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Exercise Booklet
Print this exercise booklet before studying the lesson on line. It will enable you to write your answers to the HVAC
learning exercises. You will thus be able to switch between reading or listening to the file on-line and writing in the


English lesson:
h ttps://

French lesson:

For each exercise, you will write your answer, then you will study its correction on-line before going to the next
If you cannot do an exercise, you will be able to study its correction directly, but force yourself to write your
answer as often as possible.

Note that between 2 exercises, you will find it necessary to study the course. As a warning, in the booklet, you will
sometimes find the following indication:
- “ Study the course on-line before doing the next exercise” or
- “ Study the course on-line before going to the next paragraph”

Only study the paragraphs or the exercises which have an equal or a lower level than the one your training
NVQ Level = Vocational Certificate
A Level = High school Diploma
HND Level = Associate’s Degree
MSC Level = Engineering Schools

Then, when you have completed a file, you will be able to assess your level on-line through a Multiple Choice
Questionnaire in which you will only answer the questions related to the themes you have studied.
So now off you go and work well!
Good luck!
The Authors.

N°1 – Calculation of water flow in heating and cooling training – NVQ
Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

P = qv × 1.16 × ΔT
– qv in [m3/h]
– P in [kW]
– 1.16: Volumetric heat of water in [kWh / m3 K]
– ∆T: Range of temperature loss or gain of water

Question 1
What water flow in [m3/h] is heated by 10 [°C] (50°F) if we supply 120 [kW]?

Question 2
What water flow in [m3/h] is cooled down by 10 [K] if we take out 120 [kW]?

Question 3
What water flow in [m3 /h] allows the transmission of 25[kW] at a regime of 80/60 [°C] (176°F / 140°F)?

Question 4
What water flow, in [m3/h], allows the transmission of 25 [kW] of cooling at a regime of 6/12 [°C] (42.8°F /

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercice.

Question 5
What water flow, in [l/h], allows the transmission of 1800 [W] of heating at a regime of 80/60 [°C] (176°F /

Question 6
What water flow, in [l/h], allows the supply of 3,200 [W] of cooling if it cools down from 12 to 7 [°C] (53.6°F /

N°2 – Calculation of air flow in heating and cooling training – A level

P = qv × 0.34 × ΔT
– qv in [m3/h]
– P in [W]
– 0.34: Volumetric heat of air in [kWh/m3.K]
– ∆T: Range of temperature loss or gain of air

Question 1
What air flow is heated by 10 [K] if we supply 2,500 [W]?

Question 2
What air flow having received 35 [kW], has been heated from – 6 [°C] (21.2°F) to 15 [°C] (59°F)?

Question 3
What air flow at 25 [°C] (77°F) supplies a heating capacity of 4.5 [kW] to a room maintained at 20 [°C] (68°F)?

Question 4
What air flow at 18 [°C] (64.4°F) allows the transmission of 3,000 [W] of cooling to a room at 25 [°C] (77°F)?

Question 5
What air flow at 35 [°C] (95°F) allows the transmission of 12 [kW] to a room at 20 [°C] (68°F)?

N°3 – Calculation of water temperatures in heating and cooling – NVQ

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

P = qv × 1.16 × ΔT
– ∆T: Range of temperature loss or gain of water
– P in [kW]
– qv in [m3/h]
– 1.16: Volumetric heat of water in [kWh / m3 K]

Question 1
By how many degrees will 5 [m3/h] of water cool down circulating in a heating unit of 100 [kW]?

Question 2
What is the outlet temperature of 2 [m3/h] of water which enters at 60 [°C] in a boiler of 50 [kW]?

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercice.

Question 3
Complete the table:

N°4 – Calculation of air temperature training – A level

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

P = qv × 0.34 × ΔT
– ∆T: Range of temperature loss or gain of air
– P in [W]
– qv in [m3/h]
– 0.34: Volumetric heat of air in [Wh/m3.K]

Question 1
By how many degrees [K] do 520 [m3/h] of air heat up, when passing through a heating unit of 4,000 [W]?

Question 2
What is the temperature of air at the outlet of a heating unit of 40 [kW] which heats up 2,600 [m3/h] of air initially
at -5 [°C] (23°F)?

Question 3
To what temperature does a heating unit of 27 [kW] raise an air flow of 1,800 [m3/h] at -15 [°C] (5°F)?

Question 4
The initial temperature of an air flow of 1,600 [m3/h] being -10 [°C] (10°F), to what temperature will it be brought
by a heating unit of 28 [kW]?

Study the course on-line before treating the next paragraphe.

N°5 – Formulas training – NVQ level

N°6 – Exchangers training – NVQ level

Study the course on-line before treating the next exercise.

Question 1
What is the temperature regime of the Bloksma-Fryer heat exchanger above?
On the primary side?
On the secondary side?

Study the course on-line before treating the next paragraphe.

N°7 – Power, flow and temperature differences with heat exchangers

training – A level
In our sector of work, when we talk of heat exchanger power, we talk interchangeably of “primary” and
“secondary” power, which we consider as equals.
Put another way, we consider that the total power lost on the primary is recuperated by the secondary.

Question 1
For the plate heat exchanger below, what is the power supplied by the primary side?

What is the power received by the secondary side?

Question 2
For the heat exchanger below, what is the power supplied by the primary side?
What is the power received by the secondary side?
What is the power of the heat exchanger?

Question 3
For the heat exchanger below, what is the flow in circulation on the secondary side?

Question 4
For the heat exchanger below, what is the flow in circulation on the secondary side?

Question 5
For the heat exchanger below, what is the water outlet temperature on the secondary side?

Question 6
For the heat exchanger below, what is the water outlet temperature on the primary side?

Question 7
For the heat exchanger below, what is, in [m3/h], the flow in circulation on the primary side?

N°8 – Summarising exercises training – HND level

Question 1
What is the power of the above heating unit (coil)?

Question 2
What is the blown air flow in the above air handling unit (AHU)?

Question 3
What is the heated air flow in the AHU below?

Question 4
What is the water flow in the heating coil in the AHU below?

Question 5
What is the temperature of the blown air in the AHU below?

Question 6
What is the return temperature of the water of the heating unit (coil) of the AHU below?

Question 7
What is the heated air flow in the AHU below?

English lesson:
h ttps://

French lesson:

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Learning's written permission.

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