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Fr Weiter Supply Systero:- Source ——> Treatment _____5 Storage __» Disinbution 9, Lalee ; Plane. Teervoiz mains - eps every Water demands:- _Resiclentiat /Dorustic water denoand - 13S pped - Libs pe topita iTndustrial water demand per day Type of the indaatry - 5ize — Narober Distillary — 122-170 KL/kL fF alcohol Tentle - 8-4 kY/ looky tenble y i eCommercial and institutional demands Cons % of tend) aPublic use (<5%/0) 20-25) slosses and thefts corte by proper noaintenamee of pip Vs) - oy weducing the presses i cooker di = by providing intermudiate systems ~by proper metering onod iroplerentiry Fine - + Five demand :- Acpeods upon the popellation in the avea- ns to cokealate Fre clemeand?- quomhty of siibulton Sop tere Empirical equaho —» KuichDing's formal. a> water required Q- 3182NP CLimie) © p=>populalion in, > Buston'’s foomala -thowsormds db cvetter nectins @-s6e3 VP 6 —> Freemans formala =136 (2 Q= Ns £ +10) Scanned with CamScanner |. Factors affecting water eeroae oo —> seasonal changes lelimake condition, —> Size of the city: — Habits ond hviog standasds of the people, — Quality of Hue water — cost of the cater —> Pressare In coater distrboetion Systers- > revdlopnent ef Water Lisibuhon syghens. \vHourly vanation. FI as popdatior hve Vaheon | water dernand “7 Hod’ oF aay © 5 2 ¥ Daily vanation * More demand on w 4 Monthly /seasonal variation Marimun daily demand #18 « Annaal average daily clem and (a) “Manimam houily demand= 1-5 1.3% [6 ) * law = 9.4 ¥ Annual average boealy ; clernand. eth | Effect of vanahon of cdernand enigned basal oD Bo0urce —5 Man. claily demand Pipermains —s Man. daily demensd a vel) Preatrnenk (Biker einits —s Aa x avg daily demand Cen Pamps—s oy Annual avg daily demand Scanned with CamScanner lpis tvibetion—= Man ‘Loan hocaly demand , fire demand + Pips: Man: dail demand ] . coincident draft lg. pepelahon for the design period is 1120,000° Total water densand is slo becd .caleoate A Design flocs of water treatment plant b)whatis the fire demand a2 e) Design capacity of ewates digtuibation sgstens. Ars: a ot g b) P=120 Sire demand ‘ Qe 382 = gigas as By 367.06 L/miv Bh.B6 ro?/min- Annual avg daily dem and = pepalahon » total demand PepeHor uw w = 120000% 610 L/day Pgs 2 $0333.32 L/min = G0.$3.73/mio so) v Man- daily deroand = 1-3 XG0:33 = ALF m3/min man - Voualy ederoand = 2: 7X SO-83 = 139.24 103/min. 4 pesign flow of water treatment plant = 2x avg daily demand Scanned with CamScanner = 2X 50.83 = (01.66 m?/min- OR = Wha e/min (man: daily demand) €) Coincident dealt = fire dermand + Main. daily demand “2 She 44h ug fie = 126. 35 103 /min / Design capacity of water distribution syste = Man [137-24 , 126.35] = 139.20 r/min Design Periods Nica’ . aber Supply - Storage tanks ~ 50 years ae aoe” marneak* - Infiltraton works, ~ 30973 : Pamnopin g : civil works — 30.975 €lectrica reotor peunp - 154% s water treakment ciniks - 18 yas “Pipe connectionto Frachonal units ~ 29 yr omd small appurtenonsce - | j PistHbahen systens ~: 30 yx - Balomecng tomk £ Seevice reservoir - IS gy , | Factors affecting! depends upon design period > daign : 4 3G — Mateied — fumds averilasi'li tes Scanned with CamScanner Up ease od cil onl yea > Rate of popedahon growth cond 2. A wates Supply scheme hes to be designed for a city Waving a popetahon oF ladooo, Eshrmate the jmoportomt kinds of drafts cohith Way be req ered fer orded for an avg consumption of 250 Yped- Also determine the required capacities oF Major componmnts of proposed water work fora city -asiog aiver as the Source of Supply: P= 100 Annual ‘averag? deily demands 260% 100000 L/ dag - = 1a gel Lfmie 2 Lager m3 /mir- 7. axl =36) = 31.28 ee] y demanal = 27« 1736! =e 99 703 [nin Manimam daly dememedl- Mami ane howl Five demand Qe 3182 Yoo = 31920 Limo 231.32 m?/MIP- 3 . Coincident AvaFk = 31-82 4BW2S = 63-97 ro [rain of water disivbatior Sqsrer) = mam [ue 84, 68. 04J = 63.03 m/min: pesign capacity Scanned with CamScanner Intake St Aeer _ Ble sheros installed do help iO safely coitodracwiry wate, $ ‘4 source omd then to cliseharge this cate, Arvo the into the evitodrawal condeuls 1 Horeugb conic itréachs, pole treatment plovts: _s At the entrance of conduit — help i protecting ths conckut From beirg danza ged or clogged by ice , Lrash, debns, eke: Factors govemnins the locahon of Itake- - Located! af the peau zom of the Source to,draw se eucctes frome Source Oe tied on tk treatment plant _ never be Located af dh OF vici kg oe the point oF disposal of waste cuetéa » Should be 47 freatrunt plevot / | Shoutd be able to Fel fill wearer clerdend at peak jevels 7 parmit gqreata evithal raved of cvater - Com drow even Should be safe from Llood -earily accessible clanry Floods Ut 2 Cleed. evetes oe Scanned with CamScanner Iclassificahor: According to kype of Source!— > River intakes | =cana | yeservoir = Lake According to position of jotake’— submerged | enposed fowes) Accordivy to tho presente of water jr the intake tower! [werk jotake py in becke Sirople Submerged intakes: © Constructed entizely ender Hae coater «Generally used to draw water fy oro Qakes ewod (VETS - . 4 sieogle eonertte block submerged intalee Recle Allecl timber cvib~ submerged jotake cost is low a compessd to others Be Generally donot obstmict raw gation: learury and repens - Not easily accesible for ¢ Enposed_totace towers - _ well tower constricted Dear dhe bunk of a vvay/ Lake or in game other cases ever: away rO IM He bales wet intake # coctey Ww tho Source * *Alled cuit ewarrea upto tu level o ot Suppl y Scanned with CamScanner Dry rotate +ocver ~— “Ne water insite dhe toever ofer than in the hake pps: River intake Sstriuchutt = Twin well type Cramp vill net be > Single cvell type Canal intake Genesally consist ed masonry or coverete in talee chanbe; admithry wates through coarse Screens. Reservoir intake sat als of dams. Cman-depth ts available ) *Tntake tower on the slope of clam eonere it can clracs wake in Sufficient quant hes even: cleuainy thi drict pexriod- a9 . 2 : Waley tratment we one ?Sedimentahten —— Plate, : om Coag elation flocwlator ~~ I the pasteles aar oF colloidal ivan é : ~\e the peabic specific gravity of porkcles is less. oer . . - igh turbidity: Orit Papeegs - 1f the petctomak copbomnvinovts ene Oprrahuns Seperated et by Physicas forces [process Ont prores — 6 Sonu chemical / biological process evill * be fovolved. Scanned with CamScanner yr . . Sedimentation ig Q, Cenitt’ oper atten, Hardness removal 18 & canib pwmces$. — fyntaw . Grune => Aeration. ee For g7vendevater. ~ eon 2 Mang * pissolved omygen cvill be less to gprouiraclevtes Mi JIps ma Aeration :- Jo bring air omd evater in Stentact to allow the, lenchemge of Gus: because of the contenirahion gre |e the movement sis Seok the balle Liquid phose fo bulk Gese phase => Desoaption: If the movement is fom qeophose | to Li => abs pe (43 saliagaie? concemtanod . es C18 Coe - 7 Desorption Absorption Cours be done by (Y Disperse cyater into (© Dispese Our Irto the water A, utd phese Me oie — 63° poeundesin aerahon: oz Poundain avrators water m7 \ into Cascade | s stepped aerators ty cur Spray towers: Susface mechanical acerators - (on ‘Submerged diffusion asveutors Atr . >» Mechanical aer . into : : ators» : /warer Scanned with CamScanner to cwastecoater treatment plans + tne oe : PLapos, op Arrahor =To east coroplele supply aissolved qe fox the complete onidethorn ony of organic matter- Ty water treatment plank _ As an oxidising agent. used for the weroovel Fe7? ond Nit. They ant’ onidised enod bone _. Shypping- 7 desivable gare Like’ Hes abd uy, out . | ; — Removal of an phenolic cormpour — Removal of @7cess COy if present: we b water cill be ac! vette; oyorter ? Corrossive | = Adding (Op for pH balerce rosy dissolved onygen- Removal of - To Sapply additional - Rernoval of eucess DO iF present: Henry's law n= P— Postal pressure of gas Ne 14 7 H — Henry's conatemt- bgtne. aac Sakusahon concentrahon of O, in water at Assume 21*%/o O2 19 atroospherr . “6 Ae PL 0-2K alm -4 OOS xlo’ ar , 2 &IX/I0" A“ Uaeio4 * Scanned with CamScanner _Heosg Is constant Crot atro/mol {fraction ) Te | Air | oO. co, 32 2.55 0.0428 | 6.4q | 327 | o-loy ° BB. No: cf noeles ©F waterin IL = 100 266.36 mol Je te Bs Sectesehanloacentredtion-ef Op = a spe10% bg+ne <6 bg = SAKIO hg + 83:56 -Y Vg= 2:84 x10 #rnol/L. 242-84 ei x22 gil Cyg= 1:08 mg/L. Q@ Satcuahon concentration of co, HW water at ace Assume 0.0 %/0 Co, in atmosphere. H=o0-lu2 P= 0.0004 x120-0004 = £2 c.000u 2.91910" Thoeldg Scanned with CamScanner no. ef molesm IL water 1900 res: 56 mol f& _ba 5 siqxiot? | , base ; | Ya - a.aiano?t Ra 10g +55-56 greeted -s Yq-1.565x10 mol/L Ce S66xIO° x uy g/g 768.86 91 10° gt = 0. 6886 nog (2 @: Saturation concentrotion, ef cv. in coater. cb 5a 20¢ P= 1 He 6.6uxld i M- 2. 1 .\.50¢x16F Bn air, H 6.6uxio% Flo Nz 21°lo Oo =S ba j.606x«id oe gt 55-56 Weigbh oF air wee = 0.8 9x28 + hg= 8-367x10 reol/p O-21%382 329-844 C. Oecrxie. 2e-ey g/g = 24.13 roglL. —d ‘Scanned with CamScanner ee qwo- File theery ee a Belle Stale] Begeniot p : 9 po ee 2h Rete of ga transfer of coeFAcient of maw sranster, fede ok, vegan of wesickorace de offeud by gas om Daud Films. laslightly Sol ecble gases Co, C8, No) | Major resistence ip the qau trans fer will loe ofFexel by | the Liquid flr | \> Ready soluble que CNH3 > Major resistence is of feud by qu Flro -? otber gases Like Hos Cs — satenahoo ade. k, (Cs -Ce) concentraho? 2A. ky, ce ot + Co 2 inital concentration deo tk fae i the Yqerdl ara ~ ra Cs-Ce co ° => For absorption I } =? C gas Cdesorption). Car Gs - AE kia Cee C5) ; ; ce t dc Jeo 7 Kee fae o rece Ce 5 hial Jo Derorphon. : aCe > Cs _ Scanned with CamScanner a. A auankty of benzene cvas Spilled accidently into Avecred welewates bastiestorage basin: Estimate the tAMe vequired| fox the concentrathon ef benzeru to drop oy S0°/o from the initial concentrahor deu to volatilization Kea = o0-(hy m/hr. Ce> Co Geo tz 4.8 br, Co_G _ oo kuat Co- Cg oldu et tee 2 Waste Watey a Rate of cttilizahen6f DO by miceobes- (1m) Rate of gos transfer eo kg CCG) — Tor. Renooval oF Fe omd Mamgans ¢ * Fert» soluble. Uonidises Fett Fecon)~ Feric hydronide — precipitates 3 Ay F744 0,410 H20—> 4 Fecou),] + But 2 In ease of MO 2Mo "40, + 2,0 ——> 2 MnO, + ant Mott Mowgerntr® 5 Dreei bes, “Lele. Precipital Scanned with CamScanner Effect of ugh Fe andMn content: > Sobds Totat solids a beuk 2am Altes pope, > Dissolved — suspenced.- >» size > |4Lm > colloidal collordat Surpeode A Dissolved | - for cliscrete -parteles Aype-l > for Floccadent pasteles. Coagatahian aelecl flocewahen- Type- > For floccet edt poatidey at higher concentrehon zon settling Mediurd concentration Sek peri a wills Floccelent anid sorte discrete pasticles: gy: Secondary sedimenteahenyes \) 9!" Type - Vay hgh concentrahon Ffloccal ent omd Cuserete pesticler. — Tag + compression Sertliog eg. Septic fornky - wsnlt Type-T Nek force = FacFe Fa- 409 Vp © (Sp-$0) 3 Vp Drag Force . fp. [Fo C Ayay tree) 409814 ahi 2 24 =onqVv Fo= Co Ap Sw Fg =SpgVp 3 oy Np volume of poanele Co > coefficient of drag Ap rds cua of parhele At steady State ve velotity ex of particle Nek Force = drag Force (Be-$A 9 Ve = Co. Ap Sw teaminal seHling 2 Velocity of th: particle For spe rico particle 4 edgy? Me 3D. 2d, a(t)? 2 Scanned with CamScanner For Laminar flocs, Cp- 24 Rexpootds roummber ay sdurreamic Re Rez Swede Viscosity AL / - - Re <1 > lamina, t, ve dq C8p-Sor) dp $i Ve dp at 2. Rwy Sw - . w= 10 => Avransition N= A ley So) de > Stoke's eqn: / Flow For transitional flow, 4 Rerlo= tuarbeden lous Co= 2443 16.34 Re Re For tusbetent Flow Cp=9-4 a Vez 5-4 | &p-Sw)-dp . Ww A. Find th terminal Settliry velo city of a spherical jp osticle with a dianete or o.ctire esd Specie ‘gqrewity of 265 seHling through the water at 260) LU. at ao? 1s) 002x160 MA Ans: clp- o.s x10? no ‘ S-Ge 2.65. =, Newton's eqn Assuming that itis laminar fla ; Sp- 2.65xIo° by stots ean § ‘ , , Ve = 1-81 * (268-1) 18% Co.5xi0)? ee 18x 1.002Kio” NS? = 0-924 m/s -_ Scanned with CamScanner — -3 Re- 000% O- 22U %0.8x10 1.009 x 1073 wv W.F8 py > dramition flow. 2... Aor dromsitiod Flow » Co-2U , 3 40.34 Re VRe 224 4 2 40-30 To + View Bh. Cofw 4.21 x (265-1) ib (0-6xi022 O-8Yx [oF = 0.0128 — Wis deg -Gusese why 3 Ver og ros aiid -? Re- 1000 x 0-113 x O-SXID 1-002 x10"? =~ $6. 384 ayes. Visio. 096 mis- Wo 4a. 40us Cpe le 293 My = 21.072 ols _ Pee BS Nye wa ry]. Coste 904 Be us Miz o.otl Scanned with CamScanner em amet \ Sedimentation tank. 28 al i.) bactehl) fv inlek rent : My | outlet erncalas sechmatationy tevale T ‘ Sedinentabew | Le : ee Deo tw uy himes' b. 2 \ Vy= a S Settling velocity, Vee SF C8p-Su I dp® en C8p-SwI dp Hey deautic vetengion Gime. HRI COD man Hme for which a peaatcle coll be. remaining io Aru Sedimentation tank- : V> volume of Sedimentation tank O-M” Q Q> Flow rate . Time required fr the parkele to get seltlecdtown. ko- Zo Ve ko should be eqeal to HRT Lwe> surface ko = HRT [we 8] eae. v Zo_ ve Wo) Whew -{F Surface arza increasy VM“ @ more poahcles are remove - EfFicilency of Sedimentation hem can be increased bY _—_—— locreasysuface ana Scanned with CamScanner Peurkace ove’ Flow rate SoR: @ 5 striface orcs, ‘hove 2 pera pene Lt | to- Ze Ze. Za 2d a 8 Ve. Veo va Ww \t to= Ze, Frachonad LL ——_ Va efficiency Anaeton of | @ Design a Sedimentation temk to remove 20Lm posticle ewits specific qrawity 2.65 crocl’ a Flow of 1 MLO. Kinematic viscosity , Y= I- 1x1 § ot 1s Ans Q=\ MLO. Gores | “dp- 20 Lm Vez SE Ce Sud elp.* IgM = 9 (6-19 lp* 137 io? ar Gs teen axl o1Kio” = 3.6610" mls. Re Q seu Gincebees o 3 ls V : Q - A- &- DUXGOK GORI! ‘ ? Ve g56x104 = 32.61, Assaece be arnl nae 325 . BeBBHOA BED Leg3m w= We | See Scanned with CamScanner Assame L=3w L-%.89m210m L.we 39.6. W=3.8amM 3.5m Ls What will be the efficiency of ‘tottre-peaticle rermovay OF loum paatcle2 Ne- D- (¥p- Sw) dp? Ig Ve od Ap™ Frachonal removed efGcrency ta dle? 10? Ve Ap? 502 * ye => 25°), only 25°%/> of lO Urs poabcle will be removed,’ Q.In a continuous Flow setlling bernie “9r0 deep ond Gem Yong, whal ceitoe Flow velocity of water would you TecOmMnund fox ef fechve yermoved of 25m peartrele? G=265, Veo.0) en's. dp: 26x10" ro be am | G-2-65 Ls 60m ' D-o0.0} ero/s, = 15 or)s ' , oot Scanned with CamScanner yr, ae t Vh. 3 , 6o Zeaxto! Vb Nee: oll rls». wWei7. Loading vate.. wer soa \leir Yoacling 6 vate = TT Typed —— Colloidal suspension - >stable colloidal saspensi ov - stability 1s dese. bo / - hosge surface area ( - charges. See stern Lager CE wor { af eo (t+ + ee 4 1 4 Repalsive force Lolength oF weir: wer 2 to aw graallur paste do distance blew ial ol 2 poaticles. rat 7 . force of attraction if a — Vacs a as Scanned with CamScanner f “Prupose of coagelanb = - Make the colloidal suspersion unstable by decre, ke distance (dd oy neutredizins Ay ponte homeMle Wal HE oth - ' a oetdldrteg the dell Sih D Ionic Yager’ cormprenaion — eg. a rman Alums = Als sq 2) Adsorption g charge neutralization — a) 3) sweep coagulatow - if colloidal particles sac tes, A) Inter pees bridging - synkbehe poly nsers AAs arsed, foo? coagubants. : aS Spelyme Vehww gMacdadentee Vener Ber vous th | + Z- Aqua metalic jons Aad rowed covery alum is Formed. iy heatiratize the charge of colloids aubhicient allealininyys hetdecl ta” rusphy ar pip sili [F ave arr addins loagealemt begond a DAES fe will lead to choage vevenel, turbidity ‘increcu es. Ags Boo Alon ae 34 + t A\?* 4 2H20 > Al CoH) a 2 He FAIS4*4197H202 AlCon), + laut Ren Al?*4 W200 > Al com, 43 ° a a gelelinou | peabeler Aleve hy choricte Floces. sed seaheln qeb ea rates Cloces Scanned with CamScanner Zone-3- charge reversal or Zon-a-aclsorp ton nreatrals alte Sweep coase Cif ne efeo coagelant closage. igh tasbid ered Ligh alka nv _Suspemsior> Ib vequire Alcoe, 1 bogel, high coagulemt dosage KE sweep coagulahon). ly High turbick onsd Jow alkaline Cacbowption end charge neatralizahor) + Low turbid and Low alkaline oiffeult #2 treat) => less coagulant dosage bia, erod high alkaline —add bine vy Low ty => Sweep ‘coagulation. Rapid Mixiog anit sTo ensure the unifoarn mixiry of coagellent. with the | Suspersion . —> Time > velocity gradient (G)- mLarure of relative velocity 1 lw o posbreles amd cistern cs) btw ther Scanned with CamScanner => turbidity has to be increaned by addiry bentonite clay, i tL Gcsorpon =o chasse asubredizabv~) i ea G- 3700-1000 §' : G@- 2000- 50,0008 *Mechemical miner- no ned of perioclic MAID ben Uy dracie *ineling =Ne extemal energy is Years ~Fnject the coagalant at the suchon eed bead of th, - Hy drautic Junop he — Perforctecl coalli- ] @& valu varye - F00-10005 Velocity gradient -- .- oa P y* P Powe, input Cw) NLL 1V.> volume of Meni De tank P= Gr yal. . viscosity Floeculaton. ‘Megs G vatur in short hme—s Small and dense Flos “Smalls G vater i more He 2 large ond: Diagn] leaden Barer medierms lowe, Foes : Topurd G veduur is prefered fo get dense: cmd Aarge floes To increase brown 2 kypu movenmene ' = heath > Perikinetic Floccuketion. fey ¢malley sine 2S . A Orthe kinetic Floccatation. ., lasses ore pasbeles b collision by pareve ef extemal orees- Scanned with CamScanner @. A water treatment plan tis designed to process 0,000 9 MI/day of water. Jar testing errel ilo plonst analysis indicate that An alum closage of 4orng/t with flocculation ate a Gt valut of Axial produces optimal YOUIE’ Determine mmentoly alunos veqeurement, 7 the flocculation basin dimensions ond the power required. A= 1-13 4152 NS /po? 3 ie Monthly alum dosage = 01000 x18 Lear 30 4x30 = 6x10” ™g /menth : > 6X10" J month, b. ‘ =6xIo" kg lmonth- one) , = 60,000 &g/roenth Git= hxio4 ; | =! | Assuve G=30S t= yok 1333.33 6. delenten tin. 30 = 22.22 Inin. Volume of Flocecdlahon basin Ve Qxt = 50,000X'22.22 2UK6O 2 = 741.53 m3 2492mM Geto G30 4720. 5 fv H G@= ho, ae gh FAIZ -3 “ P= GOVLL = Hox FHLSS 113910 | 3 | = 4e3a6 W => for @- 20 > for (230 i} ~3 2 BOVAIZ XI134X10 = .gw Ps a9 20° 392, 412400 Po 30% Zz AUNBAIO = 263.8 a . = NF. 2yw "Scanned with CamScanner B.A water treatment plank is + PISS 30,000 03 The Fapie mining tank will blend 3¢ mglt oF alu, evith the flow md ig to have a detention Hme of 2 routes THe fank 16 to lave a Square crpss Sethe, Will veatcal beatles emda, flat blade impeller. Deteam, Auewkty of atuns addect pea clay i climvpsions of the " tank, powes lopubin kw recessaay for a G valu'oe 00 s', Quembly f aluro = 36,000 x 107% 3S = losekg/day. Nolumt of bank = Qt= 30,000x% Q_ 3 2eyXxco 41.69 re P= Git a2 ' = Gv ile 8 406% AI .G4% 1.913 P- Dvp P— powestw > DA D144 force Vp veloaty oF paddles. D= CoAps Vp? Ap > ann of paddle = -Cb=\-8 For Flat blade P= Co Ap 8 Up? a. _ Scanned with CamScanner | a e ; floors. Floes 60;) 1 — AlaG 5: 6H20 43 Caco Hco,), ——> 3laso, 4 2AlCow),|t Ferric cblonide:- SCO, + 18 tho Ferric chlonde: vy cate hasdvers Fee eCla + 3Ca Cuca, J—> 2 Fe Cow), +3 cal 4660, | Fervous selpbate:- | FeS0,.4H204 Ca Cleo, )—> Fe CHICO, ) + CASO, +7H20 @. A coagulation treatwunt plemt with a flows of o.Sni/s 18 dosiry alum at 2a mg/L. Ne other clhumicals ann beiry added. Braw wate suspended solids concentrahon is 26mg/2 ond the ePllene Suspended golicl concenhahet 1$ 12 rg 2. Sludge content is [°/o. SpeciGec gravity of | sludge Solids is 3.01, what volume of sludge meut be disposed cf each day2 , Rew) evotes suspencted golrdi conc = 39 regis EFClusne suspended solic cones 12 gl Suspended solic removed = 39-19: 25 woglt. \ QoS we/s. Totod Suspencled solids vemovedin 4 day 2 26 x 0.5x10% x 24x60XE0 = 10 8exi0" mg lday = l08o0 kg (day. Scanned with CamScanner =; Geeq Miu == 5 Qxg¢ 4 A\COH)3, lgqrAlum > 2x95 A # Zee cow), 23 rng /4 Alum 2x98x23- $.289 reg /y Alcoy " 5.4 rogle Alcoyy, rls PRECIpitate Alcow), precipitated in a day = 0.5x1 3 xS.yx2uxcoxéo = 233.24 Kglday Total selids doy solids: loso 4293 = 1312 kg lday Nolume of seicoy solids. 1313 kg /dau * Be10 Kgl? = OuZe ro /day =o-4uy me? /elay Volume of sludge . W/o—> Iai3 kg/day Ile Solid 4% water. wate content= 1213x449. 1299¢9 keg /day = (24437 tooo. 7 177-94 re olay 2 130 mm? /day, Total volume = 044 +130 (30. 2 30-Uy mP/day Scanned with CamScanner " i a | Fillvation | Boab Soil g Depeneling upon the Ft ditechonof Fleece of coates — opflow 3 Down tlow - Depending xpon Filter mecliq 3 Sand 3 Activated carbon a tharcoat - Based op mechanism of. Filbratton- Cdnuin free.) . > Surface Filtex- ef: membrans Filters Ctreuniny process.) J Depts Gltes,- eg- sand Filtess, dual media filters Centre deptr of Alter is dakiry paatin He Gltration) — pressart Filters. : > Gravity filters. Slow send Filters: - rele ok Fillraton 6 compesaively tess , 7% cece = E¢Gicientin - ane x Bete Ment i “‘yemoved of micrabrel ae peatela- Rapid Soamd Glfers -4000— C000 aL [no [lor -somd with higher $12¢ _ EFfiaency of fillsahon increases cleo fo ‘a tus formation of Microbial Jayes - Only the top Layer isdaking pest in Fld rechor Slow comd Alter ee elecuning : ’ - Mechanical stratniry - Depth decreases Scanned with CamScanner . \ Typeroe el . “Based on cept of Aiker mecha ~ Stuface ~ dept “Based on Flow Contrel amd vate of Alizaton ~ Conitemebiad 7 CONStant, Flow rade Sasface Filey tr... iepp 7 MeeMomism of Allraton = ~ Materials con TeMov. - eq. Screens. Simple slrainiy, ed At the surface (reine, clot Alters, vac Cuuns Depth Filter Depth ts trop - eg: Slow serve Alters, rapid Somd filteas , ' groumdwat a recharging, dual mia Alber. Filkers commonly wired io Municipalsevates breakrrunl No mechanicas eg ceipment Tveny slow rate of Bitrahon - 130-160 L/nt/by “lo of impunbies and bacteais compensa to vapid qravity filters. + Remover Darger 1F furbidity<2oNTV. Ho prelveatruobis needa Efrective 2% © of cand _9.2- 0. ty min > Mechamsm— straining + Reguize Darge arta ond cosy. Scanned with CamScanner weler ) Semel 5 .Avel " 6p erahory - dreatecl waters is distributed uniformly ovey Filter bef - Filtered contaminants do not i ppetreta bean appreciable depth ewitbro the Filtratton medic, - Filter builds ap a Vavyer'oe Filterx’d contaminants on Ahe susface, eohich becomes the achve Glteriny meelium Ws achve Fillraton Jaye§ — Sthroutzcdecte Cdisky layes ) — This Qayer is vespomsible fox removiry omy clissolvee/ Solids meamly ore me matter proenk in coaie,, foured . | | - fillvation 2fAciency increases asthe dirdy layer is. , - Removed oF pasteles bappers in 2inch of the bec. Cleanings Dons by Scrapping omd bdeieeaie| bho - 1-S-3em top sarmd Rares. \ — bop surface is Foally raked, rougbened » Cleaned amchk washed ~ 1655 wash wate Efficiency - Bacterial removed Ca8- m4 bh) 1, Surpended solids, = Remove odow , daske - Colew te orgaruc impurity -alges, plank te Scanned with CamScanner “Nok elective Io ae moval of colour. Rapid Semel Theaay of Transport Meebemisro 7 Mechawical straining — Floccalatom .2 sedinunlaton : inner Hal XID. imopeceti ons - ee - Bi cle gical metabolism > ~ Browniom movenunt > Vander waals. Force Rapicl Somd Elbe Higher application velocities larger Sized samd parkcles (o-y ae above 5 - Filtyation vate- lovo-Cooo L/ re/br’ - filtvation occur Abou ls the depth o€ filter- s Coromernly wed Bltermudia~ Seed, can re coal, anthracite, coconut shat, ballishe stores: » Clearury willbe done cohrn head toss — as high ao 12 tore 7 cleewiry - by ee = wai cwoatey -caill be Send back apevaard torough filter bed od igh presses : ober for backwoswry 2-90 of totes Lok w ghee re oe NV ieee we eA vy oe ‘ ayer ale 40° 1 _igmind s- beoxteine yley at ae teak } deposté } GIN andy larger perhede ge ad rasa viens Small pasheler- Mauye Gheewh Scanned with CamScanner Vers Fy - lual nuda HHO. 2 | palpra cite coe] lope size | hy Jeng ky l gand bed Duel meclia -Filber silica Samd € anthracite coal. Filter byolrauties Carmen kozeny equaton- a fluid Flowins Jhroyb —To caleclate the pressurnt drop of Apaciced beg = be- f'n Ct-ed Vs* => for uniform bef e?gde Gls Prnchon factor Jer to tal Flow to the Fiker 1 3 dagth o¢ bed ea oF Albed : 2 porostkey Cinifial) ocity of waher frat above the . A Ver Filtariry Velocity - vel bed i R wee “o Recynulely ne~ Re- go" fl 190 Cl-e) y.96, ! te. =) for laminar flow Re- Gourd condi tiors AL For peel of non aniform aren ayy > WE tracker) hee EC-e) ve ma a at Wot, ad jaceor 4 ay Biove give chy avg panel Size Med f cua ow Lhe sieve Scanned with CamScanner For back was bing: heael loss weet be equal to buoyernt wk of paahcles 9 he Cleeve eS porosity before hop = Lar-e) Gen Bey ) enpemsion- Sev Exped eel Depthesahe Lluidized bed Be G-e) Srp > pows) ig a} tluidecd Cr-egbyr bed Crp = Va y°2* Ups back washing veloaty NE Settling velodity of peaele. Q. Determina He Vuadloss across a bed of eifor Size paaticles- Water at 20% 6 passed Yoreugh & loed of aniform sand ata Filtering velocity of Sre-p sro) Me sand grains are ou mm in cla with a shape Fact” Of 0.35 ord a Specific gravity of 2.65. Tw cepth of dhe Alber bed 1s 0.64 :m ond the poososity is O-u. Deteamine He Ntadloss through the Alter. 0 ~3 Aw: dpeo.4 x10 AL= 1-602 x10 kg lms -3 Ns 2 6 [bre | 391¥10 ms. L-=069 70 er oy pro 8s Scanned with CamScanner 1000 =-3 10. Ree OGwVsds gras x tar x 6 x OUx 5 Goxbo AA \:002 x19 73 FON 24 => laminar Flow ' . fis 150 (-e) 4 Las. Re = 160xCl-o.h4)+ 1.48 ou = 192.923. Head loss » Lu he = f/L Cine) Ve" 192.833 x0.69 « (1-04) % (Zu) e?g dep O-4? <48l « euxid? : = 0-81, a: An enpaimental Filtes consists of & ano dept of uniform sand with a dia of ou mm. and Slape fachr of-0-9- porosity of He Filter led is 0.35 ernd the speciie Govity of Has sand ig 2-65. Deteymine He hracl to menrain a flow of water thrugh the bed ata flowrate Of woro/hy water bemp [6 25°C and tu cor porrediry Viscosity is 3.8 xio? kglm-s Density ofewater- 198. keglo dps o- 4 «163 m9 | | L = on Velo rq/pr | 210 . -3 020-35 ee QS XO o/s. | GovGO Se 2.6S } de oF: Scanned with CamScanner QDeign a vapid sand Fltes fo dreaf SML oF raw cocd ex pa dae alle wiry O-B%o of Alltertd wokes For bactesoubiyy. Walt hou p a deep is Cued For backwol Assums nee ssaaqy data. Total water bo be treated. g4 gxo.G) loo = 3-04 MLD. =S oy xi0® L/dag c L[ b> = Bolxio oo 23.s = 0.3hax16 L/ br. Assume tate of Allvation js 5000 i )nx [br Scanned with CamScanner Area of the Gilles bed required Lb 0.3 4IxIo 5000 = 6a mM? Provide 2 Fiber beds, Area of-one filles bed - Depth- wuelly 3 ( 1.6m. oe-y > ae HEEO Manual —Q- IE the Filtes bed is the enpomded toa Porogity bF oF Determiru the required backwash velocity and tho yesullins enpanded dept. 0.22. Seb Ceb= ve) Ne towinal settling velocity, Vee Le (H- Su) tp* 1g 3 3.2 2281 ew (269-1) x10'« (0-4.xi0)) “3 1a x l002x«ID = O-14 wols, oa Nv Be Scanned with CamScanner -3 = Re- 0.86x1000% 0.14X O-UXID 1002x1073 ’ peo ES 2> dramiter flew. i v o*Y Co- 25 4 3 40.342 1.28 om 44-6 a95 av’ \Y Disinfechon. Povcess of removing Hie pathogens: -Stenltzation - killiry ate Micrw-organisnos. = hypical Method Methods :— | 2 Boilies ] heat Aveatment- | thermal fae | Buvethcahry) pilusazahon. |. uv-radiahen - ; : U ree + Sonicahon - using big Frequimey eee) one oe er she ae rept a x Tags: — _ad Scanned with CamScanner => Chemical Methods: + Chlovination- [/Halogenation. ? Bleaching powder CA0Cla) \ 354 of available chlonne. > Hypochlovides - Naor ca Hypochlorides. Cla qa: sOzonahon- disadvantase - highly unstable slroudel be prvdeteecl m-sitee- ° Advanced oxidation methods. * Heavy melas ¢ Ag, Ca) insmall amocentraton » Coligo dynamic acon) Mechanisno of alicia fechoo —Protuo denaturing. : — Cell wa vupturing. — Altering the perruability Of cell mumbrene's — Tohibilhor of enzyme achvity . Factors _affechog isinfechon — ptt — Temperaturs = Contact Hme- Type ot ditinFeckomk- oo —toncentrahon of disinfectant: tendo dv'ly anders — Natwroe the Suspens{or:, Aisin fee > Typeo€ Natur of micro-oyanisyo- Propaber_of an ideal disiofecternt ~ Economical amd Locally available. — Ik shoud be safe harmful to Micro-orgewis ms at low concentrahen C Safe Por human ) Scanned with CamScanner THE sShouel not leave condesr rable odocis ond tk, an After disinfection process: Ib shoetd not Produce any coodesirable bg Prodecets Cla —s fomy orgamoehlo vine compoimds. — DBP ! ab Carcinogen - Fee Oe lab Chlorination - oe , Cla + H20 —_» Hoc + ue) acs Hypochlowus _, (00%. rmore e FE cterntin acid Killing Micw-organismms Hocl eee ty ect > bapectlonte lon > Wane the pH Hod no change = hughes onidla tion potenbat. > Slightly acidre pH is Suitable for efhe more efficiency - Combined chlorine [chlorarainss. NH34¢l,>—> NHocl+ Hel awe Monochloramine. NHo¢l4clg—> NHClo + Hel chrebabordarist ire Nu¢lo + clo — Nele4 wet => No undesirable bg products eat formud. —chlovaminy have a reidual acton- db ensue fulre protection agamt contaminate” > effierencey 15 less tham Idoe] atl Scanned with CamScanner Bleaching Pocued - —veig less amount of chlorine content C30%) = Tocreae the alkalinity of distilleel evetter. , Some’ enmaimnt o¢ chlonvne Resideral aheore eval. 5 eyed Mor siticlh oF argevric fy 2 enn Ie J LS gromedvaler metles Z | cle dosage cAtscombjrel available bh Fac free available cl Residual : ela. “break point ebloyinahon y clo dosage cl dernand vent cl dosage = Clo demand + Residecal concentrator ce” a Co2-05 mgit) = plain chlovvaton ‘VF raw water is velahvely less better quality, Cees tes ed) _> Pr-chlorination “te the water is larghly habid , 0” algas ts oveient « => Post- chlonnahar chlownation at the ‘end of all other process => Double chlonnahor - Lp both pre- cblonnaton ond post-chloviraton is given. = supa chlovinaton » Adding excess chlorine deniny emergency casey (Mov, Scanned with CamScanner Chlovinaton kinehes K>vakeoF kill of ae dy dt PC OMG Omnis, AN __ kN alk chik’s Jaw of disinfection. Nu-Nee S Fatv's equation: Crt ek coconcentrahen of disinfectant bo contack Hat no expernunial comstomts “lf n>) => Concentvahon has more ky effect 21k oi > contact times more important - usually » 0=0-86- -to achieve 49% kill — > Cox sake VIFUs = begin. 3 For adenovinu oes arhittomee c = 0.098 086) _ / . >for Ccoli crete e8 duerofedlent coli cote - 0.24 Effect of termpesabist R—> gas constant Vann Hoff Arhaneous eqa:~ §,t22 He T)7T2> Ter peratort An £. = ECh-T) corresponding “ RTTa 4 bo. ergs Ex AchvaHon & CTim) 4 Scanned with CamScanner 3. In a laboraboyy experiment 2mgl. o€ chlorins require Eoin. of contact time to kill Io'lo of Mic erg anisms at 20%. Using this Creprot exuprimenial Volo 1 deigna System in tho Held to dclueve 14 %lo kill ewith a chlorine dosage oe | mg/t at temperaturt of o6+c. Given n20-8 , E= 34340 T/mel Le 9-3. aso, Th lab, “lo kill=10'/ Tempearatuss = 20°C Concentrahon of chlovings 2 rogit. Contact Hma2= Gmin- acorrecton For icill!- Neo Noe“ io. pf Kes 100 Kk: oH For 14 %lo cil 5 —oubek loo ~ on =o min: | [Dtorrection fo7 concentration: Co 8 Ee K- cote : C4 lo 2 feta 2 IF min: Scanned with CamScanner =| corvechon’ for temperatwyie dnt. VE CT2-T) + RUNTD 4 dn tO —— 37 3y0% E2520) \ te DBCS K 20 Qn IY _ Bhau0¥ (298-213) to —— 7 1.1.7] das 9:2 x 299%"293 4o= 13.73 min, Jor 1mMLD tMup= 10° L/dagy ¢ 4 = 107%103 WA/min j 2ux6o0 = 0-614 Mire /min- Volum of tame s axlk = 0 64 x 13-92 = 9.5 m3 4 10 m3. Ve i aes oe Cly dosage (mal!) Residual cle Crog/t) )% 9 after 10 min @Ntact HM, 3 Old 0.36 Scanned with CamScanner siete dhe chlorine demama ceave omd find oct: break por dosage. Also find the chlorine demand aba olesage of bo reg es of OG chlorination - h cud spagole 12 2490 9 break point closage = 1 mg/d. fal fy ca my 2 Rest doad ely 9 9 pw ~ Tat - >| 5 \ Oo etMee os 1 12 ty Le Talon > pene ois: ed , ~ ele docase ra} cleo = 2°37)9 "asp . chlorine demand ~at—brecxtpoiot dosage=dsdosage $a Clo elosage = cla demand + Residual contenhrahion Clo demand Am eye = Og Bahk At clesage -|-2 mg, ely demomd= 1.2 - 0-4 20.8 mlb. | O.Te chlorine dosaye in the Irealmen! of 20,000 03 [doy of water is 8 keg lay. residual el after tomm of contact Hye 6 0.2 roglt- Calcelale the Sage m mg Ie amd also the chlowne demand of the water, ¢ Cl, dosage- 8k9/day = akg 3x I~) 20,000 m3 “Qoo000xlorL 0 = Oy mg/e Scanned with CamScanner Clo deword = cl, clogage- Residual cl aoe ee " 2 o-oo Reece = oO 2mg/Ly @.A Dechlomnated secondary effleunt is placed storage wasir en For reeue. (F the init DO concentration is 1S moglLs Estimate the time reqag dor th: DO concentration to increase to" dus Surface aeration. Assure ky valew of o ern iS OF Sarface crea of Storage basie is Uoorms avd the Bed - kis 0:03 no[br Co= \-S mgle Kya= 9:03 | ola [br Cs = 408 mghk e272 Che 3-5 mg|h C= Ge vom kuadl® ~ apnools GaGa y ; Cs— lo } es aa Janhes4 —ol2xk * 905 — FF gg Koen BO pee eee of oo: 2 Fieger {= 2),284 be Nyt > ae b+ 21.3 br, eure Scanned with CamScanner

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