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Bank Shot mag!

Published september 20th 2022

A in depth interview with

Almas Adil about his basketball passion.

Plus look forward to learning all

about the author .
Almas Basketball experience

Almas Adil was born in north Turkey in 2008. He moved to Canada 5 years ago with his mom, dad,
brother,and dog.Almas originally moved to Victoria, but moved to cedar this summer. So far
Almas favorite part of cedar is the Nanaimo river. His moves has been enjoyable.

How he got going

Almas is a self taught basketball player, who got started when he was 12 years old. He learns by
watching youtube videos, and going out to thelocal basketball court to practice playing . Before
Almas got into basketball, he played soccer in Turkey .The first team that he played for was
named Colquite Middle School basketball team. Almas started playing on a team when he was
13,after teaching himself to play.

“ I am a self taught basketball player, I want to be better ”

What he learned from his role models

A lot of people who express themselves creatively have role models. Almas role model is Steph
Curry ,a role model is someone who inspires you. He is his role model because he’s very good at
the game, and has a fun game style. Steph Curry has great leadership skills that give awesome
examples for the young. Almas says he learns confidence from playing this game. Role models
are people that are people who you thrive to be.

“I learn confidence and teamwork from playing on the court”

Future Aspirations
If Almas gets really good at basketball, one day he hopes to play basketball on a college team. He
wants to do that because college teams travel overseas to Europe and places similar. Almas also
thinks being on a college team would be fun and good exercise. If Almas is able to, he would like
to get a scholarship, it would help him with his goal to play on a college team, as a result of
Almas hard work he deserves to get on a college team.

“I dream of play on a college team one day, it’s one of my biggest life goals”

Alums is a self taught basketball player who loves to play the sport, and thrives to be better.His
role model inspires him to be a leader. Almas has future aspirations for this hobby to play on a
college team. Almas loves playing whenever he can.

About the Author

Hanna McGowan is originally from Port Coquitlam BC but now lives in Cedar Vancouver Island
.She has a very loving always there for you kind of home life. Hanna has a mom, dad, step dad and a
brother plus two dogs. She likes to do arts or crafts and also likes to ski. She was inspired to write about
this kind of magazine due to the fact that she know nothing about basketball and wanted learn.Hanna
chose this type of magazine over any other because she has never wrote for a sports magazine
before.Hanna loves to go on hikes and see nature

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