Listening 2

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Listening 2

Exercise 1:

1) She went to Vietnam by _____ . 

 a) boat
 b) bus
 c) plane

2) Her favorite city was _____ . 

 a) Hanoi
 b) Ho Chi Minh City
 c) Hoi An

3) It reminded her of _____ . 

 a) Lagos
 b) Laos
 c) Nigeria

4) In Myanmar she went to _____ . 

 a) one city

 b) just the border
 c) many famous cities

5) The highlight was her trip to Myanmar was ______. 

 a) the beach

 b) the food
 c) Bagan

Exercise 2:
1) She visited _____ countries. 
 a) two
 b) three
 c) four

2) She was in Thailand for about _____ days. 

 a) seven
 b) fourteen
 c) thirty

3) She could not _____ the names of Thai food. 

 a) say
 b) remember
 c) read

4) She went to the _____ . 

 a) beach
 b) forest
 c) both

5) She stayed in _____ . 

 a) a treehouse
 b) a nice resort
 c) a private villa
Exercise 3:
1) What show did she like? 

 a) ER
 b) Seinfeld
 c) Friends

2) One of the characters was a ______ . 

 a) bad boy
 b) playboy
 c) choir boy

3) First she saw the show ______ . 

 a) with Japanese subtitles

 b) with English captions
 c) with no subtitles

4) What other show does she like? 

 a) How I Met Your Mother

 b) Prison Break
 c) Full House

5) What do they say about Prison Break? 

 a) It is useful.
 b) She loves it.
 c) It was not useful.

Exercise 4:
1) What skill did she learn first? 

 a) Reading
 b) Listening
 c) Speaking

2) What does she say about idioms? 

 a) Students should learn them.

 b) Students should not learn them.
 c) She hates them.

3) What does she say about writing? 

 a) She loves it.
 b) It is not important.
 c) Reading helps writing.

4) What tip does she give for writing? 

 a) Keep a journal

 b) Use Google translate
 c) Use a template

5) What tip does she give for speaking? 

 a) Get a study buddy

 b) Speak to the mirror
 c) She does not give any

Exercise 5:
1) To break bad habits you need to _______ . 
 a) have a lot of will power
 b) start doing good habits
 c) keep a journal

2) How much time do you need to break a bad habit? 

 a) 3 weeks
 b) 3 months
 c) 3 years

3) What should we eat to break bad habits? 

 a) Pastuerized food

 b) Fermented food
 c) Organic food

4) What food does she discuss? 

 a) cherries
 b) celery
 c) cabbage

5) Where does she say you can shop for it? 

 a) Convenient store

 b) Farmers market
 c) Online

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