this [man] you know <you>

hl 0wh $yrpd 0nhl .23 Jwtn0 Ny9dy Jwtn0d

you delivered of God and will by the foreknowledge for this

Yhynwtml40 0hl0d hnybcbw ht9dy twmdqmb 0dhl

God and killed and you crucified the ungodly into the hands of

0hl0 .24 Jwtl=qw Jwtpqzw 09y4r Ydy0b

it possible not because of Sheol the cords 1 and loosed raised him but

0xk4m fd L=m Lwy4d hylbx 0r4w hmyq0 Nyd

1. The Greek versions mistranslated this word as “pain.” (c.f. Yukhanan 2:15 & 2Samuel 22:6)

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
The Acts of the Apostles
Chapter: 2
0xyl4d 0db9-
B :0xxc

concerning him spoke for Dawid in Sheol <in it> that he be held was

Yhwl9 rm0 ryg dywd .25 Lwy4b hb dxttnd twh

he [is] my right [hand] for at at all times my Lord I foresaw

wh Ynymy L9d Nbzlkb Yrml 0zx tywh Mdqm

my heart rejoices this because of I shall be moved so that not

Ybl Msbt0 0nh L=m .26 (wz0 fd

because hope in dwells my body and also my praise and flourishes
L=m .27 0rbs L9 Ngn Yrgp P0w Ytxwb4t tzwrw
you will allow 1 and neither in Sheol my soul you will leave not

tn0 Bhy fw Lwy4b Y4pnl tn0 Qb4 fd

the road to me you have revealed corruption 2 to see your Pious One 3

0xrw0 Yl tylg .28 fbx 0zxnd Kysxl

men your presence with with gladness you will fill me of life

0rbg .29 Kpwcrp M9 Fwmysb Ynylmt 0yxd

concerning with you boldly 4 to speak allow [me] our brothers

L9 Jwktwl fgb Ny9 rm0ml Spm Nyx0

and whose grave buried and also who is dead Dawid the Patriarch

hrwbq tybw rbqt0 P0w tymd dywd Fhb0 $yr

and he known for he was a prophet today until with us is

(dyw ryg 0wh 0ybn .30 0nmwyl 0md9 Jtwl Yhwty0

of your loins the fruit that of God to him had sworn that oaths had
Ksrkd 0r0p Nmd 0hl0 hl 0my Fmwmd 0wh
and spoke and he foresaw your throne 5 upon I shall establish [a king]

Llmw 0zx Mdqw .31 Kysrwk L9 Btw0

in Sheol he was left that not of the Messiah the resurrection concerning

Lwy4b Qbt40 fd 0xy4md htmyq L9

1. Literally - ‘Give.’
2. Here “Khebla” means “corruption” - in constrast with verse 24.
3. “Khasaykh” has been mistranslated in the Greek as “your Holy One.” The word more closely resembles
the English “Pious, Pure, Innocent” - as does the Hebrew original of Psalm 16 which Shimon here quotes
- the Hebrew word “Khesidakh” being the cognate of the Aramaic in this verse.
4. Literally - “With open eyes.”
5. There is a wordplay between “Karsakh” (“Your loins”) and “Kursaykh” (“Your throne.”)

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
The Acts of the Apostles
Chapter: 2
0xyl4d 0db9-
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God raised Yeshua this corruption did see his body 1 nor

0hl0 Myq0 (w4y 0nhl .32 fbx 0zx hrgp fp0

who at the right hand and this is he his witnesses all of us and we [are]

hnymybd wywhw .33 Yhwdhs Nlk Nnxw

concerning the promise the Father from and received is exalted of God

L9d 0ydww4 0b0 Nm Bsnw Myrtt0 0hl0d

which behold this gift and he has poured out of Holiness the Spirit
0hd 0dh Fbhwm d40w 04dwqd 0xwr
Dawid for it was [that] not you and hear you see

dywd ryg 0wh f .34 Jwtn0 Ny9m4w Jwtn0 Nyzx

to my Lord the LORD said said he because into Heaven did ascend

Yrml 0yrm rm0d rm0 whd L=m 0ym4l Qls

your enemies I place until my right hand at <yourself> sit

Kybbdl9b Mys0d 0md9 .35 Ynymy Nm Kl Bt

all let know therefore truly for your feet [as] a footstool

hlk (dn Lykh ty0ryr4 .36 Kylgrl 04bwk

Yeshua this God has made and Messiah that LORD Israel the house of

(w4y 0nhl 0hl0 hdb9 0xy4mw 0yrmd Lyrsy0 tyb

they were touched these things they heard and when crucified whom you

wxngt0 Nylh w9m4 dkw .37 Jwtpqz Jwtn0d

what of the Apostles and the rest to Shimon and they said in their hearts
0nm 0xyl4d 0kr4lw Jw9m4l wrm0w Jwhblb
and be baptized repent Shimon to them said our brothers should we do

wdm9w wbwt Jw9m4 Jwhl rm0 .38 Nyx0 db9n

for the forgiveness of Yeshua of the LORD in the name of you each

Nqbw4l (w4y 0yrmd hm4b Jwknm $n0 $n0

to you of Holiness of the Spirit the gift that you may receive sins

Jwkl .39 04dwqd 0xwrd Fbhwm Jwlbqtd 0h=x

who far away those and to all and to your children the promise was for

Nyqyxrd Nyly0 Jwhlklw Jwkynblw 0ydww4 0wh ryg

1. Literally - ‘His corpse.’

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
The Acts of the Apostles
Chapter: 2
0xyl4d 0db9-
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other and with words them will call God whom <he> are

Fynrx0 fmbw .40 Jwn0 0rqn 0hl0 whd Nyly0

saying while from them would and he beseech to them would he witness many

rm0 dk Jwhnm 0wh 09bw Jwhl 0wh dhsm F0ygs

of them and some perverse this generation from save [yourselves]

Jwhnm Ny4n0w .41 Fmq9m 0dh Fbr4 Nm wyx

and there were added and were baptized and believed his word received readily
wpswtt0w wdm9w wnmyhw htlm wlbq ty0dyt9
were and they steadfast souls thousand three about day in that

wwh Nynym0w .42 N4pn Nypl0 Flt Ky0 0mwy whb

in prayer were and they fellowshipping of the Apostles in the teaching

Fwlcb wwh Nyptwt4mw 0xyl4d 0nplwyb

to every fear and came of the Eucharist and in the breaking

Lkl Flxd twh 0ywhw .43 0y=srkw0d 0ycqbw

by the hands of occurred and mighty deeds many and signs soul

dyb Ywh Nywh Fwrbgw F0ygs Fwt0w $pn

as one had who believed those and all in Urishlim the Apostles

0dxk0 wwh wnmyhd Nyly0 Jwhlkw .44 Ml4rw0b 0xyl4

and those were held in common that they had and everything were

Nyly0w .45 0wh 0wgd Jwhl 0wh ty0d Mdmlkw wwh

would and divide it it would sell a possession who had
wwh Nyglpmw hl wwh Nynbzm 0nynq Jwhl 0wh ty0d
and everyday was in need whatever according to to each one

Mwylkw .46 0wh Qynsd Mdm Ky0 $n0 $n0l

they breaking and at home soul with one in the temple were they steadfast

Nycq Fybbw $pn 0dxb fkyhb wwh Nynym0

rejoicing while food were and they receiving loaves of bread were

Nyzwr dk Frbys wwh Nylbqmw Fsyrp wwh

while God were they praising of their hearts and in the simplicity

dk 0hl0l wwh Nyxb4m .47 Jwhbld Fwryrbbw

Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament
The Acts of the Apostles
Chapter: 2
0xyl4d 0db9-
B :0xxc

would add and our Lord the people all before finding favor

0wh Pswm Jrmw 0m9 hlk Mdq 0mxrb Nybyhy

among the congregation who lived to those everyday

Fd9b Ny0xd Nyly0l Mwylk

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