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"PET collection

Angelica Gomez De Luna 183141
Ninibeth Servin Pecina 193101
Jovanna Salmai Cuellar
In Mexico, the consumption of PET is 722 thousand tons per year,
in addition, it is the second largest consumer of PET containers
for soft drinks in the world and the first for bottled water

There are 363 companies dedicated to recycling in the country.

This could help the university to have income from PET recycling,
and also raise awareness in the student community about the
impact of environmental pollution.
This project consists of collecting PET bottles. With the aim
of raising awareness in the student community to create a
culture of respect for our planet. The idea is to raise
awareness that the collection of PET will benefit both the
student community and the environment.
Data about plastic bottles to take more notion of its
negative effect:

A bottle takes about 700 years to decompose.

80% of bottles are not recycled - millions go to the

trash every year.

Plastics in general have invaded large areas of land, making it necessary to
collect them due to the ecological danger they generate in the short term.
The reality of the facts is that of the thousands of bottles that are
manufactured, only 15% to 35% reach the recycling plant; very little
reaches these factories.

At the university, many bottles of pet are thrown in the garbage, which
causes thousands of bottles to accumulate and this is causing
As an alternative to promote a more circular and
sustainable system, which allows a partial solution to the
problem of waste, a pet collection system was designed,
this consists of assigning different containers strategically
located in the places of the university to be able to collect
the different pet bottles that the students discard and
generating an alternative solution, likewise by having
thousands of collected pet bottles take them to a pet
collecting factory where compensation will be given for
those bottles and with that continue with the maintenance
of the university in its different needs that arise.
The following points to apply to the university:

Collection of PET by the students of the different careers so

that everyone collaborates and collects a minimum of 150
bottles per group per month at the end of each partial (they
can also collect bottles from the area where they live)

Placement of the TAPITAS container, in addition to the

collection of the PET, they are working with an altruistic work
where they are separated and donated to the DIF.
Generate to create a positive social conscience towards
the care of the planet after the situation of contamination
that we live today.
The sale of the PET will allow the construction of study
spaces for the student community or the maintenance of
the university, which will support its school activities.
Implement sustainable practices in the greatest amount of
pet material that can be gathered, which consists of the
separation of garbage from the house as well as at the
Environment values addressed
Collaborative work
Talks with the students about what causes the
contamination of pet bottles so that they become aware
and support.

Assign the containers in view of the students, teachers

and administrators so that they can deposit their bottles.

Reward students with the highest bottle collection and

award some points on their participation percentage.
Why consider implementing
this project?
Economic: It becomes an income alternative for the university.
Social: It promotes working groups and environmental projects.
Responsibility: A socially and ecologically responsible
Environmental: Improves the environmental quality of the city
and the primary environment of the students.
Collection of PET bottles
commitment by the student community

Ecología y Compromiso Empresarial

It is a non-profit environmental civil association created by the
consumer products industry for the proper management of
packaging waste in Mexico to create environmental sustainability.

Facilitates the collection and recovery of containers and

Raises awareness of the importance of a culture of
Promotes recyclability, research and development
Collection program
Sign up for the program and receive a welcome kit.

Monthly visits from ECOCE to pick up the materials,

leaving an ecovale with the total kg.

During the month of October, the kilograms collected

are closed and in November an electronic purse is
delivered with the total amount available.
"The main challenge has to do with the low environmental
culture of society, combined with a deficient infrastructure
for separate collection of recyclables, since most of the
garbage still arrives mixed between organic and inorganic,
which makes its efficient separation and recycling very
difficult," - Ing. Jaime Cámara.
Expected results
The pet recycling project at the institutional level seeks to
reduce the pollution generated by plastic waste due to the
disposal of bottles and containers made with pet.
As excess human waste production has increased by 70%,
there is a greater presence of solid waste in the world that, if
not handled properly, would cause serious damage to
ecosystems and waterways.

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