In Country There Are Five Regional Offices (RRSSC) : Organisation) /DOS (Department of Space) Works For Remote

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REMOTE SENSING is sensing information from a distance without going into the field. Thus it is very important field as it saves money, time and most importantly is precise. It is therefore mainly used in resource management and planning of various policies.

In INDIA ISRO(Indian Space Research Organisation)/DOS(Department Of Space)works for remote sensing. These institutions are under the government of INDIA. The head office is situated in Bangalore.

In country there are five regional offices(RRSSC)

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

North Headquarters in Dehradun. South Headquarters in Chennai. West Headquarters in Jodhpur. East Headquarters in Khadakpur Central headquarters in Nagpur

Every state has its own remote sensing centre. Remote sensing started way back in 19 century with the invention of camera in

1848. After that in 1859 first black and white photograph was clicked which pave the way for remote sensing.

What is remote sensing?????????

Sensing information from a distance without going into the field.

Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon, without making physical contact with the object.

Types of remote sensing


Passive remote sensing: works with the help of passive sensors.

They detect natural radiation that is emitted or reflected by the object or surrounding area being observed . Reflected sunlight is the most
common source of radiation measured by passive sensors. Examples of passive remote sensors include film photography, ,charge coupled devices and radiometers.


Active remote sensing: it emits energy in order to scan objects

and areas. The sensors then detects and measures the radiation that is reflected or backscatterd from the target. Example is RADAR where the time delay between emission and return is measured, establishing the location,height,speed etc.

Uses of remote sensing


Planning: A proper planning before the processing or implementation of the objective is required. Planning can be categorised into three different types:
(a) Broader

level planning: planning of very large areas is done through this type planning. Planning at country and state level comes under this category. For instance bringing water in Rajasthan from Indira Gandhi canal required broader level planning. level planning: planning at district and tehsil level falls under this category. For instance distributing water of indira Gandhi canal in the district requires moderate level planning. Micro level planning: planning at block and village level comes under this category. For instance finding water under the soil cover ie. Wells etc.requires micro level planning.

(b) Moderate



Monitoring: In this we see the impact of the planning taken in the early stages on the surroundings and the natural habitats.


Change Detection: Here we observes the changes observed that is difference between past and present condition of the place

Platform of Remote Sensing?????????

AIR BORNE(in 1919)Aerial photography SPACE BORNE(in 1960) Satellite remote sensing. GROUNG BORNE Confirmation of information by going into the field.

Requirements in remote sensing??????

Aircraft Camera Film Man power Time Study area (We can see the 3-d view with the help of mirror stereo scope)


For planning TOPO sheet/G.T sheet is used by civil engineers. It is produced by SOI(Survey of India)which is under the Government of India.

Relief Feature includes al the terrains within Mt.Everest and Maraina Trench.

Mean Sea level Chennai. (Jodhpur is 248 metres above sea level)

Area of Rajasthan is 3,42,239 sq. km.

For portable water total dissolved solids should be within 1500 ppm. BENCH MARK it is a reference point within the city to start the survey. SOIL CONSERVATION the fertile soil belt of earth is 12 to 15 inches. The act of preserving fertility by avoiding erosion of top soil is known as soil conservation. It can be done through step farming on high altitudes.

In 3-d picture of the area water bodies are black in colour because electromagnetic radiation rays are absorbed by the water bodies. Salt affected area and sand dunes look white in colour. Thus a band of colours can be formed for viewing of 3-d picture. Rock salt contains more minerals whereas ocean salt contains less minerals.

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