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Friendly reminder that trying to fight someone online is about as effective as

throwing a bagel at a bulldozer. A lot of what we talk about gets people pretty
emotional, but be mad at policies, not other users.

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[–]Mantzy81 738 points 4 hours ago

I reckon you'd have a far better night out with the lads in leotards and tiaras
then you would with the snowflakes in the bottom pic too.


[–]evident_leeRegistered to ☑ote 427 points 3 hours ago

Back in the early 2000s when I lived in Orlando I had neighbors that were super
flamboyant gay and they were absolutely awesome dudes. I'm a straight guy, but
would go to their parties and out with them and they were the best wingmen a guy
could ask for. Go out with my straight buddies and places were always a sausage
fest, go out with the gay dudes and flocks of cute women that they would be
introducing me to. What a crazy world.


[–]northshore12 335 points 3 hours ago

I'd rather live near a 24/7 drag rave on one side, and an enormous Hispanic
extended family celebrating a quinsenera every day, than live next to a "moderate"
Republican. Because these days, "moderate" just means they don't personally want
you dead.


[–]RobotCounselor 92 points 2 hours ago

Umm, I want to live in the daily quincenera drag utopia you dreamed up. I am
picturing a full mariachi illusion with 5 o’clock shadows painted on and hand
embroidered embellishments on the back of the jacket that are an homage to their
abuela’s hand sewn designs on their baptismal outfit.


[–]rockidr4 [score hidden] an hour ago

It reminds me of those memes where the caption is "this is the future liberals
want" that are supposed to be scare tactics by the right, and the picture is like,
a woman in a burka, a pair of men holding hands, and a woman in tight spandex
holding a bike on a commuter train and it's like...

"this scares you? Why? Like I'm not saying I require this exact set or
circumstances, but religious tolerance, the freedom to love who we want, not being
weird about women's bodies, and public transit all seems fine to me"


continue this thread

[–]BukBasher 153 points 2 hours ago

Moderate Republican: "I'm not racist/facist/misogynist, I just agree with all the
racist/facist/misogynist stuff they're doing."


[–]shavertech 59 points 2 hours ago

"I have black friends!"


continue this thread

[–]Cosmic_Kramer 30 points 2 hours ago

"I agree with all the racist/facist/misogynist stuff, but I wish they wouldn't cuss
so much."


continue this thread

[–]BuzzBadpants [score hidden] an hour ago

Moderate Democrat: “We know you minorities are hurting, so would it help you stop
antagonizing my moderate Republican friends if we named a few schools and streets
after civil rights leaders?”


[–]Beau_Buffett [score hidden] an hour ago

Both sides are extremists, can't blame the Proud Boys for trying to
overthrow the country if you want national healthcare.

cUz ThAt'S sOcIaLiSm

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