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An Intra-HGC Online Poem Writing Competition

(English Section)

Respected Pori Hiloidari Madam,

We sincerely invite you to judge our Online Poem Writing Competition organized
by Disputatio and select the best three poems.
Thanking you.

Mrigangini Das
Executive Head, Department of Creative Writing (Disputatio)
Poem no. 1)
By Ridhwaana Nasser
5th Semester, Dept of English


I was told that I lived in a land of chaos

Where graves were ringed with dead lilies

Where stars were afraid to twinkle at night
And the moon and sun didn't spread their light
Where the survivors were beaten down to death

And precious lives were substituted with bloodshed.

I was told that no one would ever come to me

But nightmares always paid a visit with glee
I thought that my hourglass was stagnant

Little did I know that time was swindling me

In my land, they rejected halcyon millenniums
And they themselves invited apocalyptic hellions.

I was told that I couldn't brush off my off-putting luck

I thought that this feeling of emptiness would suck
Something inside was swallowing my inners
It was my own grotty soul that made me shiver

And I kept fighting with the people outside

Little did I know my enemy lived here, inside.
The only lack was the lack of impregnable love
Little vows of happiness and touching words
So you came to put my broken pieces together

To tell me that my fading existence had worth

So you took me to a kingdom so far from here
Full of sunflowers and soliloquies, devoid of tears.

Poem no. 2)
By Wasifa Arefin

3rd Semester, Dept of Political Science.


'Every journey opens

up a new door' they said .
But , the constant burnout of her eyes is cursing her heart.
Says, ' Breakdown please , the journey is too long to be excited '.
Her brain is fuming

Unable to handle the fumbling actions of her heart.

It says , " stop driving her euphorically "
Fearing that one day she might breakdown prematurely.

She says, 'don't be mistaken partners

I am not waiting to find anyone
I desperately want myself to be found '

That moment
her brain
beheld that
I am no longer a core of a girl

but a

Poem no. 3)

By Bijayta sharma
5th semester, Dept of Political science


Listening to music,
Even when it's too intensive
Those acoustics which were elusive...
Always working as a therapy;

Listening to its Melody...

Giving us a feel of something so heavenly,
Trying to understand its intensity;
Gives us more clarity of its density...

Playing Robert Johnson's songs of blues,

Bringing back old memories with some hues...
From Pink Floyd to Guns N' Roses,
Helping us forget all those life’s' chaoses...

John Mayer's romantic tunes,

Playing it on continuous loop...
Trying to understand Evils Ways' Santana,
Growing up with Camila's Havana;
Ed Sheeran's perfect, always making us feel we need someone to connect...
Sick Boy, Roses, Paris and closer

From The Chainsmokers’ songs list;

We all knew we need
Something just like this..
How it plays with our feelings, how it improves..

Listening to those mellifluous melodies in the long drives;

Or just sitting under those groves...

Poem no. 4)
By Pompi Sinha
HS First Year


A beautiful portrait
Is alive in my heart,

Signified peace, named as art

The green leaves doesn't dry,
The trees doesn't shed the old leaf
In the want of the newh ones,

As everything is perfectly permanent

In the portrait there.

The colours of my art

Will never be lost,

As the weather there isn't frost
Even the life of the survivers there,
Hasn't any limit

No one is bound,
By the hands of time
I don't have any fear,
Of losing my portrait

As I kept it secured in my heart with great care.

Poem no. 5)
By Arpita Saha
1st Semester, Dept of English


I have passed the seas and the oceans

For the fortune of my fate I get the glimpses
of the dazzling sunbeams

Often when the clouds wets me completely

I whim to get the four walls to protect me

I go strolling , unafraid of the directions that

leads me along with

I carry loads upon my shoulders

I think of my retirement
But , nobody I find to bequest

I have awaited for the coolest showers to

sooth my feet when the dry summers hit

I have thought a thousand times about the universe


I am a wanderer
I don't fear anything
I love to babble , I love my uncombed hair
I have witnessed the fifty shades of moon

I have seen the baby tulips to bloom

I raise questions in the hearts of my seekers

But then
I find joy in the mystery that remains unsolved for me

Because I am a wanderer
I don't fear anything.

Poem no. 6)
By Pinky Das
1st Semester, Dept of Economics


You're far away from me but

Your existence is everything

Your smile is the bandage of
All my complication
The fragrance of your presence

The stickiness of your ecstatic

Your amiable nature
Enchanted me,
You've put the foremost On ME

I hurt to the point where

I could hurt no more but
Only you've catch my fragility
And shown me I've reasons

I should love myself !!

Manifestly you're the brightest
Star of the universe
You're my purple shade of

Poem no. 7)

By Banani Dawka
3rd semester, Dept of Economics


Inside of me is shattered,
Into thousands.
Lost, is all I feel.

The pieces are too sharp

But I will pick them up
Even if it bleeds.

Mind is messy nowadays,

Tangled up
With unspoken words,
Wanting to burst almost.

But I will keep rising

Even if I got trapped again.

My bed feels heavy,

On those sleepless nights I've spent.

My pillow is drenched,
In those tears I have shed.
But I will wake up everyday
With that ray of hope,

which never dies

Never dies...

Poem no. 8)
By Vedica Singh
3rd Semester, Dept of Political Science


After a long day

What do you do?

For I in this stillness,
Relive magnificent moments
For such times,

Open up a doorway
To all the memories
I lived with my loved ones

After a long day

What do you do all alone?
For my eyes shed gleeful tears
For my pupils revive incredible sights

With my loved ones who passed away

And in these moments
my soul frees itself from my body
For such times are daily reminders
That memories never die

And death is as beautiful as it can get

For our love gets stronger
And our bond becomes invincible
How can you not see amidst the tears,
The enchantment it projects?
For death never leaves a void
It only intensifies the beauty
Of love and connection.

For my soul

After a long day,

Thrives in such moments.

Poem no. 9)
By Sayeda Bipanchi Ahmed
1st Semester, Dept of Physics


One day,

I found a thing ------ 'Today's Love'

What is this!
Is it a story of a boy and a girl
Or a girl and a another girl

Or a boy and a another boy

May be it's a story of a out of control, shameless and uncivil generation

But definitely it's a story of a broken generation
And at the same time it's a story of a generation who don't afraid of love

Today's Love
May be the concept of "Loving someone and let them go"
And also "Loving someone and let them be"

May be it's not always about sacrifices

Sometimes it just about self-love
It's not always about cross boundaries
But it's about extension of our thoughts
Actually it's all about some people who never need to fight against the world
And still they always fight
They fight for love

We fight for love!

And that's how beautiful we are
and our Today's Love

And if you are also in Today's Love

Then congratulations you are in Love!

Poem no. 10)

By Sandhya Kamari
1st Semester, Dept of English


I lost the world the other day,

Slipped—from my fingers—like sand
Gone was it—time and again
Had I realised;

Evanesce—from my universe
Took a shelter in its limbo,
Gnawed my agony would-not at me?
Yet, for it is the greed of forever,

Truth not it's fake,

A blunder it stirred inside my chest–
Though an end must come I know
Oh for sake! Memories slithering
Coiling my heart–Squeezing– tight
Till breath I cannot–

Occasional may it be so,

Of that I'm if not–part certain so sure;
Hasten the harp!
The stars shall fulminate–ought to wait I

To begin anew,
Heal the rawness,
For it's just and just so–a phase,
Not eternity.

Poem no. 11)

By Rajashri Das
1st Semester, Dept of English


Let me remain bound to the earth

Listen I not to the lullaby of Mars,
No destruction but a righteous rebirth,
Not ever to judge a heart by its apologetic scars.

taking a look around and all throughout

tripping round thy dispersing commotion,

cruising through the main, passing ocean,

musings in spite of every single motion.

digging thorough into the search
delving forth chase and furrowing trails,
edging-ache owe till hail,

for it's worth all travail.

hunting out to survive
ceasing scarce famine,

as though animals who battle the cannon,

suffer the most when abandoned.
seeking follow the heart's desire,
peeping with your eyes prior;

for it needs to be explored

and it can't be left alone.
equations deriving the emotions
added to my increased vulnerabilities,
measure-scaling above anxiousness,

multiplied onto repeated happiness;

well pleased and appeased,

thee heart needs to be at peace.

hope's a garden,
yourself form the owner darling,
filling out dreams in season spring;

for hope is stronger than fear,

and hope is the heart's only peer.
sail far high waves,
trip over your place,
fire flames to crave with care affront;

alas! the heart’s hunger for yet another hunt.

Poem no. 12)

By Arunimaa Roy
3rd Semester, Dept of Economics


The end of the road is approaching,

Soaked in the custard of bliss.

The eyes refuse to shed a tear;

In separation from those who were once mine.

The heart yearns to stop the beat,

To flag off the train of solemnities.

The arms that never failed to embrace;

Are awaiting the pale valediction.

The bitter peace pulverized the relation,

Once encircled with the aroma of endless conversations.

The soul set to free,

Disentangling the threads of sorrow and pain.

The end of the road is approaching,

Soaked in the custard of bliss.

Poem no. 13)

By Kanmoni Rabha
1st Semester, Dept of Economics


There is a scar in my right cheeks

Which just attracts everyone's eye

Which i never like it

In evey possible way
I always try to hide it
I never accepted myself with it ,
How could i think the world will

In inside me no ray of light left

And all my wishes are smashed

Whenever i see the moon

I find similarity between us

We both hv imperfection
Difference is though we have scars
but the moon shines always bright

In the darken sky ,

No one observe his scars though
admire His uniqueness with his scars

Evn i HV a qusn in my mind ,

"Would the world will accept me with my imperfectness?"
i saw my scars again
But this time i didn't tried to hide

from world's eye

Because the scars are mine
My scars never betrays me
And had lasted longer

Than most people have

i m now comfortable with my scars ,

I m in love with myself
N with my imperfection too

My wounds are healing

N my scars are glowing with the self-love which i pour on it
The scars created uniqueness in me and
makes me beautiful indeed

Poem no. 14)

By Abhilekh Sharma
5th Semester, Dept of Philosophy

Neither a man's world
Nor a woman's
We are all one here

It's a human's world my friend

Barring all races and creeds
We ought to see only our deeds
And languages should make us send

All the love

Before we bring the end
No heart, no humanity
The world is paying it's price

Not a trace of human dignity

Helpless, the future cries
What a world we dreamt of
To live and grow with pride
What a world we are left with

Both rivers and hopes have dried

We beg and shout with anger
For the food that doesn't end hunger
We crawl and cry to exist
Under tyranny's cold blooded fist
The only truth left
Is that the end is near
It's the mother earth's pain

That we all must fear

Death and disease don't see
Of what religion one might be
Knowledge and kindness will free
Every mind that has become an amputee
Women and men alike

Every human is a part of this fight

It's humanity that we want
Where no hatred can ever haunt
Thus fot the human race to last long

Every one must rise against the wrong.

Poem no. 15)

By Swagata Saikia
3rd Semester, Dept of Psychology


My eyes graze through the dusty bookshelves,

Completely unaware of the morning bustling around me,
A sweet smell floated around the coffee house,

Making me wonder, "hmm... where could the coffee beans be from this time?

Outside the rain trickles down the glass window pane,

"A light morning drizzle", is what the weather forecast informed,

The young barista behind the counter bellows out my name,

"Here is your Vanilla Latte. Enjoy! ", she brightly exclaimed.

I choose a book from the shelf and pick up my ordered latte,

Finally basking in on my surrounding as I look around the tiny house,

Through the door, I see people running inside hurriedly,
Relieved to find shelter amidst the rain outside for a while.

At last I make my way to my usual seat in the corner of the shop,

Away from the eyes of the people is just the way I prefer,
Outside the window, the drizzle slowly graduates to summer rain,
Making me long for the sweet ole' season of autumn finally to come.

Poem no. 16)

By Krishangee Deka
3rd Semester, Dept of Zoology


This morning, around 7, I was sitting by my porch...

Gazing at those Salmon pink Poppies and the Sun did scorch..
Passed by, a silvery Omni van with a horn so home....
The same place it parked, and then zapped out leaving bubbled memories like foam...

Memories of me being in that van, a few years back, for my school~

The daily morning hassle, and yelling at my brother "Hurry up you fool"
On the way revising previous lessons, chuckling with my juniors I arrived!
Heavy backpack, hand occupied with projects through 300 stairs I thrived!

Captainship, my morning speech, group projects and teachers to teach,

Dominoed giggles, those canteen struggles and amazed how teachers used to preach!!

Gosh those days, like an old radio plays and stirring down pure nostalgia...

Without my school, my portrayal would be just like a patient with analgia...

My identity of who I am now, what do I stand for and believe...
Education has allowed me to thrust myself in this labyrinthine society with relief ...
Knowledge has broadened me up and taught me to withstand antiquated

Because, still today for a girl child, there persists a thousand asymmetries!
Yet a striking of 26% of girls in India marry before eighteen!!
Laden with burden to serve this society so mean!

"Why she needs to go to school? " Her ultimate aim is to marry"

"Ladki to parayi dhan hoti hai" is still heard, Oh gosh it's scary...
And her wings are chopped off of before she even begins to fly...
And making perfect circles in those fuming kitchens her life becomes a lie!

Her tongue is alive slaughtered, now she can even barely raise a voice
And in this knotty world, her opinions become merely some noise...
So to untangle these preposterous prejudices, her voice needs to be heard.
To make her independent and curb believes so absurd.

Educate the girl child; actually educate the child.

Because a father pays for dowry rather than for books, making her forever riled.

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