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“Explore the connection between the nurses’ act and registered health

professionals act and their impact on your professional practice”

Jeric V. Cerin


Seneca College – King Campus

NLM 104: Professional Practice KAA

Alanna Bouffard

September 14, 2022


Nursing Act 1991 and Registered Health Professional Act determine how the nursing

profession is regulated in Ontario. (CNO, 2020, p.1). Nursing Act as the scope of practice for

the nursing profession and establishes the mandate of the College of Nurses of Ontario. (P.1) On

the other hand, defines the Registered Health Professional Act applies to all of Ontario’s self-

regulated health professions. CNO (2020)

In my opinion, the impact of the Nursing Act 1991 and the Registered Health

Professional Act 1991 has principles that I can proudly say I have implemented in my

professional practice and provides a sense of guidance for all nurse professionals practicing out

there. Like in the Philippines, we have to pass the licensure board exam before practicing

nursing, also we have to be certified doing Advance Cardiac Life Support or just doing basic

Life Support and First Aid. In addition, I have to pass and complete cases of Intravenous

insertion before being certified. Way back then before I got my Certification as an Infectious

Disease Nurse from the Department of Health in the Philippines, I earned it by completing the

course for almost 2 months, doing clinical duties, passing the exam, and oral revalida. These

just show that even in other countries, we need to be equipped, certified, and licensed before

doing any nursing activities, to be able to ensure that we are capable to give the best quality care.

Being regulated by the College of Nurses of Ontario and clearly defining the scope of

practice for the nursing profession can give quality assurance to all patients and ensure

competence in all practices that we may do. In addition, we may reduce or stop all professional

misconduct such as breaching ethical and professional standards. With emphasis, these

controlling acts authorized to practice by nurse practitioners will reduce negligence or


It is beneficial to have well-stated rules and regulated laws in the nursing profession as

it will elevate the standards of nursing practice that in effect will lead to better delivery of care

among the patients and CNO (2020) establishes that we can provide the quality assurance that

patients need through observation and practice of the Registered Health Professional Act (p.2).

Doing the right practice of nursing means we attain or maintain optimal function. (CNO, 2020,


In summary, in everything we do, before practicing nursing or any specific activities, we

need to be equipped, knowledgeable, capable, and competent, to give the best quality care to the

patients. This is proven by holding a certification or license, as guided by laws, such as Nursing

Act 1991 and the Registered Health Professional Act. We need to understand that we are serving

lives meaning that a little inconsistency or negligence can result in complications or even death.

You, do you think Nursing Act 1991 and the Registered Health Professional Act are

helpful or beneficial for us?


College of Nurses of Ontario. (2020 January). Legislation and Regulation: RHPA:

Scope of Practice, Controlled Acts Model.

Explore the Connection Between the Nurses Act and Registered Health Professional Act

and their Impact on your Professional Practice

Ekta Uppal


Seneca College, King Campus

KAA NLM 104 Professional Practice

Alanna Bouffard

September 19, 2022


Explore the Connection Between the Nurses Act and Registered Health Professional Act

and their Impact on your Professional Practice

Hi Jeric V. Serin, you precisely explained the connection between the Nurses Act and

Regulated Health Professional Act and to your question, yes definitely both the acts are of

tremendous importance to the nursing profession and have been beneficial to health care

professionals. The Regulated Heath Professioal Act (1991) and Nurses Act (1991) are made to

regulate the health professionals and nurses to practice within their scope of practice.

RHPA constitutes the legislation for all the health professions and has identifies fourteen

controlled acts which can be performed by only regulated health professionals as those activities

can put public life at risk. Out of these fourteen controlled acts, only five acts can be performed

by nurses which was described in Nurses Act, 1991. Some of these acts are overlapping between

different health professionals and RHPA acknowledges this overlapping scope of practice of

health professions. CNO (2020).

Furthermore, the Nurses Act also mentions the entry to practice as nurses in Ontario

which explains the whole process of examination of licensure and other requirements which are

helpful for international nurses like us to go through the correct process. Adding to this, the act

also defines the authorizing mechanisms which can be beneficial and prevent nurses from

carrying out any error.

Talking about professional experience, in my clinical setting nurses have to go through a

particular period of training which makes them competent enough to perform procedures on the

human lives. Similarly, when I was appointed as nurse in my home country I have to go through

training sessions so that it can be verified that I can use my knowledge, skills and judgement.

Moreover, these acts has maintained a patient centered approach which builds trust

between client and nurse. As client trust their nurses that they are highly competent and possess

knowledge and skills in their prossion and that they are in the safe hands.


College of Nurses of Ontario (2020). Legislationa and Regulation RHPA: Scope of

Practice, Controlled Acts Model.

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