Evidencia 6 - Ingles

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Actividad de proyecto 7

Learning activity 20: Develop documents and technical means to facilitate the
interpretation of natural and cultural contexts.

Extracts accurate and appropriate information from English texts to complete

sentences based on the reading

The creation of interpretative materials is a process that includes didactics and

pedagogy. In a multitude of employment options, the tour guide will have the
opportunity to put into practice the skills of designing and applying digital or physical
resources to make the tour guide an unforgettable experience for tourists.

In places such as museums, zoos, rural tours and natural destinations, having
materials that recreate the ideas and images of the places visited, will make the
words and expressions of the guide to remain in the memory of tourists.

Through this evidence, the aim is to train the tourist guide apprentice in better
understanding of the communication process, graphically and gesturally. Reading
and writing processes, reading comprehension and predictive reading will be carried
out. These exercises will help future guides to carefully choose the cards, brochures
or materials available for a high-level guiding process. If the trainee is not familiar
with these materials, he or she will be able to contribute his or her experience to
develop the guidance in a professional manner.

In order to complete the evidence, the apprentice must:

1. Read the learning material “Interpretative tools for tour guiding” in order to have
the necessary tools for the elaboration of the evidence.

2. After analyzing the material content, please read the next text:

Tourism today (facts and challenges)

Tourism is one of the biggest (1) BUSSINES in the world. There are nearly 800 million
international tourist arrival every year. It employs, directly or indirectly, one in fifteen of
all workers worldwide, from A-Z, from airport cleaners to zookeepers, and includes bar
staff, flight attendants tour guides, and resort. It is huge part of the economy of many
countries-in countries such as Bahamas, over 60 % of the economy (2) IS BASE ON

Tourism is fast-growing business. When Thomas Cook organized his first excursion from
Leicester to Loughborogh in 1841, he probably didn`t know what he starting. Key
development in the last 150 years or so have led to the rise of mass tourism. There have
been (3) TECHNOLOGICAL development in transport, in particular the appearance of
air travel and charter flights. There have been changes in working practices, with
workers getting paid holiday time and working shorter and more flexible hours.
In recent years we have seen the growth of the internet and globalization, making the
world seem a (4) SMALLER but very fascinating place. The tourism industry grows
faster and faster each year. In 1950, there were 25 million international tourist arrivals.
In 2004, the figure was 760 million, and b 2020 it is predicted to be 1, 6 billion.

But what are the challenges today? The tourism industry is affected by many different
things: international events, economic change, changes in fashion. New concerns and
worries appear every year, for example as people become more (5) WORRIES about
security and international terrorism, or as the value of their currency changes. But new
destinations and new sources of tourist also seem to emerge every year.

Tourism survives. It is a powerful and sometimes dangerous force in the modern world.
Tourism creates many good jobs and careers, but it also produces many poor and badly
paid jobs. Tourism can help to protect environments and animal life, but it can also
damage them. Tourism can save the cultures and the local way of life, but it can also
destroy them. Tourism can change countries – and people for better, but it can also
change them for the worse.

Tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world. It is perhaps also the most
important. (Walker & Harding, 2006)

3. According to what you have read in the previous text, please write if the
sentences are true or false.

True False
One in fifty of all workers are employed in tourism X
related industries.
The number of international tourism arrivals will more X
than double between 2004 and 2020.
Tourists often worry about international security. X
1. Tourism has only had a good influence on the modern X

Fuente: SENA

4. Now, complete the following sentences using the right word:

o Tourism is one of the biggest (1) C in the world.

A. Problems.

B. Choices.

C. business.

D. opportunities
o …in countries such as Bahamas, over 60% of the economy (2) D tourism.

A. Don’t have.

B. Can take profit of.

C. Could work on.

D. Is based on.

o There have been (3) A development in transport.

A. Technological.

B. Financial.

C. Social.

D. Little.

o …making the world seem a (4) B but very fascinating place.

A. Expensive.

B. Smaller.

C. Crazy.

D. Dark.

o …for example, as people become more (5) D about security and international

A. Confident.

B. Uninterested.

C. Scared.

D. Worried.

5. Send the file where you include all the answers to the questions to the instructor
through the virtual learning platform.

Environment required: Virtual Learning Environment.

Materials: computer, internet, training material “Interpretative tools for tours
guiding”, glossary and SENA library.

Evidence 6: Reading “Extracts accurate and appropriate information from English

texts to complete sentences based on the reading”.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure the
file is attached.

3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).

4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the project guide
in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop
them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación

• Puede extraer información adecuada y precisa y tomar nota de una conversación,

programa, clase, etc.; referido a su profesión.

• Puede completar frases basado en información leída previamente en un texto.

• Puede realizar actividades de verdadero o falso, basados en una conversación que

ha escuchado o en un texto que ha leído.


Walker, R. & Harding, K. (2006). Tourism 1. Nueva York: Gráficas Estella.

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