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A review on automatic detection of kidney abnormalities in ultrasound


Gurjeet Kaur1, Dr. Sukhwinder Singh2, Dr.Sukhdev Singh3

Research Scholar, Punjabi University, Patiala, India
Head,Department of computer science, Guru Hargobind Sahib Khalsa Girls college, Karhali Sahib, Patiala, India
Assistant professor, Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala,India

Abstract: In these days people are suffering from various diseases. Kidney diseases are one of the major diseases amongst them which are increasing day
by day like formation of cysts and stones, infection, tumour, change in kidney position and appearance etc. We cannot ignore kidney related problems

because kidney malfunctioning can put life in risk. Hence, to prevent such kind of kidney abnormalities in patients, early detection and prevention is
required. This paper presents a review on the detection and recognition of kidney abnormalities. The information can be useful to detect and locate the
kidney diseases in the earlier stages to perform the surgical operation to cure them successfully. So, it has a recurring application domain that includes
computer aided diagnosis system which helps to detect kidney abnormalities and provide a diagnosis of potential disease. Moreover B-mode ultrasound
image has many issues like low contrast, speckle noise, gaussian noise, and other artefacts. So, there is a big need of superior image quality to extract

related features. To overcome this challenge, appropriate image processing techniques as pre-processing and classification techniques have been
described. The research work presents the overview of the various techniques for the detection and recognition of kidney abnormalities. Moreover, the
objectives of these techniques and their performance are
Keywords: Kidney abnormalities, ANN, SVM, KNN, Intensity threshold variation, Texture classification.

1. Introduction 1.1. Limitations of ultrasound images

Due to unawareness, people are not familiar with the symptoms of kidney Even though, ultrasound imaging plays an important role to detect and

locate the position of the kidney stone as primary diagnosis technique.

diseases at their earlier stage that can cause to damage kidney slowly.
Apart from that, it is widely used because of its low cost as well as it is
Moreover Kidney diseases become common and are increasing day by radiation free, safe and manageable diagnosis assistance. Moreover, it is
day. Hence, to prevent such kind of kidney abnormalities in patients, also necessary to identify the exact and precise location of kidney stone
early detection and prevention is required. In modern era due to the during surgical processes. So, there is need of superior image quality to
advancement of science and technology different diagnostic techniques extract related features. But entry of noise into these images as well as

are available in the medical science such as Ultrasound, MRI, and CT having low contrast and other artifacts generate various problems.
Moreover, there are three types of noises as (a) Impulsive noise, also
scan etc. These all techniques have their own merits and demerits with
called salt and paper noise, which is caused by error in data transmission,
reference to diagnose the particular disease. Moreover, ultrasound
memory location problem or error in timing for digitization, (b) Additive
imaging is the primary choice of physician because it is radiation free and Noise (Gaussian noise) is arising from electronic noise in the image
economical cheaper than other techniques. Furthermore, it can be used to acquisition system and (c) Multiplicative noise (Speckle) is unsystematic
estimate kidney size, its position, and presence of cysts, stones and in nature and it is main issue in ultrasound images. The proper balance
diagnosing other structural abnormalities. We cannot ignore kidney between noise reduction and image quality enhancement should be made

related problems as kidney malfunctioning can put life in risk. So, it is so that essential features are not affected.

necessity to detect and locate the kidney disease as stone, cyst, tumor in
the earlier stages to perform the surgical operation to remove such 1.2. Speckle Noise
abnormalities successfully. It is too necessary to identify the exact and
precise location of kidney abnormality during surgical processes. Even Speckle noise is an unsystematic and multiplicative in nature as well as it
though, ultrasound imaging is used to diagnose kidney disease but it is is a signal dependent noise which degrades the original image. To degrade
the image, this noise changes some pixels of the original image with new

highly challenging task due to having low contrast and speckle noise. This
challenge can be overcome by using appropriate image processing pixels. These new pixels contain luminance values which are almost equal
techniques as well as automatic system is required to analyses ultrasound to the minimum or maximum of the allowable dynamic luminance range.
kidney images [1]. Speckle noise removes significant information from image as edge, shape,
intensity value and may lead to the identification problem for the doctors.
Moreover, speckle noise can reduce the human interpretation of

ultrasound images and create problem for segmentation [2].


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2. Literature Review P. T. Akkasalgar and S. S. Karakalmani have developed a method to
segment and identify area of kidney stone from the ultrasound image of
This section discussed about the existing literature of kidney kidney. The main focus of the proposed method was to identify the
abnormalities diagnose. presence of renal calculi in the ultrasound image. Apart from that it also
K. Kumar, and B. Abhishek have introduced a study which defines the helped to measuring the size of stone in millimeters and provides

comparison among three neural network algorithms namely Radial basis information regarding number of stones in kidney. Initially median filter
function, Learning vector quantization and Multilayer perception with and wavelet filter were used to pre-process the US image which reduce
back propagation algorithm to recognize kidney stone disease [3]. speckle noise and reflection etc [8].
M. D. Sorensen and J.D. Harper have proposed comparison study Soumya and Narayanan have proposed a computer aided system to
between color Doppler twinkling artifact and B-mode ultrasonography to detect kidney disease automatically in ultrasound image. Initially, they
detect kidney stone. According to this study color Doppler twinkling were obtained region of interest manually by the help of physician to limit
artefact technique improved the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound. the possibilities of error. Secondly, ultrasound image were pre-processed
by using wiener filter, median filter and histogram equalization while

Since B-mode was more sensitive but another side twinkling artifact was
more specific in order to detect kidney stone [4]. median filter has provided best performance as comparison to other filters.
T. Rahman and M. S. Uddin have developed and implemented a Thirdly, statistic based and multi-scale based features were extracted and
system which could segment the kidney from ultrasound image and helps best features were selected using principal component analysis technique.
the doctor during surgical operations. They have used Gabor filter to In the last, for classification a multilayer feed forward neural network with
reduce the speckle noise and Histogram equalization to enhance the back propagation algorithm was used [9].

quality of image. Moreover two segmentations methods region based Ranjitha has developed a system for detection of kidney stone from
segmentation and cell segmentation were described and compared. They ultrasound image. The key motive of this system was to detect the
used region based segmentation method to get better result and MATLAB exclusive features of a ROI. Fourteen features were extracted and these
to implement the system [5]. features were reduced to five critical features through Principle
K. Kalyan and S. Jain have developed a scheme for classification of Component Analysis technique. Gray Level Co Occurrence Matrix was
normal and abnormal kidney from the ultrasound images of kidney by used for extraction of features from segmented ROI (Renal
using feature extraction methods and ANNs. This system was developed Calculi/Artifact) which aids as a statistical tool to pull out the second
in MATLAB and image processing toolbox was used to implement image order textural features. Clustering based feature discretization using k-
pre-processing techniques as rotation, cropping, background subtraction means was performed on these different classes of attributes which were
and edge detection. Moreover, imageJ software was used to perform edge extracted from the system. The amount of computation may increases due

detection techniques. After this, feature extraction methods were used to to rises the number of features. In this paper author has stated, a good
extract four types features namely grey level run matrix, Invariant quality feature depends on the statistical measures such as feature
moments, Intensity histogram features and Grey level co-occurrence variance, Inter class variation and Intra class variation. Principal
matrix. Moreover, by using these four features and combination of these Component Analysis was used as a Feature reduction technique in RCD-
features, 48 features were extracted for the purpose of better classification AD(Renal Calculi Detection-Artifact Differentiation), medical images.

result. In order to best feature selection, Waikato environment for Moreover level set segmentation method and ANN classification were
knowledge analysis software have used. Finally, ANN with Back used [10].
Propagation algorithm was used to classify optimum features set among P. Vaish and R. Bharath have developed an android application for
the extracted features. Moreover resultant figure has cleared that B-mode ultrasound images to detect automatically abnormality of kidney.
combined features were more effective then single type features for The main abnormalities were stones and cysts which detected using Viola
classification of abnormal kidney [6]. Jones algorithm. Moreover to detect these abnormalities in kidney, texture
M. Marsousi and K. N. Plataniotis introduced a three-dimensional feature were extracted as system was used gray level co-occurrence

ultrasound system for automatically detection and segmentation of matrix, Intensity histogram features and gray level run length matrix

kidneys in 3-D abdominal ultrasound images. The proposed system was features. Furthermore, classification was done by SVM classifier [11].
based on the probabilistic kidney shape model for detection and M. Pathak and H. Sadawarti have developed a semiautomatic system
segmentation approaches. In this paper, 3-D Morison’s pouch ultrasound aimed to identify the stone region in the kidney ultrasound image. The
images were used to propose automatic kidney detection method. system consists of feature extraction and classification. The feature
Moreover, shape based method used for segmentation of detected kidney. extraction was applied on cropped regions, which may contain stone. The
Furthermore to solve the problem of speckle noise and inhomogeneous various features such as contrast, angular second moment, entropy and

intensity Finite Impulse Response filter and Hamming window were used Correlation were used. The KNN classifier was used to analyses the
respectively [7]. features for detection of stone in the images. The confusion matrix was


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prepared to analyse the complexity and accuracy of the proposed system classification. Gabor filter technique and histogram equalization method
[12]. were used to sort the problem of speckle noise and low contrast of image.
M. P. Pawar and A. N. Mulla have focused on the abnormalities of The pre-processed image was segmented using Level Set Segmentation.
the kidney. Mainly this research was based on normal kidney or cystic one Three Artificial Neural Network algorithms, namely Multilayer
kidney classification from the kidney ultrasound image as well as it Perceptron, Radial Basis Function, and Linear Vector Quantization were

determined more accurate classification method. Gaussian low pass filter considered to diagnose the kidney stones disease. [17].
technique and histogram equalization method were used to sort the The threat in patients about receiving more kidney stones can be
problem of speckle noise and low contrast of image. Gradient Vector decreased by knowing the type of stone because it helps to detect the
Flow was used for segmentation and region of interest was identified on reason for formation of the stones So, P. M. Arabi and G. Joshi have
pre-processed image. 22 features were extracted and trained by feed developed a novel approach to identify three types of stones namely
forward ANN to identify the class of kidney as normal or cyst one [13]. calcium stones, stag horn stones. Moreover, stone type identification task
N. A. Shaharuddin and W. Mahani have developed a CAD system to was based on Euler number as well as contrast calculated by pixel
automatically identify kidney and non- kidney ultrasound images. intensity matrix [18].

MATLAB R2013 setup was used to develop a system. To analyse an
image, firstly specific image uploaded in the system by the user. Since Table 1 - The brief of various techniques of pre-processing,
the size and position of every image was different, thus user manually segmentation and classification by various authors are shown.
crops the image in the size 400x200 pixels. Moreover, the image was Methods Research Dataset/ Result
automatically improved by histogram equalization and filtered by Wiener purpose

filtering. After that image manually segmented by user and classified by Pre-processing: Finite impulse Kidney detection 28 3-D ultrasound
ANN technique [14]. response (FIR) filter , Hamming and segmentation images used and
J. Verma and M. Nath have developed a system for kidney stone window automatically in 3-
92.86% detection
analysis and identification. Gaussian filter, Median filter and un-sharp Segmentation: Manually D US image.
accuracy was
Classification : Probabilistic kidney
masking were used in enhancement of US image. Whereas Median filter
shape model[7] attained.
and Gaussian filter actually used to remove noise and filtering the image
as well as Un-sharp masking for sharpening the image. Moreover,
Pre-processing: Median filter and Segmentation and 40 images and
Principal Component Analysis method was used for feature reduction to
wavelet filter identification of accuracy was 95%
get more accurate features as well as morphological operations like
Segmentation: Seed region growing kidney stone as for normal images
dilation and erosion were performed. After this, study used entropy based algorithm well as measure it’s and 90% for calculi

segmentation methods and SVM and KNN classification techniques to Classification : Identification is based size. images.
analysis the ultrasound image of kidney. The proposed system was on segmentation[8]
developed in MATLAB. To evaluate the result of this system, publically
Pre-processing: Median filter, wiener Classification of Accuracy is 92% on
available datasets of kidney ultrasound images were used. The research
filter, histogram equalization filter kidney disease 66 images.
presented two types of classification techniques KNN and SVM and Segmentation: Manually automatically

displayed the analysis comparison between them [15]. Classification : Multilayer feed
R. Vasanthselvakumar and M. Balasubramanian have proposed a forward neural network and back
framework to diagnose kidney diseases by using feature extraction and propagation algorithm[9]
modelling techniques. The system carried out by three methods. Firstly,
detection of kidney diseases was done by using Viola Jones incorporated Pre-processing: Gaussian low pass Classification of Accuracy was
with HOG, Haar, and LBP features whereas HOG features provided better filter and histogram equalization ultrasound kidney 87.5% on 26 US
performance than others. Secondly, SIFT used for feature extraction Segmentation: Gradient Vector Flow image as normal images.

which provided the unique pattern of features such as blobs, edges, and Classification : Feed forward kidney or cystic
Artificial Neural Network[13] one

corners intensity of an image at specific interest point. Moreover, SURF

was the vision based feature vector that was computed from the local
elements of an image. The last method was the classification of several Pre-processing: Histogram Computer-aided 232 ultrasound
kidney diseases using SVM. The classification performance measured equalization and Wiener filter diagnosis system to images. Accuracy
with two featuring techniques with SVM such that SIFT and SURF. Segmentation: Manually automatically for non-kidney
SURF had produced better performance than SIFT [16]. Classification : ANN[14] identify kidney or images and kidney

Manjunath and S.Pande have focused on recognition of different non-kidney US images was 92.2%
image and 94.3%
forms of stones. Author defined five modules of this system as input
ultrasound image, pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and Pre-processing: Median filter, un- Kidney stone the accuracy of
sharp masking and Gaussian filter Analysis and KNN as 89% and


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Segmentation: Morphological identificatin SVM as well as feature extraction using SIFT, classification the = 50,
operation like erosion, dilation and 84%.(dataset size SURF kidney diseases
Accuracy = 96.67%
entropy not defined) Classification : SVM[16] using Viola Jones
for HOG, 93.3%
Classification : KNN and SVM [15] algorithm
for Haar, 90.0%
for LBP, 89.3%
Pre-processing: Gabor filter Recognition of 98% accuracy on
using SURF.

technique and histogram equalization different forms of 160 X-ray
Segmentation: Level Set stones images.
3. Proposed system to diagnose kidney abnormalities
Classification : Multilayer Perceptron,
Linear Vector Quantization and
Radial Basis Function[17] Automatic detection of kidney abnormalities in kidney ultrasound image
is a system to classify the abnormal kidney image and normal kidney
Pre-processing: Median filter, wiener Quantification of On more than 200 image. Following diagram shows general model of proposed system to
filter, Gaussian low – pass filter. kidney stone and images, accuracy

diagnose kidney abnormalities. The procedure of this system automatic
Segmentation: Threshold selection, calculate the area was 99.74%,
detection of stone in kidney ultrasound images involves six basic phases
morphological operations, objects of stone. sensitivity was
windowing. 94.60% and to diagnose abnormal kidney and normal kidney ultrasound image.
Classification: Texture classification. specificity was
[22] 99.48%.
Input US Image

Table 2 - The brief of various feature extraction methods and Pre-Processing
classification methods by various authors are shown.
ee Segmentation
Methods Research Dataset/ Result
Feature Extraction
Feature extraction : Gray level To classify normal 40 images and
run length matrix, intensity and abnormal 87.5% accuracy
histogram, gray-level co-occurrence kidney Classification
matrix and invariant moments
Classification : ANN utilizing a
back-propagation algorithm[6] Results and Analysis

Feature extraction : Statistical Automatic Accuracy is 92 %

based features, multi scale wavelet classification of on 66 images.

Figure-1: General model for kidney stone detection

based features and PCA approach Kidney diseases
Classification : A multilayer feed
forward neural network using back- Input US image: This phase of the system is to input and ultrasound
propagation algorithm[9] image which can be kidney or non- kidney image as well as normal or
abnormal kidney ultrasound image. Next, the quality of ultrasound image
Feature extraction : Intensity Android 900 images/ enhanced and reduced speckle noise in pre-processing phase. Pre-
histogram, GLRLM and GLCM application to accuracy = 90.91 Processing: Pre-processing is essential to improve the quality of the

Classification : SVM [11] detect kidney ultrasound image which include Noise suppression, Contrast

abnormalities enhancement, Image restoration and Smoothing and sharpening. De-

using Viola jones
speckling filters use to enhance the difference of the region of interest as
well as reduce background speckle. It may include Gaussian noise,
Speckle noise etc. After enhance the quality of image, region of interest is
Feature extraction : Principal Kidney stone Accuracy of KNN found. Segmentation: in this phase region of interest of particular disease
component analysis analysis and as 89% and SVM

is finding on the behalf of relevant characteristics of object or area. Some

Classification : KNN, SVM[15] identification. as 84%.
of the segmentation techniques used by various researchers are Seed
region growing algorithm, Gradient vector Flow, Morphological
Feature extraction : HOG, Haar as Detection and Ultrasound images operations, Threshold selection, Level set segmentation, objects


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windowing etc. After that, Feature extraction: The relevant features are neuron and an arrow shows a connection from the output of one artificial
extracted from the images and the system is trained with these features. neuron to the input of another. There are two stages of each neuron-
Various feature extraction methods are available which can be used or training and using phase. Training phase used to learn the neuron for
improved to extract the features from segmented image. Some of the performing specific operation whereas testing phase is used to train the
features extracted by various researchers are Intensity histogram features, information to predict the output.

Gray level run length matrix features, Gray level co-occurrence matrix
features, HOG features, LBP features, Speeded- up Robust Feature The key advantages of ANN are:
(SURF), statistical-based features, Haar features, the multi-scale wavelet- • It has high a rate computation.
• It can deal efficiently with noisy inputs.
based features etc. After feature extraction, abnormal and normal kidney
• It learns from the training data because of data driven technique.
images are classified. Classification: The ultrasound image of kidney can
Disadvantages of ANN are:
be classified as kidney is normal or abnormal on the basis of features
• There is prior training required which is time-consuming.
extracted from the ultrasound image. Some of the classification techniques
• There can be problem of overfitting.

that are used in the literature are SVM (Support Vector Machine)
Three architectures are used in ANN Classification as Multilayer
[11][15][16][19][23], intensity threshold variation[20],Texture
Perceptron, Radial Basis Function and Learning Vector Quantization
classification [22]and neural networks includes Radial basis function
[17] [24].
(RBF), Learning vector quantization(LVQ) and Multilayer perception
with back propagation algorithm (MLP) [6][13][14][21]. 3.2.2. Support Vector Machine

A Support Vector Machine is a supervised machine learning algorithm
Results and Analysis: The analysis is carried out to identify the which is used for classification purpose and formally defined by a
abnormality recognition performance of the system. In this phase, results separating hyperplane. In other words, SVM is a binary classifier used to
are evaluated for the system with the help of various statistical tools. separate the classes by linear boundary. This algorithm optimizes the
ee training data use and boost the speed of the classifier to great extent.
3.1. Pre-processing Commonly used kernel functions of SVM are Linear Kernel, Gaussian
Kernel and Polynomial Kernel.
Ultrasound image has problems of low contrast and speckle noise but to The key advantages of SVM are:
enhance the quality of image and performance of the system some steps • Generalization capacity is excellent.
are described as. • There is no problem of overfitting.
1. Image restoration • It is very useful to non-linear transformation.
2. Smoothing and sharpening Disadvantages of SVM are:
3. Contrast enhancement. • It is difficult to understand this concept due to complex structure of an
1. Image Restoration • Not possible to defines optimal parameters easily [17] [24].

The aim of image restoration is to remove or reduce the

degradations that have occurred during ultrasound image obtaining 3.2.3. KNN Classifier
process. Basically a level set function is used for proper orientation. KNN (K-nearest neighbors) is an algorithm that stores all accessible cases
2. Smoothing and Sharpening and classifies new cases supported a similar measure. This is used for
Smoothing and sharpening is used to get optimal resolution in both spatial pattern recognition and statistical estimation. Moreover, KNN
and frequency domains as well as highlights edges and fine details of classifies associate object where the majority of the neighbor belongs to
object. For this purpose many filters like Gabor filter, Gaussian function [15].

etc. are used.

3. Contrast Enhancement

3.2.4. Intensity threshold variation

Contrast enhancement is useful to make the features of ultrasound image Intensity threshold variation is related to the texture features of image
clear. Histogram equalization is used to improve contrast and obtain which is used for the characterization of region from images [20].
uniform intensity by changing the range of values in image. [2] [17]
3.2.5. Texture classification
3.2. Classification Texture classification is related to intensity or color of the object.

Moreover, this is a set of metrics of an image which calculated in image

3.2.1. Artificial Neural Network processing designed to measure the perceived texture of an image. Apart
ANNs are non-parametric classifiers and its structure idea is inspired from
human nervous system. Where, every circular node denotes an artificial


This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at:
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