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Exercise Booklet
Print this exercise booklet before studying the lesson on-line. It will enable you to write your answers to the HVAC
learning exercises. You will thus be able to switch between reading or listening to the file on-line and writing in the


English lesson

French version:

For each exercise, you will write your answer, then you will study its correction on-line before going to the next
If you cannot do an exercise, you will be able to study its correction directly, but force yourself to write your
answer as often as possible.

Note that between 2 exercises, you will find it necessary to study the course. As a warning, in the booklet, you will
sometimes find the following indication:
- “ Study the course on-line before doing the next exercise” or
- “ Study the course on-line before going to the next paragraph”

Only study the paragraphs or the exercises which have an equal or a lower level than the one your training
NVQ Level = Vocational Certificate
A Level = High school Diploma
HND Level = Associate’s Degree
MSC Level = Engineering Schools

Then, when you have completed a file, you will be able to assess your level on-line through a Multiple Choice
Questionnaire in which you will only answer the questions related to the themes you have studied.
So now off you go and work well!
Good luck!
The Authors.
N°1 – Cooling floor outputs – HND level
Study the course on-line.

Question 1
For what reasons should cooling floors be supplied with water which is less cold in coastal areas than inland?

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

The thermal exchange co-efficient hi between the cooling floor and the device is estimated at 7 [W/m²K].

Question 2
For a thermal exchange coefficient hi between the cooling floor and the device of 7 [W/m²K], for a ground
temperature of 21 [°C] (70 °F) and an ambient air temperature of 26 [°C] (79 °F) what in [W/m²] is the power
output of a cooling floor?

Question 3
Estimate in [W/m²] the power output of a cooling floor installed in a Mediterranean coastal region for an ambient
air temperature of 28 [°C] (82°F) ?

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

Question 4
Explain why the power output of a cooling floor is referred to as “self-regulating”?

N°2 – Cooling ceiling outputs – HND level

Study the course on-line.

Question 1
Explain why the power output of the cooling ceiling above changes from 142 [W/m²] to 130 [W/m²] depending on
the type of installation.

Question 2
What are the DIN norms?

Question 3
The proposed cooling systems are controlled according to norm DIN 4715.
This norm defines the measuring methods and the distribution of thermal loads. Measurements are carried out in
a laboratory designed to this effect, by taking into account a difference of 2 [K] between the inlet and outlet
water temperatures and a difference of 10 [K] between the ambient air temperature and the average water
For a water supply temperature of 16 [°C] (60.8°F), the power outputs indicated by TROX are obtained at which
inside temperature ?

N°3 – Cooling ceiling outputs (contd.) – HND to Master’s level

Generally we can say that the power output of a ceiling varies proportionally to the difference between the
average water temperature and the ambient air temperature.

Question 1
The proposed cooling systems below are controlled according to norm DIN 4715. This norm defines the measuring
methods and the distribution of thermal loads. Measurements are carried out in a laboratory designed to this
effect, by taking into account a difference of 2 [K] between the inlet and outlet water temperatures and a
difference of 10 [K] between the ambient air temperature and the average water temperature.
Considering that the power output of a ceiling varies proportionally to the difference between the average water
temperature and the ambient air temperature, estimate in [W/m²] the power output of the panel specified above
as 135 [W/m²] for a water temperature range of 18/21 [°C] (64/70°F) and an ambient air temperature of 26 [°C]

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

Note: the manufacturer above indicates the panel power output in [W/ml] (linear metres) and not in [W/m²].

Question 2
Determine in [W/ml] the output of an element in the Zhender cooling ceiling 895/6 above with a range of 19/23
[°C] (66/73°F) in a room at 25 [°C] (77°F).
Estimate the power output with a range of 18/21 [°C] (64/70°F) in a room at 27 [°C] (81°F) and compare with the
output value indicated by the manufacturer.

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

Question 3
You have noticed above that the correction coefficients to be applied to the power output of the beams indicated
in [W/m²] are greater than 1, if the ceiling surface is not covered 100%.
We could be surprised to see the power in [W/m²] of the emitters increase. Explain this apparent contradiction.

N°4 – Mini project for cooling ceilings – HND to Master’s level.

Study the course on-line.

Let us study the room below:

We will carry out an installation project of the material shown below :

Question 1
For the room above, the power of the cooling ceiling has to be 3850 [W].
The temperature range of the water is 16/18 [°C]. The premise inside temperature is 27 [°C] (80.6 °F].
For the room above, determine the number of panels (3000 x 750 [mm]) necessary for a temperature range of
16/18 [°C] (61 /64,4 °F).
The active panels shall be installed in a metal suspended ceiling.
The correction factor in relation to the proportion of active ceiling will be taken into account.

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

Question 2
Place the 12 panels in the room and draw up an example of a hydraulic supply system.
The number of panels in series will be limited to 4 elements.
The lights will not be moved.

N°5 – Passive chilled beam outputs – HND to Master’s level
Study the course on-line.

For a flow rate of 0.08 [l/s] Source Halton

Question 1
Given your knowledge of cooling ceilings, the manufacturer indicates the power output of its chilled beams
according to which ∆T?

Question 2
Using the Halton documentation above, calculate the power output of a chilled beam of 2000 [mm], width 465
[mm], coil thickness 100 [mm].
– Room temperature: 25 [°C] (77°F)
– Water temperature range 14/18 [°C] (57/64°F)

Question 3
What is the power output of a beam of 3,000 [mm], width 615 [mm], coil thickness 75 [mm]?
– Room Temperature du local: 27 [°C] (81°F)
– Water temperature range 15/18 [°C] (59/64°F)

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

P = k x ∆T1,3
P : power in [W]
k : coefficient of proportionality in [W/°C]
∆T : difference in temperature between the emitter and the air in [K]
(see chapter: Emitters of tomorrow )

Question 4
Calculate in [W/m] the power output of a Halton beam CPA-100-315 below with a range of 16/20 [°C] (61/68°F) in
a room at 25 [°C] (77°F).
Using the formula P = k x ∆T1,3, estimate the power output with a range of 15/19 [°C] (59/66°F) in a room at 27
[°C] (81°F) and compare with the data given by the manufacturer.

N°6 – The pitfalls of technical documentation – HND to Master’s level

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

The beam manufacturer in question specifies that the power outputs indicated in the documentation are
measured (or calculated) for a flow rate of 0.08 [l/s] (for one metre of beam length), and provides correction
coefficients for lesser flow rates:

Correction factor for water flow rate

Question 1
Explain why, on initial examination, the two chilled beams of the same model below, located in premises with the
same ambient temperature, have the same power output.
What is the connection between their respective flow rates?

Question 2
Let us study a CPA beam with a width of 465 [mm], equipped with a coil of 100 [mm] thickness, installed in a
room at 25 [°C] (77°F) where the average water supply temperature is 16 [°C] (61°F).
For the flow rate of 0.08 [l/s] corresponding to the power output indicated, what is the temperature range of the
cooling water system ?
For a supply flow rate of 0.08 [l/s] the manufacturer indicates:

Question 3
We are looking for a chilled beam capable of providing an output of 280 [W/m] to air condition a room at 25 [°C]
(77°F) with a water temperature range of 14/18 [°C] (57/64°F) (i.e. a ∆T air-water of 9 [K]).
Check if a beam with a width of 615 [mm], equipped with a coil of 100 [mm] thickness would be suitable.

English lesson

French version:

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Learning's written permission.


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